Nine Heavens

Chapter 2778 Divine Fire Shrine

The Xiangtian Phoenix Realm is located in the east, the southern half and the northern half of the sky on the top of the Infinite Yuan Realm, and the You Canglong Realm and the Shenguang Yuan Realm form a tripartite confrontation.

If you look at the cloud and mist that breaks through the sky at the top of your heart, the image of the upper sky and the extreme sky is really strange.

The three-legged position, the position of the east foot is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gold, silver and nine-colored divine fire.

In the south west, there are layers of thick clouds and mist, and in the north and west, the infinite light is swaying.

At this moment, at the edge of the vast divine realm where the nine-colored divine fires intertwine in the Soaring Phoenix Realm, the Destiny God Envoy approached the boundless and blazing divine fire of the Soaring Phoenix Realm, and his figure suddenly turned into a giant phoenix covering the sky, silver-white in color, single A phoenix claw grabbed Song Zhen, the supreme God of Divination of the Nine Lotus Shrine, and rushed into the Nine Elephants Divine Fire at top speed.

"Will! Will!"

She spread her wings easily and shuttled through the vast divine fire, while screaming with joy.

In the central area of ​​the vast sacred fire far in front of it, there is a magnificent shrine floating in the nine-element fire.

The target of her forward flight is obviously the Raging Fire Palace.

will be...

The Xiangtian Phoenix Realm is a mystical fire realm where the nine-element divine fire boils and bursts into rainbows all day long.

If you look closely, you will find that flying in the vastness of the divine fire is not only the God of Destiny, there are countless phoenixes and phoenixes of various colors soaring in it, and the crisp sound is also shocking.

"Oh! Yinzhangming, why did you just come back? Jinzhangming went to the Misty God Realm to capture Shenzhi and came back a long time ago, and even caught two together."

The envoy in charge of life was full of joy, and flew all the way, waiting to go to the Shenhuo Palace to repay his merits and wait for strength.

Suddenly, two blue phoenixes flew past in the flames above their heads, and they happened to lean over and see the God of Destiny holding a human god with one claw, and they couldn't help but strike up a conversation and said with a smile.


"Really, that's not surprising. Sister Jinfeng is better than Xiaoyin! Where are the two sisters, Lanfeng, going in such a hurry?"

Silver Palm made a crisp smile, not angry at all, but asked with a smile.

"Of course it's for Sister Jinfeng to deliver the Nine Elephant Fire Order in Misty God Realm!

Sister Jinfeng said that she just captured two fairy gods from the Misty God Realm, but the Emperor of the Misty God Realm didn't know the situation yet, so Emperor Xiangtian Feng asked us sisters to work hard. "

One of them, Lan Feng, spoke quickly.

"That's right, those two Lanfeng sisters go, go early and return early, be careful on the way!"

Silver Palm heard the words and smiled.

"Well! Sister Yinfeng is concerned, then we are leaving, and you should go to Shenhuo Palace to return to your life, Xiangtian Fengdi is very anxious."

There is a saying that people salute each other, and when the two Lanfengs heard that Yinzhangming spoke so politely and cared so much about themselves, they naturally became polite and cared about Yinzhangming, and then moved on.

Not long after, Yin Zhangming flew over the majestic and towering Shenhuo Palace.

The Divine Fire Red Palace, the entire Divine Palace is in the shape of an incomparably huge divine phoenix. The divine phoenix is ​​bathed in fire, fluttering its wings, taking off and screaming.

But what is infinitely strange is that under Shenhuang's body, there are countless god chains that have been scorched extremely red, piled up like an ocean, coiled in circles, and coiled at the bottom of the Vulcan Palace.

The tens of thousands of palace steps in Jiulian Fire God Palace are all naturally formed by bright red blazing chains.

The God of Fire God Hao Gushen ruled that anyone who entered or exited the Palace of Fire God had to step down and walk up the palace steps step by step to enter the palace, with the exception of no gods, and the same was true for Jiulian Xiangtian Fengdi.

Why is this, no god knows, and no god asks. Because in the Fire God Palace, the gods of the world have been like this for generations, and they have long been used to it.

Yin Zhangming fell under the steps of the Fire God Palace, and immediately recovered his beautiful human appearance, and then, still holding the Supreme Occupation God Song Zhen with one arm, he began to step on the chain of burning inexplicable materials step by step.

"My God! What the hell kind of place is this? Is it the Nether Hell and the Fiery Hell? It's so hot.

Who are you? This Supreme Occupation God has hands and feet, so why are you holding me! "

The kung fu of Yinzhang's fate, Song Zhen, the supreme divination god, woke up, opened his eyes and saw that there were trails of blazing fire snakes coming from the pavement.

The magic robe on his body was made of a strange material. Although it wasn't burned, it was extremely hot. After a while, Song Zhen, who had been dizzy, was sweating profusely, and he woke up from the heat.

He felt for a moment that he was being held by a tall guy, and he was walking swayingly. He felt that he was about to be thrown into the blazing hellfire, so he exclaimed.

"Shut your mouth! What hell is it? This is the Fire God Palace in the Soaring Phoenix Realm. Why do you have such a bad memory? You don't remember that it was my master who made you faint with laughter!"

The silver palm envoy was concentrating on walking, when he suddenly felt Song Zhen, the supreme god of fortune, twitching under his armpit, and after hearing his nonsense, he had no choice but to say this.

"Soaring Sky Phoenix Realm, it turns out that your Sky Phoenix Realm is on fire, did you invite me to let me put out the fire for you?

Not to mention, you are really asking God. Ben Zhanshen just happened to successfully practice a kind of magic skill called Muyang magic skill recently, which happens to be used to control the three vaults of the infinite element world.

As long as you use the method of appreciating the gods and shaking the sword, the three vaults of the infinite element world will immediately gather, and instantly turn your fire god palace into a ghost water dragon palace..."

Hearing the voice of the Silver Palm Envoy, the Supreme Zhanshen's body trembled, and he immediately remembered what happened before.

But at this moment, the situation was inexplicable, and the Supreme Divination God Song Zhen had an idea, pretended to be confused, and babbled nonsense.

But the Silver Palm Envoy has already arrived at the door, why would he care what he said, and said with a cold smile:

"Stop bragging, you are so capable, how did you get caught by the envoy of my destiny? You just calm down for a while, if you continue to toss, if the envoy of my destiny is angry for a while, or the phoenix soars to the sky for a while The world doesn't like you, and it is possible to execute you immediately!"

"Cut! Do you dare? If you hadn't used the bad move to confuse me with a sly smile, would you have been able to catch this supreme god?

Got you, Ben Zhanshen won't play with you anymore, you enter your Fire God Palace, I'll go back to my Nine Lotus Palace, it's all for nothing! "

Supreme Zhanshen got used to it for a while, and secretly activated the light divine power in his body, feeling that it was possible to take out the shackles of Yinzhangming, suddenly shouted, broke free from Yinzhangming's armpits, and wanted to escape.

Yinzhang Ming obviously didn't expect Song Zhen to do such a trick suddenly, and when she realized it, Song Zhen had already escaped thousands of miles on the blazing fire waves.


Silver palm life! The God of Nine Lotus Shrine you captured is quite interesting. You just come in, I'm the Emperor Feng to catch him and come back.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Yinzhangming couldn't help being stunned, and instantly floated up, about to catch the Supreme God of Divination Song Zhen again. But at this moment, there was a clear and clear sound of stopping in the Vulcan Palace.

Yinzhangming had no choice but to give up, and then felt the nine-colored rainbow flashing above his head, and when he looked up, the two divine rainbows had already whistled, leaving with lightning and returning with lightning.

Naturally, the Supreme Divination God was also entangled by two divine rainbows and entered the Divine Fire Palace first.

A moment later, Yin Zhangming also entered the main hall of Shenhuo Palace.

Within the Divine Fire Palace, time and space are majestic, and divine fire dances everywhere. However, compared with outside the palace, the Divine Fire inside the Divine Fire Palace is obviously very orderly.

In front of the center of the main hall is a tall nine-color sacred fire platform. On the sacred fire platform is the sacred fire palace seat formed by the regular intertwining and intertwining of nine-color divine fire rainbows.

At this moment, sitting on the seat of the Nine-Colored Divine Fire Palace, is a young girl wearing a blue phoenix crown and a pure white divine dress. Her eyes are golden and her complexion is fair and beautiful.

She has slender arms and is playing with a golden ball in her hand.

The golden divine ball is shining with golden light, slightly emitting a golden glow.

The golden glow, fluttering and faint, slightly concealed her pretty figure, and it seemed that he was infinitely magical and charming.

The sacred fires on the left and right of the Shenhuo Palace are all blue in color. Although it is fire, it gives people a feeling of being in an underwater world.

Although the Shenhuo Palace is majestic and vast, at this moment, there are not many immortal gods in the temple.

In addition to the lofty Soaring Phoenix World, leisurely playing with the golden ball, on the right side of His Royal Highness is only a beautiful woman wearing a golden neon dress, and the phoenix crown on her head is also golden. It seems that her age is not more than the age of a girl who is eighteen or nineteen years old. look.

But the eyes are quite sharp, one glance, as if the mind has nothing to hide.

In the center of His Highness, there are three gods of the outside world who have been captured one after another, looking at each other.

Among them is the Supreme Zhan Song Zhen. As for who the other two were, Song Zhen recognized them at a glance. It was hard to find Luoyun Realm Emperor and Ningwu Realm Emperor.

On the right side of the Shenhuo Temple, there is a night swimmer, Yinzhangming who just came in.

"The envoy of the God of Fate, Yinfeng, sees Emperor Xiangtian Feng! This subordinate has fulfilled his mission, and is fortunate to capture a god of the Nine Lotus Shrine."

Yinzhangming first paid attention to the woman in the golden skirt on the right side of the Divine Fire Hall, then glanced sideways at the three captives who were chained in the center of the Fire Hall, and then reported to the temple.

"Well, I have a life in the palm of my hands, please take a seat."

Xiangtian Fengdi Yan'er smiled, very satisfied, and said to Yinzhangming.

Yinzhang ordered Xie Zuo to sit down and wait for Xiangtian Fengdi to continue to inquire.

However, Emperor Xiangtian Feng was obviously not in a hurry, his eyebrows fluttered, he was playing with the golden ball in his hand, and leaned back slightly, admiring the three bound gods with great interest.

Yinzhangming and Fengshen on the right saw Xiangtian Fengdi like this, so they didn't want to interfere, and the hall of Shenhuo was very quiet for a while.

It's interesting to say that Emperor Xiangtian Phoenix and the two moving phoenix gods kept silent, and the three bound gods couldn't bear it anymore.

As if the three phoenix gods did not exist, Supreme Divination said with a smile:

"Haha... Luoyun Realm Emperor, Ningwu Realm Emperor, we are destined to be destined, and the Supreme Occupation God has not visited you in the Misty God Realm yet, and there is a god who invited us to be guests together. Tell me, how did you come here? This?"

"Ha ha……"

"Supreme Occupation God, really, you are right. If this is destined, no matter what, we can meet again.

If I had known earlier, it would be better for us to leave Nine Lotus Shrine later. Look, it makes no difference whether we leave or not at this moment! "

The Luoyun Jiedi also laughed loudly and joked.

"Supreme Occupation God, we don't know how you came here. We came here to enjoy ourselves, and we came here with the arms of that beautiful young lady! We didn't take a step!"

The Ningwu Realm Emperor deliberately thought of the golden phoenix girl on the right side of the Qiqi Hall, and said loudly on purpose.

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