Nine Heavens

Chapter 2782 Summoning Demon Soul Sacrifice

"So you..."

Emperor Xiangtian Feng looked carefully at the Holy Mother of Linhe again, and suddenly became dejected, his golden eyes were dimmed, and he was on the verge of tears.

After being at a loss for words for a long time, he continued:

"It turns out that the two Haogu gods worshiped by the mother emperor are you and Emperor Huang! The junior Jingfeng didn't know that you were still in the infinite element world, so I made a mistake!"

While Emperor Xiangtian Feng was speaking, he glanced left and right at Jinyin Zhangming, who also looked surprised. The three goddesses all benefited together, Emperor Xiangtian Feng said in surprise.

"The three of you are their descendants, what about them?"

The Holy Mother of Linhe heard something in Xiangtian Fengdi's words, her heart froze, and she asked.

"It's difficult for this junior to explain the mysterious changes. Please let senior Linhe and the gods enter the world for now. Can you allow junior Xiangjia to tell senior about the past?"

Emperor Xiangtian Feng looked sad and said apologetically.

"Alright, Human Sovereign, Misty Realm Emperor, how about we let them enter the realm?"

Although the Holy Mother of Linhe is the oldest among the gods, the conversation with Emperor Xiangtian Feng just now was a personal affair, so it is not easy to respond directly. She looked at Human Emperor Liu Qianlang and Emperor Misty for advice.

"I have Lao Xiangtian Fengdi to lead the way, please, Senior Mother of Linhe!"

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang and Misty Realm Emperor naturally had no objection and said almost at the same time.

"Thank you, the two emperors of the God Realm made it perfect, Emperor Xiangtianfeng Manzhou God and Real Fire, and asked the gods to collect their own magic treasures, and immediately ride on the real fire leaf, which is more comfortable."

Seeing Human Emperor Liu Qianlang and Misty Realm Emperor nodding in agreement, Xiangtian Fengdi's golden eyes shone with joy, and said crisply.

Immediately afterwards, from the vast divine fire of Emperor Xiangtian Phoenix, leaves of burning fire suddenly flew out, heading straight for the Shenzhou of Nine Lotus Temple.

"Ha ha……"

"Thank you, Emperor Xiangtian Phoenix!"

Seeing this, Renhuang Liu Qianlang took the lead in floating up, and found that it was stable and comfortable, without any feeling of heat, and quickly sent his soul to the same door through sound transmission.

After a while, the vast sacred fire, real fire, clouds and leaves fluttered in the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm, sitting or standing on it, and the shadows loomed. Gong flew away.

At this moment, the minds of Supreme Occupation God and Yunwu Ershi also returned to normal, and they returned to their respective masters.

Just when their fluttering shadows were hidden in the vast divine fire, two devil phantoms suddenly appeared on the bank of the vast divine fire in the Soaring Phoenix Realm.

Of these two demon phantoms, one is completely black, and the other is volatile, with infinitely changing colors.

"Emperor Shenguang's prediction was right. Sooner or later, Emperor Xiangtian Phoenix and Nine Lotus Shrine will come together. I didn't expect it to be so soon!"

The pitch-black phantom bowed and looked at the depths of the vast divine fire in the Soaring Phoenix Realm, and said in an evil voice.

"Nine Lotus Shrine is really powerful. It can escape the blue-gold snake demon plan that is as terrifying as Master Shenguang and Demon Emperor Xuanyang!"

The Phantom, who kept changing his expression, said in a strange voice.

"So what, I heard that the Great Master Shenguang has started to use the skull magic in the skeleton world again, using the two bells of the universe to summon all the gods, demons, demons, demons, and demons to gather together.

If he really succeeds, our Shenguang Yuanjie will return to the universe, and we can wipe out all the great gods in a short time!

Those who swim in the Canglong Realm, Soaring Sky Phoenix Realm, and their Nine Lotus Shrine, Misty God Realm will all crawl at the feet of our Shenguang Yuan Realm! "

"Hi! Emperor Luo Xiangjie, this is true. I have vaguely heard of it. However, it seems that the relationship between Emperor Shenguang and Master Shenguang has been separated. You said that Master Shenguang is still loyal to the Shenguang Yuanjie. Does it work?"

"Cut! Dark Realm Emperor, don't forget, besides Emperor Shenguang, which other realm emperor would wait to see a crooked old witch with multiple eyes and one-eyed eyes!

That is, Emperor Shenguang, and giving her the respect of Master Shenguang gave her a chance to dominate the world. "

"What you said is not unreasonable. However, I always feel that Master Shenguang is not that simple. He is a bloody woman of Haogu Mohui! Her Taoism is not much less than that of Emperor Shenguang.

And now the God of Xuanyang is very close to her, and she has secretly cultivated many blood demon forces. I worry that one day, the power of Emperor Shenguang will be affected. "

"Whatever, we are used to going with the wind, we will be their servants whoever is stronger, we just need to keep the power of our own gods and demon gods.

What you said reminded me that we really have to be careful in the future. Although Master Shenguang is tricky, we can't offend her too much. If she gains power in the future, we can change jobs. "


"You still have experience, let's not talk about it, you just saw it. Which one was played in the Soaring Phoenix Realm? Why did the two divine phoenixes capture the gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine and the Misty God Realm? Rescue, even took the initiative to let go.

What are Nine Lotus Shrine and Misty Realm Emperor doing? There is no complaint, as if they made peace? "

"I don't understand, did Emperor Xiangtian Feng trick them into entering the realm, or did they form an alliance again!?"

"Forget it! Forget it! We are only here to monitor the Soaring Phoenix Realm under the orders of Emperor Shenguang. If there is any situation, we just need to go back and report it. Why should we worry about it?"

"That's right, shall we wait for them to come out, or shall we go back now?"

"Of course we'll go back, we just need to see that the Three Realms are connected, as for the further situation, go back and listen to Emperor Shenguang's orders.

If you let us come here and don't mention this matter, why should we come here to make fun of smoke and fire, let's go! "

... The Phantom at Two o'clock muttered and talked for a while, then wobbled and disappeared again.

The sky realm in the infinite element realm, the skeleton realm.

The scene where the blood-red demon mist was originally filled, but at this moment, from a distance, the sky is clear and the sky is clear, and the floating blood-red skeleton has disappeared.

However, this is an illusion outside. Not only does the real skeleton remnant world exist, the scene at this moment is like a real blood skeleton floating in a vast ocean of blood.

It's just that such a real existence was sealed in an infinitely mysterious time and space by the Shenguang Blood Woman using the powerful magical sealing technique.

"Well chirp, chirp, rattat..."

In the mysterious time and space, in the vast ocean of blood, above the world of floating and rotating skeletons.

Shenguang Xuemao, wearing a blood-sparkling blood rainbow robe and a blood crown, sat cross-legged, with her hands intertwined, chattering incessantly, constantly running the dark magic sun in front of her.

Behind him in the sky is a tall and straight demon god, also wearing a blood-red demon robe, wearing a nine-dragon demon crown, stepping on a dark red blood demon dragon, and holding a blood demon sword in one hand.

The Dragon-Treading Demon God turned his back on the Shenguang bloody woman, with cold eyes of Yin Hong, and his rainbow eyes kept scanning the vast ocean of blood around him.

It looked like she was protecting the law for the Shenguang Xuemao, and also seemed to be paying attention to what was going on in the vast ocean of blood.


woo woo...


In the vast sea of ​​blood, along with Master Shenguang's babbling chanting, there were bursts of strange noises.

At the same time, countless boiling blood bubbles swelled on the surface of the ocean of blood, and those blood bubbles churned very violently, like boiling water.

What's more, it kept becoming more violent and terrifying, and the waves of blood jumped wildly, as if some terrifying monster would break out of the waves at any moment.

However, the Demon God of Stepping Dragon didn't seem to be nervous, he just saw the icy rainbow under his blood moon mask keep scanning.

"Yuan Du, no, this great mage should call you the God of Xuanyang, you are ready, the god will come in a while, we will use him as a demon soul sacrifice!"

Shenguang bloody woman, in the middle of rambling, suddenly said coldly.

"Don't worry, Great Master Shenguang, the God of Xuanyang has already prepared everything, and nothing will go wrong!"

The God of Xuanyang replied with a colder voice.

"That's right! From your voice, Master Ben can hear domineering, vicious and cruel! This means that the time for your Xuanyang god to shine has come!

Do you know who is the god that the great mage asked you to kill for summoning the demon soul for a while? "

There was a gleam of blood, and a hoarse and sinister smile.


The God of Xuanyang replied lightly.

"you know!?"

Shenguang Xuemao was a little surprised.

"Yes, the God of Xuanyang knows that the demon god who has different intentions from Xuemao Mohui must die no matter who he is, and he will definitely die to the satisfaction of Xuemao Mohui!"

The god of Xuanyang still turned his back on the bloody woman of Shenguang.

"You really are Mohui, I, the bloody woman of Mohui, didn't miss it!"

Hearing this, Shenguang bloody woman burst out laughing, then stopped laughing abruptly.

"Don't worry, Mohui bloody woman, even though the Mohui God Emperor has great ambitions, the God of Xuanyang will always be loyal and will be the Mohui God Emperor's right-hand man!"

Ouyang Langlong, the god of Xuanyang, said very sincerely.


"Do you think that Goddess Hui Hui likes to be some kind of world emperor?"

"If the Bloody Demon Wisdom is not in charge, who do you have your eye on?"

"Who else can be, of course you are the God of Xuanyang!"


"Sorceress Mohui, are you kidding me? You worked so hard to donate the Demon Soul Formation and gather all the dead demon gods from past and present, but it turned out to be for me! What good does this do for you?"

"Of course there are benefits, this demon Hui blood woman wants to see that the entire infinite element world is eternally a time and space where demon gods flood.

And don't allow those so-called gods of light to be extinct, and then we will trample on them forever, hit them, torture them, and slaughter them, so as to relieve my eternal hatred!

But this demon Hui Xueba only wants to be a happy person who enjoys watching, not a achiever! So this demon Huixuepo has been looking for a real world-killing madman that suits my wish!

You are the most favorite god's choice of this demon Huixuepo, and you need such an opportunity, because you are cruel, vicious, crazy, wild, and domineering! You will never be willing to be a little Xuanyang! "

"Are you trying to use me to realize your hatred plan?"

"Fulfill your ambitions at the same time!"

"You are so confident that I will accept your mercy!?"

"Don't you want to reach the sky in one step? The opportunity is right in front of you, and you only have an hour to think about it.

Either promise me, or you will do the Demon Soul Festival. Because when I asked Emperor Shenguang to come, I told him the same thing as you. "

"Don't think about it, I promise you! But you are not afraid that I will deal with you in reverse?"

"Quack... don't be afraid, Master Xuanyang believes that Emperor Xuanyang needs me!"


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