Nine Heavens

Chapter 2741 the second bell of heaven and earth

After a while, the gods in the human palace were easy to leave, and finally there were only a few immortal gods in the middle palace realm left in the main hall of the human palace.

The Human Sovereign is naturally one, and the others are Song Zhen, the God of Divination, Cheng Yuanfang, the God of Heaven, Liujuan, the God of Odd Fragrance, Shenlong Huanfeng, Emperor Seeking Darkness, and Ouyang Langlong, the God of Yang.

As for the Demon Sword Ancestor in the Upper Palace Realm, Empress Nuwa and others didn't come at all. Even though Yaya is the head of the sect, she was also present to avoid suspicion.

"Since there is a misunderstanding on this matter, there is no need for Benyang God to say anything more. All the holy gods are well, and Benyang God has retreated for the time being."

The Yang God Ouyang Langlong didn't want to stay in the Human Palace for a moment longer, and saluted the Highness, and turned around to leave without waiting for the Human Emperor Liu Qianlang to express his opinion.

"Yang God, please stay!"

However, just as he turned around and took a step, he suddenly heard the eyes of the God of Chaos flashing on the left side of the hall, and Cheng Yuanfang, the God of Heaven in a pitch-black robe, shouted loudly.

When the Yang God Ouyang Langlong heard the words, Yin Hong's red eyes flickered left and right for a moment, he had no choice but to turn around, and once again faced the God who hadn't left.

"I don't know what the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God has to teach?"

The Yang God Ouyang Langlong actually already guessed the question the other party wanted to ask, but he still asked it on purpose.

"The real Yun'er is already upright, so how does the fake Yun'er see it?"

Sirius Zhoushen never liked to talk nonsense, so he asked directly.

"Ha ha……"

"Sky Wolf Zhou God really asked this Yang God. Before coming here, how did Ben Yang God know that there were real and false Yun'er, but he thought that the records in the magic sound and shadow stone were all real Yun'er.

However, since Yun'er has discovered the appearance of the fake Yun'er, Benyang God will naturally pay more attention to it in the future, try to find out the true face of the fake Yun'er in Lushan, and regain the universe and the second bell for Senior Zhong Shi! "

Yang God Ouyang Langlong raised his head and laughed, and then said.

"Well, thank you very much Yangshen. I have two questions from Sirius Zhoushen. The magic sound and shadow stone obviously records not only the audio and video records of the day when the second bell of Qiankun was lost. Could it be that the Yangshen made the record in advance? Did you know that the Qiankun Erzhong will be lost?

Furthermore, one of the two bells of Qiankun is in the position of Qian and the other is in the position of Kun. Why do they get together and play around recently? "

"Sky Wolf Zhou God really knows how to tell jokes, but this Yang God doesn't have the magical divination ability like Supreme Divination God.

The reason why this Yangshen secretly hid this phantom shadow stone in the sky of the upper palace realm beforehand was entirely because of an inexplicable reason.

The reason for this must be very clear in the hearts of Renhuang and Supreme Zhanshen, and it is difficult for Ben Yangshen to say it out loud.

As for why the Qiankun Second Bell left its position, it was a matter of the Zhongshan Senior Shenzhong Palace, and Ben Yangshen didn't even know. "

Yang God Ouyang Langlong looked calm and answered fluently.

Hearing the words, Heavenly Wolf Zhou God also felt that the other party's answer was not a big problem, so he didn't continue to ask, but he moved his eyes to Liu Qianlang on the throne of the Human Emperor and Song Zhen, the Supreme God of Divination on the opposite side.

"Fourth brother, there are middle-aged holy gods like me in the hall now. If there is no one from the younger generation who is quick to speak, let me tell everyone about the dark magic light."

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, looked around with Chemu, and said to Song Zhen.

"Yes, Third Brother Human Sovereign!"

Song Zhen responded, and then told about the dark magic light that Shenyi entered and exited the Nine Lotus Shrine.


When the gods heard the words, they were all astonished, secretly thinking that there is actually an existence in the Nine Lotus Shrine that surpasses the strength of the Human Emperor, and it may not be a force from the Nine Lotus Shrine!

"This matter is very important. I should have sent God to secretly monitor the whole palace long ago. I don't know if there is any clue?"

The God of Wonderful Fragrance, Liu Juan, knew his brother Liu Qianlang's temper since she was a child. Since he didn't make it public, it means that he must be trying his best to find out. Now that he has made it clear, it means that he has some ideas.

"Well, what Sister Juan said is right, although that dark phantom is powerful, there are also some super masters in our Nine Lotus Shrine.

After Qianlang learned of the existence of that pitch-black specter, Biao had secretly sent an absolutely powerful supernatural being to investigate the matter secretly.

And, fortunately, he has preliminarily locked on the target. In the future, he only needs to accumulate some evidence to reveal the hypocrisy of that dark phantom! "

Liu Qianlang's loud voice shook the hall, talking and laughing, but it was deafening.

These words were heard in the ears of Yang God Ouyang Langlong, and his scalp was numb, and the cold wind on the back of his neck was biting.

"Good! Haha..."

"It's still the Emperor's Divine Wisdom, the dark phantom, the Qiankun Second Bell was stolen, and there seems to be some strange things happening in the Nine Lotus Shrine recently.

Ben Yangshen always had a feeling in his heart, as if the loss of the second clock of Qiankun was caused by that dark phantom? Who the hell is he, and what does he want to do! ? "

The Yang God Ouyang Langlong was extremely determined, and the strange feeling was only a momentary thing, and then he took over the words of the Emperor Liu Qianlang sonorously and forcefully.

"The words of the Yang God are exactly what the emperor wants to say next. As soon as that pitch-black phantom appeared, the second bell of the universe was lost in the Bell Palace of the God of Death.

From this, it can be boldly speculated that Fake Yun'er must be related to it, and it can even be said that False Yun'er is also that dark phantom, and Pitch-black phantom is also False Yun'er.

Let's speculate further, which God Realm in the Infinite Element Realm most wants to get the Ten Directions Divine Bell?

Obviously it is the Dark Yuan Realm, but the Dark Realm Emperor has surrendered to the Divine Light Yuan Realm. However, Emperor Shenguang wanted to compare himself to the Emperor of the Dark Realm, and his ambition was only more vicious than that of the Dark Realm Emperor.

Therefore, it is very likely that the dark phantom is the undercover spy sent by Emperor Shenguang to the Nine Lotus Shrine, and False Yuner is also related to them! "

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang's white hair was surrounded by silver rainbows, and a huge white dragon swayed faintly on his back. His expression was majestic and handsome, and his eyes were like swords.

The image of the emperor Liu Qianlang suddenly became so majestic, and his domineering manner of speaking made Yang God Ouyang Langlong feel guilty for a while.

"It makes sense. The Emperor is concerned about the abyss, and both internal and external troubles. Benyang God believes that it is good if the dark shadow or the loss of the second bell of the universe is only an internal worry. If it is as the Emperor said, our Nine Lotus Temple can It's going to be a disaster.

The divine clock of the ten directions is led by the central pole of the second bell of the universe, if the second bell of the universe unfortunately falls into the hands of another world, they use it to confuse the ancient and modern time sequence of our Nine Lotus Shrine, and the yin and yang are reversed, wouldn't we..."

The Yang God Ouyang Langlong guessed in his heart that the Emperor might have begun to doubt himself. He simply said that he was worried about Zhou, but he said intimidatingly.

"Ha ha……"

When Renhuang Liu Qianlang heard the words, he couldn't help but raised his head and laughed loudly, and then said:

"It is true that the second bell of the ten-direction god bell, the Qiankun, was stolen, but judging from the timing and energy of the Nine Lotus Shrine, the second bell of the Qiankun is still inside the Nine Lotus Shrine.

Such an important miraculous treasure, no matter how sacred it is, we are bound by the gods, and there are countless holy gods and immortals, how can it be stolen out of the Nine Lotus Temple.

Supreme Divination God obeys orders! Immediately pass an edict to all the eight gods who guard the seal, from now on the whole world is under martial law.

Any gods are not allowed to step out of the Nine Lotus Shrine without the emperor's consent. Those who resist the decree and are disrespectful will be killed by all the gods, and they will retaliate after they are killed! "

"Okay! Third Brother Renhuang should have done this long ago!"

After the Supreme Zhanshen responded, he sent a voice transmission from his soul to finish the matter.

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