Nine Heavens

Chapter 2751 Ancient Demon God Art

Heavenly Wolf Zhou God laughed wildly and shook the palace.

Seeing the lion demon Lu Yuanlang and the eagle demon Feng Yuanlang reveal their bodies, they actually soared high, roared and raised their palms, and instantly absorbed the two sworn brothers one by one in front of their bodies, frantically absorbing the divine power of life in their bodies.

"Brother Sirius! Let go quickly, this will kill us!"

The Lion Demon and the Eagle Demon did not expect the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God to behave like this all of a sudden, so they were unable to dodge in time and were accused together.

I saw the divine vitality in their bodies, one with golden light and one with silver light, flickering endlessly in their bodies, traveling through the meridians all over their bodies, and then flowing continuously from their gods into the gods of Sirius Zhou God touching their chests. palm.

Then, the god energy obtained by God Sirius from them quickly entered the meridians of his body. Seeing that the skinny body of God Sirius swelled up in an instant, his eyes were cold, especially the red chaotic eyes on his forehead, What's more, his eyes are like swords, piercing the sky and piercing the clouds, so sharp.

"Two virtuous brothers, don't worry, being a brother is just a use of your life energy. If you die unfortunately, after you become a brother, you will definitely ask the Emperor for help to rebuild your divine body!"

Tianlang Zhoushen sucked faster and faster, and the more he sucked, the happier he was, talking crazily. She has become more powerful, but the lion demon Lu Yuanlang and the eagle demon Feng Yuanlang will be miserable.

But seeing their faces deformed and twitching, hideous and painful, their originally tall bodies, like deflated balls, are rapidly wilting and wailing endlessly.

"Husband! You are sober, that is our brother, hurry up and stop!"

The Four-Shadow God Fox flew out of the Heavenly Wolf Temple, seeing the terrifying scene in front of him, they were all startled suddenly, and forgot their fear, and cast spells one after another to prevent the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God from continuing to absorb the lion demon Lu Yuanlang and the eagle demon peak Yuanlang The Divine Life Energy.

However, just as they practiced the formula and shot four rainbows at their husband one after another, they were instantly drawn to them by the scarlet red pupils of the God of Chaos, the Heavenly Wolf Eternal God.


"Not good! The three younger sisters leave quickly, my husband wants to take our divine life and soul energy!"

Seeing the situation, Hong Ying hurriedly ran a few steps, blocking in front of the three younger sisters, wanting to be alone in danger, and let the three younger sisters behind him leave.

"No! Sister Hongying, we sisters have always lived and died together. Now that your husband has become a demon, how can we sacrifice our sister to live alone!"

Hong Ying had some good intentions, but unexpectedly, Zi Ying, Green Ying and Lan Ying behind him were all desperate at the moment of life and death, and also accelerated to approach, sharing the pain for Hong Ying.

"Three sisters, why are you doing this? If we all die, our children will become motherless children!"

In the blink of an eye, the four shadow gods and foxes were all locked and sucked by the eyes of the gods of chaos, the gods of the sky wolf and the universe. At this moment, none of them could run away, and Hong Ying couldn't help but groaned in pain.


"That's good too. We received kindness from my husband at the beginning, and we have loved him for countless years later. Now it's probably time for us to repay the favor with our lives!"

Amidst the infinite pain, Ziying actually smiled sadly.

"Sister Ziying said well, we can die like this for our husband, and it's a good thing, but we really don't want to part with our child!"

"Husband! Come to your senses and take good care of our four children!"

The four-shadow god fox can be continuously absorbed by the chaotic eyes of the sky wolf god because of the soul of life, all of which are ruined, the beauty is not there, the delicate body shrinks, the face is distorted, and tears are in pain. Looking at her husband, she exhorted him in a faint voice.

"Our child?"

Heavenly Wolf Zhou God seemed to understand Hong Ying's words suddenly, and even temporarily stopped absorbing the life soul power of the four wives, and then his eyes suddenly became very soft, looking down at the four wives.

Seeing this, the four-shadow god fox suddenly lost most of the pain in his body, they couldn't help but turn their sorrow into joy, regardless of the pain just now, they cheered for their husbands.

"Red Shadow, Purple Shadow, Green Shadow, Blue Shadow, why are you here, why don't you go!"

Heavenly Wolf Zhou God seemed to wake up suddenly, and even called out the names of his four beloved wives.

He was very gentle at first, then roared and cursed, and ordered the Four Shadows God Fox to leave.

Hearing the words, Hong Ying immediately understood something, and yelled crisply:

"Sisters, listen to your husband, let's leave quickly!"

While talking, Hong Ying pulled up the three younger sisters and wanted to fly away.

However, before they could turn around, Heavenly Wolf Zhou God suddenly looked stunned again, and in an instant, the eyes of Chaos God shot out blood-like red eyes again, manipulating the four-color eyes of the four beloved wives.


The four shadow foxes uttered a scream almost at the same time, and in their respective eyes, the divine vitality in the soul universe of their minds was absorbed by the husband uncontrollably.


As time passed, the terrifying scene of the Heavenly Wolf Shrine continued.

Heavenly Wolf Zhou God became extremely powerful because he was absorbing the divine energy of the two brothers and the four divine wives at the same time, and continued to growl and practice the ancient demon magic.

And his two brothers and four god wives are about to lose their souls because of the huge consumption of soul life and divine energy.

The Temple of Sirius is filled with the smell of demons and death.

However, Heavenly Wolf Zhou God himself didn't even know that he only had the Ancient Demon God Art in his soul thoughts.

"Ha ha……"

"Sky Wolf Zhou God, well done, Soul Absorbing Magic, Swallowing Gods and Immortals, Seeing Gods and Killing Gods, Seeing Immortals and Immortals! Infinite Element Realm, I am the only one! Haha..."

"Ha ha……"

Sirius Zhoushen, he could always hear a distant and familiar voice manipulating him in his mind, and he couldn't even resist. This voice was laughing wildly, and he couldn't help laughing wildly.

This voice is full of infinite temptation, every word he utters can control the body of Sirius Zhoushen at any time, and he can do whatever he is asked to do.

Heavenly Wolf Zhou God also liked this voice. The two god brothers and four god wives in front of them looked like they were about to die, and their heart ached, but their brains and souls seemed to be empty, and they couldn't cry even if they wanted to.

"Feng Yuanlang, Lu Yuanlang, Hong Yinger..."

The God of Heavenly Wolf Zhou groaned a few times occasionally, then continued to laugh wildly, and continued to do cruel and inhuman things to his brother and beloved wife mercilessly.


The smell of death from the Sirius Shrine continued to spread, until suddenly a white-haired god with flying white robes and a bright red dragon appeared in the sky above the Heavenly Wolf God Cultivation Abyss.

This white-haired god, with a giant palm that could only touch the void, put the dying bodies of the lion demon Lu Yuanlang, the eagle demon peak Yuanlang, and the four-shadow god fox into the palm of his left hand, and then the golden light god in the palm of his right hand Lou Taotao was nourished by the divine light of wisdom for a moment, and then everything returned to normal.

"See Human Emperor!"

Lion Demon Lu Yuanlang, Eagle Demon Peak Yuanlang and Siyingshenhu saw that the Human Emperor had arrived and rescued them, they were all very grateful, and hurriedly floated in the air in the left palm of the Human Emperor to salute.

"You two god brothers and four god sisters-in-law, don't be too polite, it's my emperor who has a bad sense of smell and came late, which made you suffer a lot.

Please enter my sun moon soul universe to nourish and rest for a while, and I will leave this place to me.

Don't worry, with me here, Sirius Zhoushen will be fine. "

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang saw a heart-wrenching scene when he came to Tianlang Zhou Palace from Linhe Sacred Palace. His heart ached so much. After saving the four sisters-in-law and two fellow disciples, he said in a painful voice.

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