Nine Heavens

Chapter 2764 Five Poison Evil Emperor

The water of Eastern Mongolia, misty cloud pool.

The Misty God Realm rises, and the state of the world is vast.

The state characteristics of the Misty God Realm are precisely due to the water of Eastern Mongolia, the foundation of the God Realm.

Looking at the Misty God Realm from the distant time and space in the Infinite Element Realm, there is a 100,000 huge blue vortex of divine mist.

And at this moment, two vortices are also floating in the space-time part of the seven trillion gods to the west of the huge blue vortex in the Misty God Realm.

One is a vortex of pitch-black magic smoke, and the other is a vortex of thousands of colors and thousands of golems.

They are not as huge as the blue vortex formed by the Misty God Realm, but they are a thousand times, ten thousand times more terrifying than the peaceful Misty God Realm.

The vortex of pitch-black magic smoke, like a roaring demon mandrill, seems to be baring its teeth and claws.

The vortex of thousands of goblins looks even more weird from a distance. Not only is its shape indeterminate and unpredictable, but it also emits all kinds of terrifying sounds of evil ghosts and ghosts, magical and infiltrating!

And in the center of these two terrifying vortexes, the God of Waves, who was firmly trapped in the two Nine Lotus Shrines.

Trapped in the vortex of pitch-black magic smoke are nine young gods dressed in white robes and stepping on divine cauldrons.

A dignified and beautiful middle-aged goddess wearing a dress of billions of scales and glittering neon clothes is trapped in the whirlpool of thousands of golems.

They are the nine infants of the stars and the Holy Mother of Linhe who came to Misty God Realm to obtain the water of Dongmeng.

Unfortunately, they were trapped halfway by the cosmic body demon soul array arranged in advance by Emperor Shenguang.

The so-called magic smoke vortex just now is actually the Heihei Realm Emperor, and the vortex of thousands of demon elephants is the Luoxiang Realm Emperor.

The two Demon Emperors appeared here because they were sent by Emperor Shenguang to prevent the Nine Infants of the Stars and Our Lady of Linhe from going to the Misty God Realm to obtain the water of Eastern Mongolia.

Because they were afraid of the strength of the Nine Infants of the Stars and the Virgin of Linhe, the two demon emperors had no choice but to use their housekeeping skills and use their own Demon God Cosmic Body to form an array, trapping the Nine Infants of the Stars and the Virgin of Linhe.

Of course, their choice was successful, the cosmic body ink soul formation, with their own cosmic body as the formation.

The mind and soul are bewitched, the universe is ever-changing, and there are no rules. Even the mighty God of Light can hardly control the method of this formation. It is not surprising that he is besieged.

"Ha ha……"

In the scene where the Nine Infants of the Stars and the Mother of Linhe were trapped, in the Shenguang Yuanjie, which was far away from countless trillions of gods, the Emperor Shenguang was bending over and looking at the magical blood fog microscopic mirror in the center of the hall.

The scene that appeared in the blood mist ring microscope is exactly what was mentioned above.

Emperor Shenguang looked up and laughed when he saw that the Emperor of the Dark Realm and the Emperor of the Luoxiang Realm had successfully stopped the progress of the Nine Children of the Stars and the Holy Mother of the Linhe River from advancing to the Misty God Realm and asking for the water of Dongmeng.


"Congratulations to Emperor Shenguang, the Nine Lotus Shrine is definitely over this time! It doesn't matter if the wolf Zhou God is lucky, as long as we successfully block any God of Waves from the Nine Lotus Shrine from going to the Misty God Realm to obtain the water of Eastern Mongolia, Nine Lotus Shrine will soon perish!

Don't you think so, uh? The good demon slave of this demon Hui blood woman, Yuan Du'er! "

Wearing a blood-red demon robe, with a pale pleated face, a hunched body, a single pupil, and black and red intersecting eyes, the demon Hui blood woman bent over and raised her head, holding a blue-gold snake-headed crutch in her hand, and said with a sinister smile, showing her white and evil teeth .

When she spoke, she purposely looked sideways at Yuan Du Ouyang Langlong.

"Yes! The Archmage's ingenious plan, using the poison of the blue-gold snake demon to poison the Nine Lotus Shrine, is really brilliant.

Emperor Shenguang has not yet dispatched a demon and a demon, but with the wisdom of the great mage alone, he will destroy the Nine Lotus Shrine!

Great mage! sharp! Yuan Du is really admired and convinced! "

Yuandu Ouyang Langlong, who was standing beside the Bloody Mohui, heard what the Bloody Mohui said, and quickly praised her.

"Well, the Archmage really did not disappoint Emperor Shenguang. The Nine Lotus Shrine has not yet established itself in the infinite realm, so we wiped it out so quickly.

The Archmage really deserved it! And the great mage really has foresight, he was able to demonize a holy god Yang God from Nine Lotus Shrine to do things for our Divine Light Yuanjie!

Now that Emperor Shenguang thinks about it, he still feels unbelievable. I don’t know how the great mage did it. If Yuan Poison is good, he doesn’t do it. He doesn’t want to be a beautiful wife. ! ? "

Emperor Shenguang thought that the Nine Lotus Shrine was doomed, and the overall situation was like this, so he didn't hide his words. In front of Yuandu Ouyang Langlong, he asked Xuema Mohui.

"Oh, that's what Emperor Shenguang asked. In fact, this question couldn't be simpler, and it was just solved by the magician's ingenious magic.

This great mage was able to turn the Yang God of the Nine Lotus Shrine into the primordial poison of our Divine Light Yuan Realm, thanks to the Dark Realm Emperor and Luo Xiang Realm Emperor, without their poisoning and damage to the body of the Minglian God Venerable, There is no such thing as the ingenious transformation of the original poison by the great mage. "

The bloody woman of Mohui became more and more mysterious, and she only talked for a few minutes, which made Emperor Shenguang very anxious. On the throne of Emperor Shenguang, he squinted his eyes and leaned over, quite curiously said:

"Appreciate further details!"


Before she spoke, Mohui Xuemao couldn't help laughing like a crow, and then said:

"When Emperor Shenguang used the Dark Realm Emperor, the Luo Xiang Realm Emperor, the Death Realm Emperor, the Disease and Evil Realm Emperor, and the Elder Realm Emperor, the five evil emperors failed to invade the body of Minglian God Venerable.

Although the Death Realm Emperor, the Evil Disease Realm Emperor and the Old Age Realm Emperor fell, the Dark Realm Emperor and Luo Xiang Realm Emperor fled back to Emperor Shenguang.

However, there are still remnants of the five evil poisonous elements they left in the body of the God of Minglian, especially the dark primordial poison and Luo Xiangyuan poison.

These toxins have been scattered in the body of the God of Waves in the Nine Lotus Shrine before. Because they are too scattered, they almost seem to be absent, so the Nine Lotus Shrine is naturally the world of the God of Light.

However, when the great mage transferred all the five evil poisons to the Dao Yang God Ouyang Langlong through the magic sun magic method, the Yang God Ouyang, who has always been one of the holy gods of light in the Nine Lotus Shrine, naturally became a prime minister who did all kinds of evil. poison!

Of course, the reason why this great mage chose the Yang God Ouyang Langlong instead of other Langyuan Immortal Gods for poisoning was due to the special relationship between Yang God and Human Emperor.

Our purpose is to destroy the Nine Lotus Shrine, eliminate the Waves of the Light, and poisoning the Yang God will be more helpful to us.

This is because between Yangshen and Renhuang, one is the wave essence of Haogu Shenlang, and the other is the shadow of the wave essence.

There are some natural differences and rebellions between them, and this archmage has modified them a little, and that is the eternal jealousy and hatred! The shadow's hatred for Splash Essence!

Quack... How interesting it is to use the shadow of Renhuang Liu Qianlang to poison his Nine Lotus Shrine in chaos.

If things go smoothly, if Yuan Du can personally kill Emperor Liu Qianlang, how perfect it would be! quack……"

The bloody Mohui woman trembled unscrupulously and smiled, causing blood to fly all over her body.

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