Nine Heavens

Chapter 2771 Goddess of Soul Fragrance

"You still call me the Queen of God?"

Shenguang Xuepo was stunned for a moment when she heard Qixiang Zhoushen's sincere cry, and her single eyes were covered with a fleeting sense of love, then she smiled wryly.

"No matter how our soul energy evolves, and no matter what our past and future are, Goddess of Soul Fragrance will never forget our beautiful past.

Behind Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande Shrine is so graceful and benevolent, divine appearance Haogu Immortal Shen Zhou, that memory is engraved in my heart and soul, the goddess Hunxiang hopes so much, the queen of God at that time will be eternal! "

God Qixiangzhou thought about the scenes he had experienced in Haogu Yuanzhou, and said quietly.


"Xiao Hunxiang's words are really naive! What you say now is just like what I thought when I first came to Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine in the past.

The Realm of the Gods of God, the change of the divine way, is not as simple as we imagined, and it will last forever as you and I imagined.

How beautiful it was before Haoguyuan Zhou collapsed, who would have thought that there would be five poisonous evil spirits in the world of immortals and gods!

But in fact, not only did the five poisonous evil spirits appear, but they also finally made Zhou Bengyuan, the god of goodness and goodness of the ancient source.

Don't say that you, little Hunxiang, have an unforgettable memory of the past. Doesn't this God, Light and Blood Demon, also live in dreams from time to time!

But what's the use, the more you miss the past, the more you don't let go, the more you hate it! Because only hate, only evil, can get the pleasure of venting! Only by eradicating all the good things can I make this divine light and blood woman not as good as recalling the good things!

Quack...Xiao Hunxiang, you used to be my favorite girl, and now you are naturally the one I hate the most!

You are still beautiful, but also powerful and sanctified! This is not possible! Never! You must die, or become as ugly as me! quack……"

Shenguang Xuemao looked extremely irritable, she was quite melancholy just now, but now she howled hysterically and rushed towards Qixiang Zhoushen Liujuan.

Just as the Shenguang bloody woman rushed towards her with a howl, the pitch-black magic sun in her hand simultaneously shot out a series of jet-black magic rainbows and swallowed them towards Liu Juan.


"Ha ha……"

"Great mage, kill her! She is not as simple as the Goddess of Soul Fragrance. She was responsible for the disaster in Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine back then.

The archmage doesn't know her details, but the Dark Realm Emperor knows it all. She is Qixiang, the eldest daughter of the soul of the Eastern Soul Emperor!

She is the undercover demon that the Eastern Soul Emperor placed behind Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande God Emperor. Zhou Bengyuan, the god of goodness and virtue from Haoguyuan, is one of the sources of her crimes! "

"That's right! Archmage, the Eastern Soul Emperor, Western Soul Emperor, Nanyuan Langdi and Northern God Meteor Emperor at that time didn't have a good thing.

It was they who conspired, feigned benevolence on the surface, and secretly joined forces with our five demon realms to instigate the ancient god Zhou Bengyuan!

Then, whether it is our five great demon realms or Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, the light is shattered and the darkness is lingering. Only their Houyi Four Spirit Boys and juniors rise again, and the old gods do not know where to hide! "

Seeing the bloody lady of Shenguang rushing towards Liujuan, the God of Wonderful Fragrance, the Darkness Realm Emperor and Luo Xiangjie Emperor shouted excitedly.


Hearing the words of the two evil emperors, the Shenguang Xuepo froze her attacking posture abruptly, and used the magical power of instant freezing to control herself in the attacking state like a sculpture, and remained motionless.

But a surprise came out of his mouth.

Afterwards, the Shenguang blood woman who was in a frozen state slowly turned around and faced the dark vortex where the emperor of the dark realm was, her poisonous pupils were cold and indifferent, and the jet-black blood and red pupils shot alternately at the center of the vortex divine body of the emperor of the dark realm, and asked coldly :

"How do you know, you already knew what you said just now, or Emperor Shenguang told you.

You all know the whereabouts of Haogu Sifang Spirit Emperor! ? "

"Woo, this, that..."

Shenguang Xuepo suddenly stopped attacking Qixiang Zhoushen, which surprised the Dark Realm Emperor and Luoxiang Realm Emperor. They both secretly called themselves confused just now, and couldn't help but hum, and didn't know how to answer.

"Queen of God, why ask them, they are one of the culprits who created Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande God Zhou Bengyuan, their words are somewhat credible!

The younger generation can tell a little about the situation that the God Empress knows each other.

Qixiang is indeed the eldest daughter of Emperor Dong Hunpo, and it is indeed the emperor who arranged for me to come to you.

But the purpose of the emperor's arrangement for me to be by your side is to protect the emperor's death from the bottom of his heart.

The emperor asked me to secretly use the soul breath technique, that is, the sound transmission of soul thoughts, to tell him everything that Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine saw.

The emperor said that he and the other three Jingyuan emperors had discovered the uneasy factors in Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, and felt that there would be a crisis behind the emperor.

However, at that time, the Sifang Jingyuan Emperors met and discussed many times, but they were unable to determine the specific location of the uneasy factors in the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine. So in order to protect the safety of the God Emperor, they sent me and the other Jingyuan emperor elite Hou Yi to appear inside and outside the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, and always pay attention to the movements of the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine.

However, we are in the light, and the evil spirits are in the dark. We have been deep in the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine for countless years, but we have not finally figured out the source of the Haoguyuan Zhou collapse crisis..."

Qixiang Zhoushen looked condensed, with long emerald green hair fluttering, green rainbows flowing around her body, and the 99,999 divine diamonds on the soul skirt shone like a vast starry sky.

Qixiang Zhoushen didn't take any defensive action at all, and let the powerful cosmic hurricane brought by the divine light and blood woman attack just now sweep up the divine robe, and said calmly.

"Hmph! Master, don't listen to her nonsense. If Emperor Sifang Jingyuan had discovered the crisis in Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine long ago, why didn't they go to the palace to speak out!

They are all god emperors who rule the universe's soul thoughts. After countless years, they can't figure out the source of the crisis. The archmage is also a divine fortuner now, do you believe it?

Besides, how terrible is the danger of the crisis Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, they don't personally dispatch, but let the four souls avoid the danger, is this justified!

Then, what about them? After Hao Guyuan, the god of goodness and virtue, Zhou Bengyuan, until now, none of us has sensed even the slightest remnant of them!

What does this mean? This means that Zhou Bengyuan, the God of Goodness and Virtue in Haoguyuan, was planned by them alone.

Our Five Evil God Realms were just unlucky, we were born at that time, and we were framed by them!

Maybe they are living happily in some inexplicable world now! "

After hearing what Qixiang Zhoushen said, the Dark Realm Emperor couldn't help but sneered, and then said angrily.

"The Emperor of the Dark Realm is right, maybe all the gods of light in the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine think that our Five Evil God Realm planned and created the Haoguyuan Zhou Bengyuan!

But in fact we really didn't, we don't even know why we suddenly appeared in Haogu Yuanzhou, and how we established ourselves in the Demon Realm.

Then we became the thorn in the eyes of countless light gods in Haogu Yuanzhou, constantly being cursed and evil, and constantly besieged and suppressed by countless light realms.

Let us be forced to gradually unite the world of demons, and then miraculously occupied half of Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shenzhou. Since then, we have been fighting against Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine!

Even on the eve of the collapse of Zhou Shande God in Haoguyuan, Emperor Haoguyuan Zhou Shande took the initiative to send us to go to Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine to explore the issue of dividing the universe.

Unexpectedly, we were so unlucky that we believed it to be true, and as soon as we arrived at Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine, the miracle of Haoguyuan Zhou's collapse of Yuan happened, and then we also lost our Yuan in a daze..."

After the Dark Realm Emperor finished speaking, Luo Xiangjie Emperor shook his head and sighed again.

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