Nine Heavens

Chapter 2772 free and easy emperor

"Which one of you is telling the truth!?"

After hearing the words of Qixiang Zhoushen and the two evil emperors, Shenguang Xuepo seemed to be reasonable, but contradictory, and asked sharply because she couldn't make a judgment.

"How could Xiao Hunxiang deceive the Queen of God!"

"Now we are both the gods of demons in the Infinite Yuan Realm. Emperor Luoxiang and I have infinite admiration for the Archmage, so of course we won't lie to you!"

Shenguang bloody woman's question and the answer she heard still left her at a loss.

"Okay! Okay! You didn't lie to me, it was the God Empress who was lying to herself! Quack..."

Shenguang bloody woman laughed bitterly, a few black tears and red tears shed from her poisonous eyes, and then flew away as if she was running away from the Yin-Yang demon dragon.

This scene made Liaoshan Jiedi and his army of Zhaoyifeng gods see it in their eyes, and they were confused, and they didn't know what they were talking about from the beginning to the end.

The emperor of Liaoshan Jie grinned, staring blankly at the Shenguang bloody woman who was hunched over and flying away on the dragon, shook his head and said to himself:

"She, how could she be the Goddess of Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande! And your Qixiang Goddess is actually the Goddess of Soul Fragrance?"

After Shenguang Xuepo passed away, Liaoshan Jiedi turned his gaze to Liujuan, the god of Qixiang Zhou who was facing him, looked Liujuan up and down, and asked again.

"Of course she is the God Empress Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande, no matter how her form changes, her aura has never changed. When she appeared just now, God Ben Qixiang Zhou immediately recognized her.

What she said was right, Ben Qixiang Zhoushen was indeed the Goddess of Hunxiang at that time, the little Hunxiang who specialized in researching ink for the God Emperor and in charge of the Nine Dragons Fireworks and Jade Seals! "

The Shenguang Xuemai had disappeared without a trace, but Qixiang Zhoushen still watched her staggering away with a surge of emotion.

Qixiang Zhoushen hated all evil gods by nature, but this time, she couldn't hate them no matter what.

Not only did she not hate the demonized God Empress Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande, but she also felt sorry for her deeply. Although they only chatted a few words, Liu Juan, the God of Wonderful Fragrance, could understand that the other party was hating out of hatred! The other party is also a victim of the inexplicable ancient source Zhou Bengyuan.

"No! This is absolutely impossible! Qixiang Zhoushen, don't be confused. This Dark Realm Emperor, Luoxiang Realm Emperor and her are not good things.

I'm afraid they are performing some tricks again. Qixiang Zhoushen just came from Jiulian Shrine, and Jiulian Shrine was poisoned by them. Emperor Liaoshan Jie thought that Qixiang Zhoushen would not know about it.

It just so happened that the bloody woman ran away, so we quickly summoned the Nine Infants of the Stars and the Holy Mother of Linhe, and then killed them! "

If you want to talk about Qixiang Zhoushen, Liaoshan Jiedi has some reasons to believe it. After all, the two gods are allies.

However, he didn't believe what the Dark Realm Emperor, Luo Xiangjie Emperor, and Shenguang Xuepo said, so he took the opportunity to remind Qixiang Zhou God Liu Juan.

"Hmph! Haha..."

"Old Liaoshan! It's not that we laugh at you, it's just you who are rocky and clod-shaped, thinking that we are afraid of you when you shake the magic hammer one by one!

I bah bah! If you are capable, don't let Qixiang Zhoushen intervene, let this Dark Realm Emperor fight you alone! "

The Emperor of the Dark Realm was still secretly happy just now, thinking that once the great mage Shenguang Xuepo arrived, it would be easy to deal with the Liaoshan Jiedi and Qixiang Zhoushen. When the opponent fights, he comes and goes in a hurry.

Therefore, Darkness had no choice but to play a game of lip service, hoping that God Qixiang Zhou would not interfere as much as possible. In this way, he and Emperor Luo Xiangjie can continue to borrow the divine power of the stars, nine infants, soul refining and nine tripods in their gods, and the power of the sacred lotus of the Linhe Holy Mother to deal with the Liaoshan army.

But Liaoshan Jiedi is not a master without a brain. He has suffered a loss just now, and he knows the reason. He is not willing to be stupid again, so he laughed and said:

"Two demonic idiots, do you think that the Liaoshan Jiedi came to fight with you! Nope.

The Liao Mountain Realm Emperor came to welcome the Nine Infants of the Stars, the Linhe Holy Mother and the Qixiang Zhou God to our world as guests.

If you are sensible, release the Nine Infants of the Stars and Our Lady of Linhe as soon as possible, otherwise, after Qixiang Zhoushen casts a spell to call them out, the Emperor of the Liao Mountain Realm will be impolite! "

"Really! I can't tell that the fairy gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine are big enough. The entire army of peak gods in the Misty God Realm has been dispatched, just to meet them?

However, it's really funny, why don't you come sooner or later, you have to come after we have surrounded them.

Emperor Ben Luo Xiangjie really can't imagine, are you deliberately playing with your allies, or are you afraid of our Shenguang Yuanjie!

When did we tell you to be polite to us, that stupid mountain came up and smashed us just now, the result...haha..."

Luo Xiangjie secretly strengthened the divine body and demon soul array, confident that the Lady of Linhe is absolutely under his control, and then with a bit of sarcasm, the vortex divine body was illusory, and laughed wildly.


"You, you evil spirits!"

When Liao Shan heard the other party mocking him for flying the magic weapon after attacking just now, he couldn't help becoming angry for a while, and suddenly opened his arms, absorbing the return double hammer, and was about to pounce on it again.


"Brother Liaoshan, didn't you just say that you came to invite the gods of the Nine Lotus God Palace to have a banquet in your world.

Why get angry with two little demons and demons, which affects the nature.

Nine Infants of the Stars, Our Lady of the Linhe River, come out now! hehe……"

Just when Liaoshan Jiedi wanted to throw himself on the dark and Luoxiang Jiedi's vortex gods for the second time, Liu Qianlang, the emperor of Jiulian Temple, suddenly heard the sound.

Renhuang Liu Qianlang stood steadily on top of the huge bright red dragon head that was tossing and turning, with white hair flying wildly, white robes fluttering, and a calm expression, with his left hand behind his back and his right hand on his chest, he said with a smile.

Before Ren Huang's voice stopped, he saw the Dark Realm Emperor and Luo Xiang Realm Emperor about to emerge from the vortex, and two figures shot out suddenly, and quickly stopped in front of the Nine Fate Dragon of Ren Huang Liu Qianlang.

"Xingchen Jiuying, thank you, the emperor's kind father, for coming to rescue the child!"

"I am ashamed, I was bewitched by the phantom monster halfway, and strayed into the formation of its god body and soul, and I can't break through thousands of times!

I haven't reached the water of Eastern Mongolia in the ethereal God Realm so far, so I ask for the divine water to save my billions of children in the Yinhe Shrine! well! "

After the two figures stabilized, Liao Shan looked closely at the three figures, and couldn't help being elated. Because the god of stepping on the dragon turned out to be the emperor Liu Qianlang.

And the Xingchen Jiuying and Linhe Virgin who came to meet him under the decree of the Misty God Realm have already been conjured up by Human Emperor Liu Qianlang into the divine body and demon soul array of the Dark Realm Emperor and Luoxiang Realm Emperor.

"Ha ha……"

Liao Shan's nature is wild, because he was happy, he kept shaking his hammer and laughing.

When Ren Huang Liu Qianlang saw it, he let it go, retracted his hand behind his back, bowed to the Linhe Virgin and saluted:

"Senior Linhe Daan is, the trillions of Linhe children have all recovered to their original state, and they are all safe and sound.

The water of Eastern Mongolia that we are looking for, the Emperor of the Misty Realm has sent cloud and mist to send it to the Nine Lotus Shrine through the dark way of my soul.

Qianlang came to Misty God Realm to express his gratitude, and also gathered seniors, sister Juan, and nine babies together so that they could go home together! "

In front of the Emperor of the Dark Realm and the Emperor of the Luoxiang Realm, the Human Emperor Liu Qianlang naturally would not lose face, omitting the words about going out of the world helplessly, and said that Da'an was out of the world and came to the Misty God Realm to express his thanks.

"Emperor of the Misty Realm is very kind, great kindness!"

The Holy Mother of Linhe heard the words of Renhuang Liu Qianlang, she was very grateful, she was blessed and saluted, and thanked her again and again.

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