Nine Heavens

Chapter 2748 The Danger Of The Lin River

"Thank you Nine-chased Dragon God, all Dragon Gods are well, and I will disturb you when you return."

The Yang God Ouyang Langlong was overjoyed, and couldn't wait to leave his words, and Talong shot out the God Gate of the West Realm of the Nine Lotus Shrine.

"Why should the Yang God be polite, the Emperor has a decree, the Yang God enters and exits the Nine Lotus Temple, and the eight gods from all directions welcome you at any time!"

The Yang God Ouyang Langlong has shot out of the Nine Lotus Shrine, and the laughter of the nine-pronged dragon can be heard from the west gate of the Nine Lotus Shrine from a distance.


Yang Shen Ouyang Langlong heard the words, originally wanted to go to the place planned in his heart, but had to change his mind temporarily and flew to another direction.


people palace.

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang had just returned to the Divine Palace, sitting alone on the Human Emperor's throne, thinking about the gathering with Yang Shenyue Queen just now.

Before Renhuang Liu Qianlang could ponder deeply, he heard the wave of divine breath outside the palace, and someone came.

"The Holy Mother of Linhe came to bother me, I wonder if the emperor can see it conveniently?"

Outside the palace, a middle-aged woman's clear and upright voice said.

When Liu Qianlang heard the voice, he got up immediately, sat down when he saw the shadow of the god, and replied with a salute:

"Senior Linhe, please come in quickly. I usually don't dare to bother Qingxiu to say hello. Today, senior actually came to the palace in person. This junior is flattered. It's so rare to ask for it!"

"Hehe, the emperor is virtuous, kind and upright, and the whole universe admires it. It is good luck for the old man to come and have a look!"

Outside the palace, the Holy Mother of Linhe smiled happily when she heard Liu Qianlang's words, but after a while, she floated into the palace gate on a Jinlin divine fish and floated up to the palace.

"The Holy Mother is so beautiful, please sit on the temple."

Liu Qianlang moved, and quickly walked down the nearly ten thousand steps of the temple, watching the Linhe Virgin, who was wearing a god's clothes that shone like stars and billions of scales, came in on a fish, and said, always maintaining her courtesy.

"The Emperor came down to welcome him. Such courteous treatment made the old man really uneasy. He also asked the Emperor to return to his seat, so that the old man can report on business matters."

The Holy Mother of Linhe, wearing a crown of pearls facing the gods, has beautiful eyes, rich ears and elegant ears, holding a holy white lotus in her right hand, and said with a smile.

"The younger generation should respect Senior Xinglinhe like this. If it weren't for the Holy Mother's shooting body powder to help the Langyuan Shenmen in the past, the Human Sovereign would not exist today.

Qianlang long wished he could become a child prodigy and disciple to serve the Virgin Mary, in order to repay Shengde's kindness in case of emergency.

Now, senior Linhe went up to the hall in person, and the younger generation just went down the stairs to meet him a few steps, just to express his gratitude, which is really not worth mentioning. "

These words of Renhuang Liu Qianlang are all from the heart, without any hypocrisy.

"So, let's sit on the right side of the Emperor's Hall, and sit on the left side of the Laoshen Hall, please, the Emperor!"

"Senior Linhe, please!"

The old and middle-aged saints were polite and modest, before they sat opposite His Highness.

"The Human Emperor is busy with God's work, so I just speak up if I have something to say. I came here to ask the Emperor Enyun to leave the Nine Lotus Shrine."

After the Holy Mother of Linhe sat upright, her eyes were deep and she said.


Liu Qianlang was quite surprised when he heard the words, sighed slightly, and then said with a smile:

"Senior Linhe wants to leave the Nine Lotus Shrine, he can do it at any time, why bother to come in person, he can send Xiaomei and the others to come."

"No! This time, Laoshen's going out of the palace is unusual. He wants to go to the water of Dongmeng, the Misty Realm, to ask for the water of Dongmeng.

This requires the Human Sovereign to notify the Misty Realm Emperor in advance! Therefore, only when the old man comes here in person, can he say this with embarrassment.

Although the old man is deeply in the Linhe Holy Palace, he also knows that the situation of the Infinite Yuan Realm that the Jiulian Shrine is facing is complicated. Recently, there have been dark shadows and false clouds.

At this time, Linhe Sacred Palace's request is really a bit... Sigh! "

When the Holy Mother of Linhe said this, she looked worried and helpless.

"Why, did something happen to Linhe Holy Palace?"

When Renhuang Liu Qianlang heard the words, he was very surprised and asked anxiously.

"To tell you the truth, it is true. Recently, for unknown reasons, all the children and fishes in the Linhe Holy Palace and the Godly Waterfall and God's Pool have lost their spirits and let down their spirits.

Some lin'er are already dying! Now the only thing that can save them is the source river of Our Lady of Liulin River, the water of Dongmeng can save them.

The water of Eastern Mongolia, the god Ren Huanghao and the ancient dragon often played in it, should know its powerful ability to purify soul and poison.

Today, trillions of children are inexplicably poisoned and have no time to analyze it. The water of Dongmeng is the best choice, and it may be the only choice.

So the old man was helpless, so he had no choice but to come here to ask the Emperor to allow the old man to go out of the palace under this complicated situation, and to trouble the Emperor to seek help from the Misty God Realm. "

The Mother of Linhe looked sad, hesitated again and again, shook her head and said.

"Senior Linhe, don't worry, with so many millions of gods at stake, how could Qianlang refuse to agree.

Seniors are asked to return to the palace immediately to prepare for one or two, and the juniors will transmit their spiritual thoughts to the Misty God Realm. Seniors are ready and can set off as soon as possible. The juniors will definitely not let the seniors down.

But please rest assured, the Holy Mother, during the period when the Holy Mother is away, Qianlang will definitely do her best to protect the Linhe Holy Palace and the hundreds of millions of children! "

With the sudden crisis of the Nine Lotus Shrine, Ren Huang Liu Qianlang had no other choice, so he agreed without hesitation.

"Okay! Thank you, Emperor, on behalf of billions of children!"

The Holy Mother of Linhe didn't seem to expect things to go so smoothly, she stood up and saluted, thanking Linren Emperor Liu Qianlang.

"Don't do this, the countless children in Linhe are also the gods of our Langyuan Immortal Sect. It is already a sin for me to not protect myself well. How can I let the Holy Mother do this again?"

Renhuang Liu Qianlang hurriedly bowed back and said.

"I don't want to thank you for your kindness. The old man is gone. I will leave the palace in a while. It is good to ask the emperor to pass the decree to let me go."

The Holy Mother of Linhe was very anxious, so she didn't say any more, leaving these words behind, she was still controlling the divine fish, and a few of them disappeared.

After the Sister of Linhe left, Liu Qianlang felt uneasy for a while, and immediately thought of that dark phantom again.

"Damn it! You're going to attack Linhe Sacred Palace!?"

Renhuang Liu Qianlang concluded intuitively that the danger of the Linhe River must be the masterpiece of the dark phantom again.

However, he didn't have time to think about anything, so he quickly gathered his soul thoughts and wrote the book of soul thoughts, and then with a movement of his thoughts, he opened the soul universe divine way through which he communicated with the Emperor of the Misty Realm, and passed on the meaning of Our Lady of Linhe to the Emperor of the Misty Realm.

After completing this matter, Liu Qianlang hurriedly summoned Supreme God and Qixiang Zhou God to discuss matters in secret.

However, Liu Qianlang did not call him because he was temporarily unable to determine the cause of the jet-black magic light pouring out from the body of the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God.

Not long after, Liu Juan, God of Odd Fragrance, and Supreme Divination God both hurried to the Human Palace.

"Third Brother, what happened? Not long after Third Brother went back, Third Brother summoned us by force?"

Supreme God, black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, sweating profusely, looked at the strange fragrant god Liu Juan who was also confused, and asked the third brother of the emperor.

After hearing the words, Renhuang Liu Qianlang was silent for a while, and told about the sudden visit of the Linhe Virgin to the temple just now.

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