Nine Heavens

Chapter 2779 Tianbo River Fish

"Well, my treatment isn't bad, it's about the same as yours. What do they mean by this? Why do these little goddesses want to kidnap us?"

Song Zhen sat a little uncomfortable, stretched his legs and leaned on his back, leaning on the rainbow chains that bound him, his black and white eyebrows twitched, glanced at Yinzhangming, and continued.

"I'm afraid we will congratulate each other!"

Emperor Luoyun said with a provocative look on his face.

"Oh! Where does the joy come from!?"

Song Zhen was surprised.

"Longyuan Zhanshen, you haven't seen this yet, we have been spotted by three young ladies, this is stealing us to come to worship and get married!

Otherwise, why are these three young ladies looking at us so affectionately? "

The Ningwu Realm Emperor said as if he had suddenly realized.

"Ha ha……"

"Congratulations! Congratulations!"

"Congratulations! Congratulations!"

These three people are really big-hearted. They talked nonsense for a while, but they really hugged each other to celebrate and laughed heartily.

"Golden Phoenix, Silver Phoenix, what are they talking about, what are they doing?"

Xiangtian Fengdi looked at the strange looks of the three outsiders, and didn't understand what they were talking about. He thought it was very interesting, and asked around with a smile.


When Jin Zhangming heard the words, he blushed at first, and then replied:

"They're nothing but gods of the Soaring Phoenix Realm, they're just talking nonsense, Emperor Feng doesn't need to care, why don't we just throw them into the Tianbo River.

If their master can come, let them live, otherwise just feed the Tianbo fish! "

"Yeah! That's fine, judging by their stupid looks, they obviously lack etiquette and education, and their master is not much better, so let's do what Jinfeng wants."

Xiangtian Fengjie looked at Supreme God, Luoyun Realm Emperor and Ningwu Realm Emperor for a while, probably had seen enough, nodded slightly and said.


The gold and silver palmists responded in unison, and then waved their hands at the same time at will. The three of them floated up immediately, and then rolled and rolled, they were shot out of the Shenhuo Palace by the wind of the two commanding god's sleeves.

Not long after, in the Divine Fire Palace, Xiangtian Fengdi and the two commanding officers heard the sound of Gudongdong.

"Yin Zhang Ming, is it necessary for the Nine Lotus Shrine to deliver the Nine Elephant Fire Order?"

Emperor Xiangtian Feng suddenly sat upright, his expression froze, and he asked his highness Yin Zhangming who was sitting on the left side.

Yin Zhangming heard the words, immediately got up, left his seat, came to the center of the temple, bowed and saluted:

"Although the Nine Lotus Shrine and Misty God Realm are newborn realms of the Infinite Element Realm! But their situations are very different.

The Nine Lotus Shrine is the universe of human gods born in the body of the god Haogu Minglian.

They have one of the biggest characteristics among the gods of the god world, and it is also their weakness. They are the most sentimental.

I am confident in my life, even if we don't deliver the Nine Elephant Fire Order to the Nine Lotus Shrine, the owner of the Nine Lotus Shrine, Huang, will definitely come to rescue that black and white eyebrow.

The Misty God Realm is different. Although it is a new God Realm, all the gods are old gods from the Infinite Yuan Realm.

Firstly, they don’t have the characteristics of Nine Lotus Shrine, and secondly, they are no strangers to us Xiangtian Fengdi, and they have natural resistance to us. If we don’t go to deliver the Nine Elephant Fire Order, the Misty Realm Emperor may really not come .

In addition, I also took another point into account when I didn't apply for the Nine Elephant Fire Order in advance like Sister Jinfeng did.

Our order intends to make friends with the two major New Territories. If two Nine Elephant Fire Orders are delivered, and if they both refuse to accept them, our Xiangtian Phoenix Realm will definitely send troops to deal with them at the same time.

In this way, it is obviously not the best choice for our Soaring Phoenix Realm to deal with the two big middle vault realms at the same time.

We are exhausted in both directions in the Middle Vault Realm, if You Canglong Realm and Shenguang Yuan Realm attack us, wouldn't it be worth the loss for us Xiangtianfeng.

We intend to make friends with the two new realms of the Middle Vault Realm and become a powerful force in the future, but in the end, we consume ourselves instead. Isn't it against our original intention! "

"Well, what Silver Palm Ming said makes sense. But after all, this is our first time dealing with them.

The two new realms definitely have a lot of concerns about us, and we have adopted such a strong way of inviting, I hope things go well and the two realm emperors can come.

Wasn't it a little too much for us to treat those three outer gods just now? "

Emperor Xiangtian Feng nodded slightly, with a look of anxiety in his eyes.

"Hmph! Emperor Feng was gentle and gentle since he was a child, and he was appointed to the top position when he was in danger. He still doesn't know the countless cruel and vicious things outside the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm.

The three outer gods were full of obscenities just now, and they were not kind, so we are being polite to them.

Let's just look at the attitudes of the two major New Territories. If they have the slightest intention to disobey our Xiangtian Phoenix Realm, the first one in charge of the principal will not let them go.

First personally order the Tianbo fish to eat the three gods of filth, and then go to their lair to kill them! "

Jin Zhangming's expression suddenly became icy cold, and his tender face was frosty. Thinking of Song Zhen, Luoyun Realm Emperor and Ningwu Realm Emperor, he said in embarrassment.

"Oh! What did they say just now? Emperor Feng has just ascended the throne, and he has not understood any external divine words, and I don't know how they made Jin Zhangming so angry?"

Emperor Xiangtian Feng looked around at the two masters of gold and silver, his golden eyes flashed, and he asked in surprise.

"Why does Emperor Feng need to mention the three filthy gods again, knowing what they say is meaningless, and it will only cause trouble.

Just now Emperor Feng mentioned that he doesn't know the outside world, why don't we sisters teach it to you while Emperor Feng is not busy? "

Seeing Jin Zhang's displeasure, Silver Palm envoy quickly changed the topic.


"This is what Emperor Feng expected. If the two masters of the New Territory come, Emperor Feng can't even understand what they say, wouldn't it be embarrassing!"

Emperor Xiangtian Feng was very happy when he heard the words, and immediately smiled.

"Okay! Emperor Feng, now you are the God Lord of a world, you are no longer our little sister, you should be more cold in the future.

The language of the gods is very easy to learn, as long as sister Yinfeng and I tell Fengdi the difference between their spirits from all walks of life, with Fengdi's intelligence, it will only take a moment. "

Jin Zhangming heard that Yin Zhangming wanted to change the subject, so he slowed down and said with a smile.


"Okay! With you two capable sisters, I don't have to worry! Teach me quickly."


"Ha ha……"

"Are they telling us to take a shower and change clothes?"

Song Zhen, Luoyun Realm Emperor and Ningwu Realm Emperor were swept into the Tianbo River, the outer palace of the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm Palace, with one sleeve, and they were all filled with Tianbo water.

After barely sitting afloat, he kept spitting out the river water, still poor.

"Not to mention, Brother Song, which do you think is better to drink than the water from the Tianbo River and the water from Dongmeng?"

The Ningwu Realm Emperor gurgled the water of the Tianbo River like a spring, and suddenly felt that the water of the Tianbo River was sweet and lightly fragrant, so he couldn't help but asked Song Zhen with a smile.

"Crack! Crack!"

"Well, I think it's true that the water of Dongmeng can save lives. If it's delicious, it's the water from the Tianbo River in the Soaring Phoenix Realm.

Ben Zhanshen feels that the water of the Bohe River is more delicious than the God of Dionysus soup, and these gods are really delicious. "

While the Emperor Ningwu Realm was asking, Song Zhen, the Supreme Divination God, was busy eating the aquatic plants pulled from his side.

"Oh, is it so?"

When Luoyun Jiedi and Ningwu Jiedi heard the words, their eyes suddenly lit up, and the three guys not only did not have the slightest sense of crisis.

It was obviously very inconvenient to be locked with chains, but it didn't affect them at all, pulling the water plants left and right, gnawing on them with relish.

"Hehe, hehe..."

Song Zhen gnawed happily. After gnawing one, he stretched out his hand to grab another divine cattail by his side, and suddenly saw a golden-scaled divine fish beside the aquatic plants, opening its mouth to bite the divine cattail.

But it suddenly saw Song Zhen stretching out his big hand, and immediately retracted his head. The girl glanced at Song Zhen, grinned and said:


Then it turned around, swam away wagging its tail, and laughed happily.


He couldn't help but sighed in self-mocking, thinking to himself why he and Shenyu had grabbed food, and let others be humble.

Boo! Boo!

Just as Song Zhen paused, he felt the surrounding Tianbo River fluctuate, and then he looked around, and there were many weak and paired divine fish smiling at himself and Luo The emperor of the cloud realm and the emperor of the condensing fog realm are willing to eat aquatic plants.

Besides, Song Zhen listened attentively and they were still whispering to each other:

"I don't know where the Destiny God Envoy got this delicacy again."

"Raise them for a few days first, and let Tianbo Divine Jelly and Immortal Cattail remove the fishy smell from their bodies. It's not too late for us to enjoy it."

"The one with cloudy body and foggy body is fine, but that guy with five-color eyes and black-and-white eyebrows looks so awkward, I guess the meat must be very hard!"

"Cut, Blackhead, you have a lot of problems, and the situation outside Xiangtianfeng's world is complicated, you think it's so easy to get some game.

This is not for us to eat right now, Jinyinzhang has an explanation, let us watch Nine Days.

If the two palms don't take them away after nine days, then we can eat them! "

"Oh! It's a long film, don't be angry. The blackheads are just talking, and it's just a matter of fact. The black and white eyebrows just look uncomfortable.

Come on, this time I will be more polite with the blackhead, I will not take a bite of its meat, I will leave it to you! "

"Hehe...Come on, blackheads, that's not what I said, and you didn't eat the most blackheads.

At the end of the meal, you will not let go of the gods. In the future, if you say something like this, you'd better not say it, how embarrassing it will be then! "


"I go!"

Song Zhen understood their conversation, his scalp felt numb for a while, and he was not in the mood to continue gnawing on the gods, and exclaimed.

"What's the matter, Brother Song, do you believe what they say?

Like them, we have heard a lot in our Dongmeng water, which divine fish is not bubbling and blowing.

As a result, have you ever seen fish eat gods? In the end, it’s not us who eat fish!

Listen to this Luoyun Realm Emperor, don't pay attention to them, we can enjoy these god cattails, this is really the fragrance of their grandma! "

"Yeah, Brother Song, let's eat enough of the gods, and then roast the god fish slices, drink the god wine, and enjoy it while waiting for our world god to come to the rescue, isn't it good?"

Song Zhen's sudden change, Luoyun Realm Emperor and Ningwu Realm Emperor met, amused for a while, and comforted.

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