Nine Heavens

Chapter 2765 Yin Yang Demon Dragon

"Oh I got it!

The great mage is worthy of being the ancestor of Mohui in the realm of cute demons in the ancient Yuanzhou, which is very amazing. Transforming the God of Light in the Nine Lotus Shrine into the Demon God of our Realm in this way is truly unprecedented, and there will be no future god! "

The Emperor of the Divine Light Realm, the whole body is full of streamers, dazzling like a dream, because of the great achievements of the divine light, countless lights intertwine and shine, making it even more unpredictable.

Hearing the words of the bloody woman Mohui, Emperor Shenguang clapped his hands and sighed.

"The chaos in the Nine Lotus Shrine has already begun, and if my master's predictions are correct, the owner of the Nine Lotus Shrine, Huang, will soon be unbearable and will go out to the Misty God Realm to obtain the water of Eastern Mongolia.

The Great Master Ben is watching closely. As soon as he leaves the Nine Lotus Shrine, Emperor Shenguang will use Mingzu's trick to attack secretly.

We took advantage of the time when they were poisoned and in trouble, broke into the Nine Lotus Shrine, slaughtered as much as we wanted, and made people homeless after Huang Liu led the waves back, quack..."

Mohui Xuepo thought about the situation of Nine Lotus Shrine in the near future according to the plan she designed to destroy Nine Lotus Shrine.

Just as she was smiling evilly, a phantom floated out of the blue-gold snake-headed crutch she was holding in her right hand.

This phantom is very faint, and it would be difficult for any fairy to feel it casually without concentrating on it.

This phantom is exactly the shape of the snake body of the blue-gold snake demon itself. With great care, it slowly disappeared into the corner of the Shenguang Emperor's Palace, and then shot out of the Shenguang Emperor's Palace like lightning.

"Hmm! Great Master Shen Hui! This poisoning of the Nine Lotus Shrine, we must first thank the Great Master for his strategic planning, and second, we must thank the two powerful gods, Yuan Poison and the Blue Gold Snake Demon!

This Emperor Shenguang is a Realm Emperor who distinguishes between rewards and punishments. In the future, the great mage will be promoted to be the bloody woman of Shenguang, the honorable great mage of Shenguang!

Ranked first among the palace ministers, free to enter and leave the Shenguang Emperor's Palace, no palace ceremony is required, any civil servant or military minister in the Shenguang Yuan Realm can be dispatched at any critical moment, control the divine law, and have the privilege of killing first and playing later!

Promote Yuandu to the God of Demon Yang in our Shenguang Yuanjie, and control the time of day and night in the Shenguang Yuanjie!

The Blue-Gold Snake Demon contributed a lot this time. He used his instinctive Yuan Poison to harm the Nine Lotus Shrine, and he is honored as the Blue-Gold Poison King. From now on, he will be the commander of all the poisoned gods and generals in the Divine Light Yuan Realm! "

Emperor Shenguang was in a good mood when he thought that the Nine Lotus Shrine would be destroyed, and said generously.

"Master Shenguang, thank you Emperor Shenguang!"

"Thank you, God of Magic Sun, Emperor Shenguang!"

Hearing about the reward, Shenguang Xuepo and Moyang God hurriedly knelt down to receive the order.

However, the blue-gold snake demon in Shenguang Xuemao's hand remained as it was, without any reaction.


Shenguang bloody woman was very surprised, and quickly looked sideways.

However, at this moment, the blue-gold snake-headed crutch suddenly flashed with magic light, and immediately turned into a young demon god with old skin and old skin wearing a blue magic robe, stepped forward and knelt down, and shouted loudly:

"The Poison King Lanjin received the order. Thank you, Emperor Shenguang, for your love! Just now, Lanjin consumed too much energy to poison the Nine Lotus Shrine, and was currently recovering energy to practice. I couldn't receive the order in time. I hope that Emperor Shenguang will include it!"

"Ha ha……"

"Lanjin Poison King, there is no need to explain, you can guess the truth without mentioning me. What a powerful existence of light and power the Nine Lotus Shrine is. Complete the complete detoxification and poisoning, it will be difficult for you!

If the Shenguang Yuanjie is as loyal and hardworking as you, why worry about the Infinite Yuanjie not being unified! Blue Gold Poison King, please stand up.

In the future, you will no longer be the weapon of the demon god of the great master Shenguang, but you will be promoted to the palace, and become a minister on an equal footing with all the demon palaces present! "

Emperor Shenguang felt that Master Shenguang's plan to play with the Poison Society Nine Lotus Shrine was too beautiful, so Shenguang narrowed his eyes and had a similar and even bigger plan in his heart.

Then, the next plan needs a god of poison and poison like the blue-gold poison king, so he did not hesitate to limit the level of the demon god, and promoted the blue-gold poison demon among the magic weapons to the god of the demon temple.

Although the demon gods in the hall were extremely surprised, they had to acquiesce because the blue and gold poison kings had indeed contributed a lot to poisoning and messing up the Nine Lotus Shrine.

Of course, there are also those who are unhappy, among them the Great Master Shenguang Xuepo Benmo is like this.


"Emperor Shenguang is generous, heroic and courageous, even the little blue-gold Poison Demon Staff of this Archmage has been blessed!

But in the future, besides the dark magic sun in his hand, which can be used for divination, he doesn't even have a convenient magic horse. "

Although he was unhappy, Master Shenguang Xuepo couldn't speak bluntly, so he couldn't help laughing awkwardly.

"Hehe, that's true. But don't worry about it, Great Master Shenguang. The Emperor Shenguang has already thought of this. What do you think it is?"

Emperor Shenguang nodded slightly, raised his left hand to stroke his beard, and then suddenly waved his palm high into the sky of the temple.

I saw the fingertips of his magic palm suddenly ejected black or white mystical and magical light threads.

Those mystical and magical threads of light, as thick as spider webs, like worms, first moved in parallel to the sky high in the temple, and then intertwined and entangled...


After a while, those black and white demonic light threads turned into miniature dragons, split left and right, the left half of the body was white, and the right half of the body was black.

The black and white little dragon, although small in size, roared louder than thunder, roaring unceasingly, shaking the temple, black smoke bubbling all over his body, white mist billowing, and lightning bolts popping on his body at the same time.


"Yin-Yang Demon Dragon!"

Seeing it, the bloody woman of Shenguang saw that on the pale devil's face, within the single pupil, jet black and bright red pupils flashed alternately, and howled in surprise.

"Ha ha……"

"Exactly, this Emperor Shenguang promised you a long time ago that he would gather the soul of your Haogu demon pet, the Yin-Yang Demon Dragon.

Fortunately, the hard work paid off, the Emperor Shenguang searched the sky against the universe, and counted the universe, and finally gathered the divine breath of the Yin-Yang Demon Dragon, and then practiced in every possible way, and finally revived it.

Now, the pet owner is reunited, I wonder if Master Shenguang will be happy? Ha ha……"

Seeing the happy look of Shenguang Xuemao, Emperor Shenguang returned his hand and laughed non-stop.

"Thank you, Emperor Shenguang! The return of the Yin-Yang Demon Dragon, occupying the world and being the only one, is not only a blessing from the Great Master Shenguang, it is another step forward for our Shenguang Yuanjie to realize the unification of the infinite Yuanjie!"

Shenguang bloody lady threw herself on the ground and screamed, the devil tears ran wildly, excited, then suddenly got up, flew to the little Yin-Yang magic dragon, instantly turned it big and flew away.



After a while, I heard bursts of laughter from Master Shenguang and the roar of the Yin-Yang Demon Dragon from the Vault of God Dragon in the Palace of the Great Emperor Shenguang.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The dragon howled in the sky, and the emperor Shenguang and the demon officials in the palace were the same.

In the midst of such jubilation in the Divine Light Yuan Realm, in the Nine Lotus Shrine, the Human Emperor Liu Qianlang was stepping on the Nine Fate Dragon, flying invisibly, piercing the clouds and fog, and galloping towards the Misty God Realm with all his strength.

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