Nine Heavens

Chapter 2783 vicious blood woman

"Well, we are the real future of Shenguang Yuanjie. Once he dies, you and I will be the best tacit understanding. But the Dark Realm Emperor and Luoxiang Realm Emperor?"

The most worrying question in the mind of the God of Xuanyang had to be said in advance.

"They! Quack... You don't seem to see through this. They never support anyone. They only have survival and interests in their minds. You don't need Master Xuanyang to teach you how to do it after you come to power!"

The Bloody Mohui was very confident and said with a dry smile.

"The God of Xuanyang is relieved. The God of Xuanyang still has a question to ask, but I don't know if it is the right time to ask?"

Ouyang Langlong, the God of Xuanyang, leaned his body slightly, with a pair of icy eyes on the blood-red mask, and coldly glanced at the Demon Hui blood woman who was also staring at him.

"Who do you want to ask me?"


"Although the God of Xuanyang has lost the connection with the ancient divine consciousness with the Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine, I can also feel that your current form is definitely not what you were when you were in the ancient Yuanzhou.

The God of Xuanyang wants to know your identity at the time of Hao Gu Yuan Zhou! "

The God of Xuanyang seemed to be polite, but he asked so impolitely.

"There are some things that Master Xuanyang doesn't need to tell you, or when it's time for you to know, you will naturally know.

Benmo Huixuepo claimed that the Great Master Xuanyang is enough to help you, and asked the Emperor Xuanyang to give the Great Master Xuanyang some freedom to keep secrets! "

"You just said that you helped me for your own sake. But you are right, no matter what your purpose is, you are giving the God of Xuanyang a way to directly control the Shenguang Yuanjie without struggling. Opportunity, the God of Xuanyang accepts you, so let's not ask you for now.

But the God of Xuanyang said what he said before, and if you don't say it, it doesn't mean that the God of Xuanyang is doing his best to investigate you! "

"You don't care about this, and this demon Hui blood woman appreciates you very much. Being ambitious is being ambitious, and an ambitious god will always have infinite wisdom. If you are like this, this demon Hui blood woman doesn't mind. She knows everything by her own ability. Unstoppable!"

"I didn't expect the God of Mohui to be so forthright, and the Xuanyang Demon God likes it!"

"Let's stop gossip, he's here!"

"I sensed it!"

"There seems to be a fierce battle between you!"

"Maybe it's not that complicated. The God of Xuanyang has always been prepared for everything. Just like the God of Xuanyang can sprinkle the blue-gold snake poison all over the Nine Lotus Shrine overnight."

"You mean to say that he was doomed to die before he came here!"

"Either he dies or I die. This is a difficult problem you left between us. The God of Xuanyang has already guessed it. Why didn't he prepare in advance?"

"You are really good, I wonder how you prepared?"

"Why do I, the God of Xuanyang, talk nonsense about things that I will know in a while!"

"You have already bought the blue gold poison king?"

"You are also very powerful. It is very difficult for the small mind of the god of Xuanyang to escape your divine wisdom!"

"This is really ironic. He originally wanted to use the blue-gold demon poison to destroy the Nine Lotus Shrine. He probably never dreamed that he would die one day because of his trick to poison the gods of other worlds."

"Could it be that the planner of the blue-gold devil's poison is not you but him?"

"Then what do you think! Master Xuanyang only likes divination and reckoning, summoning gods and gods, and gods are called Huimo.

However, Master Xuanyang didn't even bother to use the trick of waiting for others. This is one of the biggest reasons why Master Xuanyang wants him to die. "

"Oh! Hearing what you said, the God of Xuanyang seems to have misunderstood you a lot in the past, and you are not as vicious as you imagined!"

"You are wrong, Master Xuanyang is more vicious than you imagined. If anyone betrays Master Xuanyang, Master Xuanyang will definitely make him die.

For example, he is an example, he shouldn't play against me, the Nine Lotus Shrine's blue-gold demon poison plan failed, so he alienated my relationship with you, and turned the blue-gold snake-headed crutch into his confidant. "

"Your revenge is better than your magic wisdom, but it's not wrong! We don't have vicious revenge, how can we regain the fairness we lost!

For the sake of fairness, this God of Xuanyang changed from the Yang God of Nine Lotus Shrine to what he is today. For the sake of fairness, he chose the path of hatred and magic. This God of Xuanyang has no regrets! "

"If we hadn't shared a common language, instead of being wronged as a god of righteousness, benevolence and benevolence, it would be better to be a devil who does his own thing!"

"He came very cautiously, it seems that he has been on guard against you for a long time!"

"That's why the God of Xuanyang bet on you for the success of this Demon Soul Summoning Sacrifice. He is guarding against me, but he will never guard against you.

You are nothing more than a minion who has just surrendered in his eyes! "

"I would like to thank you, the Skeleton Remnant World, for teaching me all the secrets of the Divine Light Yuanjie Shrine. Otherwise, if he looks down on my Xuanyang God and ignores my existence, this Xuanyang God will not succeed chance.

If he had thought of our plan in advance, maybe the two of us together would not be his opponent! "

"That's why Master Xuanyang stole the secret book of his Divine Light Yuanjie Shrine and secretly taught you all his magical powers!"

"The Dark Realm Emperor and the Luoxiang Realm Emperor came with him. I will deal with him. Those two seem to be troublesome for you!"

"I said that I don't like to fight and kill. I, the great mage Xuanyang, only like to use my wisdom to summon gods who are not me.

The two of them, you don't have to worry, maybe you will thank them! "

"You mean they will help the God of Xuanyang to kill him?"


Great Master Ben Xuanyang didn't say that, but it's not impossible, their brains are on their heads, whether to help you or help him, they know better than us.

They have already arrived outside the demon seal, it is up to you whether you die or he dies, what Master Xuanyang wants is the success of summoning the demon soul sacrifice! "

"You don't need to say any more, just continue casting spells and chanting spells!"

"Good luck!"

The God of Xuanyang, Ouyang Langlong and Mohui Xuepo, stopped suddenly after saying this.

The world of skeletons and remnants is still shrouded in a rainbow of blood, floating above the vast ocean of blood.

On it, the Mo Hui blood demon sat cross-legged, with his hands intertwined, dancing the pitch-black magic sun.

Ouyang Langlong, the god of Xuanyang, stared at the icy rainbow on the surface of the vast blood ocean, slowly moved up, and began to pay attention to the edge of the vast blood ocean around the skeleton remnant world.

Suddenly, there was a wave of blood rising and falling on the surface of the blood ocean on the east side of the blood ocean in the skeleton remnant world, and then three tall phantoms appeared on the tip of three snow waves.

The three phantoms are finished characters, and the leader is a god emperor with infinite changes in divine light. The divine light and divine robes around him are blown by the ocean wind, and the wind is blowing.

It stood firmly on the top of the huge snow wave, its body didn't move, but its figure followed the snow wave, constantly pushing towards the skeleton world.

His divine pupils were strange and poisonously cold, filled with disdain, and his gaze directly passed the tall and proud God of Xuanyang, and looked at the bloody woman who was concentrating on casting spells.

However, his rainbow eyes scanned the vast ocean of blood that seemed to be boiling, and he seemed very satisfied. As his figure approached, he nodded slightly.

Behind him, of course, are the Dark Realm Emperor and the Luoxiang Realm Emperor. The two demon gods also look majestic and domineering, with cold expressions, looking at the God of Xuanyang with the eyes of the God of Death.

But within a short time, three snow waves had already moved forward, and the huge snow waves washed away the remnants of the skeletons, and hit the sky with huge billows.

The giant waves fell, scattered into blood waves, and fell on the majestic red blood robe of the God of Xuanyang one after another.

However, the towering existence of the God of Xuanyang was actually ignored by the Emperor Shenguang, the Emperor of the Dark Realm, and the Emperor of the Luoxiang Realm, because in their eyes, the God of Xuanyang would soon become the God of Death.

"Ha ha……"

"Not bad! Not bad! Although Master Shenguang failed in the execution of the blue-gold demon poison plan of the Nine Lotus Shrine, but now the gods have summoned the demon soul array, and they are about to succeed in summoning all the mad demons from past and present. Just around the corner!"

When Emperor Shenguang nodded his head, a few traces of smiles appeared in his indifferent expression, looking at the bloody woman Mohui who was dancing the dark magic sun, said.

"Emperor Shenguang seems to be still complaining about the failure of the plan to destroy the Nine Lotus Shrine before the Great Master Shenguang?"

Mouhui Xuemao didn't stop moving, and said lightly.

"If it's not strange, it's because Emperor Shenguang is deceiving himself. The situation in the Infinite Element Realm is so complicated. If we move a day slower, the strength of the nine god realms will be greatly enhanced.

During this period of time, Master Shenguang retreated to cultivate the Demon Soul Summoning Formation, so he was ignorant of the outside situation.

The Nine Lotus Shrine not only did not become weaker due to the blow of our Blue Gold Demon Poison Project, but became more active!

He actually walked together with the Misty God Realm in the Middle Vault Realm and the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm in the Upper Vault Realm.

And our Shenguang Yuanjie has always ruled the roost alone, if this continues, the advantages of our Shenguang Yuanjie will become non-existent, how can we unify the Infinite Yuanjie!

Fortunately, Great Master Shenguang has learned from the painful experience, and now he has made up for his previous failures, so he is going to make another miracle! "

As the Emperor Shenguang, the Great Emperor Shenguang was naturally very vocal. He truthfully criticized Master Shenguang, which also showed the current situation in the Shenguang Yuanjie.


"Then I would like to thank Emperor Shenguang for his generosity. Emperor Shenguang did not cure the root cause of the failure of Master Shenguang's plan!

I don't know how the recent alliance between Emperor Shenguang and You Canglongjie is going? "

Master Shenguang sneered when he heard the words, and then asked.

"Oh! Nothing can escape the eyes of the Great Master Shenguang. Thanks to the blessing of the Great Master Shenguang, this Emperor Shenguang has already visited You Canglong Realm, but it is still too early for the alliance between us!"

Emperor Shenguang's magic rainbow flickered, and he sighed slightly.

"Let's do it, the Demon Summoning Soul Formation has been successfully cultivated, and the soul sacrifice is only needed!"

Upon hearing this, Great Master Shenguang paused for a while, and said in a low voice.


Emperor Shenguang nodded slightly, then turned around abruptly, facing the God of Xuanyang with his back turned, and said grimly:

"God of Xuanyang! Do you know that today is the day of the soul sacrifice of the Summoning Soul Formation, and it is also the end of you, the god of traitor?"

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