Nine Heavens

Chapter 2781 Three Phoenixes Greet Guests

"It's more than just acquaintance. In the ancient times, you Yuanshuilong clan didn't have much contact with them, but we in Linhe Realm and Shenhuo Palace are close friends.

The Divine Fire Palace has always been mysterious, and the Golden Phoenix Emperor and the Fire Phoenix Empress are also unpredictable. Under normal circumstances, if there is no special mission call from the Emperor Haogu, they never show up, and the location of the Divine Fire Palace is rarely known by God.

However, the Holy Mother of Benlin River has always had a relationship with Huofeng, and they don't have many secrets from the old man, who often travels to the Shenhuo Palace. "

The Holy Mother of Linhe remembered the old friend of Haogu Shenzhou, her eyes were full of sadness.

"Then according to the seniors, they forced me to come here by force, so why?"

Human Sovereign was quite happy, having this section is definitely a favorable factor for rescuing brothers.

"It's really strange, but I don't understand that the golden phoenix and fire phoenix are all upright and upright, if they intend to invite the emperor to come, they shouldn't act like this.

Moreover, with their temperament, they would never show up at the Shenhuo Palace in the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm, but first delivered the Nine Elephant Fire Order, and then the Shenhuozhou picked it up.

The old man guessed that the act of forcibly inviting the Emperor this time should not be the work of the Golden Phoenix and Fire Phoenix, but something else.

As for their purpose, the old man is also very confused. "

Our Lady of Linhe looked puzzled and shook her head slightly.

"It's really weird, according to senior Linhe, the golden phoenix and fire phoenix in the Divine Fire Palace of the Soaring Phoenix Realm should be a god of loneliness and disdain to associate with other worlds.

So it shouldn't be something like an alliance that they forced the Emperor to come. However, the New Territory of the Nine Lotus Shrine has just been established, and it has never hindered it, and there is no way to talk about resolving old grievances. What are they doing for it? "

God Qixiang Zhou listened quietly to the conversation between the Holy Mother of Linhe and the Emperor, and sighed slightly.

"It seems that we can only talk about it after seeing their world gods."

The Human Sovereign looked at the vast sea of ​​divine fire in the Soaring Phoenix Realm, and his soul moved slightly, pausing the progress of the time divine boat.

"The other party's intentions are not clear, we don't want to force our way into the world, we'd better show respect first and then fight. Let Xingchen Jiuying Shenhong ask for directions."

Miao Yan and the other empresses, as well as Lan Shuang and Yexiang stared at the vast sky and phoenix world in front of the Shenzhou for a long time, deeply worried about the safety of the Supreme Occupation God, wishing to fly into the world immediately, but the Emperor had nothing to say, I had to suppress my anxiety.

Saving people is the most important thing, Miao Yan suggested after examining it again and again.

"Okay! Just listen to Yan'er."

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang turned his head and said in a warm voice, and then the soul read the sound transmission of the stars Jiuying, and immediately Jiuding Lianhong Shenbo asked the world.

As soon as Liu Qianlang finished speaking, the Chaos Cauldron, Hongmeng Cauldron, Honghuang Cauldron, Wahuang Cauldron, Pangu Cauldron, Fucang Cauldron, Taiyin Cauldron, Jinwu Cauldron and Shiguang Cauldron on the Time Shenzhou, the left and right wings of the Nine Cauldrons quickly gathered to form a In the state of Lianhong, the torrential and rolling waves of the rainbow pushed the waves forward, frequently flocking into the vast divine fire of the Soaring Phoenix Realm.

Hu, hu...

Afterwards, the gods kept hearing the sound like the rolling waves of the ocean.

"Ha ha……"

"Human Sovereign, God of Wonderful Fragrance, Holy Mother of Linhe River! I never thought we would meet again so soon!"

The gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine followed the Nine Lotus Divine Rainbow to ask for directions, all of their energies were concentrated in the vast divine fire of the Soaring Phoenix Realm, when they suddenly heard a burst of laughter from below.

The gods were startled, and they leaned over to see that it turned out to be the body of the Misty Realm Emperor God Mist, flying towards him with a nine-color flame in his hand.

"Ha ha……"

"We are predestined, even if invited by the Soaring Sky Phoenix Realm, you and I can come together!

Very good, we happened to pay a good visit to Xiangtian Fengdi together! "

Originally, the two realms had already formed a sincere alliance, but now that the Misty Realm Emperor came, it was natural for the emperor to have more help, how could he be unhappy, he couldn't help laughing, and said.

"Emperor Xiangtian Feng is an interesting master, doesn't he just want to meet the Emperor of the Misty Realm, it's really a bit long-winded.

He first snatched me as the second emissary of Yunwu, and then delivered the Nine Elephant Fire Order to me, haha..."

The Emperor of the Misty Realm had already stepped on the Eastern Mongolian Gun Dragon and came up to him as he spoke, holding up the Nine Elephant Fire Token and smiling.

"Oh! The two benefactors of affection didn't return halfway, and they were taken captive by Emperor Xiangtian Feng together with the fourth brother of the Supreme God of God."

After hearing the words, Renhuang Liu Qianlang roughly guessed the process of the three captive gods.



"Shenhuo Palace of the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm welcomes the gods of the Jiulian Shrine and the Emperor of the Misty Realm. I also ask the gods to forgive me. They all blame me, Xiangtian Fengdi. If you come to be a guest, you have no choice but to resort to indecent tactics.

At this moment, the two great worlds came as promised, and the Xiangtian Phoenix world should immediately return the three humiliated gods, and then please enter the world with all the gods to plead guilty!

The left and right guardians have not yet sent the three humiliated gods back. "

At this moment, three slim and beautiful goddesses suddenly appeared in the vast divine fire of Xiangtian Fengdi.

One of the three goddesses is in the front, and the other two are slightly behind. The three goddesses all have high buns, wearing divine phoenix crowns, with exquisite faces and smiling faces.

The one in front is a group of starry gods wearing holy white neon clothes, with a phoenix crown on his head, a blue and pleasant, high nose, and golden eyes.

The goddess on the right behind him is wearing a golden crown and a golden dress, with bright red eyes and sharp eyes. Behind him is the goddess on the left, with a fluttering silver skirt and blue eyes.

Judging from their appearance that they are no more than twenty women in the world, the leader is even younger.

This mysterious and crisp, silver-bell-like laughter came from the leading woman.

"Yes! Emperor Feng!"

The two goddesses behind the leading goddess heard the words, and they also responded crisply.

Then, they waved their hands casually behind them, and a piece of miraculous firewood and fire leaves slowly appeared, carrying Song Zhen, Luoyun Realm Emperor and Ningwu Realm Emperor Dynasty quietly.

After that, the fire leaves fluttered slowly, and suddenly drifted towards the time Shenzhou of the Nine Lotus Shrine.

"Ha ha……"

"Luo Yun, Brother Ningwu, what's the matter, Ben Zhanshen hasn't eaten enough of the river god's cattail, why did we leave Tianbo River?"

"Needless to say, Emperor Xiangtian Fengdi is delicious and fun, it must be those three young ladies who moved us to a new place to enjoy, hehe..."



The gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine and the Misty Realm Emperor stared at Song Zhen intently. The Luoyun Realm Emperor and the Ningwu Realm Emperor sat on the living leaves, chomping on the emerald green divine grass, full of ignorant children's words. , are all surprised and puzzled.


"Emperor Xiangtianfeng forgot to tell you clearly that after we captured the three humiliated gods, because I, Emperor Xiangtianfeng, had nowhere to arrange them for a while, I had no choice but to put them into the Tianbo River.

The Tianbo river water, the divine fragrance is unusual, and the green body forgets worries. It is the cultivation state river for the immortals and gods in my world to wash away their worries.

They are all right, except that their spirit bodies are younger, and there is no damage, but they will return to their previous state in a short while. "

Emperor Xiangtian Feng explained when he saw the surprised expressions of the gods of the two worlds.


"It doesn't matter, but Emperor Xiangtian Feng is too confident. If you force me to hold my god and invite me to wait, aren't you afraid that we will bear our grudges and go away, or cause trouble and revenge?"

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang quickly released his consciousness, and analyzed his brothers Song Zhen and Yunwu Ershi, and found that they were all right, so he couldn't help laughing.

"If Ben Xiangtian Fengdi didn't even have such self-confidence, why would he make such a bad move to invite you all.

Ben Xiangtian Fengdi considers that the Nine Lotus Shrine and Misty God Realm are the new great worlds of the Infinite Yuan Realm. They have risen in a short period of time, and they must be different. They can treat everything with great kindness and benevolence, so they admire each other.

Ben Xiangtian Fengdi is a frank and cheerful god, he has something to say, dare to ask the two emperors of the gods if they accept Ben Xiangtian Fengdi's sincere invitation to enter the world and enter the palace for a talk.

Previously, Benxiang Tianfeng was rude, but now the god of captivity has returned, whether he agrees or not, Benxiangtian Fengdi will accept it frankly, and will answer from his heart. "

Xiangtian Fengdi smiled, and spoke leisurely and unhurriedly.

"I can't see that although Emperor Xiangtian Feng is young, he is so decisive and refreshing in his actions.

That's right, as you said, Nine Lotus Shrine has always been adhering to great kindness, benevolence and harmony, so it is naturally willing to make friends with comrades.

To be honest, the Nine Lotus Shrine and Misty God Realm are the reason for this, and the Realm Alliance has long been the first.

Since Xiangtian Fengjie sincerely invites you, if you don't have evil intentions, I, the emperor and all my colleagues are very willing to bother you, and you can also take this opportunity to see the wonders of the God Realm! "

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang heard the words, thought for a while, nodded with the Misty Realm Emperor, and said.


"The Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine is refreshing! What about the Misty Realm Emperor?"

Xiangtian Phoenix Emperor's golden eyes, his pupils are filled with auspicious clouds and joy, his phoenix head is slightly nodding, and he looks at Misty Realm Emperor.

"Don't say that Emperor Xiangtian Feng thought so much to invite this Emperor of the Misty Realm, even if the Emperor of the Misty Realm never invited him, this Emperor of the Misty Realm regrets not having the opportunity to visit Emperor Xiangtian Phoenix, and the Emperor of the Misty Realm is willing to accept Emperor Xiangtian Feng's kindness. "

The Misty Realm Emperor secretly thought in his heart, since he is here, it's okay to take a risk, so he said with a smile.


"The two emperors of the God Realm are so forthright, and Emperor Benxiang Tianfeng deeply admires them. However, the situation in the Infinite Yuan Realm is strange now. Aren't the two realm emperors worried that Benxiang Tianfeng Realm has evil intentions?"

Xiangtian Fengdi joked when he heard that the Misty Realm Emperor also agreed.

"It's true, don't worry about speculative words, even if you cheat! Since we accept the invitation of Emperor Xiangtian Fengdi, we can only ask for blessings! Haha..."

Liu Qianlang laughed heartily, but also secretly read the sound transmission before and after the disciples to be careful.

"May I ask if the God Emperor of the Golden Phoenix, Fire, Phoenix, and Phoenix Realm is safe after death?"

Waiting for the Emperor Liu Qianlang, the Emperor Misty Realm and the Emperor Xiangtianfeng finished talking, and after a long look at the second and third gods of the Xiangtianfeng Realm, the Holy Mother of Linhe asked.


Xiangtian Fengdi and Jinyin Zhangming behind him did not expect that the graceful god in the scale skirt beside the emperor would suddenly ask such a loud voice about the mother emperor and father huang, and they all let out a gasp of surprise.

"Senior, do you know our mother emperor and father Huang?"

After a pause in his spiritual thoughts, Emperor Xiangtian Feng carefully looked at the Holy Mother of Linhe, feeling that this majestic Linshen must have some connection with Xiangtian Fengjie, so he respected his senior and asked.

"Exactly! I am the Holy Mother of Linhe in the time of the vast ancient Yuanzhou, and Jinhuang Huofeng is a close friend, not only an acquaintance, but a brotherhood!"

Our Lady of Linhe replied in a gentle voice.

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