Nine Heavens

Chapter 2780

"Poof! Poof!"

As soon as the Luoyun Jiedi and Ningwu Jiedi's words fell, the surrounding gods laughed and spit bubbles at them.


At this moment, in the Shenhuo Palace, Jinyin Zhangming has taught Emperor Xiangtianfeng many things outside the world of Xiangtianfeng.

They had nothing to do at the moment, they were chatting.

"Sister Feng, I really can't figure it out. The remains of the Haogu Continent have been lost outside the Infinite Yuan Realm. Why did the Mother Emperor suddenly pass on the throne to me and insist on looking for it?"

During the chat, Emperor Xiangtian Feng suddenly frowned, and said quietly.

"Emperor Mother has her own reasons, Emperor Feng don't think too much, just follow the "Emperor Mother's Letter" to implement her old man's plan step by step!"

Jin Zhangming dazzled his eyes, his eyes were full of love, he stared at the Phoenix Emperor on the throne of the Xiangtian Phoenix Emperor, and said.

"Jingfeng understands, but Lanfeng always has no idea, fearing that if she doesn't have the courage of the mother emperor, what she does will not meet the mother emperor's expectations.

In the future, when the mother emperor returns, wouldn't it make her old man feel cold! "

The Xiangtian Phoenix Emperor has a blue phoenix crown and a shining crown, with a high nose bridge taking advantage of her exquisite features, but her face is full of worry.

"Emperor Feng, don't worry, the three of us sisters are all models of the Soaring Phoenix World raised by the Emperor Mother. Since she left at ease, it shows that she has confidence in us.

As long as we sisters and Gods of the Three Palms work together, we will never disappoint Mother Emperor! "

Yinzhangming also encouraged Xiangtian Fengdi to speak.

"Well, thank you two sisters for encouraging and comforting Jingfeng. I, Emperor Feng, want to ask the two sisters in charge of life a question."

Xiangtian Fengdi nodded heavily, then looked at Jinyin Zhangming seriously and said.


Most of the time, Xiangtian Fengdi has a gentle look, even if she is serious, she is a bit cute, but her sudden serious look made Jinyin Zhangming amused.

"Emperor Xiangtian Feng, please tell me!"

Jinyin Zhangming looked at each other and smiled, and Qiqi clasped his fists in response with a laughing sound.

"Look at you, Ben Xiangtian Phoenix Emperor is serious!"

Emperor Xiangtian Feng saw the two elder sisters in charge of life biting their vermilion lips tightly and couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile.

"Reporting to Emperor Xiangtian Phoenix, we are also serious!"

Jinyin Zhangming finally couldn't help laughing out loud, and then teased.


Now the three sisters laughed so loudly that they couldn't stop for a long time.

"Reporting to Xiangtian Emperor Feng and the two Commanders of Xiangtian, the two envoys of the Divine Fire Order have passed back to the world, and the Nine Elephant Fire Order has been successfully delivered.

The two divine fire envoys asked, should they return to the realm immediately or wait until they see the Misty Realm Emperor leave the realm, and then go back to the realm? "

Suddenly, outside the God of Death Fire Palace, a vigorous old lady's voice came into the Palace of God of Fire.

"Thank you Golden Fire Guardian for passing on the message. Is the Misty Realm Emperor an ordinary person? Even if he goes out of the realm, the two Divine Fire envoys may not be able to follow him. Let them return to the realm for the time being."

Xiangtian Fengdi stopped laughing immediately, sat upright, tasted the words from outside the hall, and said.

"Well, Jin Hu will return to them like this. In addition..."

Protector Jin simply finished answering, as if he still had something to say, but he stopped in the middle of speaking.

"Protector Jin has something to say, just say it bluntly, there are only two life masters in the temple, and there are no outer gods!"

Emperor Xiangtian Feng felt that the golden protector outside the palace had some concerns about his words, so he quickly explained his doubts.

"That's it. Just now, the lower inspector of the phoenix reported that the god of the Nine Lotus Shrine is gradually approaching our realm in the lower realm of Emperor Xiangtian Phoenix. He begged Emperor Feng for instructions on how to deal with it."

The golden protector outside the palace heard that there was no taboo in the Shenhuo Palace, so he immediately reported.


"The Emperor of Nine Lotus Shrine came so fast!"

Xiangtian Fengdi heard the words, exclaimed and asked again:

"Can you tell me whether the emperor of the Nine Lotus God Palace came alone, or with an army?"

"Reporting to Emperor Feng, the patrolling Feng officer there said that there are many gods coming from the other side, and they share a huge divine universe, and they are accompanied by nine divine cauldrons.

Looking at it roughly, at least there are more than 20 gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine, but there are no magic soldiers behind them. "

Protector Jin reported the truth.

"Understood, there is Law Protector Laojin to send an order to the Fengguan to patrol the world first, and for the time being, all the guards will deploy an army of defenders to guard against them. Let's discuss it for the time being, and then send an order if we have further plans!"

Xiangtian Fengdi, who was still acting like a cute girl just now, made decisive judgments at critical moments, and he was straightforward, and he explained it in a few words.

"Jin Hu respectfully abides by Emperor Feng's decree!"

The Golden Protector outside the Shenhuo Palace responded with a bow, and sent an order to leave the palace.

"Two sisters in charge, look, what should we do next?"

After responding to the golden protector outside the palace, Xiangtian Fengdi asked, looking at the golden and silver palm life from left to right.

"The bright boat from the Nine Lotus Shrine came, and the Human Sovereign didn't bring many spirits with him, so he probably didn't intend to attack the world.

However, we don’t know whether we should be good at etiquette or have other strategies. We don’t know at the moment. Why don’t we follow the strategy of Emperor Feng, first strengthen our defenses, and keep them out of the way? After watching their actions near the border, how to deal with them ? "

Jin Zhang ordered Che to ponder for a while, and said.

"What Jin Zhangming said makes sense. The Human Sovereign doesn't know our intention of forcing him to come here. According to common sense analysis, his main purpose is to save their god friend.

What they do is nothing more than to call the world first and let us talk to God. If we say no, they're out of bounds.

So what we have to do, first of all, is to explain to them our purpose of abducting their gods, and at the same time mention the ninety-nine eighty-one fairy phoenix and the August envoy.

If their attitude is not overbearing and hostile, we can lead them into the boundary for a discussion, otherwise it is better to negotiate outside the boundary. "

Yinzhangming followed Jinzhangming's words and added.

"That is to say, we need two preparations, either friendly negotiation or forced negotiation?"

Emperor Xiangtian Feng synthesized the meaning of Jinyin Zhangming's words and said.

"It's not ruled out that they will forcefully break into the God Realm to save God! But most likely, they will accept our willingness to negotiate in a friendly manner.

Because we said before that the Nine Lotus Shrine is not a realm of demons, they generally act in an open and aboveboard manner, and do not wish to do evil.

In order to avoid further misunderstandings, it seems that we need to put the three captive gods on the spot where we are critically responding to them. "

Jin Zhangming said again.

"Well, it's more reasonable to do so. But at the same time, we are forcing not only the Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine, but also the Emperor of the Misty God Realm.

Emperor Feng was worried that if the handling was not good, they would arrive outside the Xiangtianfeng Realm one after another, not knowing what they wanted, and it would be bad if they came to an alliance to attack the realm.

How about this, why don't Emperor Feng personally go out of the world, set up a dome tent, return the hostility, apologize and ask for talk? "

Emperor Xiangtian Feng thought about it, and then said.


Jinyin Zhangming heard Xiangtian Fengdi's words, they were all taken aback, and looked at each other, both relieved and worried.

The good news is that sister Jingfeng has just ascended to the position of Fengdi, and she has such courage while she is still childish, which really surprised them and secretly expressed their admiration.

But at the same time they were very worried about their sister. Xiangtian Fengdi didn't understand the complicated situation outside the Xiangtianfeng Realm of the Infinite Element Realm, but the sisters knew it because they had been out of the realm many times.

They were deeply afraid that Xiangtian Fengdi's younger sister would be hurt because she would not recognize safety and danger in the complicated situation outside the boundary.

But they also knew that it was obviously the best choice for Emperor Xiangtian Feng to do so. Not only can it easily resolve the misunderstanding of the previous kidnapping of the three gods, but it can also show the sincerity of making friends with the two worlds at the same time.

If it goes well, the ninety-nine and eighty-one fairy phoenixes and August envoys that the mother emperor told her to retrieve before her departure will also have great hope.

"Emperor Feng, going out of the world is a big matter, and there are many dangers, although it's the best way to do it, you have to think about it!

Mother Emperor has just left the realm, and you have just ascended to the throne, in case something happens to you, our Soaring Phoenix Realm will just..."

Jin Zhangming speaks frankly and bluntly.


"Isn't there two elder sisters who are in charge of life, since you are worried, just temporarily be my left and right guardians.

Jingfeng doesn't believe it, just at the border of our Xiangtianfeng world, which fairy god can fight against the two elder sisters of the Xiangtian Phoenix Emperor! "

Jinyin Zhangming had a worried expression on his face, but Xiangtian Fengdi smiled crisply when he saw it.

"That's all we have to do. Emperor Feng prepares, and we also go to prepare. This is also an opportunity for Emperor Feng to show off my Soaring Phoenix Realm. Don't let them underestimate us!

By the way, let You Canglongjie and Shenguang Yuanjie see that the Nine Lotus Shrine, which they have always been afraid of, is now dating us! "

Jinyin Zhangming saw that Emperor Xiangtian Fengfeng had made up his mind, and he didn't object to anything. The three sisters discussed for a while, and then went about their own business.

Infinite Metaverse, tens of thousands of years later.

In the Soaring Sky Phoenix Realm, on the edge of the vast divine fire, a huge silver-white divine boat of 100,000 people floated steadily.

On the strings of the huge Shenzhou boat stand fifteen shadows of the Nine Lotus Shrine.

The leader is Renhuang Liu Qianlang, whose white hair is fluttering, white robes are flying around, and his eyes are clear, looking straight at the Divine Fire Palace in the center of the vast Divine Fire in the Soaring Phoenix Realm.

His face was condensed, his expression was resolute, and he held the golden scroll with one hand in his right hand, which was both majestic and peaceful.

On the left side of his body is the Holy Mother of Linhe, on his right side is Liu Juan, God of Wonderful Fragrance, and behind him are the ten wives of Emperor Liu Qianlang.

And in the sky above the huge Shenzhou, a huge divine cauldron and rainbow wheel roared and circled.

"Daddy Human Sovereign, this is the Soaring Sky Phoenix Realm!"

As the Shenzhou gradually approached the boundless and vast area of ​​​​Shenhuo in front of it, Liu Chaoqingyue's voice came from above the Shending Rainbow Wheel.

"Yes! I understand, father. You should pay close attention to the situation around you. When we first came to this world, everything was focused on saving you, Uncle Song. Try not to make mistakes in other things."

Deep in the unknown, Renhuang Liu Qianlang has developed a calm state of mind, unleashing a strong sense of consciousness, calm and calm, while analyzing the surrounding situation, while reminding Xingchen Jiuying.


Xingchen Jiuying responded in unison.

"I really admire the old man. After Haoguyuan Zhou collapsed, even the Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine collapsed, and the golden phoenix and fire phoenix still completely guard the Jiuxiang Shenhuo Palace!"

The Lady of the River of Linhe was covered in glittering scales, staring at the Divine Fire Palace of the Soaring Heaven Phoenix Realm floating and looming in the vast divine fire, and sighed.

"Senior Linhe knows the Lord of the Soaring Phoenix Realm?"

Renhuang Liu Qianlang asked after hearing this.

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