Nine Heavens

Chapter 2773 Flower Life Nine Sages

The Dark Realm Emperor and the Luoxiang Realm Emperor saw that the Nine Infants of the Stars and the Holy Mother of Linhe in the Demon Soul Formation of their bodies were easily conjured up by the Human Emperor Liu Qianlang, and they didn't know how the other party did it. They were horrified At this time, if they dared to make a mistake, they quickly turned into a magic rainbow and fled.

"Wow! Two wicked demons, where are you going to escape!"

The emperor of Liaoshan was happy, he had not forgotten the revenge of being humiliated, when he saw the emperor of darkness and the emperor of Luoxiang fleeing with a rainbow, without saying a word, Hu Xiao caught up, shook the hammer, and pointed at the two magic rainbows. There was a wild boom.


"Fengshen Liaoshan, you are too careless, we all ran away, and you are still chasing after us, it is too much.

I, the Emperor of the Dark Realm, remember you. When I complete my magical art of swallowing the mysterious darkness, I will be the first to settle the score with you. Your broken hammer will make your head buzz! "

"Cut! Liaoshan Realm Emperor, you, a servant of the Piaomiao Realm Emperor, can be so serious! Immortal God Universe Change, 99,999 years east, 99,999 years west of.

You bullied us when you took advantage of it for a while, but don't blame us, then we have the upper hand and play you to death! "


Although the Dark Realm Emperor and the Luoxiang Realm Emperor turned into Shenhong, they still have the sense of controlling the rainbow, and they also feel pain when they are smashed by the Liaoshan Realm Emperor.

In this way, the Dark Realm Emperor and the Luoxiang Realm Emperor cursed and fled all the way, and the Liaoshan Realm Emperor laughed wildly all the way.

"Hehe, brother Liaoshan, let's forget it for now, their main body soul energy has already escaped, so it's meaningless to smash their demon body scattered yuan!

The crisis of the Nine Lotus Shrine is over, and the Misty God Realm is preparing a feast for the gods. If we go to the banquet, why bother to disappoint them. "

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang communicated with the Holy Mother of Linhe, Qixiang Zhoushen, and Xingchen Jiuying successively, with white hair fluttering, looking at the Liaoshan Jiedi who was chasing the rainbow, and shouted with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

"Human Sovereign wait a moment, wait until Liaoshan again, they will be able to relieve their anger with tens of thousands of hammers."

The Emperor of Liaoshan Jiezheng was enjoying himself, and he didn't want to give up, so the emperor Liu Qianlang had no choice but to laugh.

"Father Human Emperor, we have been besieged by the Dark Realm Emperor's soul body ecstasy array for a long time, and we have been separated from Uncle Xingchen Daoist Supreme Divination God for a long time.

I need to fly around the Infinite Yuan Realm quickly, and then go back to the Nine Lotus Shrine to report to the Taoist Lord, so Huan'er and all the younger brothers will not go to the Misty God Realm, Father Human Emperor, Aunt Qixiang Zhoushen, Ling Senior Mother of the River, take care. Let's say goodbye here, see you at Nine Lotus Shrine! "

The stars and nine infants each stepped on their own soul-refining divine cauldrons, and habitually stood in the state of the nine cauldrons and the rainbow divine wheel. They were all fluttering in pure white divine robes, and looked heroic and heroic. Headed by Liu Chao, they all left one after another.

"What my son said is very reasonable, but you are too tired! Then go, be careful, do everything with all your heart, safety first!

By the way, I wonder if you have recently discovered that there are major god realms or other important information in the Infinite Element Realm? "

Liu Qianlang's eyes were full of benevolence, and he looked deeply at the nine sons of Yuanying one by one, nodded his head, and asked a question in passing.

"Returning to Father En, it seems that all the gods have become extremely cautious after our Nine Lotus Shrine gradually stabilized.

Except for Shenguang Yuanjie, which has poisoned our spirit, soul and world gods, the other god realms do not seem to have any actions against our Nine Lotus Shrine.

Moreover, among the other great gods, there are fewer and fewer battles for hegemony. However, there is one phenomenon that is very obvious, that is, all the great god realms are constantly visiting countless new god realms near them.

Our nine brothers speculate that they are constantly uniting and merging the surrounding small realms, and they are all frantically competing secretly to expand their power in the God Realm.

In this regard, we originally planned to tell the Taoist Lord about these situations. After we discuss, we will tell the Emperor Enfather the results, and then decide the decision of our Nine Lotus Shrine! "

Liu Chao replied.

"Hmm! This situation is very important. You are right. Go back and tell your Uncle Supreme Divination God Daoist, and perform a divination to further confirm the situation.

In addition, is there any new news about the Wanyu Realm Emperor who was forced out of the Infinite Yuan Realm by the Divine Light Realm? "

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly and said.

"Yes. But it's not what the children saw when they toured the universe. It's the divine breath obtained from the divination of the Taoist master who tells us to always pay attention to the sky at the east pole of the infinite element world.

The Taoist master said, those ten thousand emperors attacked, killed and devoured each other on their way to the outer reaches of the vast ancient continent, and now there is only one emperor demon still struggling forward!

That emperor's power is 100,000 terrifying, comparable to the power of half a god in the Infinite Yuan Realm. Judging by his momentum, he has the momentum to not stop until he finds the remains of the Haogu Continent! "


Ren Huang Liu Qianlang heard the words, sighed slightly, and then said:

"Father, you know, go quickly, remember what you said as a father, and be careful when you do things."

"My child, remember the teachings of my father!"

The stars and nine infants saluted together, nodding their heads in response. The next moment, they roared into the sky, still floating towards the Nine Lotus Shrine at the top of the heart of the Infinite Yuan Realm, still in the state of nine tripods and rainbows.

At this time, the Liaoshan Realm Emperor also relieved his anger, allowing the two magic rainbows, the Dark Realm Emperor and the Luoxiang Realm Emperor, to flee to the northwest Qiongya, and shot back.

"Oh! Human Emperor, those nine Miaolang are so heroic, why do they look just like you, but why did your son leave at a critical moment?"

The emperor of Liaoshan Jie looked back at the heavenly circle of the sonshen cauldron, and the figure of the nine infants of the stars, wheezing and panting, and asked.


Human Emperor Liu Qianlang heard the words, smiled slightly, and frankly introduced his relationship with Xingchen Jiuying!

"Admiration from Liaoshan! In the world of immortals and gods, there are countless gods and deities, but the emperor is the most righteous and kind-hearted!

The Human Sovereign was born in the body of the Minglian God Venerable, and when he first sprouted, his divine power was extremely weak, and he couldn't take care of himself.

However, the Human Sovereign cared about love and relationship, and was reluctant to part with his parents, tender wife, brothers and sisters, and fellow Taoists and disciples, if they could barely make sense, they would risk their lives to keep the Nine Absolute Divine Infant, who was supposed to be strong and return to the void!

Such a miraculous act is truly unprecedented, and there will be no successor! admire! admire! "

Jiedi Liaoshan was arrogant by nature, even when speaking to the Misty God Realm, he never lowered his voice out of respect.

However, at this moment, he heard about the relationship between Renhuang Liu Qianlang and Xingchen Jiuying, and he couldn't help looking up and down Renhuang Liu Qianlang, nodding his head, whispering, eyes full of admiration, full of admiration.

"Brother Zhaoyifeng God, let's create a forest scene immediately, and entertain the Emperor with an exquisite and exquisite victory. The God of Qixiang and the Holy Mother of Linhe will go to the Misty God Realm together! Three Holy Gods, please! Liaoshan is leading the way!"

The emperor of Liaoshan Jie was so excited and praised, and said loudly to the God of Zhaoyi Piaoqiong Peak behind him.

"Yes! Three holy gods, please float across the road!"

Under the orders of the Emperor of the Liaoshan Realm, the God of Zhaoyi Peak will respond to everything.

In an instant, God Zhaoyifeng floated in an orderly manner and came to Renhuang Liu Qianlang, Qixiang Zhoushen and Linhe Holy Mother.

Some turned into divine peaks with rainbows flowing, some turned into beautiful cliffs covered with lush green bamboos, some were covered with fragrance, strange flowers, and divine flowers, some peaks hung with silver waterfalls, and auspicious clouds dazzled , the auspicious bird sings...

In addition, the peaks are connected with the cliffs, the mist is misty, the pearl is bright, and the Hongqiao is bent, extending through the clouds, and reaching the ethereal God Realm.

"Hehe, I'm so flattered. I clearly remember that the peak gods below me are all the Gods of War in the Immortal God Realm, who were powerful in the ancient times. It's really a pity that I'm showing their godly looks like this for us now."

Zhaoyi Peak deified Jinglian Hongjie road ahead, Renhuang Liu led the waves, Qixiang Zhoushen and Linhe Virgin had no choice but to collect their respective divine horses, float on the bridge, and float on it.

The Holy Mother of Linhe was originally a court official of Haoguyuan Zhou Shande God, so she was naturally familiar with the Emperor of Liaoshan Realm and all the peak gods of Liaoshan Realm. She said that she was very sorry to meet her old friends and receive this favor.

"Ha ha……"

"The Holy Mother of Linhe is very polite. In Haoguyuanzhou, the Holy Mother of Linhe is the head of the Nine Sages of Haogu Huaming. I don't know how many times she visited the God Realm of Liaoshan, donating the seeds of the divine flower, and the fragrance of the gods.

At that time, Liaoshan didn't have the opportunity to express his gratitude. Now that Infinity Yuanjie is destined to see you again, such hospitality is not one of the graces of the Holy Mother, and please be kind to the Holy Mother of Linhe.

Let the god brothers Liaoshan and Zhaoyifeng also give you a safe journey! "

The Liaoshan Jie Emperor saluted the Linhe Virgin deeply, and said sincerely.

"The vast universe collapsed, and the divine essence disappeared. Thinking back then, how sad and painful it was! But God has eyes, let us once again disperse and reunite, evolve and change, and finally see you again!

What makes the old man feel infinitely gratified is that the clear is always clear, and the turbid is clearer. Great kindness and loyalty in the past, still Hengde!

The time has finally come for the demons of the future to fall. The fate of God Lotus, the birth of Nuwa, the continuation of the human emperor, and the great prosperity of the human race are just as beautiful as Haogu Yuanzhou, Shande Shenzhou, and even better hope!

Human Sovereign, Qixiang, I have been looking forward to and praying for infinite years, and now I finally see you wandering in the time and space of the infinite element world! "

The Holy Mother of Linhe was also quite emotional, looking left and right at the human emperor Liu Qianlang and Qixiang Zhoushen who were beside Xinghu, and sighed.

"What the Holy Mother said is true. Qixiang was ignorant for many years before. The memory of Haoguyuan Zhou Shande's soul cannot be recovered at once because of the limited soul energy. Therefore, Qixiang can only follow the continuous improvement of soul energy step by step for many things. Powerful, gradually known.

Now, not so long ago, Qixiang knew that she was the God of Palm Prints, the Soul Fragrance Black Girl of Emperor Haogu in Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine.

The Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal in my hand is the God Emperor Haogu's Seal of the God of God!

It was only just now that Qi Xiang could recognize the Lady of Linhe as the head of the Nine Mothers of Huaming in Haoguyuan Zhou. "

The God of Odd Fragrance, with fluttering green hair and sparkling emerald eyes, looked sideways at the kind Mother of the Linhe River, weeping.

"Congratulations, Sister Juan, I finally know my ultimate identity of Haogu Yuanzhou. However, it seems that Yuanfang Hefeng still doesn't know their Haogu position."

Renhuang Liu Qianlang was quite happy to hear the words of God Qixiang Zhou, and said with a smile across the Linhe Holy Mother.

"It's not just like this, mother is the empress of Hao Guyuan Zhoudong Soul Emperor, and the Eastern Soul Emperor is Daddy!"

Liu Juan, God of Wonderful Fragrance, was very happy, and said again after accepting the words of Emperor Renhuang's younger brother.

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