Nine Heavens

Chapter 2788 Funny Lianer

"Hehe, Emperor of the Misty Realm, that's ridiculous, my daughter is totally unreasonable!"

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang was quite relieved to hear what his daughter said, but after all, it was impolite to break into the boundary, and waved his hands and smiled.


"Ben Xiangtian Phoenix Emperor thought she was the daughter of the Human Emperor, but it turned out to be the daughter of a little fairy!

Very clever, it seems that Ben Xiangtian Fengdi had no choice but to repeat the old tricks and forced him to invite him. "

Xiangtian Fengdi looked at the two elder sisters of Jinyinzhangming from left to right, and said with a smile.

Then Lan Hua'er slender fingers, turned her wrist a little towards the Huowang mirror, and after a golden light shot into the mirror of Dongmeng's water, the magic disc controlled by the little Lian'er sisters suddenly shot into the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm.

After a while, the five sisters actually left the amulet and stood floatingly on the surface of the fire mirror and the ocean mirror.


"Four sisters, have you manipulated the oracle? How did we come up with the oracle? What about our oracle?"

Little Lian'er suddenly appeared in Shenhuo Miaomiao's Shenhuo Palace. She didn't see the gods in the temple clearly for a while, but found that she and her four sisters were no longer in the divine plate. The Phoenix God also disappeared, raised his hand to touch the braid, and tilted his head to ask the four sisters behind him

Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou and Liusha are also inexplicable. Looking left and right, they all look like divine fire flames dancing, but they are stepping on the clear water.

"Little Lian'er, you brought your four older sisters to offend the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm, and now you are imprisoned in the Shenhuo Prison, are you guilty?"

Xiangtian Fengdi intentionally teased little Lian'er, he flicked his sleeves to thicken the flames around them, and asked in a cold voice.

"Hmph! That's not true. I heard from my mother that it was you, the Phoenix God of the Soaring Heaven Phoenix Realm who stole my Supreme Divine God Uncle Song first, and I broke into the world later.

It was you who made the mistake first, why did you imprison us! ?

My emperor's father, Uncle Song and the others, quickly release me and my four sisters, and then release my parents and the others.

If you dare to do bad things to us, soon my Xiaopan army, who is looking for Uncle Dark Emperor God, will crush your Xiangtian Fengdi! "

Little Lian'er was not afraid, and retorted with a crisp voice.

"Ha ha……"

"My little Lian'er niece is domineering, you see what she said, it makes sense."

Supreme Occupation God's black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, looking at the cute appearance of little Lian'er, Huang Liu Qianlang, the voice transmitter, said with a smile.

"You're still laughing. It's all your pets who have no boundaries. I hope she won't annoy the three Feng Zuns."

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang was deeply afraid that his daughter would do unreasonable things on this occasion, but Xiangtian Fengdi was teasing her, and it was not easy for him to intervene, so he also thought of the sound transmission.

"Human Sovereign, don't worry, our little Lian'er is now the little Lian'er from before, and she knows how to do things properly."

Emperor Shuangtian's eyes were full of love and affection, and he was afraid of his beloved daughter who came secretly, and looked at her with joy, and his soul sent a voice to tell the emperor.



"I'm afraid this has disappointed you! The Xiaopan Divine Army you mentioned has just been driven away by our Nine Elephant Phoenix Divine Army from the Soaring Phoenix Realm.

Now not only you, but also your Renhuang father, Renhuang mother, and your Uncle Song have all been imprisoned by us in the Shenhuo Prison.

You will be imprisoned in Xiangtian Fengdi from now on, and it seems that you will never go back! "

Xiangtian Fengdi was quite funny to say, but he still didn't stop, and made her act like the real thing, and said in a very serious manner.

"I don't believe it, who are you lying to! My Emperor's father is not someone you Xiangtian Fengdi can handle.

It is impossible for you to catch my father, my father and mother must have rescued Uncle Song, let's go back to Jiulian Shrine first! "

Little Lian'er's eyes flickered, through the thick flames in the Divine Fire Palace, she searched for the sound and looked towards Xiangtian Fengdi's position, but Xiangtian Fengdi intentionally thickened the Jiuxiang Divine Fire around her, so she couldn't see anything clear.

But little Lian'er did not show any weakness, and still looked confident.


Xiangtian Fengdi was amused by the stubbornness of little Lian'er, he stopped for a long time, and then said:

"It seems that you don't believe the words of Emperor Feng Xiangtian.

Forget it, even if, as you said, your Human Sovereign and others have all returned to Nine Lotus Shrine. However, you are still in the Soaring Phoenix Realm!

Do you think this is good, Ben Xiangtian Fengdi put you back to the Nine Lotus Shrine to report, detained your four sisters, and asked your human emperor to send the Nine Lotus Shrine army to come to Xiangtian with us A battle in the Phoenix Realm.

If you win, your four older sisters will be returned to your Nine Lotus Shrine. If you don’t win, then you can treat your four older sisters as you wish, as Emperor Xiangtian is happy! "

Little Lian'er was silent for a while when she heard the words, and then said very seriously:

"No! You must promise me that you can let my four sisters go back to the Nine Lotus Shrine first, and I will stay!"


"Then you are not afraid, in case Ben Xiangtian Fengdi is unhappy for a while, will he kill you?"

Xiangtian Fengdi raised his voice very high and said sharply.

"Don't be afraid, you won't either! How could a majestic god master attack a little child from another world! If you really did this, wouldn't the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm be called one of the top ten god realms in the Infinite Element Realm in vain!"

Little Lian'er said decisively and confidently.


"Nine Lotus Human Sovereign, I thought Xiangtian Emperor Feng really envied you. Tong Tong, a child of Nine Lotus Shrine, is so domineering. I think Zhaoyi Immortal God is even more amazing!"

After hearing what Little Lian'er said, Emperor Xiangtian Feng flicked his sleeves, clearing up the sight of Little Lian'er and the four sisters, and praised with a smile.

"Hee hee! Daddy, mother, Uncle Song, Aunt Qixiang, and the nine brothers, you have all been captured!

Great, now we can escape together! "

Little Lian'er's eyes suddenly became clear, and she saw all the gods in the Nine Lotus Shrine in an instant, and smiled innocently.

Then he flew towards Emperor Shuangtian. The four sisters of Tianling also walked towards their mothers.


When Emperor Xiangtian Feng heard the words, he covered his mouth and smiled coquettishly again.


"Father's silly daughter, Emperor Xiangtianfeng is teasing you. Our Nine Lotus Shrine, Misty God Realm and Xiangtianfeng Realm have formed an alliance. We will be good friends in the future. How could we be imprisoned?"

When Renhuang Liu Qianlang heard what her beloved daughter Xiaolianer said, she quickly explained that she was afraid that she would make some jokes again.

"Wow! The three aunts of Xiangtian Fengdi are so beautiful! Let me just say, Xiangtian Fengdi is a beautiful sister Feng, how could they do bad things!

Human Sovereign Daddy, Little Lian'er is right. "

At this time, little Lian'er had already seen the gods up, down, left, and right in the entire Shenhuo Palace. With a flash of her eyes, she judged that the three exquisite Phoenix Gods in the palace must be the head of Xiangtian Phoenix Emperor, so she quickly changed her words, sweet and crisp Said loudly.


Little Lian'er said this so that Emperor Xiangtian Fengdi and Jinyin Zhangming liked it wholeheartedly, so they couldn't help but smile.

"Yo! Look at this little mouth, it was so sweet just now, it's as sweet as honey in an instant! Human Emperor, your daughter is so good that we like it.

How about letting her and her sisters, as well as the queens and other goddesses stay in the Soaring Phoenix Realm for a while longer, and let our Soaring Phoenix Realm be lively for a while? "

Emperor Xiangtian Feng was so happy that he couldn't help but said.


When Renhuang Liu Qianlang heard the words, he hesitated for a while.

"What, Renhuang, don't you worry? The Xiangtianfeng Realm is full of female relatives, so there is no inconvenience."

Xiangtian Fengdi asked with a smile when he saw Ren Huang Liu Qianlang's embarrassed look.

"Xiangtian Fengdi misunderstood. I am not worried about Xiangtian Fengdi, but worried that my daughters are all naughty, afraid of disturbing Qingning in your world."

Liu Qianlang quickly explained with a smile.


"Didn't Ben Xiangtian Fengdi say just now that what we want is excitement. Senior Youlinhe is in charge, so the Emperor can rest assured.

When the sisters have had enough fun, then, Emperor Ben Xiangtian will personally send them back to the Nine Lotus Shrine.

Youdao, do you come and go? This time you are visiting Emperor Xiangtian Feng. In the future, Emperor Xiangtian Feng should also go to the Nine Lotus Shrine and Misty God Realm to pay homage to the world! "

After observing and communicating with the gods of Nine Lotus Shrine and Misty God Realm, Emperor Xiangtian Feng was completely sure in his heart that the other party was indeed the realm that the mother emperor said he could make friends with, so he simply felt relieved and sincerely In terms of.

"Ha ha……"

"What Emperor Xiangtian Feng said is very true. We are happy to form an alliance this time. From now on, we will be friends of the same virtue in the Infinite Yuan Realm. Although there is a boundary, there should be no separation of feelings.

Before, the Misty Realm Emperor was only deeply impressed by the human emperor's love and loyalty, but now he finds that the same is true for Xiangtian Fengdi and the two palms.

I, the Emperor of the Misty Realm, will take the lead in the Nine Lotus God Palace first, and invite Xiangtian Feng Emperor sincerely, and I am always looking forward to your visit to the Misty God Realm. "

The Misty Realm Emperor was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said with a smile.

"Brother Misty, don't worry, I won't take your lead. Alright! Since Emperor Xiangtian Feng wants to let Senior Linhe and everyone's love queen, two younger brothers and sisters and five beloved daughters and nephews stay, let them stay." It's okay to bother.

In the future, Emperor Xiangtianfeng and the two commanders will wait for the time when the Phoenix God of Xiangtianfeng Realm will go to the Nine Lotus Shrine. Still want to stay. "

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang thought for a while, guessing that the main purpose of Xiangtian Fengdi's doing this must be to keep the Holy Mother of Linhe, but it is not easy to keep her alone, so he did this.

After thinking about it again and again, I had no choice but to agree.

In the next few days, the gods talked a lot about forming alliances, and explored and analyzed the future situation of Infinite Metaverse.

Then, the human emperor Liu Qianlang of the Nine Lotus Shrine, Supreme Zhanshen, Xingchen Jiuying, and the three gods of the Misty God Realm bid farewell to the Xiangtianfeng Realm and returned to the Realm.

On the way back to the realm of Human Emperor Liu Qianlang and Supreme Zhanshen, the two brother gods inevitably exchanged heartfelt feelings.

But more is talking about the recent events of Nine Lotus Shrine, Langyuan Shenmen.

"Third Brother should also know about Sirius Zhoushen Yuanfang's departure from Nine Lotus Shrine, right?"

The two gods of the brothers each stepped on the divine sword and the divine dragon, planing the clouds and dividing the fog, and the supreme divination god asked.

"I know, it should be before you saw off the Second Envoy Yunwu that day, he told me through sound transmission from his soul."

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang looked solemn, and said with a slight sigh.

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