Nine Heavens

Chapter 2740

"That's right! If Sheng Yunlanlan can really simulate your recent itinerary exactly and can confirm what you said just now, then the God of Yang can naturally consider the truth and falsehood of Liu Yun you said .”

Yang God Ouyang Langlong pondered Liu Yun's words for a while, thinking that he was talking nonsense on purpose. Even immortal gods don't have the ability to cross borders and remember their hearts, so they said loudly.

"Thank you Uncle Yangshen Yun'er for the opportunity to defend, since it only involves the matter of Zhong's dead master's uncle, the Shifang Shenzhong, Yun'er will use Uncle Yangshen's phantom shadow stone.

Uncle Yangshen watched carefully. In order to distinguish the real self from the fake Yun'er, the younger generation's Danmang dyed the soul, and when the soul moved, the real self in the phantom shadow stone would flash with Danmang's color along with the younger generation's memories.

Then, Uncle Yangshen saw that the one with the flashing red light was the junior, and the remaining so-called Yun'er who didn't flash the red light was naturally not the younger generation. "

Liu Yun calmed down, spoke confidently, and began to float into the sky. When his figure was parallel to the height of the magic sound and shadow stone in the sky above the Human Palace, he smiled and looked at Niang Miaoyan, the Queen of the Emperor, who was sitting on the throne of the Human Emperor, and said: :

"How about Lao Niang giving the child a ray of Danmang?"

"Well, my son is so smart, not to mention a ray of pill glow, if you can prove Yun'er's innocence, even if you give Yun'er all the pill soul wisps for your mother, you are willing to give it to Yun'er. Yun'er took it!"

Miao Yan heard her beloved son Liu Yun's words, sighed secretly that her good son was smart, couldn't help but brows happily, nodded and said, at the same time, she turned her slender wrist, and from the middle finger, suddenly shot a ray of red light, straight into the mouth. Liu Yun's forehead was hit.

"Thank you, Ma'am!"

After Liu Yun got help from his mother Miao Yan, he saw him floating cross-body not far from the phantom shadow stone. He began to close his eyes and meditate, making talismans with both hands, and entered the state of cultivation.

Not long after, he saw his original white and flawless robe, shining red light from the inside out.

At the same time, he, who was not far from him in the phantom shadow stone, also began to appear in this state.

However, Liu Yun in the magic sound and shadow stone did not immediately flash with his divine body. It's like a flying magic lamp.

Liu Yun in the Phantom Shadow Stone suddenly moved, flying non-stop in the Phantom Shadow Stone, and at the same time, the god's body began to flicker, and the flying route was Liu Yun's daily flight to Jiebo Shenyang and back. route.

As the flashing Liuyun kept flying his recent route repeatedly, a strange phenomenon really appeared in his flying route in the last few days, that is, two Liuyun appeared.

One is still flashing Danmang, and the other is a senior in a white robe. And just as Liu Yun said, Liu Yun, who is shining with red light, has indeed been chasing two pure white birds for many days.

However, the real senior brother Liu Yun didn't take a step beyond the Thunder Pond, he just chased Haojie's white god bird to the boundary of the Bell Death God's Bell Palace and stopped chasing it, and turned back, it was like this every time.

But at this moment, a strange thing happened. On the last day when the second bell of Qiankun and Qiankun was lost, the real Liu Yun reluctantly chased after the bird, and turned away from the palace of Shifang Shenzhong.

At the same position where Liu Yun turned and left, a fake Liu Yun suddenly appeared.

This fake Liu Yun only showed up for a moment, and his movements were extremely fast. He caught the two white birds who thought the real Liu Yun had left and left without warning, and then disappeared suddenly.

The whole process is completed in the blink of an eye.

If Liu Yun hadn't thought of using the shining body to distinguish them, no god would be able to distinguish them.

This plan of using real and fake Liu Yun to steal the two bells of the Ten Directions Divine Bell, Qiankun, is simply perfect.

If it wasn't for Liu Yun himself to prove that he was wronged, who would have discovered the fake Liu Yun who was only there for a moment!


After such a strange situation appeared, the happiest thing was of course the empress Miao Yan, who laughed from ear to ear and kept saying:

"My son is divine wisdom, my son is divine wisdom ear!"

All the immortal gods in the hall, except for the Yang God Ouyang Langlong, were also shouting for the Holy Spirit of Yunlanlan.

"Hehe, Yun'er is so good, Uncle Song is really sweating for you!"

Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, looking at his beloved nephew Liu Yun, who is also his son-in-law, he sighed with a smile.

"Thank you Uncle Song for your concern. Youdao is not afraid of shadows. Yun'er is lucky, this is for yourself.

However, even if Yun'er can't stand Danmang, Yun'er also believes that the emperor's father and Uncle Song will not wrong Yun'er.

With the divine wisdom of Renhuang's father and Uncle Song, Yun'er would have known for a long time whether Yun'er had stolen the Ten Directions Divine Bell. "

Liu Yun made a victory gesture to the mother on the high temple, then looked at the emperor's father and His Highness Song Zhen with a smile.

Renhuang Liu Qianlang glanced sideways at his happy wife Miaoyan, didn't say anything, just nodded with a smile.

Song Zhen, the supreme god of divination, relaxed his mind, raised his head and laughed loudly.

However, some people were happy and some were worried. Seeing this, Yangshen cursed bad luck in his heart. But he is very rational, seeing that all the gods in the palace are looking towards Liu Yun, if he slanders Liu Yun again, it is really unreasonable.

Yangshen's transformation was as quick as blinking an eye, I saw him clasping his wrists and saying to the Emperor and Empress Miaoyan at the high place in the hall:

"The Empress Renhuang is very thoughtful, thanks to Yun'er's extraordinary wisdom, the matter of stealing the ten-direction divine bell is really weird!

It was true that Ben Yangshen made a mistake just now, and he even invited the emperor, Empress Haihan! "

"Don't be like this, the Yang God, the Yang God is just and upright, he is wholeheartedly thinking about the safety of the Lian Jingu and the Langyuan Shenmen, there is nothing wrong with him!

As for Yun'er's theft of the Divine Bell of the Ten Directions, the God of Stealing the Divine Bell of the Ten Directions planned so meticulously to use Yun'er, it is really difficult for us to see through it, and it is reasonable to make mistakes in judgment. "

As a human emperor, Liu Qianlang naturally looked at the overall situation of the Nine Lotus Shrine when speaking. No matter what he thought in his heart, his words were all to appease the general situation, so he spoke generously.

However, Miao Yan was not polite after she grew up, she got up and said goodbye to the Emperor, then looked at her beloved son Liu Yun and said:

"Hurry up and go back to your Fengyun Palace with my mother, my poor daughter-in-law, I'm afraid she's crying so hard right now.

I hate some gods with ulterior motives, who don't see us being prosperous, jealous and vicious, always wronging us for nothing.

Let's run away quickly, or you may be accused of stealing other things later—”

In the end, Miaoyan made her voice protracted, then floated in front of her beloved son Liu Yun, bowed her head to the gods left and right of His Highness, and flew out of the Human Palace with her son Liu Yun.


Yang God Ouyang Langlong's red eyes gleamed with red eyes. Hearing Miao Yan's words, he was already so angry that he couldn't refute, so his face was livid and he hesitated.

"The emperor is well, and the god bids farewell!"


Seeing the so-called robbery of the clock by Liu Yun, the gods and gods in the Mandian Temple turned out to be an injustice, and they all bid farewell and left.

When they left, they all glanced coldly at the Yang God Ouyang Langlong, obviously very dissatisfied with his slander of Liu Yun.

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