Nine Heavens

Chapter 2733 Unpredictable Yang God

Liu Qianlang raised his hand to take the magic sound shadow stone, but just touched it, and sensed everything inside it in his divine sense.

"It turns out that the pitch-black magic light is him!?"

Liu Qianlang repeatedly sensed the contents of the magic sound and shadow stone, especially the words of the Liufeng Realm Emperor, and psychologically did not believe that the Liufeng Realm Emperor was the god of the dark magic light.

However, the fact is that Liu Qianlang couldn't believe it, so he frowned and sighed.

"Human Emperor Daren, be careful in the future, these dirty gods often take advantage of our kind hearts to do whatever they want secretly.

If Yangshen hadn't discovered it in time this time, I'm afraid our Nine Lotus Shrine will be in endless trouble! Yangshenxin is loyal to Langyuan Shenmen, and he is alert to save the world. This time he has made a miracle! "

Zhong Zhi's azure blue eyes were full of approval, and he looked at Yang Shen Yuehou and his wife.

"Oh, Senior Zhong Xing is absurd. As the God of Waves and Fate and the Saint of the Shrine, it is only natural for Benyang God to focus on the world. How can we talk about magical skills.

In terms of divine power, it should belong to the emperor. Now the overall situation of the universe of the Infinite Element Realm, the Human Sovereign leads us to occupy the pinnacle of the heart and mind of the Infinite Element Realm.

The position is powerful and powerful, and the way is righteous and bright. Outside, the inbred Yan Yuan is from the Fantasy Realm, and the far and Misty God Realm are far away.

Inside, the entire Langyuan Shenmen's immortal gods and the Infinite Yuan Realm's divine powers are all available, and the situation in the Hundred Thousand Shrines is stable.

Hao Gu, the Lord of Waves, Mystical Army, Young Talents, Younger Heroes, Countless Elites. Although our Nine Lotus Shrine does not advocate dominating the state to rule the roost, it is not difficult to wipe out the realm of demons.

Coupled with the great cause of creation that our Nine Lotus Shrine is most proud of, the trillions of god children in Yunlan are full of vitality, and the unified light and infinite metaworld is just around the corner! "

Hearing Zhong Sheng's praise, Yangshen was humble, and at the same time seemed quite righteous and impassioned, talking about the state of Nine Lotus Shrine.


Liu Qianlang listened quietly, and did not express his opinion in a hurry, but instead asked Yang God Ouyang Langlong:

"I don't know how long it has been since Yangshen found out that Liufeng Realm Emperor is different?"

When Liu Qianlang asked Yang God Ouyang Langlong, he looked at Yaya, and his soul sent a voice to Yaya, asking her to summon Liu Yun to come.

Yang God Ouyang Langlong heard the question, his expression was calm, he shook his head slightly and said:

"How long has it been, it's just that this Yangshen came back from the Nine Lotus Shrine to practice the Lieyang Divine Art, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of a strange black light shooting out of the Nine Lotus Shrine.

Just a few hours ago, Ben Yangshen and Supreme Zhanshen had mentioned this matter to the wine.

After having a chat with Ben Yangshen and Wushang Zhanshen over wine, they were invited by Senior Zhongshi to go to the Shenzhong Palace to discuss the tacit understanding between Shenzhong Shengong and Lieyang Shengong of Benyangshen.

Then, just when Ben Yangshen left the upper realm of Jiulian Shrine, fearing to disturb the tranquility and stealth of all domains, and planned to go to Yaoyue Shrine to visit Feng'er, he suddenly saw that dark magic glow shooting back at Jiulian Shrine. Lotus Shrine.

Because the speed of that black light was extremely fast, even faster than Benyang God, Benyang God was very suspicious, so he changed his course and followed him secretly.

It may be for some reason, after the black glow entered the Nine Lotus Shrine, its speed became much slower. Although it was also invisible, with the cultivation base of this Yangshen, it could barely chase its shadow.

After he entered Nine Lotus Shrine, his path looked very familiar, he passed through the palace, and shot directly in the direction of Fengyun Shrine.

However, when he reached the Yunlan Realm above Fengyun Divine Palace, he did not continue to descend into Fengyun Divine Palace, but stopped in front of a Yunlan Mountain, looked around, and then drifted away from the mountain.

Ben Yangshen was shocked, and immediately approached the mountain to analyze it, so he discovered the secret cave of Yuntian in the shadow stone of the phantom shadow.

Because at that time, there was a wall of Yunlan mountain outside the secret cave of Yuntian, and after the dark magic light entered the secret cave of Yuntian, it did not close the entrance, so Ben Yangshen took the opportunity to follow in...

After he got rid of the layers of phantoms outside his body, what surprised Ben Yangshen was that he turned out to be the Emperor of the Liufeng Realm!

At that time, he was extremely arrogant, bowing his head and yelling at Fengyun Shrine, roughly meaning that it would not be long before he would cooperate with Shenguang Yuanjie, help some bloody woman, disturb Nine Lotus Shrine, and destroy all the people of Langyuan Shenmen God's.

At the same time, he kept fiddling with countless inexplicable objects in the Yuntian Secret Cave that were going to kill our Nine Lotus Shrine God.

Those inexplicable evil things, remnant instruments of torture, magic weapons for stripping souls, poisonous aura, poisonous blood, devouring insects... everything is there, and each one is more vicious than the other.

While counting and playing, he laughed maniacally, his face was ugly and ferocious, and his voice was extremely violent.

At that time, Ben Yangshen was extremely angry, so he naturally thought of eliminating evil for the Nine Lotus Shrine. So taking advantage of his unpreparedness and pride, Shizhan, who was practicing the ninth level of Lieyang Divine Art, the Nine Suns Chain, suddenly locked it and hung it on the wall of Yuntian Secret Cave.

Then, Ben Yangshen felt that the matter was too serious, and was also worried that he would not be able to interrogate him, so he immediately sent his soul to Sensei Zhongshi, and planned to interrogate him together, and asked him about all the details of his undercover Nine Lotus Shrine .

Unexpectedly, the Emperor of the Liufeng Realm was still arrogant and arrogant after being locked up, insulting Ben Yangshen and Senior Zhong Death, and he was full of love.

Senior Zhong Sheng couldn't bear it any longer, so he killed him!

The reason why we asked Feng'er to use the magic sound and shadow stone to record the trial process was to ask some questions about Shenguang Yuanjie and the Infinite Yuanjie hegemony plan, but he wanted to die, and we didn't ask anything. "

Liu Qianlang asked, Yangshen answered with nose and eyes, the whole process was impeccable,

"Ah! It's a pity, let him die like this, and we missed many details about the fact that Emperor Shenguang let him undercover our Nine Lotus Shrine.

I blamed myself for having just returned from the water of Dongmeng at that time, and was too busy with divine affairs, so I couldn't go out to cultivate my soul and see the Yangshen..."

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, he regretted for a moment that he didn't go out to cultivate the soul. Yunlan sighed when he saw the Yang God Ouyang Langlong.

"Human Sovereign doesn't need to blame himself. For such a spy, get rid of him early. I hope that Emperor Shenguang is the only one who undercovers our Nine Lotus Shrine, and he has no accomplices."

Seeing Liu Qianlang's expression, the Yang God Ouyang Langlong felt so happy in his heart. On the surface it was consoling, but in fact it added fuel to the fire.


"Yangshen suspects that the Shenguang Yuanjie is not just an undercover agent in our Nine Lotus Shrine!?"

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, he couldn't help asking in shock.

"No, no, no! Human Sovereign don't care too much, this is just a matter of fact, a kind of worry.

I sincerely hope that this is the end of the matter. In any case, the best thing is that our Nine Lotus Shrine has got rid of the spies without any damage. Isn't this the best ending! "

Yangshen Ouyang quickly changed the subject and said.

"Father Renhuang is here, my son Liu Yun has met Daddy Renhuang! Yun'er has met Master Zhong Death, Uncle Yangshen, and Aunt Moon Queen!"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang's eldest son, Yunlan Tiansheng, the hostess of Fengyun Shrine, was wearing a clean divine robe, with flowing black hair, and walked steadily up to the palace.

Liu Yun's eyes were dark, deep, and piercing. He bowed to salute, and he had seen all the elders in the hall.

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