Nine Heavens

Chapter 2789 Sky Dream

"Third Brother, Fourth Brother always has a feeling that Brother Sirius' departure this time is not just for the sake of Sister Feng."

Song Zhen looked in the direction of Nine Lotus Shrine and said.

"Why did the fourth brother say that? Could it be that the fourth brother has divined some vision about him?"

Liu Qianlang, with white hair flying high, looked sideways at his brother and asked.

"That's not true, but during the time when the third brother left, after countless times of divination, there have been many times, the four-star gathering celestial phenomenon that we saw when we were the first human in the mortal realm appeared in the soul of the fourth brother!"

Song Zhen's five-colored eyes were full of melancholy, and said.

"Hehe... This is just a celestial phenomenon in the past that no longer exists. You and I, and even the whole disciples have seen it before. Occasionally, it is not surprising to think of it when you dream of returning to the world!"

Liu Qianlang laughed.

"That's not the case, the gathering of the four shadows in the dream of the fourth brother is not a state of gathering, but a sign that the emerald star, the mysterious star and the blue star are far away from the seven stars of Tiangang.

The third brother, sister Juan, Sirius, and sister Feng are four stars. The departure of Samsung made the fourth brother think of the silence of Fengmei and the departure of Sirius, so anxious! "

The Supreme God of Occupation has been quite disturbed recently, and it is precisely because of this matter.


"Could it be that the fourth brother's dream like a dream in the sky is really related to our four-star boy! Doesn't that mean..."

Liu Qianlang suddenly thought of staying in the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm to play with her sister Liu Juan, her heart tightened suddenly, she turned the Nine Fate Dragon's head, and moved away to the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm.

Seeing this, Song Zhen yelled "Third Brother", and stepped on the star dragon to chase after him.


"Isn't this the Emperor Liu Qianlang of the Nine Lotus Shrine? You and I are really destined. Even the Emperor Xuanyang can meet you when he is free and wandering in the infinite universe time and space!"

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang was very anxious in his heart, and wanted to go to Xiangtianfengjie to call back his sister Liu Juan. When he was struggling to speed, he suddenly saw a bloody phantom in front of him blocking his way.

Taking a closer look, the other party turned out to be Ouyang Langlong, the sun god who had rebelled from the world. At this moment, he had returned to the appearance of the Blood Moon God Sect, with a nine-dragon magic crown on his head and a nine-dragon roar.

Wearing a blood moon mask, wearing a glistening blood red blood robe, holding a blood demon sword in his hand, and stepping on a blood demon dragon.

"Hmph! Emperor Xuanyang, didn't you take refuge in the Shenguang Yuanjie? Could it be that you were driven out of the realm and became your own realm again!?"

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang was completely disappointed in him, and said coldly.

"Haha... giggle..."

"You don't seem to understand me, and the word "religion" is not suitable for me, Ouyang Langlong.

I, Ouyang Lang, have outstanding dragon god wisdom and great ambitions, so how could I do such a bad thing.

The leader of the Blood Moon God Sect has always harbored a majestic divine dream, and wants the Demon Yang Xiyue to be under the mind of my Demon Yang Wave Dragon Soul.

Now the demon yang and evil moon are in my hands, and now I, Ouyang Langlong, take advantage of the demon Hui blood woman to turn my immortal soul into a demon, cleverly dominate the Shenguang Yuanjie, kill the Shenguang emperor, and destroy the gods of the whole world , into the Xuanyang God Realm.

I, Ouyang Langlong, are not far away from the day of success. Why, is the Emperor of Nine Lotus Shrine very surprised? Don't you want to congratulate me?

oh! By the way, you are the God of Light, we will be opponents in the future, how can there be any reason for an opponent to celebrate an opponent? "

Ouyang Lang made two long and yin and yang voices, and smiled evilly while talking. The laughter was full of viciousness, masculinity and evil.

"Ha ha……"

"That's fine, don't you, Ouyang Langlong, always think that I, Liu Qianlang, have robbed you of your brilliance and style.

Now that you are also the Devil Emperor of the First Realm, and the Shenguang Yuan Realm has changed to the Xuanyang God Realm, then let us compete with each other in the ten god realms of the Infinite Yuan Realm.

If you, Ouyang Langlong, killed the emperor face to face one day, the emperor would be silent forever, and he would say a word of convincing to you before he died! "

Liu Qianlang was extremely angry, his white hair flew wildly, and Long Hou laughed.

"Top Ten God Realms, no no! Looking at the entire Infinite Element Realm, only this Xuanyang God Realm and your Nine Lotus God Palace can exist for a long time, and the other god realms are nothing but dung fungus!"

Xuanyang Great Emperor Ouyang Langlong did not change his usual frivolity. Under the blood moon mask, a pair of cold-blooded eyes stared at Liu Qianlang coldly, and laughed wildly.

"Please put away your frivolousness first. If you want to compete on this, I will accompany you to the end. If you don't have this idea, please go away. I have important things to do, and I have no time to waste for you!"

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang hated Ouyang Langlong so much at this moment that he felt disgusted even looking at him more. Looking sideways at the infinitely vast and magical Infinity Element World, he roared.

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang's voice was so loud that Emperor Xuanyang's majestic body shook when he heard it. He stared at Human Emperor Liu Qianlang for a long time, then disappeared without a sound.


"Third brother, wasn't Ouyang Langlong just now? How did he regain his virtue?"

At this time, Song Zhen, the Supreme Occupation God who was chasing after the dragon, saw the Xuanyang Great Emperor Ouyang Lang appear and then disappeared quickly. He was very puzzled and asked the Third Brother of the Emperor.

"he's gone!"

Although Renhuang Liu Qianlang hated Ouyang Langlong in his heart, for some reason after he left quietly, there was an inexplicable reluctance in his heart, and he replied lightly.

"Hey! Third brother, why bother with him, just pretend that there is no such person in our Nine Lotus Shrine.

What kind of temperament he is, we know that it is not a day or two. Remember the scene when we met him on the way to Xuanlingmen in the first human world?

He is dirty by nature, it is possible to do any kind of bad things and say any kind of nonsense, it's not worth it for the third brother to be angry with him. "

Seeing Ren Huang Liu Qianlang's displeasure, Song Zhen persuaded him.

Upon hearing the words, Renhuang Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, sighed, and said:

"Third brother knows why he suddenly turned into a demon again. What he said just now, unintentionally, was the work of the disappearing skeleton, Remnant Realm Eye Hui Xuepo.

That is to say, when all the immortal gods of our Nine Lotus Shrine's Langyuan Shenmen suddenly discovered the coolness and darkness that remained in their gods, the reason why the Luo Xiang and other immortal elements disappeared was precisely the way of the bloody mother-in-law of Mouhui. , all injected into his god body, so that it became like this. "

"The third brother is saying that the reason why he fell into the devil again this time may not be his own will!?"

Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, and a trace of excitement flashed in his five-color eyes, he asked.

"The third brother did think so before, but now the only hope that the third brother has for him is gone.

His ambitious words just now are enough to prove that he was our Yang God before, but he just endured humiliation and concealed his evil heart.

He actually killed Emperor Shenguang, occupied the Shenguang Yuan Realm, established himself as Emperor Xuanyang, and changed the name of the world to Emperor Xuanyang! "

Liu Qianlang shook his head in pain.

"Forget it, he left as he left, just pity our sister Feng."

Song Zhen, the Supreme Divination God, also shook his head and sighed when he heard the words.

"There are so many worries in the world, and even more troubles in the world of immortals and gods. Hehe, forget it, fourth brother! Let's go to Xiangtianfengjie to pick up Sister Juan, I'm really worried..."

Human Sovereign said with a wry smile, but before he could finish speaking, he suddenly saw the star Jiuying flying back to the Nine Lotus Shrine in the sky to report safety, whistling and flying towards the direction of the Soaring Phoenix Realm.

They are still in the momentum of the nine tripods and the rainbow, and the leader of the stars, Jiuying, can see the Taoist Supreme God Song Zhen and the Emperor Liu Qianlang from a distance.

Liu Chao was really anxious, and shouted from a distance:

"See Father Renhuangen, Daoist! The Nine Lotus Shrine is in a hurry, please return the two gods to the realm as soon as possible!"


When Ren Huang Liu Qianlang and Supreme Zhanshen heard the words, they all turned their heads suddenly, one with white hair flying wildly, the other with five-colored spirits in full swing, staring at each other in horror, and sighed in unison.

A moment later, the Nine Infants of the Stars flew to the near sky, and the Emperor Liu Qianlang asked urgently:

"Chuan'er said clearly, what happened in the world?"

"The Feng'er Mountain of Yaoyue Shrine disappeared inexplicably together with Yaoyue Shrine!"

Liu Chao didn't have time to be too polite, so he said anxiously.

"Could it be that the words of the fourth brother are unfortunately true, are our brothers and sisters of the four spirit boys really going to fall apart again!?"

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang heard Liu Chao's words, his heart and soul ached, and he said sadly.

"Third brother, shall we return to the realm or..."

Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, his rough face was full of solemnity, and he asked softly.

Renhuang Liu Qianlang said in pain:

"Xingchen Jiuying quickly went to the Xiangtianfeng Realm to recall Qixiang Zhoushen, and said that there was an important matter in the Nine Lotus Shrine that needed her to return to the realm to discuss, go and come back quickly!

Fourth brother, let's quickly return to the realm and find out the reason! "

Before the words were finished, Renhuang Liu Qianlang and Supreme Zhanshen flew side by side, and the Nine Fate Dragon and Star Dragon carried them to plow the clouds and break the fog, and flew wildly far away.


Naturally, Xingchen Jiuying didn't dare to delay, they responded in unison, Jiuding Xuanhong, and continued to roar towards Xiangtianfengjie in the same direction.

Nine Lotus Shrine, inside Sun Moon Shrine.

Emperor Xun An and Huanfeng Shenlong sat sadly opposite each other. They looked at the Sun and Moon God's Throne on the temple from time to time.

"Oh! What happened to our Jiulian Shrine recently? First, the Yang God betrayed the world, the whole sect was poisoned, and the gods were silent. Now the Feng'er Mountain and the Yaoyue Shrine, which were transformed into sadness after the month, are no longer there. .

Thinking about their voices and smiles, it's as if they are still on the throne of the sun and moon gods. "

Huanfeng Dragon God looked very haggard, his heart was full of shame and uneasiness, he sighed.

"It's strange to say that Yaoyue Temple and Feng'er Mountain disappeared out of thin air.

Recently, the Nine Lotus Shrine has been very tightly guarded. Except for the emperor and us going out of the world, there is no record of the gods going out of the world, and there will never be any gods from other worlds coming to make trouble.

And Yue Hou is still in silence, how could she disappear by herself, could it be that she..."

Not long after Emperor Xun An led the Xiaopan Divine Army back to the realm, he heard about the disappearance of the Yaoyue Shrine, and immediately went to the Sun Moon Shrine, the former director of the Yangshenyue Empress, to see Huanfeng who was here to investigate the situation dragon god.

The two talked for a long time, but they were both confused and clueless.

At this moment, the two gods sat slumped, full of melancholy, and talked somewhat imaginatively.


"Looking for the Dark Emperor God, don't tell me, maybe it's true. I recently heard that the eyes of the moon turned into waterfalls. Maybe that's a sign of her resurrection!"

Hearing Emperor Xun'an's words, Huanfeng Shenlong's expression was shocked, and he said intently.

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