Nine Heavens

Chapter 2742 A little dazed

"Well, that's the best! Even if the Second Universe Bell is stolen, its space-time energy is still within the Nine Lotus Shrine.

If we can prevent it from flowing out of the Nine Lotus Shrine, it will not affect the timing of our Nine Lotus Shrine for a while.

Nine Lotus Shrine seals the world, so our biggest problem now is to try our best to find the fake Liu Yun, and at the same time, we can take the opportunity to pay attention to the whereabouts of that dark shadow.

Human Sovereign's decision is very reasonable, but since this Yangshen cannot practice Lieyang Divine Art in the First Palace, it will be a bit more disturbing to practice in the Yangshen Palace, so I ask the gods to take care of me. "

Although the words of Human Emperor Liu Qianlang did not explicitly say that they were aimed at Yang God Ouyang Langlong, but both Human Emperor and Yang God Ouyang Langlong knew each other, so they looked at each other in silence for a while, and Yang God Ouyang Langlong looked calm, He nodded heavily in praise.

"Langlong Dayi, for the sake of the safety of our Nine Lotus Shrine and Langyuan Shenmen, we have no choice but to make things difficult for Yang God.

Qianlang, the sealing of the world is only temporary, we should discuss how to find the fake Yun'er as soon as possible and take back the second clock of Qiankun is the most important thing. "

Liu Juan's green hair was slightly raised, and on her forehead, the traces of the tree of building souls flickered, and her pair of extremely deep emerald eyes, her expression was proud and resolute.

She looked at the Emperor's younger brother and the Yang God Ouyang Langlong for a long time, and her spiritual thoughts were flying, thinking about many recent changes in the Nine Lotus Temple, and then said.

"The key point of Sister Juan's words is that brother Zhen will definitely do his best, stay out of the palace, step up positioning and divination, and figure out who Fake Yun'er is, and the exact location of the Qiankun Erzhong.

Time is running out, Brother Zhen won't discuss with everyone the matter of capturing the fake Yun'er, is it okay for Brother Zhen to go back to the Star Palace? "

Song Zhen's five-colored eyes were also watching the way Renhuang and Yangshen looked at each other, intentionally diverting their gaze, and said loudly.

"Well, that's fine. I don't know where False Yun'er is. It doesn't matter how good a capture plan we have come up with. The third brother can just go back.

What's going on here, the third brother will send you a voice transmission from his soul at any time. "

Liu Qianlang heard the overtones of Song Zhen's loud voice. He also secretly thought in his heart that the unfounded rivalry with Yang God Ouyang Langlong at this moment was obviously meaningless, so he turned his attention to Song Zhendao.

"Thank you, Third Brother Ren Huang, for fulfilling your mission, and all the holy gods are well, I'm going to take a step ahead!"

Song Zhen got the permission of the Third Brother Renhuang, and immediately turned around, with a flash of stars under his feet, he stepped on the Star Sword and shot out of the Nine Lotus Temple.

However, he didn't go back to Xingchen Divine Palace, but went to Jiebo Shenyang to meet Prince Jiebo according to Liu Qianlang's soul-reading voice transmission.

"Hey, first there was the pitch-black specter, and then there was the false cloud, their strength is really scary, they were able to steal the second bell of the universe near the Bell Palace of the God of Death, the Dragon God of Huanfeng, until now it is still a little unbelievable.

Not to mention that the divine power of Senior Zhong Xing is infinitely powerful, even the divine power of Qian Kun Er Zhong is by no means easy.

But Yun'er stole the second bell of Qiankun so easily.

Not only did Senior Zhong Xing have no intention of resisting, Qiankun Erzhong also did not see the slightest sign of resistance. Could it be that Qiankun Erzhong was confused at the time, or was he performed some kind of ecstasy? "

Seeing Song Zhen leave, the first Huanfeng Dragon God of the Eastern Dragon Palace of Nine Lotus Shrine sighed.

"That's right, if it wasn't for the special circumstances of Senior Clock Death and Second Universe Bell, at least they should have resisted. This is indeed a bit puzzling."

Looking for the Dark Emperor Jinguang Emperor to wear the divine robe, which is very majestic, and echoed.

Hearing the words of the Huanfeng Dragon God and the Dark-seeking Emperor, Cheng Shifeng's blue eyes flashed rainbows, looking at her husband Yang God Ouyang Lang Longhou, then turned to the Huanfeng Dragon God and the Dark-seeking Emperor, as if wanting to say something, But he stopped talking.

This scene was clearly seen by Ren Huang Liu Qianlang, but Ren Huang didn't say anything.

"There is indeed some truth in what the two Holy Gods said, but only Senior Zhong Death and Qian Kun Erzhong know the real situation.

No matter how much we think about it, it is difficult to determine the most realistic situation at that time. "

Yang God Ouyang Langlong Yinhong's red eyes clearly felt the blue eyes of his wife Yuehou from the corner of his eyes, but he pretended not to see it and said nonchalantly.

"Forget it, since everyone is at a loss and it's useless to talk too much, let's go back to the palace and send more palace gods to help the world to seal the priests.

Let's wait patiently for a while, and when the fourth brother has the result of the divination, we will meet again and discuss it later. "

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang listened to His Highness's left and right saints talking for a while, and said.

"Human Sovereign is well, Sirius Zhoushen will retire first!"

The Heavenly Wolf God never hesitated, and when the sound of the Renhuang Liu leading the waves fell, his dark shadow had already shot towards the gate of the Human Emperor's Palace.


At the moment when Tianlang Zhoushen shot out of the palace gate, Liu Qianlang couldn't help but thump in his heart. Because he saw the black magic light flickering in the body of his brother Sirius Zhoushen, just like the black magic shadow he saw!

Liu Qianlang couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Liu Qianlang's astonishment was seen by Yang God Ouyang Langlong, and he was happy in his heart.

Yang God Ouyang Langlong secretly admired Liu Qianlang's astonishment for a while, then took the slender hand of Cheng Shifeng, who was not far from him, and said in a warm voice:

"Ben Yangshen also resigned with Feng'er. If there is any sign of dark shadows and fake clouds, please let the Emperor tell Ben Yangshen immediately. Ben Yangshen will definitely take it down and put it on the temple. The gods will ask for punishment! "


Liu Qianlang's expression suddenly became very bad, and he lowered his head halfway, not wanting to be seen by the gods, he waved to Yang God Ouyang Langlong and Yuehou Cheng Shifeng.

"Brother Qianlang, take care, Fenger likes the beauty of the new moon and crescent moon recently. Brother Qianlang, why don't you take a break from his busy schedule and enjoy the moon to soothe your nerves."

A month later, Cheng Shifeng followed her husband, Ouyang Langlong, to the outside of the human palace, and suddenly his soul sent a voice to Liu Qianlang.

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang kept his original movements and remained calm.

Next, Huanfeng Dragon God and Darkness-seeking Emperor also left one after another.

However, Liu Juan, God of Wonderful Fragrance, did not leave. She felt that the Emperor's younger brother looked different, so she did not move.

Liu Juan's emerald hair is floating, and her emerald green soul is embedded in a diamond dress, which seems to be shimmering, and also like a vast starry sky, shimmering, mysterious and beautiful.

A smile can make a city, another smile can make a country, a smile, a trace of arrogance.

Liu Juan went from the world to hell, from hell to god, what never changes is the fortitude in her bones and the kindness she doesn't show.

She looked at her brother quietly for a while, and asked:

"Qianlang, are you doubting the Yang God Ouyang Langlong?"

"Yes, it's not just him, just now..."

Regardless of doubting anyone, Liu Qianlang has never questioned her sister Liu Juan, her fellow human being, and never hides anything from her, so she said that she saw the vision of Sirius Zhoushen just now.

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