Nine Heavens

Chapter 2734 The Emperor's Conversation

"Well, Yun'er came just in time. I'm asking you for my father, do you know what Saint Liufenglan has been up to lately?"

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang asked after Liu Yun stabilized himself.

"Oh, why did Daddy ask about him? Yun'er is also looking for him. He has been inseparable from Yun'er recently, and they practice Fengyun Tianzhan Formation together.

A day ago we were studying Fengyun Tianzhan Formation together. Because we have the problem of incongruence between wind and cloud formations during cultivation.

So Yun'er and Liu Feng made an appointment, and each of them pondered deeply for now, and then they met to discuss further, try to continue the practice, and then he went back to his Liufeng Palace.

After repeatedly discussing her own cloud formation, Yun'er found a way to improve it, so she has been waiting for Liu Feng to go to Hai'er's Cloud Palace.

But he didn't go there, Yun'er was anxious, so she went to Liuyun Palace, but she didn't see him, and Yun'er searched all over Liuyun Palace, but still couldn't find him.

Helpless, Yun'er had no choice but to go back to Qinyun Palace, and continued to discuss her cloud formation while waiting for him to go. "

Liu Yunwen was very surprised when he heard that Renhuang's father asked about Liufeng Realm Emperor when he saw him.

After listening to Liu Qianlang, her expression was calm, and she asked calmly:

"Is there anything different about him recently, such as leaving you many times to do something alone?"


Liu Yun felt that his father was not serious about asking Liufeng Tiansheng so seriously, so he carefully recalled his recent relationship with Liufeng Tiansheng, and then said with certainty:

"Yun'er never found anything wrong with Liufeng Yunsheng. Ever since he joined the Langyuan Shenmen, he and Yun'er got along very well. We have been together almost all the time. Even Yaya is jealous of him."

Liu Yunjun looked at his beloved wife Yaya who was not far from him, as if joking with his beloved wife.

However, he regretted the second half of the sentence as soon as he finished speaking, because what he saw was not the shyness of his beloved wife, but the expression of his beloved wife hinting that he was going to be serious.

"That's right, I don't know if Yun'er knows whether he has been out of the Nine Lotus Shrine recently?"

Liu Qianlang didn't care about Liu Yun's tone of voice, and continued to ask.

"Out of the Nine Lotus Shrine? No, no, no. It's impossible, one is that he doesn't want to go to the Nine Lotus Shrine at all.

He said that since Haoguyuan Zhou Bengyuan, the happiest thing he experienced was meeting and joining Nine Lotus Shrine.

He always said that it was the Nine Lotus Shrine that allowed him to regain the meaning of being a fairy god, and once again enjoy the beauty of the era of Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande Shrine.

Second, he didn't have time to go out at all. We have been concentrating on cultivating the Fengyun Tianzhan Formation for hundreds of thousands of years.

He hasn't stopped since he joined Langyuan Shenmen. How could he leave Nine Lotus Shrine? It's absolutely impossible! "

Liu Yun replied with certainty.

"Hey! Yun'er, do you know that Saint Liufenglan has already been punished and killed by your ancestor Zhong Death for betraying my Nine Lotus Shrine!"

Liu Qianlang asked about it, but didn't express any opinion. He hesitated for a long time before speaking.

"Betrayed Nine Lotus Shrine and was killed!?"

Hearing this, Liu Yun's expression changed drastically, and his body trembled a little. He looked around at Gao Zun Lang Yuan around him, and repeated in a painful voice in an unbelievable tone.

"Yun'er, you can see for yourself."

Liu Qianlang saw that Aiko was in great pain, and couldn't bear to say anything more, so he pushed the magic sound and shadow stone in his palm to Aiko Liu Yun.

Liu Yun was stunned, took the magic sound shadow stone, and after sweeping it with his palm, suddenly burst into tears, crying bitterly:

"Brother Liufeng, how did you become a spy of Shenguang Yuanjie? Liufeng is unrestrained, Liu Yun is at ease, what a speculative god friend we are, it's really good fortune.

Since you are the God under Emperor Shenguang, why do you have to be a spy to let Liu Yun regard you as a confidant and a brother..."

Liu Yun complained, crying very sadly. Beloved wife Yaya stepped forward, supported Liu Yun and persuaded:

"Husband, why should you be sad? Since he is a spy, all the so-called friendship between him and your husband must be artificial, and there is some truth in it.

Husband Ren Shan, being a god is as benevolent as a great master. But virtue and kindness do not mean that there is no principle. I respect the kind and the hypocrisy is the police! "

Although Yaya is respected as the head of Langyuan Shenmen, she is also Liu Yun's gentle wife. The husband was in grief, he saw it in his eyes, felt the pain in his heart, and while wiping Liu Yun's tears with a white silk handkerchief, he comforted him.

"Hmm! Haha..."

"Yun'er, don't cry anymore, look at you, the head of the lady, what you say is so upright, the emperor has good eyesight.

There is a child named Yaya who is the head of the Langyuan Divine Sect. It's no wonder that the Langyuan Divine Sect is not strong! "

Zhong Sheng has a straightforward personality, speaks without taboo, and praises Yaya, but doesn't care about Liu Yun's feelings.

Fortunately, Liu Yun is not a narrow-minded person. He is sad after losing a close friend, but he is still rational. Tears said:

"Yun'er is very grateful for the teacher's teaching. The junior knows right from wrong. I only hate myself for not knowing people well, and mistaking my true heart for the wrong person."

"Hmm! Yun'er values ​​love and righteousness, a real man has a real temperament, my master has no objection to this.

Let's put away the sadness, we have a lot of friends, and even if we lose old friends, we will have new ones! "

Zhong Sheng suddenly realized that what he just said was inappropriate, so he specially encouraged Liu Yundao.

Liu Yun's spiritual consciousness has been wrapping the magic sound shadow stone in his palm. For some reason, his expression suddenly became calm, and he burst into tears, changing the subject:

"What the master said was that Yun'er shed such tears for treating such a devil as a good friend!"

"Ha ha……"

"That's right! Human Sovereign, the spies have been eliminated, and I think there is nothing wrong here. I have something to do when I go back to the Shenzhong Palace, so let's go first."

Seeing that Liu Yun was gone, Zhong Sheng was no longer sad, he burst out laughing loudly, and walked away to the gate of the palace stepping on ten birds of the ten-direction divine bell.

"Congratulations to my uncle!"

"Congratulations to the ancestor!"

Seeing Zhong Xing go away, there was a sound of farewell behind him.

"Hehe, Senior Zhong Xing has a good temperament and carefree ears! Human Sovereign, I don't know what else to order. If there is nothing wrong, Ben Yangshen and Yuehou should also leave."

After the Yang God Ouyang Langlong sent off Zhong's death in a loud voice, he also saluted Liu Qianlang farewell.

"Well, the Empress Yang Shenyue, please go ahead."

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang glanced at Cheng Shifeng, who had been unable to speak, and nodded slightly.

"The Emperor is well!"

After the Yang God Ouyang Langlong and the Queen of the Moon Cheng Shifeng gave their blessings in unison, they turned around and left hand in hand.

"Human Sovereign's father, Sheng'an, Yun'er has also gone back first!"

"Master Anxiu, Yaya also went back with her husband."

When they said go, they all wanted to go, and Liu Qianlang didn't try to keep them, so they all smiled goodbye.

However, Liu Qianlang sat cross-legged in the void of the Great Hall of the Human Palace, without moving an inch. He closed his eyes slightly and was waiting for someone, someone who could answer his many questions.

About an hour later, this person came.

"Hehe, it's just the two of us this time, let's sit down, it doesn't matter if you have anything to say."

Seeing the person floating in front of him, Liu Qianlang said with a smile.

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