Nine Heavens

Chapter 2750 Crazy Sirius

Sirius Shrine.

It is located in the Yangji Shrine in the middle of the Nine Lotus Shrine, in the north of the Renhuang Palace, opposite to the Qixiang Shrine and the Renhuang Palace.

It is adjacent to the Star Palace in the east and the Sun Moon Palace in the west.

The Heavenly Wolf Shrine is different from other shrines in that it is not an acquired development, but a natural huge dark wolf castle.

As the name suggests, Wolf Castle is a castle where many god wolves live.

But this is not accurate enough. In the dark wolf castle, apart from a large number of three-eyed wolves living there, there are also countless red-haired lions and black-bodied eagles.

They have their own masters, and the master of the divine wolf is the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God. The masters of the gods, lions and eagles are the sworn brothers of Sirius Zhoushen, the lion demon Lu Yuanlang and the eagle demon Feng Yuanlang.

The three gods and beast masters are the side-by-side leaders of this dark wolf castle. Sirius Zhoushen is the elder brother, the lion demon is the second, and the eagle demon Lu Yuanlang is the third younger brother.

Apart from the three masters of the Dark Wolf Fort, they are their own families. Households of lion devils and harpy devils rarely take part in castle affairs.

But the four divine wives of Sirius Zhoushen and the four eagles and foxes are not the case. Ever since they became the divine wives of Sirius Zhoushen, they have been helping their husbands with some of the divine affairs of the Dark Wolf Fort, and they have been doing so until now.

At this moment, the four shadow god foxes sat side by side with the lion demon, and the shadow demon sat opposite each other in the main hall of the Wolf Castle Temple. They all looked nervous and looked quite helpless.

The Four-Shadow God Fox is the Red Shadow, Purple Shadow, Green Shadow and Blue Shadow mentioned above.

The bodies of Hongying and Ziying were originally blue foxes with dark blue body colors, and they got their names because of the colors of their respective eyes.

Lvying and Lanying are also fairy foxes with pure white body color, one has emerald green eyes and the other has blue eyes, hence the names of Lvying and Lanying.

The four of them seemed to be more nervous, with tears in their colorful eyes, a little at a loss.

On the opposite side of them are two tall beastly guys with hideous faces.

One has a huge head, with long fiery red hair on it, red face, cold eyes, tall stature, and a golden fist-sized golden summoning bell in his hand.

The other was skinny, wearing a dark tight suit, with a thin and dry head, but with an eagle beak and a curved nose, and a pair of sharp eyes like a round eagle, holding a small blue flag in his hand.

These two are the Lion Demon Lu Yuanlang and the Eagle Demon Peak Yuanlang.

Although these two were ugly, they were much calmer. The two of them sat upright with calm and focused expressions, as if they were listening to something happening outside the temple.

"Hey! Blame me, blame me! Knowing that my husband loves to practice all kinds of magical and magical arts, I went to Yaoyue Temple to find ancient devils and magical arts from Yuehou Fengmei!"

The blue shadow fox, with barking blue eyes almost weeping, white teeth biting his lips in self-hate.

"Sister Lanying, this is the end of the matter, there's no point in regretting it, and besides, my sister is kind, who knows how the ancient demon magic skill that my sister brought back this time could be so terrifying and alluring.

Husband will be reluctant to stop every time he practices, and will not give up until he is exhausted. What is even more frightening is the practice image of Husband when he is doing exercises, the churning black magic smoke, so scary! "

The green shadow fox, wearing a blue velvet robe, was still very calm when he began to speak, when he suddenly heard a thunderbolt of laughter from his husband in the temple, his hair stood on end.

Her originally soft and beautiful face was suddenly overshadowed.

As she spoke, her body trembled involuntarily, her green eyes were full of horror, and she looked out of the window of the temple behind her from time to time.

Not good, I'm afraid that my husband has entered the state of madness again, Hongying is the most calm one among the four shadow foxes, hearing her husband's crazy laughter, she is about to shoot out of the temple.

"Sister-in-law of Hongying Sirius, wait a minute! Brother Sirius is currently in the peak state of madness. Not only will we not benefit him if we go out, but it will also divide his spiritual thoughts for cultivation, causing damage to his divine essence, and may also harm his soul." Ladies of wolves!"

Lu Yuanlang, the lion demon, got up quickly and shouted salutingly.

"However, if we don't stop him and let him practice like this, more than once, my sister-in-law is really worried that he will die if he fails to succeed!"

Hearing the words, Hong Ying shook her head and sighed, she couldn't bear to cry, feeling sorry for her husband's divine body that was gradually sculpted by the ancient magic skills.

"Sisters-in-law of the four heavenly wolves, please rest, wait for the two of us brothers to go out in stealth, and increase their energy, so that they can reap the rewards as soon as possible this time!"

Seeing that the four sisters-in-law of Sirius were all in a state of anxiety, Yingmofeng Yuanlang glanced at Lu Yuanlang, the lion demon, and instantly shot out of the palace invisibly.


"Will! Will..."

A moment later, the Four Shadows God Fox heard the roar of the god lion and the crisp cry of the god eagle coming from the Heavenly Wolf Palace, that is, the time and space sky of the pitch-black Wolf Fort.

For a moment, the movement of Sirius Zhoushen's cultivation really quieted down.

The four shadows and foxes were overjoyed, and couldn't help but fly out of the inner hall of the Heavenly Wolf Palace hand in hand.



The Four Shadow God Foxes, floating side by side among the clouds and mist in the pitch-black wolf castle, looked down at their husband, Sirius Zhoushen, who was cultivating in the pitch-black demon abyss below.

I saw the heavenly wolf Zhou God, with black and thick smoke billowing, constantly churning and enveloping his divine body from bottom to top, as if the fire of evil smoke was refining him.

The pitch-black magic smoke around him continued to spread around the magic abyss, and he watched the pitch-black god abyss being filled with the pitch-black magic smoke.

However, within a few days, the always strong Sirius Zhoushen had become emaciated.

The appearance of Sirius Zhoushen made Siyingshenhu see it in his eyes and feel pain in his heart. How could he bear to watch it, they couldn't help turning their heads away, and wiped their tears with distress.

"Oh haha, the two demon brothers came just in time, and the Sirius God happens to be short of divine power, so I thank the two brothers for helping me to continue to practice this ancient demon god skill!

Don't worry, after this Sirius God cultivates successfully, he will never treat you badly. The success of this Sirius God is also your success, the success of Langyuan Shenmen and Nine Lotus Shrine! Oh ha ha..."

God Sirius Zhou, wearing a pitch-black robe, swayed and stabilized his bony body in the vast abyss of black magic smoke, felt that the magic lion and eagle were helping him in the dark, and couldn't help but regain his spirit and shouted.

"Brother Tianlang, it doesn't matter if you don't practice the ancient demon god skills. Brother Tai Tianlang has been practicing for several years, and he doesn't see any increase in his divine power. Instead, he consumes his own divine power day by day. The gain outweighs the loss at the beginning!"

The lion demon Lu Yuanlang's scarlet lion hair was flying, knowing that it was meaningless to be invisible, so he simply came out with the eagle demon, fisted and persuaded.

"Ha ha……"

"You guys don't understand this. There is a saying in the ancient demon god's work: if you become a god, you must first lose your form! If you lose your shape, you can change it, and you will succeed!

Isn't it obvious that the method cultivated by Sirius Zhoushen is correct! In order to successfully cultivate this ancient demonic skill, so what if the divine energy is consumed for a while, and the body and spirit are withered.

The failure can be improved, and the miracle will be accomplished! The two brothers are brothers if they can help each other, and they will succeed if they are brothers, haha..."

However, Heavenly Wolf Zhou God is already obsessed with obsession, how could he listen to the advice of lion demon Lu Yuanlang, and laughed back.

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