Nine Heavens

Chapter 2739 will sing my song

"Where is that cloud now?"

Hearing the cold words of the Third Brother Ren Huang, Song Zhen asked with pain in his heart and soul.

"Yaya has already gone to call him."

Liu Qianlang's expression was gloomy, and his voice was full of pain as he sighed.

"Hmph! It's God He who is slandering my son!"

At this moment, a beautiful woman in a pink dress who looked like a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old fell down from the top of the human palace. She stepped on a pure white ice phoenix, her face was frosty, and she sneered angrily.

"Welcome the Empress and Empress!"

Above the main hall of the Imperial Palace, all the gods and ministers in the hall stood up to welcome the visitors when they saw the visitors.

Immediately, the other party floated to the side of the Emperor, sitting majestically on the right of the Emperor.

Seeing him, the Supreme Zhanshen thought in his heart that Liu Yun might be saved, so he hurriedly said:

"The third sister-in-law of Yan'er is safe, it was the Yang God who used the magic sound shadow stone to record the scene where Yun'er stole the second bell of Qiankun from the Ten Fang Shenzhong Palace.

Therefore, the Third Brother of Human Emperor Lei Ting was furious, and he was about to blame Yun'er! "

"Really. Dare to ask the Emperor, Yun'er, as the eldest son of the Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine and the master of the first palace of the Fengyun Shrine, is dedicated to the Langyuan Sect. Where is the power to steal the ten-direction divine clock?

It's just a little magic shadow shadow stone, but seeing the same image as Yun'er Yun'er in it, I can conclude that it's Yun'er. Couldn't such a magic shadow shadow stone be faked with a fake phantom body!

How did Yangshen spend so much time to follow Yun'er's whereabouts all the time, as if it had been arranged in advance, to record the so-called scene where Yuner stole the ten-direction divine clock? Doesn't Yangshen feel a little inappropriate for such a thing? Common sense? "

Yan'er first questioned Liu Qianlang, the emperor's husband, and then looked at Ouyang Langlong, the Yang God on the right side of His Highness, and asked coldly.

"Empress! How can you say that about the Yang God? The Yang God just came back from practicing the Lie Yang Divine Art outside the Nine Lotus Shrine, and just happened to drop in on the way to the Shanggong Realm's Uncle Zhong Dead. Unfortunately... Sigh!"

Facing the birthday question of the eldest son, Liu Qianlang knew from the bottom of his heart the character of his eldest son Liu Yun, but the "Liu Yun" in the magic sound shadow stone was by no means an illusion.

His actions and behaviors seem to be Aiko Yun'er. Aizi Liu Yun is definitely not the God of Stealing the Divine Bell of the Ten Directions, and it is not Liu Qianlang's entanglement. He is secretly thinking about who the fake Aiko is, and at the same time, he doesn't want to say what he thinks so quickly.

So, out of such a heart, Liu Qianlang decided to summon his beloved son Liu Yun, let's pretend it was real, and see how things progress.

At the same time, Prince Jiebo, the mentor of Liu Yun's Infinite Yuan Realm through the sound transmission of soul thoughts, let him pay attention to everything about the development of the matter, and even "do whatever he wants" at critical moments.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qianlang's impromptu plan was known by his beloved wife Yan'er so soon, and suddenly went to the hall to fight for his son.

When Renhuang heard what his beloved wife said, seeing His Highness Ouyang Langlong's embarrassing expression, he had no choice but to whisper to his beloved wife, and naturally he sent his soul to tell his true thoughts in his heart.


After Miao Yan knew the true meaning in her husband's heart, she felt at ease, her expression naturally eased a lot, she sighed slightly, and said:

"Please understand, Yang God. As Yun'er's mother, Hai'er understands people best. Yun'er will never do anything to steal the Ten Directions God's Bell. There must be many misunderstandings in this, and I hope Yang God will be cautious. Don't wrong my son Liu Yun!"

What the Empress Dowager said was considered polite.

However, Yang God Ouyang Langlong sneered at Dian, and said mercilessly:

"This Yang God is upright and upright, he can distinguish right from wrong, he only sees the difference between righteous and evil, right and wrong!

Liu Yun's nasty things are absolutely true, as evidenced by the magic sound, shadow and stone god record! As for the authenticity, anyone can come forward to check if the hall is full of immortals.

If there is any trace of forgery in the magic sound and shadow stone, the god Ouyang Langlong will immediately collapse the temple to apologize!

Otherwise, I would like to ask the emperor to be selfless, to clean up the evil for the sake of the peace of the Nine Lotus Shrine, and to clean up the door of the Langyuan Shenmen! "

The Yang God Ouyang Langlong's words were so decisive that all the gods in the palace couldn't intervene when they heard the words, they were silent.

Miao Yan was also speechless for a moment, trembling all over with anger, raised her finger to Yangshen, her face was icy red.

"Sister-in-law calm down, sister-in-law is eager to love her son, and it is human nature. The Yang God is upright, and it is also the Nine Lotus Shrine.

We have yet to investigate what happened. It was just a sudden accident. Everyone should calm down and deal with it as it should. "

Seeing that the third elder brother of Renhuang was sitting upright, Supreme Zhanshen didn't speak for a while, so he had to smooth things over.

"The facts are all there, so why waste time investigating! If the unworthy descendants are not eradicated for a day, the disaster will spread. I also ask the Emperor to make a decisive decision to arrest Liu Yun and question him in court.

Slaughter its head and hang it outside the gate of the Shrine to warn the gods of the whole Langyuan Shenmen to be righteous forever and not to breed demonic evil thoughts, so as to protect my Nine Lotus Shrine for a long time! "

The Yang God Ouyang Langlong was determined to kill Liu Yun. He didn't listen to Song Zhen's words of adjusting the vortex, and his words were aggressive!


"Yun'er has seen the emperor's father, the eldest stepmother, and all the god uncles!"

Just when the Yang God Ouyang Langlong was speaking generously and venomously, Liu Yun walked up to the hall with high spirits, saluting the hall and his majesty one by one.

"Sage Yunlanlan, I'm asking you, have you been to Shanggong Realm Shifang Shenzhong Palace recently?"

Liu Qianlang looked at Aizi for a moment, seeing Liu Yun's calm look, he felt more confident, and asked seriously.


Liu Yun answered frankly.

"What's the matter?"

Liu Qianlang asked.

"It's not for anything. It's just that Yun'er, on the way back from Jiebo Shenyang and her mentor after learning Jiebo's magic skills in recent days, always sees two pure white birds flying on the road and calling:

‘Sing me, who dares to catch me? ’ They are really cute, so Yun’er is curious, and every time he rewards them, after they fly into the Shenzhong Palace, Yun’er no longer follows them. "

Liu Yun recalled with an excited expression on his face.

"You idiot, do you know that those two divine birds are the Qiankun Erzhong of the ten-direction divine bell of your dead master's uncle?

The Second Qiankun Clock has been stolen now, and the God of Thieves, with the evidence of this magic sound and shadow stone, was the one who stole it, what else do you have to say now? "

Hearing the answer from his beloved son Liu Yun, Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, and then threw the magic sound shadow stone that the Yang God Ouyang Langlong came to sue Liu Yun to the sky of the Human Emperor Temple, and let Liu Yun and All the immortals and gods in the hall looked closely together.

When Liu Yun came, he had already heard his beloved wife Yaya tell him about being sued by the Yang God Ouyang Langlong, so in order to clarify that he was wronged, he looked very carefully.

After examining it many times, Liu Yun saluted the emperor's father and said:

"Father Human Sovereign, the gods in the magic sound and shadow stone seem to be Yun'er himself, but not all of them are."

"Sage Yunlanlan! What do you mean, don't you still have a clone!?"

Without waiting for Huang Liu Qianlang to answer, Yang God Ouyang Langlong questioned Liu Yun first.

Hearing this, Liu Yun turned around and bowed to the Yang God Ouyang Langlong and said:

"It's not that Yun'er has clones, but Yun'er in the magic sound shadow stone, some are Yun'er himself, and some are fake Yun'er.

Moreover, Yun'er has a superb memory ability since she was a child. The routes and scenery she has traveled in her life are engraved in her heart, and she will never forget them.

The routes of the two clouds in the magic sound shadow stone are not all mine, and many places are passed by fake clouds! "

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