Nine Heavens

Chapter 2758 Phantom of the Remnant World

Skeleton Remnant World.

There was a vast mist of bright red blood all around, and in the vast mist of blood, there were two phantoms floating.

Of these two phantoms, one is crouched and red as blood, sitting cross-legged in the blood mist.

From a distance, it should be an old woman in terms of her posture.

Another phantom, tall and mighty, stood upright behind the old woman, and his body was also glistening with blood.

In the remnant world of the skeleton, in the hole of the skeleton, there is a blood mist bubbling non-stop. The two ghosts have been eerily silent in the blood mist like this, it seems that it has been a long time.

The blood mist is erratic, and the ghost looms.

Suddenly, the rickety phantom jerked forward, and with a wow sound, a column of blood spurted out from its mouth.


The tall and mighty specter suddenly floated in front of the old woman, looking at the thick blood mist in front of the old woman, she exclaimed.

"Hmph! What's the fuss, it's just that the one-thought demon soul of this great mage who invaded the Nine Lotus Temple, the heavenly wolf, the god, and the soul, was killed by that boy of the emperor!"

The old woman sneered.


The tall phantom sighed slightly, and then said:

"Going out of control of the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God is a small matter, the archmage must take care of his body, we have every chance to deal with the Nine Lotus Shrine.

Not only did Yuandu use the blue-gold snake demon's blue-gold demon to infect the Nine Lotus Shrine according to the arrangement of the great mage.

Yuan Du heard that Emperor Jiulian Shenguang is stepping up his planning and preparations to attack the Nine Lotus Shrine!

Also, please don't care about that human emperor Liu Qianlang's elation for a while, the Nine Lotus Shrine will be a realm of death sooner or later! "

"Stop yelling! How to attack the Nine Lotus Shrine, you need a demon slave to talk nonsense.

Hurry up and shut your stinking mouth, the matter of the Nine Lotus Shrine does not need your attention for the time being.

You only need to use the method of stealing the magic skill of the bell of death and the god of death, and the most important thing is to learn to control the second bell of the universe as soon as possible! Get out! "

The Bloody Demon Hui was very frustrated. After spurting blood, she became angry and scolded.

"Yes! Archmage Sheng'an, let's just recede the primordial poison."

Yuan Du Ouyang Langlong cursed secretly in his heart, you old woman is crazy and a bird, in the future Yangshen will make you look good.

However, after thinking about it, Yuandu Ouyang Langlong was still in an inferior posture on the surface, bowed to the bloody woman Mohui and said goodbye, and flew away on the dragon.

"where are you going?"

Seeing that Yuandu Talong was about to leave, Mohui Xuemao asked coldly.

"Of course, follow the instructions of the great mage, such as exploring how to control the second bell of the universe!"

When Yuandu Ouyang Langlong turned to leave, he was still showing respectful salute one second, then raised his chest and raised his head the next second, stepped on the red blood demon and shot towards the sky above the skeleton remnant world.

Standing high above the head of the blood demon god dragon among the clouds and mist in the sky, he replied faintly.

"Huh! It's good to know, but before that, you should immediately go to the water of Dongmeng, the Misty God Realm, and see if the red gold and green gold snake boa soul-eating array of the great mage have successfully stopped the stars Jiuying's plan to go there to ask for water."

Mohui Xuemao still kept her cross-legged posture without turning her head, her blood eyes kept staring in the direction of Nine Lotus Shrine, and said with a sneer.

"Yes! Yuan Du takes orders! Yuan Du goes immediately!"

Yuan Du heard the words, the posture of stepping on the dragon remained unchanged, his aloofness was abnormal, he never looked back, he responded.


After Yuan Du left the world of skeletons and remnants, Mohui Xuema coughed a lot, her expression full of surprise, and she sighed slightly.

"The blue-gold snake demon has seen the archmage!"

At this time, a dark blue magic light suddenly shot out in front of the bloody woman Mohui.

The magic light came close to Bloody Mohui's body, stopped suddenly, and began to coil around. It turned out that Bloody Mohui's blue-gold snake demon walking stick turned into a snake demon.

"Well! Sure enough, you didn't disappoint the great mage. Although the great mage lost a soul, you have returned safely. Continue to help me!"

The bloody woman Mohui adjusted her breath, and said relievedly after her breathing was even.

"The blue-gold snake demon is not afraid of life and death for the great mage's future great achievements. Just now, Lan Jin managed to escape to the skeleton and remnant world at the speed of forgetting death.

However, Archmage, there is terror in the mind of God Sirius Zhou.

Although the Heavenly Wolf God is the God of Light in the Nine Lotus Shrine, except that he is still the Great God of Light except for the core of wisdom and the extreme soul of his mind, none of the magical skills he has cultivated is the unique knowledge of light.

On the contrary, the magical skills he practiced were all magical skills from the demon world, and the Human Sovereign's understanding of this was limited.

Otherwise, today, the Blue-Gold Snake Demon might die! "

The blue-gold snake demon replied quickly.

"After my soul and body died, what did you go through, did they notice that you sneaked away, and what did those vile wolf demons and that tiger demon say?"

The Mohui Blood Woman and the Blue-Gold Snake Demon have cooperated tacitly for so many times, so they asked one after another.

"How could they fail to notice you with their divine power! However, it is the golden snake demon's skill to pretend to be incomplete.

However, what the wolf king and the white-faced tiger king said, the blue golden snake demon didn't hear at all.

In other words, even if they said something, it must be through the sound transmission of the soul, how could the blue golden snake demon hear it?

However, when the Benlan Golden Snake Demon fled hastily, he still took the opportunity to examine the situation of the Human Sovereign, the Wolf King and the White-faced Tiger King.

The white-faced tiger king did not appear suddenly, but was invited by Mancang wolf king a long time ago, and they wanted to work together to kill the demon soul body of the great mage.

However, they planned Zhou Xiang, but they didn't expect that the emperor Liu Qianlang would suddenly appear, thus disrupting their plan.

From the whole process, the words and deeds of the countless three-eyed mad wolves who accepted the advice of the great mage and wanted to deal with the emperor were all illusions made by their partnership, and they deliberately agreed to you on the surface!

In fact, their real intention is to completely wipe out your soul and body.

Then, if the guess is correct, they will further cleanse the blue-gold demonic poison in the mind and soul of the God of Heaven Wolf Zhou! "

The blue-gold snake demon said with a twinkle in its two equally blood-red and weird eyes.

"It seems that the great mage underestimated them. If we had known that they were so intelligent, we should have arranged them more cleverly before we poisoned them!

The reason why our plan to kill Emperor Liu Qianlang failed when we took advantage of the killing of Sirius Zhoushen this time, is in the final analysis due to our negligence, and we should not underestimate them! "

Regardless of the internal injuries in her body, Mohui bloodwoman concluded according to the words of the blue-gold snake demon.

"Yeah, we didn't take advantage of this time, and we won't take revenge on our enemies. I don't know if the Archmage has a plan for the next step. How can we avenge this shame!"

The blue golden snake demon's huge azure blue snake nodded, sighed, and then asked.

"Well! Let's return to your position for the time being. What is the next step? This great mage needs to go to the Shenguang Yuanjie and discuss it with Emperor Shenguang."

Mohui Xuemao stared at the blue-gold snake demon for a while, and said.

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