Nine Heavens

Chapter 2787 Fire Mirror

"I'm ashamed, this Xiangtian Phoenix Emperor has no evidence to prove that those fairy and phoenix sisters in your world are the Haogu Phoenix souls of our Xiangtian Phoenix Realm.

The reason why Ben Xiangtian Fengdi made such a rude request was because of the "Mother Emperor's Letter" left by the mother emperor. "

Emperor Xiangtian Feng said quite ashamedly.

"That's right!

Can I ask, how exactly did Emperor Zunmu request Xiangtian Fengdi to ask me for Nine Nine Eighty-one Immortal Phoenix and August Holy Envoy from Nine Lotus Shrine? "

Surprise flashed in Liu Qianlang's eyes, and he asked.

"The mother emperor only said that we should try our best to make friends with the noble world and make demands, nothing else."

Xiangtian Fengdi answered truthfully.

"Okay! My Majesty agrees to you. However, the incident happened suddenly, and my Majesty was unprepared. Can I allow my Majesty to try to make sure, and then send them here respectfully?"

Liu Qianlang weighed it over and over in his heart, and said so.

"Of course it is possible. The Human Sovereign is so magnanimous. This is the first time Emperor Feng Xiangtian interacts with your world, and he is so demanding. The Human Sovereign can agree. On behalf of the mother emperor, Ben Xiangtian Phoenix would like to thank you very much!"

Hearing that Renhuang Liu Qianlang agreed, Xiangtian Fengdi was quite happy, and said Wanfu again.

"Ha ha……"

"Thinking of the collapse of Yuanyuan in Haoguyuan, the chaos of the Infinite Yuan Realm, there are also many miracles. The soul of Haogu Xiangtianfeng Realm sprouted in the Nine Lotus Shrine.

This is the so-called fate, the Emperor of the Misty Realm congratulates the fate of the gods of the two worlds! "

Emperor Misty Realm heard about the Ninety-nine Eighty-one Immortal Phoenix, and felt a little unbelievable. He got up and saluted Emperor Human and Xiangtian Phoenix Emperor, and said with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

His words caused all the gods in the hall to smile happily, and the relationship between the gods of the three realms became much closer to each other.

"Reporting to Emperor Feng, countless black and white divine disks flying through the sky and breaking through the fog have been found in the sky above the Divine Fire Realm of the Soaring Phoenix Realm. I ask Emperor Feng for instructions on how to deal with it."

At this moment, the guardian Jinhuo outside the Shenhuo Palace suddenly sent a sound transmission to Xiangtian Fengdi and Jinyin Zhangming.


The third younger sister Fengshen's expression suddenly changed, and her face was covered with frost.

"The noble gods of the two realms sit down for a while, and suddenly there is an alien disk in the sky of the Xiangtianfeng Realm. Let me check it out and discuss it later."

Emperor Xiangtian Feng thought about it, told the truth, and got up to retreat.

"Here, Emperor Xiangtian Phoenix wait a moment!"

Upon hearing the words, Human Emperor Liu Qianlang suddenly remembered that when he came, the army of trillions of gods who were looking for the dark emperor, described in Xiangtian Fengdi's words, was exactly them, so he hurriedly stood up to block.

"Is it the divine disc of your Nine Lotus Shrine?"

Xiangtian Fengdi changed from his previous gentleness and asked coldly.

"Yes! However, Emperor Xiangtian Feng misunderstood, they didn't come here to cause trouble, but they came to protect us secretly.

It's all my fault that my emperor was negligent and forgot about them. They must have thought that we hadn't gone out for a long time, we were threatened by the noble world, and it was difficult to save people, so they appeared anxiously in Qiongcang, the God of Fire in the Xiangtianfeng Realm.

Emperor Xiangtian Feng and the two commanding orders wait a moment, and the Emperor himself will contact them immediately. "

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang said this, apologized and saluted, and then publicly shouted:

"Brother Xun An, can you hear my own emperor's words?"

"Oh! Human Emperor, I finally got in touch with you, can Zhanshen be rescued?"

Looking for the Andi God, the voice was anxious, and he asked urgently.

"We are safe and sound, and God is alright. Now we have a friendly alliance with the Xiangtianfeng Realm and the Misty God Realm, and we are talking happily. Why are you going against my emperor's will and offending the Divine Fire Qiongkong of the Xiangtianfeng Realm?"

"Hey! Where did we deliberately go against the will of the Emperor, and we must keep in mind the warnings given by the Emperor when he entered the Soaring Phoenix Realm: You can only protect trillions of gods inside and outside, and you must not violate the Soaring Phoenix Realm at all.

But, Human Sovereign, do you know who secretly followed us? "

"Could it be Little Lian'er!?"

"The Human Sovereign is amazing, except for your precious daughter Xiao Lian'er, who else dares to ignore the Human Sovereign's decree, she even sneaked into our Xiaopan Divine Army.

That's not to mention, she actually manipulated the dark energy disk alone to venture into the Soaring Heaven and Phoenix Realm. We were anxious, so we had no choice but to follow her, fearing that she would disturb the emperor's plan! "

Outside the Shenhuo Palace, Emperor Xun An's anxious and deep voice came through the soul path of Ren Huang Liu Qianlang.

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, he glanced at Xiangtian Phoenix Realm apologetically, and hurriedly said:

"My emperor knows, I have trouble finding the Andi God, you can just lead the Xiaopan God Army back to the realm, and leave it to me, little Lian'er."

"Yes! Emperor Xuan'an, please obey the emperor's decree!"

The dark-seeking emperor agreed, and there was no more sound.

Then Human Emperor Liu Qianlang blushed, saluted Xiangtian Fengdi and Jinyin Zhangming and said:

"I'm really sorry, I'm not strict with my daughter-in-law. Having such a naughty daughter always gets me into trouble..."


"Human Sovereign wants to say more, it turned out to be just a misunderstanding.

We didn't know each other before, and besides, it's reasonable for us to take the god of the noble world and come to the army to rescue him.

However, the Majestic Emperor actually has such a naughty daughter, really cute.

Let's just let the Emperor sit comfortably, and I will send her an order to let her enter the Soaring Phoenix Realm, so that she can be attracted here! "

Emperor Xiangtian Feng didn't wait for the emperor Liu Qianlang to finish speaking, and said with a poof.

The golden and silver palm behind him sensed a burst of spiritual consciousness, and sure enough, he sensed that the countless divine disks in the sky of the Soaring Phoenix Realm had been removed, so he also put on a smiling face again.

"Alright! However, Emperor Xiangtian Feng, don't be too polite, wait for me to teach her a lesson, my daughter is simply lawless!"

Renhuang Liu Qianlang nodded in agreement, but reminded Xiangtian Fengdi.


"Renhuang don't worry, Ben Xiangtian Phoenix Emperor has his own way."

Xiangtian Fengdi smiled, and then said to the outside of Shenhuo Palace:

"Golden fire protector, don't panic, it's just the heavenly army of the friendly world, and it's not here to violate the world.

Youlao Jinhuo Dharma protector sent orders to the eight guardian phoenix officials in all directions to find a divine disk close to the realm, and let it enter the realm. "

"Yes! The old man will send the order."

The Golden Fire Protector outside the Shenhuo Palace should have also heard the conversation in the Shenhuo Palace just now, and his tone was obviously calm, and he responded vigorously.

Renhuang Liu Qianlang looked embarrassed, but the god of the Nine Lotus Shrine below him, when he heard the little Lian'er came, all of them smiled and were very happy.

"Ha ha……"

"I would like to add a word to the Supreme God, once my naughty niece comes, I am afraid that the world of Soaring Phoenix will be lively."

Supreme Occupation God's black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, he stood up and greeted Emperor Xiangtian Fengdi with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, I have countless gods and phoenixes in the Phoenix World of Soaring Heaven. Although I live in the domain of the Nine Elephants Divine Fire, most of them are indifferent and calm by nature, and the few are mischievous and interesting."

Emperor Xiangtian Feng smiled, then raised his finger and drew a round white clear water on His Highness.

All the gods in the temple leaned over and looked, only to see the clear water, clear and peaceful like a moon, with slight ripples and swaying.

A moment later, a jet-black divine disc appeared in it, which was bursting with flames and galloping.

The god plate galloped at an extremely fast speed, bursting into flames, and behind it was a long bright red fire tail.

"Hehe, this must be the Fire Mirror, one of the Twelve Divine Treasures of Haogu!"

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang smiled, knowing that the light and dark disk controlled by his beloved daughter Xiaolianer was locked.

"The Human Sovereign is very knowledgeable, this is exactly the magic mirror of the gods of the township that the mother emperor would rather go out of the world in a daze than take with her.

The god of fire, the mirror is edged by the nine elephants and the fire is looking for the spirit of the gods.

According to the mother emperor, this treasure was cast by Tai Cang, the head of the Twelve Soul Gods of Haogu, so it is also called Tai Cang Mirror. "

Xiangtian Fengdi explained with a sweet and crisp voice.

"Ha ha……"

"This is really great, this Huowang mirror finally has some connection with the water of Dongmeng in my Misty God Realm!"

Hearing Xiangtian Fengdi's introduction, Misty Realm Emperor was very unhappy and laughed.

"Emperor of the Misty Realm?"

When Emperor Xiangtian Feng heard the words, he didn't know what it meant, so he asked in surprise.

"Emperor Xiangtian Feng, don't get me wrong. The Emperor of the Misty Realm has absolutely no intention of patrolling the God of Fire. The reason why the Emperor of the Misty Realm is happy is because my Misty God Realm can also be like the Nine Lotus Shrine, and have a relationship with Emperor Xiangtian Fengfeng." It's closer."

Emperor Misty Realm was a little puzzled when he saw Emperor Xiangtian Feng, and quickly explained.


Xiangtian Fengdi couldn't help laughing, and said:

"Emperor Misty Realm is very humorous. Our three realms pursue the same wish and form an alliance. Other origins will not affect our mutual righteous cooperation!"


"You are here in the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm? Hurry up and give me back my father, the emperor's mother, Uncle Song, two aunts, and nine brothers, otherwise I will put out the fire in your God Realm. See Where are you hiding!"

At this moment, within the Fire Mirror, the speeding black disc suddenly lit up, and four pretty girls and a beautiful little girl who looked seven or eight years old appeared in it.

The little girl is wearing shofar braids, wearing a rainbow jacket, big eyes, still childish. Standing in front of four pretty girls, her little finger is pointing to dozens of purple gods guarding the gates of the phoenix world. Feng, asked softly.

"Yes, respected little fairy of Nine Lotus Shrine!

The God of the Nine Lotus Shrine you want is in our Shenhuo Palace, please invite a few little fairies to enter the realm. "

Dozens of Ziguang phoenixes saw the appearance of little Lian'er manipulating the divine disk, all of them suddenly transformed into human forms, dressed in Zixia divine skirts and divided into two rows.

Standing neatly on both sides of the Divine Gate of the God Realm, each face is beautiful, with smiling eyes, and one of the gods smiled.

"Oh! They?"

Little Lian'er didn't expect the other party to welcome her so much, she looked back at the four sisters, but was a little surprised.

"Hmph! Don't tell me this, my little Lian'er has experienced big things, I have never seen such a smiling tiger.

We are here to save God, why should we enter your Divine Fire Palace.

go! There is no need to say anything, Ma Liu sent my emperor's father and the others to this little Lian'er, otherwise, I said it just now, so I don't need to repeat it! "

Little Lian'er turned her eyes around a few times, looking at the intertwined divine fires of various colors in the divine gate of the Soaring Phoenix Realm, she suddenly stopped the divine disk, and shouted in a very rational manner.

"Ha ha……"

"Human Sovereign, you have such a clever and eccentric lovely daughter, how lucky you are! She is naughty and naughty, just because he dares to come to save you, it is a rare thing."

Little Lian'er's cute and clever appearance made all the gods in the Shenhuo Palace burst into laughter.

How the Misty Realm Emperor saw it, how he liked Little Lian'er, couldn't help laughing and praising her.

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