Nine Heavens

Chapter 2759 Sirius Rescued

"Well, if the archmage has something to do, just summon the blue-gold snake demon at any time."

The blue-gold snake demon nodded in agreement, then straightened up and condensed, and instantly regained the appearance of the blue-gold snake-headed crutch, and flew to the side of the bloody woman Mohui.

The bloody woman Mohui originally planned to adjust her breath first, but she coughed a few times, stepped on the blue gold snake head crutch, held the dark magic sun in her hand, and shot in the direction of the divine light Yuanjie.

Sirius Zhou Palace.

Liu Qianlang entered Sirius Zhou Shensoul Zhou, and with the help of the white-faced tiger king's soul body, forced away the demon soul of Mohui blood woman, subdued and counter-controlled the blue gold snake demon, and shot Sirius Zhou Shensoul Zhou.

At this moment, Renhuang Liu Qianlang was sitting cross-legged with Sirius Zhoushen face to face, palms facing each other, and Renhuang Liu Qianlang was continuously supplementing the light divine energy for Sirius Zhoushen.

The spirit body of the white-faced tiger king was dressed in a pitch-black robe, and stood aside, not leaving in a hurry, but summoned the flesh body to protect them silently.

The souls of Mancang Wolf King and countless wolf brothers and brothers did not come out, but closely guarded the master's heavenly wolf spirit, in case the demon Hui Xuemao or the blue gold snake demon, the original poison invaded again.

The white-faced tiger king looked at the two Langyuan holy gods in front of him with admiration in his eyes.

At the same time, it also contains a hundred thousand anxious colors.

He secretly said in his heart:

Don't worry, Master, you will be fine with elder brothers like Renhuang and Sirius Zhoushen. We will rescue you immediately after Renhuang heals the soul wound for Sirius Zhoushen!

It turned out that the reason why the white-faced tiger king suddenly appeared in the soul universe of Sirius Zhou God was definitely not what the blue-gold snake demon speculated.

Instead, after returning to Yaoyue Divine Palace, Cheng Shifeng suddenly felt confused. His bright and clear soul was being swallowed by the inexplicable soul poison given to him by her husband, Yang God, and he was about to lose himself.

Because Yuehou has been worried about her elder brother Sirius Zhoushen's divine body, and because she has been used by her husband Yang Langlong many times before to provide her elder brother with many ancient demon gods and poisonous formulas, so she ignored her own pain and forced the white-faced tiger The king's soul body enters the heavenly wolf universe, the divine soul universe.

The white-faced tiger king is required to protect the mind and soul of his elder brother, Sirius Zhoushen, and the soul of Zhoushen, in case his elder brother changes magically.

Therefore, the spirit body of the white-faced tiger king suddenly broke into the sky wolf Zhou Shenhun Zhou, and happened to encounter the scene of the confrontation between the emperor Liu Qianlang and the wolf king Mancang.

Of course, the Mancang Wolf King is not stupid. It knew that its master had been invaded by the Bloody Demon Hui and Yuan Poison, so it led all the wolf brothers and brothers in the Dark Wolf Castle to break into the soul of the master. The master, the soul of the wolf, wants to find an opportunity to kill or expel the demon soul poison of the demon Hui Xuepo and the blue-gold snake.

They weren't sure enough to be able to expel the poison of the Demon Hui Blood Woman and the Blue Gold Snake Demon Soul, because the other party was too powerful.

Therefore, their bottom line is to protect the master's heavenly wolf spirit, and it is enough to ensure that the master soul of the main body does not get lost.

As for the future, their plan is to seek help from the Human Emperor after stabilizing the spirit of the master Sirius.

What they didn't expect was that at the critical moment, this step came ahead of time, not only the white-faced tiger king spirit body came to help, but also the human emperor dragon soul body unexpectedly came without an appointment.

This brought tears to the eyes of the Mancang Wolf King at that time, but in order to ensure the absolute success of retaining the master, the Mancang Wolf King's soul sent voice transmission to all the wolf brothers and the white-faced Tiger King and directed a fake scene of a tiger-wolf battle.

In this way, Huangliu led the waves to deal with the bloody witch like a lightning bolt, without a bigger battle of soul and universe, and the greater destruction of the god and soul of the sky wolf Zhou was avoided.


Human Emperor Liu Qianlang's palms are filled with light divine energy, as if his body is a vast expanse of water. palm.

The two holy gods sit upright like majestic divine peaks, and the waves in their palms are just like the divine stream between the two peaks.

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang, white hair fluttering, divine robe fluttering, complexion condensed and resolute.

The withered body of the Heavenly Wolf God, because the Heavenly Wolf Soul accepted the vast divine power of light injected by the Human Emperor Liu Qianlang, is constantly recovering and growing stronger, and the gloomy expression gradually becomes radiant.

The chaotic eyes that had dimmed on his forehead continued to become brighter and sharper. His expression changed from pain to more and more calm, more and more powerful!

years later.

"Qianlang, you saved me again, the world is separated, Yuanfang is a demon, you detoxified Yuanfang in Cangya, and let Yuanfang meet his parents and sister.

Now, if you spend more soul energy to build a body for Yuanfang's righteous soul, Yuanfang's two apologies will not repay the Holy Grace, and Yuanfang will be ashamed! "

After Sky Wolf Zhou God completely recovered his soul and body, he opened his eyes.

He looked at his brother Ren Huangliu Qianlang, who had been sweating profusely for several years, exhausted because of his frenzied healing of soul injuries, and said with gratitude, heartache and tears.

"Why did Yuan Fang say that, you and I have been close friends since childhood, half of Qianlang's life belongs to Yuan Fang, and half of Yuan Fang's life belongs to Qian Lang.

The holy peace in the distance, the peace in the distance; the pain in the distance, so is the wave. Our brothers are united, we share weal and woe, we don't talk about apologizing, we only encourage each other.

Hehe, it is rare for Yuanfang to cry and cry, so let's put it away, let alone, Yuanfang looks really ugly when he cries! "

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang saw that his brother Sirius Zhoushen had finally returned to his original state, so he was so anxious that he stopped urging him, and smiled wearily.

"Am I crying, Qianlangxiu is going to talk nonsense, never have you ever cried in the distance!"

Seeing that his brother was already exhausted, but intentionally teasing himself, Heavenly Wolf Zhou God felt even more distressed, but he also said with a rare amusing smile.

"Congratulations to Heavenly Wolf Zhou God, not only has his body recovered, but his magical powers and abilities have even taken advantage of the Emperor's chance to heal his wounds, and his strength has reached a new peak.

However, can the White-faced Tiger King please go to the Yaoyue Palace..."

The white-faced Tiger King finally survived until the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God opened his eyes and couldn't help talking, but he saw that the emperor Liu Qianlang was quite tired, and he hesitated to speak.

However, Renhuang Liu Qianlang only heard half of what the White-faced Tiger King wanted to say, and guessed it, so he suddenly got up and asked in surprise:

"Feng'er, she also..."

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang couldn't bear to say the following, with a solemn expression, he suddenly looked at the White Faced Tiger King.

"Yes, after the two holy gods, Yang God Ouyang Langlong secretly left the Nine Lotus Shrine, the master knew what he was about to face!

Master hated himself for harming Heavenly Wolf God, and mourned and suffered for a long time, and then..."

The White Faced Tiger King wept and told how he came to Dark Wolf Fort and entered Sirius Zhou Shenhun Zhou.

"Not good, Yuanfang! Let's go to Yaoyue Shrine quickly, Qianlang is worried that with Feng'er's character, she will do something stupid!"

After hearing the words of the White-faced Tiger King, Renhuang Liu Qianlang turned pale with shock.


Regarding the character of his younger sister Cheng Shifeng, as his own brother, Cheng Yuanfang, the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God, would not understand, his expression also changed drastically, and his heart sank, and he responded.

Then, the two Holy Gods of Waves and the White-faced Tiger King were already galloping in the clouds and mist of the Heavenly Wolf Palace in the next second.

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