Nine Heavens

Chapter 2770 Queen of Good Virtue

"Hmph! Liaoshan Realm Emperor, don't be fooled by these two demonic creatures!

It was because of them that your hammer was bounced away, and it was not them who were the god masters of Haogu's Nine Great Soul Refining Cauldrons and God's Waterfall Life Lotus.

It was only because they manipulated their divine body and demon soul array to trap the Star Jiuying and the Linhe Virgin, which caused the Star Jiuying to vigorously activate the Soul Refining Jiuding and Shenpu Minglian, and then they used their power to transform their power to do this! "

When Liaoshan Jiedi had nothing to say, he suddenly heard a woman's crisp sneer from above his head.

"Are you the God of Wonderful Fragrance from Nine Lotus Shrine?"

Liaoshan Jiedi suddenly looked up and saw a beautiful goddess stepping on a pure white handkerchief.

This goddess is wearing an emerald green neon dress inlaid with treasures, and has long emerald hair fluttering.

Her eyes are emerald green, her complexion is fair, and her expression is cold and proud. On her forehead, there is the pattern of a green and mysterious sacred tree shining.

In the palm of her right hand, she held a jade seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks bursting with bright red divine light, and stared coldly at the two whirlpools of evil spirits.

Behind him, guarded left and right are nine majestic generals in bronze armor.

Looking at the other party's attire, Liaoshan Jiedi asked in surprise based on his understanding of the God of Waves and Fate.

"The emperor of Liaoshan has a good memory. At the time when the 100,000 emperors of the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine gathered at the Luoshentai, you and I recognized this Qixiang Zhoushen at a glance. It is an honor. !"

The God of Wonderful Fragrance, Zhou God, slightly and slowly fell down, the magical and strange fragrance dissipated, and politely replied.

"Ha ha……"

"The God of Qixiang Zhou is no different from ordinary gods, his divine instrument is extraordinary, and his seal is far away. It is not just that he saw you in Haogu Yuanzhou Shande Shrine. In fact, the Emperor of Liaoshan Realm should have seen you when he was in Haogu Yuanzhou.

If Liaoshan is not wrong, Qixiang Zhoushen is the Hunxiang Goddess under the throne of Haoguyuan Zhoushande God? "

Hearing the words, Liao Shan seemed to have forgotten the existence of the two vortexes, the Dark Realm Emperor and the Luoxiang Realm Emperor, and smiled.


"Liaoshan Peak God is worthy of being the most majestic god in the Haogu Continent, and even a little Goddess who studies ink under the Emperor's Throne of Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine remembers it, Qixiang Zhoushen is really flattered! "

Qixiang Zhoushen hadn't told anyone about his vast ancient body recently because he had just realized his self-awakening with the progress of his cultivation of divine power. He didn't want the other party to see it, so he was very shocked.

"Qixiang Zhoushen, don't be humble, the other Haogu immortals don't know, but this Liaoshan Mountain God knows it very well.

Of all the scrolls of divine wisdom in Haogu Divine Scroll Golden Building, there is not a single divine book that is not made by the ink research of Goddess Hunxiang!

This is also the reason why all the divine scrolls in the Golden Building of Haogu Divine Scrolls are euphemistically called Soul Fragrance Divine Scrolls!

Thank you Qixiang Zhoushen for arriving in time, Liaoshan is ashamed, it seems that our Fengshen army is going to defeat these two ancient monsters today, without the help of Qixiang Zhoushen, we really did not withdraw! "

Liaoshan Jiedi seemed reckless and rough, but his words were very expressive.

"Well, please wait a little longer for Liaoshan Realm Emperor, and wait for Ben Qixiang Zhoushen, Xingchen Jiuying and Linhe Virgin to read a word or two, and we will not be too late to deal with them!"

In a hurry, Qixiang Zhoushen couldn't chat too much with Liaoshan Jiedi, so he quickly got back to business, said.


"Goddess of Soul Fragrance doesn't want to think too much, the God of Light controlled by our Divine Light Yuanjie, do you still have a chance to communicate with them?

This Great Master Shenguang really ignored you a little bit, a little soul boy who studied ink when he was in Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, and now he is regarded as a holy god in a decent way!

But you seem to be a little overwhelmed, can a Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal holding Emperor Haoguyuan Zhoushande in his hand be able to summon the dead Haoguyuan Zhoushande God in pieces?

no no no! The history of Haoguyuan Zhoushande God Realm is gone forever, and Haoguyuan Zhoushande God Emperor will never come back alive.

Now is the era of the infinite metaworld, and you are still holding on to the incomplete, do you want to restore the ancient Yuanzhou just because of you four spirit boys?

What a joke, what a joke! God of Wonderful Fragrance, Goddess of Soul Fragrance! quack……

This archmage has been following you for a long time, and originally planned to kill you as soon as he saw you. But when the Great Master Ben suddenly found out that you were the Goddess of Ink Research of God Emperor Haoguyuan Zhoushande, he suddenly changed his mind. Do you know why? "

When Qixiang Zhoushen was concentrating on talking to Liaoshan Jiedi, he suddenly felt a red rainbow flickering above his head, and then saw a crooked old woman stepping on a black and white dragon, suddenly appearing in front of him.

The opponent's appearance was so abrupt and uncoordinated that Qixiang Zhoushen instinctively stepped back a long way.

"You are the God Empress Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande!?"

Qixiang Zhoushen saw the hunched comer on the head of the Yin-Yang Demon Dragon, looked him up and down, and couldn't help but be surprised.


"Xiao Hunxiang! You finally recognized me, but what's the use of it!

You are not you, and I am not me! The former Goddess of Soul Fragrance has become the God of Light, and the former benevolent and benevolent Queen Haoguyuan Zhou Shande has become an infinite demon!

This is so ridiculous, ridiculous! quack……"

Shenguang Xuemao, with a rainbow of blood swirling around her body, and the poisonous pupils glowing alternately with bright red and pitch-black magic waves, it tasted extremely painful, and said with a sorrowful smile.

"Queen of God, what happened back then, how did you become a bloody woman!?"

God Qixiang Zhou, during the interrogation, I remembered in my soul the appearance of the majestic Emperor Haogu and the beautiful and dignified God Queen Haoguyuan Zhoushande on the throne of Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine from time to time.

For a moment, Qi Xiangzhou was fascinated, and he couldn't connect the Shenguang bloody woman who floated down with her demon body bent down with the former God Queen Haoguyuan Zhou Shande.

"What happened, Goddess of Soul Fragrance, are you asking me, quack...

If Master Shenguang knew this, why should he become like this, he can only be a demon!

Speaking of which, little goddess, you are quite lucky.

Not only have you regained your physical form, but you have also built such a good skin that the God of Light can be filled, and you have become a holy god in a world!

But your life is coming to an end. I, Master Shenguang, don't want to see any kindness of God Hao Guyuan Zhou Bengyuan. I will demonize all of you to look uglier than me.

Let only evil, ugliness, pain, jealousy, hatred, killing and death exist in the infinite metaverse!

Let you all become demon slaves crawling in the shadow of evil spirits, so that this Great Master Shenguang will be happy and satisfied, quack..."

The Shenguang bloody woman was trembling all over, cursing, crazily speaking, talking incoherently, on her face that had no mouth, she suddenly opened her big mouth like a wolf, flashing her white magic teeth, laughing ferociously.

She looked ugly, ferocious, filthy and shockingly repulsive.

When Qixiang Zhoushen saw the appearance of Shenguang Xuemao, her heart ached inexplicably, and even the other party's ugly appearance and dirty words were magic swords that hurt her.

"The Queen of God—"

Qixiang Zhoushen, I don't know what to say, following the memory, it seems that the once gentle and kind smile of the empress except God suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and said spontaneously.

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