Nine Heavens

Chapter 2752 Sirius regrets

"Thank you for the kindness of the Emperor, you must save our husband sober!"

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang was afraid that the sister-in-law foxes and the two gods and demons would be sucked by the God of Heavenly Wolf Zhou again, so he quickly called them into his Sun Moon Soul Zhou.

However, because the Siyingshenhu was worried about the situation of her husband Sirius Zhoushen, when they turned into streamers and entered the Human Emperor's God's eyes, they kept shouting and pleading with the Human Emperor.

"My sisters-in-law, don't worry, the God of Heaven and Wolf is your husband, and a brother who shares life and death with you through thick and thin. My emperor will never let him have trouble!"

Liu Qianlang was calm and calm, while responding to the words of the four Heavenly Wolf sisters-in-law, while manipulating the vast ancient god scroll golden building in his hand, injecting the mighty wave of golden light and divine wisdom into the abyss of cultivation of the Heavenly Wolf God.

With the engulfing pressure of the golden light wave, the pitch-black magic smoke in Shenyuan was gradually fading, and the state of Sirius Zhoushen venting the magic smoke from his body was also weakening.

Because of this, the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God slowly regained his light and sanity, and saw the brother Renhuang who was manipulating the God Scroll Golden Tower to cleanse himself of mana with blank hair fluttering above him, and shouted sadly:

"Lead the waves! Yuanfang can't stand you, for the sake of the safety of the Nine Lotus Shrine, kill Yuanfang quickly.

Otherwise, Dark Wolf Castle will suffer, and Langyuan Shenmen will be in chaos because of me! "

"Far away! Don't talk nonsense, we have never experienced such a catastrophe, you are just being framed by other gods, and you are practicing Poison Gu Demon Art.

As long as Qianlang cleanses the demonic Gu for you, you will be fine if you stop practicing this abominable ancient demon magic skill. "

When Liu Qianlang heard the words and saw his bony brother again, his heart ached and he said in a deep voice.

"It turns out that Qianlang knew about the scandal in the distance!?"

The pitch-black magic smoke outside the body of Sirius Zhou God gradually disappeared, his sanity completely returned to normal, blood and tears of repentance fell from his chaotic eyes on his forehead, and he said in pain.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang didn't rush to answer, but asked:

"Yuanfang, when did you start practicing this kind of ancient devil art, and where did you get the magic art?"

"Yuan Fang is ashamed, he has practiced for 80,000 to 90,000 years. All the magic formulas he practiced were given to the four sister-in-laws by Fengmei from Yaoyue Palace.

Your four sister-in-laws know that I love to practice all kinds of supernatural and magical skills, so every time I go to the Sun Moon God, I will ask the queen for all kinds of supernatural and magical skills.

Therefore, these magical arts and divine formulas practiced in the distance all come from the Sun Moon God Palace. "

As if he couldn't control his own consciousness all the time, Sirius Zhoushen spoke quickly while he was awake for a moment.

"Well! Yuanfang, don't be discouraged, Qianlang has already understood the true source of this ancient demon magic power. However, it is meaningless for us to explore this.

The most important thing now is that Qianlang must wipe out all the soul-controlling demons in your body, and then return to normal! "

Liu Qianlang looked resolute, and continued to push the golden scroll, and said.

"It's useless, Qianlang! I have tried countless times. Every time I try to gather my own divine energy and destroy them, I get them stronger.

The more powerful they are, the more insane I will become, and then I will lose my mind and do many things that I can't control.

In order not to let Yuan Fang commit any more crimes, Yuan Fang begs the Emperor to kill me! "

As the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God spoke, he looked around at his own pitch-black Wolf Fort time and space, with a look of infinite reluctance, and wept.

"Yuanfang said that you have done many evil things, do you remember them all?"

Liu Qianlang was taken aback for a moment, and asked.

"I don't know myself, but there is always a weird voice in the distant soul universe, and it is that weird voice that is manipulating me, making me unable to control myself!

That voice doesn't always appear, sometimes it's a man's voice, sometimes it's a woman's voice.

As long as he speaks, Yuanfang will immediately lose himself after receiving his order, and he will be in a trance, let him control him, and then don't know what he has done.

I once heard him laugh wildly and say that I often go in and out of the Nine Lotus Shrine, committing crimes and doing evil, the outer sea is critical, and the internal harm is caused by the waves of the gods.

Not long ago, Yuan Fang sneaked into the Linhe Holy Palace secretly, and cast the poison of divine light and soul swallowing in the countless divine river waterfalls in the Linhe Holy Palace. "

Heavenly Wolf Zhou God, regretting himself sadly, choked up and said.

"Hmph! He's so vicious, it turns out that's the case.

Far away, don't be fooled again. Everything he said was not done by you, he did it himself, and then came to confuse your sanity and frame you.

Then, he will ask you to practice the ancient magic art of cute Gu, to be his substitute, and to get rid of his crimes in the future. "

"How do you know!?"

"Because of his divine ability. Looking at the entire Nine Lotus Shrine, Langyuan Shenmen, no one except him can have such a fast movement. It is impossible for him to be far away, and it is difficult for the Emperor Shenzhi himself to do it at that time.

So, how could there be that dark shadow in the distance. Since the distance is not, how can you do those evil things? "

"It's really not me, so why does he need to use the ancient magic skill to frame me?"

"Of course it's necessary, you can use the powerful divine power of Sirius Zhou God to kill fellow sects.

Just like just now, if I hadn't sensed something strange here and shot here quickly, the four sisters of Sirius and the two demons of lion and shadow would have been wiped out long ago. "

"Qianlang means that he deliberately dedicated the ancient demon magic power to your four sister-in-law foxes through Feng'er's hand?"

"Yes, that's true!"

"Doesn't that mean that Fengmei was also poisoned by him!"

"Yuanfang, it seems that your divine wisdom is not completely lost, what you said is absolutely right.

Not only you and Fengmei, but many shrines in Langyuan Shenmen have been murdered by him.

Linhe Holy Palace is indeed one of them, and Qianlang just came from there. "

Liu Qianlang nodded and said.

"Then, those children of Linhe River are still alive. That voice told me that before long, there will be only magic water in Linsheng Palace, and there will be no righteous spirit Shenhe Waterfall!"

Heavenly Wolf Zhou God was still very kind and benevolent deep in his heart, and said very worriedly.

"It's fine for the time being, Qianlang uses the Yin-Yang Gym, the Sun Moon Stove and the 99,999 Dragon Balls to clear Ninglinhe Holy Palace and protect them.

Once the Lady of Linhe went to the water of Dongmeng and hated the water of Dongmeng and came back, she used the water of Dongmeng to wash the rivers and waterfalls. After all the waters of the rivers and waterfalls are purified, they will be fine. "

In order to alleviate the guilt of Sirius Zhoushen, Liu Qianlang did not mention the fact that some children had unfortunately disappeared.

"Water of Eastern Mongolia!?"

Heavenly Wolf God repeated Liu Qianlang's words in a daze, his voice became more and more strange, and suddenly he laughed wildly:

"Haha... giggle..."

"Do you think that the water of Eastern Mongolia can be snatched casually? Don't say whether the Emperor of the Misty Realm is willing to give it to you.

Even if he is willing, this bloody woman will not let you succeed!

Hee hee... Quack..."

Seeing the sudden change of Sirius Zhoushen, Liu Qianlang's expression became condensed, and he once again urged the golden scroll to make Tao Tao Jin Guanghui swallow towards the cultivation abyss of Sirius Zhoushen to prevent him from falling into a mad state again.

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