Nine Heavens

Chapter 3189 challenge the universe

Ling Cang responded, and the Emperor Liu Qianlang was worried that Ling Cang's Zhou God of War would be slaughtered according to the failure rules of the Conferring Hegemony Conference, so he directly included Ling Cang and the God of War forces brought by him into his Moyu Skeleton Tomorrow World inside.

"Hehe, just now Ling Cang gave in to the battle emperor, and the emperor of the Nine Lotus God Palace won by luck. I wonder if there is another war emperor who is willing to challenge my own emperor?"

Ren Huang Liu Qianlang didn't move at all, and won a round with only a black bird on his shoulder. This strength made the new God of War who hadn't played yet feel a burst of horror and surprise.

The other Haoguyuan Zhou Zhanhuang, including the Nine-Life God Demon, were also quite surprised.

Nine Lives God Demon should say that knowing the strength of Nine Lotus Shrine is not bad, no matter what, he can become one of the 99,999 Gods of War who finally won.

However, the Nine Lives God Demon still did not expect that the Emperor Liu Qianlang could win a round so easily.

The Nine Lives God Demon stared intently at Ren Huang Liu Qianlang for a while, and soon discovered that Ren Huang Liu Qianlang's soul power was much stronger than before, and after a moment of deep thought, he shouted:

"Please also ask the Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine to pause for a moment, and hand over all the Gods of War in the Lingcang Battle Realm.

The Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine should be aware of the rules announced by the Emperor before the battle. The losers of the three thousand new battle emperors should all accept the 99,999 rules of the New Territories after the Conquest of Hegemony Conference. Collective devouring, instead of your Nine Lotus Shrine just devouring its power at this moment! "


Renhuang Liu Qianlang heard the words, exclaimed, and then said loudly:

"I also ask God Emperor Haogu to forgive me, the emperor of Nine Lotus God Palace has already made it very clear when he played.

If I am defeated, I will let the opponent deal with it. On the contrary, if I am defeated, I will accept it. At that time, Emperor Haogu didn't raise any objections, so the emperor himself started to fight Ling Cang Zhanhuang.

Liu Qianlang, the emperor of Nine Lotus Shrine, never fails to explain beforehand when doing things, but once the explanation is completed, he will carry it out to the end.

Therefore, the principle of my emperor's fighting skills and challenges remains unchanged. "

Not only did Ren Huang Liu Qianlang not hand over the God of War in the Ling Cang War World, he even said it openly.

"Ha ha……"

"Forget it! If the Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine insists on this, then it's up to you.

However, if you want to monopolize the Zhou Zhouneng of the defeated God of War, you need a certain amount of strength. You have seen the battle of Zihong Zhanhuang just now.

If you can challenge the six hundred new gods of war at the same time like him, the Ancient God Emperor Benhao will agree to you, otherwise you will fail, and today will be the day when your Nine Lotus Shrine will perish. I wonder if the emperor of Nine Lotus Shrine will dare to try ? "

Facing the blatant provocation of Human Emperor Liu Qianlang, how could Nine Lives God Demon be happy, narrowing his eyes, the general said.

There are two purposes for Nine Lives God Demon to do this. One is to hit Huang Liu Qianlang with this, and make Huang Liu Qianlang take back what he just said and listen to him obediently.

Second, if Renhuang Liu Qianlang accepts the challenge, we can just see how much Renhuang Liu Qianlang's strength has increased in the Nine Lotus Shrine.


"Because of Emperor Haogu's praise of Liu Qianlang, the emperor of the Nine Lotus God Palace, why not be afraid of the Zhou of the Six Hundred Gods of War, since you are challenging, then challenge the Emperor of Thousand Universes.

However, the emperor of the Nine Lotus God Palace wants to say it again, if he wins, he should be incorporated into Qian Zhou immediately, if he loses, he will be dealt with by God Emperor Haogu! "

Ren Huang Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttered around, her white robes fluttered around, and she responded with a smile, keeping her previous posture unchanged.


"Just him..."

Ren Huang Liu Qianlang's words shocked all the Gods of War in the Fengba Conference. They all thought that Ren Huang Liu Qianlang was overestimating his abilities, so they shook their heads and expressed doubts.


"I also ask all the old battle emperors not to despise the new and cute universe, no matter what the result is, if you dare to challenge, you are worthy of support.

good! good! Nine Lotus Shrine Emperor Liu Qianlang, Emperor Benhao Gu promised you that as long as you succeed in challenging Qian Zhou at the same time, you will not only be shortlisted for the 99,999 God of War Universe in the first battle, but all those you lose The new universe is at your disposal. "

The Nine-Life God Demon secretly laughed in his heart, Liu Qianlang, the emperor of the Nine-Lotus Palace, asked for his own doom, but he said it on his mouth.

"I understand that the new and cute Space War Emperor who was promised by Liu Qianlang, the emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine, can play!"

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang didn't say anything to the Nine-Life God Demon, but looked at the area where the Xinmeng War Emperor was, and shouted loudly.

"Hmph! Nine Lotus Shrine is so arrogant, Fen Lei Zhan Huang will fight!"

"Sound-eating Battle Emperor to fight!"

"Muyang Battle Emperor fights!"


The previous Zihong War Emperor had already been amazing, and now there was a sudden appearance of a Nine Lotus God Palace Ren Huang Liu Qianlang, which hurt the self-esteem of more than two thousand new cute war emperors.

After their eyes fluttered between Renhuang Liu Qianlang and Zihong Zhanhuang, they agreed that Renhuang Liu Qianlang's strength would definitely not surpass Zihong Zhanhuang, so they all believed that Renhuang Liu Qianlang pretended to be cool before death, After looking at each other, they flew onto the fighting field one after another.

In the blink of an eye, it was said to be one thousand, but in the end more than two thousand new cute war emperors had already flown to the fighting field.

"Ha ha……"

"The Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine, this god's fate is not bad. There are so many new and cute war emperors supporting you, so be careful! Haha... let's go!"

Seeing this, the God of Nine Lives gritted his teeth, filled with anger, sneered and shouted.

"Wow! Father Langer, they are too much, can we hang up!"

Qiqi was intoxicated by his victory just now, when he suddenly saw the shadows floating in the sky around him, and all kinds of magical weapons were shining, he lost his mind in an instant, and said while looking at Renhuang Liu Qianlang with a grin.


"Just hang it up, anyway, we've already loaded up big cloves of garlic just now!"

Ren Huang Liu Qianlang's expression remained calm, and the surrounding attack was like a hurricane roaring, but he smiled.

"What! It turns out that the prodigal father is not low in his heart! Then we..."

As the hurricane roared, Qiqi felt suffocated, unable to speak, hurriedly moved his wings forward to protect his head, and tightly grasped Renhuang Liu Qianlang's shoulder with both claws.

boom! boom! boom!

Immediately afterwards, Qiqi felt attacks coming from up, down, left, and right, but Lang'er's father didn't move, and he didn't know how to resist like this, and there were waves of counterattacks.

"Cut! Blackbird, are you embarrassed, the master is meeting the enemy, you are better, put your head in your head, your buttocks are upside down, and you are sleeping!?"

Qiqi's performance annoyed You Fei's Nine Neng Xianyuan Stegosaurus, who yelled angrily.

"Fuck! This can also sleep, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Qiqi felt the cold swish around his butt for a while, and it was scorching hot for a while, so he quickly turned his shield to the direction of the prodigal father's neck, then exposed his eyes and looked around.

In the space, there are divine fire, thunder and lightning, rainbow clouds, flying mountains and rocks, whistling and roaring, and endless chaos.

Qiqi couldn't see the appearance of more than a thousand cute new battle emperors attacking around him at all, he could only feel the countless gods jumping near and far, jumping up and down, erratic...

And Zhumo Jiuneng Xianyuan Jianlong was responsible for carrying Lang'er's father up and down, ups and downs, Qiqi was dizzy watching.

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