Nine Heavens

Chapter 2747 Nine-pronged Dragon God

"The God of Yang has said it! I have recently sealed all the soul paths because I have concentrated my energy to cultivate the Dafa of Purifying the Soul, quenching the soul door of Liangyi, and stabilizing the soul of Yuanshui Dragon.

It's not aimed at the Yang God, and I haven't communicated with other immortal gods for a long time, so I hope the Yang God will not misunderstand. "

Liu Qianlang didn't want to tear up his face with the other party at this moment, so he said this.

"So that's the case, it seems that Ben Yangshen thought too much.

What this Yangshen wants to say is, no matter whether you and I are separated from our souls or not, this Yangshen has absolutely no intention of hurting the Emperor.

On this point, I ask Ren Huang to absolutely believe in this Yang God. You and I are not only the source of the waves of Haogu Yuanshui God, but also brothers. Feng'er is your favorite sister and the beloved wife of this Yangshen. There will be any sideways slanting out of the heart. Feng'er, what do you say? "

Yangshen heard that Renhuang Liu Qianlang was refraining from talking, and said in silence for a moment.

After saying that, he looked at Shenyue Pang's Empress Cheng Shifeng.

"Well, brother Qianlang, the loyalty of a husband, the wind witnesses day and night, brother Qianlang, don't be affected by the recent dark shadows, there is a phenomenon of separation between brothers and sisters in our Nine Lotus Shrine, so, wouldn't we be serious It's the way of the demon!"

Seeing her husband's bloody eyes a month later, she understood, and immediately saluted Human Emperor Liu Qianlang and said.


"Okay, what did Brother Qianlang think about Feng'er's words. Why did Feng'er say that? Recently, he was tricked by that dark phantom, and he is always suspicious. If you speak seriously, please ask your husband and wife, Haihan, to think about it." yes."

Liu Qianlang hastily recalled what he said before, and said with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

"There is so much red tape between us brothers, there is no need to say too much.

Originally, this Yang God thought that he had practiced Lie Yang Divine Art well, but it turned out to be less than one ten-thousandth of that of the Emperor, which made the Emperor laugh.

However, it's not enough to show off, but we can have a little gathering on the edge of the moon. Human Sovereign is busy, usually Ben Yang God would not be able to invite him, this time thanks to Yue Hou's help, Ben Yang God knows that Human Sovereign loves Feng'er, so if she invites him, Human Sovereign will give him three points no matter what.

Feng'er, there is a banquet by the moon, let's have a drink. "


"Just take your seats, both of you."

Yangshen and Yuehou sang together, and after Yangshen finished speaking, Yuehou Pingting floated closer, her slender sleeves flicked between the three of them, and a table of delicacies appeared.

"Ha ha……"

"It's so good, I tasted it before going back, and I was even more refreshed.

However, what Yangshen said was a little too pitiful, and Feng'er invited him, but I was reluctant to refuse. But if Yangshen spoke up, how could the Emperor himself be so heartless? "

Liu Qianlang sat on the side of the Yanhong Shenyu round table while talking and laughing, and said with a relaxed smile.

huh huh...

After the month, the wine is poured, and the three gods drink happily.

"Yangshen said just now that I want my emperor to promise you something, can you tell me?"

In the dining room, Liu Qianlang asked about what Yangshen had said.

"Hey! I'm ashamed. Originally, this Yang God was one, and he could parry the Human Emperor one or two with his Lieyang Divine Art. Then, this Yang God proposed that he wanted to find the traces of the dark shadows inside and outside the Human Emperor's Nine Lotus Temple, so as to share the worries of the Human Emperor. .

The result...haha..."

Yangshen motioned to Emperor Renhuang and Yue'er to drink from left and right, laughing at themselves.

"Oh, with the power of the Yang God, he belongs to the supreme god of the Sun, Moon, Heart and Universe of the Nine Lotus Shrine. If he is willing to condescend to lower his dignity and share his worries for the emperor, it is really a wish. Why would he fight with the emperor?"

Liu Qianlang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"So, the Human Sovereign agreed to Ben Yangshen?"

Yangshen seemed surprised and asked in surprise.

"Of course, I, Huang Zheng, am worried that I can't find a god who is powerful and willing to accept this position.

Didn't the Yang God say that he was continuing to practice the Lieyang Divine Art before? It just so happened that the divine affairs and practice were not delayed, the Yang God was self-improving, and the Nine Lotus Shrine was blessed! "

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang said happily.

"Well, Ben Yangshen will bravely take over this task, and the Human Sovereign will give Ben Yangshen some time, and he will definitely explain to the Human Sovereign."

Yang God Ouyang Langlong was quite happy, and said solemnly with his chest brushed.

"Well! Then I will thank Yang God first. By the way, Feng'er, Sister Juan and all your sister-in-laws have told you that if you have nothing to do in your spare time, go to their place more often. They miss you very much." .”

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, and then looked at Cheng Shifeng, who didn't speak much.

"Hehe...that's right, Feng'er, I've been doing a lot of godly things for my husband in the past few years, and it makes you feel so lonely in Yaoyue Palace, it's really deserted.

Listen to Renhuang, in the future, I will go to the Shrine of the Sisters-in-law of the Renhuang and Qixiang Shrine more often, and I will feel better. "

Without waiting for Cheng Shifeng to express his position, Yang God Ouyang Langlong Yin Hong looked at Cheng Shifeng with red eyes, nodded and smiled.

Cheng Shifeng stared at Yang God Ouyang Langlong for a while without saying anything, and then said with a smile:

"Feng'er also wanted to go from time to time, but considering that he was afraid of disturbing the divine affairs of the Emperor's sister-in-law Qingxiu and Sister Juan, every time she thought about going, she gave up the idea.

Now that they have something to say, Feng'er will inevitably make trouble in the future, hehe..."

"Hehe, good! Let's make a deal like this. There are many things in the imperial palace, and it's time for the emperor to go back. You may as well joke around for a while."

Renhuang Liu Qianlang got up slowly, and smiled goodbye.

"Alright, Renhuang Liu Qianlang is the Lord of the God Realm, and all the divine affairs he is busy with are the major future-related matters of the Nine Lotus Shrine. We dare not delay any longer, please, Renhuang!"

"Brother Qianlang, let's go!"

Hearing that Ren Huang Liu Qianlang was leaving, both Yang Shenyue and Empress got up to bid farewell.

Yang Shen looked strange, and his eyes were wet.


A few hours later, the Yang God stepped on the blood demon dragon, soared into the sky of the Nine Lotus Shrine, and came directly to the border of the West Palace of the Nine Lotus Shrine, feeling loudly:

"The Nine Dragons of the Western Regions will be a general, please open the seal and let go of the gods. The God of Yang is ordered by the Emperor to go out of the palace to investigate the divine affairs!"

"Oh! Haha..."

"It turns out that it's the God of Yang, and you, Brother Long, haven't come to pay respects!"

The first Nine-pronged Dragon God in the Nine Dragons of the Western Regions, it seemed that Ouyang, the Yang God in his own crimson robe, holding the raging fire and crashing rainbow sun, came, and hurriedly greeted the misty clouds behind him.


I saw appearing and disappearing in the clouds and mist, and soon came the other eight heroic dragon gods with different divine light armors. They all held various divine weapons for guarding the world, and they seemed to be approaching and laughing loudly at the same time. voice, successively shouted:

"This seven-pronged dragon god has seen the sun god!"

"This five-pronged dragon god has seen the sun god!"


"Dragon Gods are polite, Ben Yang God has no time to delay, you see..."

Yang God Ouyang Langlong wondered how these eight guardian dragon gods from all over the world were extremely indifferent, how could they be so enthusiastic towards him today.

But I was puzzled, I wondered, since people are enthusiastic, Yangshen is not easy to trust, so he pointed to the mysterious Western Realm Palace Gate faintly emerging in the clouds and mist, and said politely.

"That is, that is! Among us, the eighty-one sea gods and dragons in the east, west, north and south, who do not know that the Yang God is the busy god of the Sun Moon God Zhouxin Palace in the Nine Lotus Shrine.

Brothers, come! We, Nine Dragons of the Western Regions, personally opened the gate of the Western Realm for the God of Yang! "

The dragon god of the western realm, the nine-pronged dragon god, didn't talk nonsense, and immediately shouted.

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