Nine Heavens

Chapter 3190 Soul Transformation

Around the fighting field, all the war emperors watched intently the emperor Liu Qianlang's crazy fighting moves.

Looking at the fighting situation from outside the circle, it was equally chaotic. However, what is absolutely certain is that Ren Huang Liu Qianlang was surrounded by more than a thousand battle emperors in the center.

"Langlong! Brother Qianlang, will something happen to him?"

The western part of the battle field of the Fengba Conference, where You Cang Sun Moon Demon Realm is located, You Cang Sun Moon Demon Emperor and Yuehou Cheng Shifeng are also closely watching this battle.

The god halberd and fierce dragon are fully armed, just behind them.

A month later, Cheng Shifeng had long blue hair fluttering, and a pair of blue eyes kept moving with the movements of Renhuang Liu Qianlang.

But as the fighting elephant became more and more chaotic, after a month, Cheng Shifeng could no longer see the whole picture of Brother Qianlang clearly.

Because he was worried about his brother's safety, Cheng Shifeng looked sideways at Wang Ran, looked at her husband You Cang, the Riyue Demon Emperor and asked.

"Feng'er, don't worry, you should know Renhuang very well. If he is not sure enough, he will not take such a risk with Nine Lotus Shrine. Trust me, Renhuang will be fine."

You Cang Sun Moon Demon Emperor Ouyang Langlong, supported the shoulder of Cheng Shifeng after the moon, and comforted him.

"But, but, brother Qianlang is dealing with more than a thousand new gods of war, the Zou Zhanhuang. Even if brother Qianlang upgrades his soul power, he will be in danger!"

After a month, Cheng Shifeng's face was pale, and he looked back at the halberd and fierce dragon, and said.

Seeing this, the Divine Halberd and Fierce Dragon saluted Demon Emperor You Cang Sun Moon and said:

"What the queen is worried about is, how about I go secretly to help one or two?"

"Hmm! That's fine, but, have you refined and absorbed the soul gift from the Emperor? Otherwise, you won't be able to get close!"

The Devil Emperor You Cang Sun Moon couldn't bear the pain after love, nodded slightly, and said.

"Don't worry, the devil emperor, the three ninety-nine-eighty-one fate souls given by the emperor, on the night you successfully refined and absorbed them, I also succeeded in refining and absorbing them by luck."

The divine halberd and the dragon's eyes were deep, and said.

"That's good, don't hide it, if the Nine Lives God Demon finds out, it will be a disservice!"

You Cang Sun Moon Demon Emperor Ouyang Langlong exhorted.

"Well, this subordinate understands!"

The divine halberd and fierce dragon nodded heavily, then suddenly turned into a blue rainbow and disappeared.

"Brother Langlong, do you think Brother Qianlang knew the real situation, so he donated souls for us?"

After the divine halberd and fierce dragon left, Cheng Shifeng asked You Cang, Sun and Moon Demon Emperor after the month.

"No, the reason why the Human Sovereign donated souls to us is that the only thing he worries about is your safety.

In his heart, the life of the 100,000 gods of the Langyuan Shenmen of the Jiulian Shrine is his life, and Feng'er is his heart and soul! "

Demon Emperor You Cang Sun Moon shook his head, said.

"Brother Langlong, you always say it's not the time to tell brother Qianlang the truth, so when is the time?"

A month later, Cheng Shifeng felt sincere gratitude to her husband for sending the divine halberd and fierce dragon to the fighting field to help Brother Qianlang, and looked at the devil emperor's husband affectionately, and asked.

"Maybe when the time comes, he will understand everything without us saying it. Hehe...Feng'er, don't think about it for now. We help the Emperor, and we also need to be careful. We all enter 99990 The universe of the Nine Gods of War is the most important thing right now."

You Cang Sun Moon Demon Emperor Ouyang Langlong was silent for a while, then said softly.

"Well, Feng'er listened to my husband. By the way, my husband, why is the Nine Lives God Demon so merciful to us, You Cang Sun Moon Demon Realm, doesn't it mean that we are the new universe?"

After a month, Cheng Shifeng nodded obediently, suddenly thought of such a question, and asked.

"Feng'er doesn't know that there is an unwritten rule in the previous Conquest of Hegemony Conferences, that is, a God of War who is obviously outstanding in Xinmengzhou does not need to participate in the process of Xinmengzhou's elimination.

And we You Cang Sun Moon Demon Realm just have such strength, so we sit on the right side of the fighting field of the Fengba Conference. "

You Cang Sun Moon Demon Emperor Ouyang Langlong explained.

"Oh! That's what happened."

After a month, Cheng Shifeng nodded slightly, and then stopped asking any more questions. His eyes were fixed on the still chaotic fighting field, and he tried his best to find the figure of Emperor Liu Qianlang.

"The divine halberd and the dragon, have you ever seen the Emperor?"

The Devil Emperor You Cang Sun Moon felt that the divine halberd and fierce dragon should enter the core of the battle elephant on the fighting field, and then asked through sound transmission from his soul.

"I see, but don't worry about the Devil Emperor. The Human Emperor sits cross-legged on top of the dragon, making formulas with both hands, chanting words, as if he is reciting a magical spell.

The Chaos War Elephant we saw did not involve the Human Sovereign at all, but more than a thousand battle Sovereigns fighting each other endlessly. "

The divine halberd and fierce dragon quickly received the sound transmission of the soul of the Demon Emperor You Cang Sun Moon, and replied.

"Fighting Soul and Transforming Elephant! Hehe, it seems that the Supreme God is secretly controlling more than a thousand battle emperors. Human emperors are just idle and bored, just cultivating casually.

Come back, Qianyu Zhanhuang will soon lose his begging for mercy due to exhaustion. "

When Demon Emperor You Cang Sun Moon heard the words, his bright red eyes glowed with joy, and he said happily.

"Yes! But, Devil Emperor, what do you mean by fighting souls and transforming images?"

The Divine Halberd and Fierce Dragon couldn't help at first glance, but upon hearing the call from the Demon Emperor You Cang Sun Moon, he retreated invisibly and asked at the same time.

"The so-called soul-fighting and image transformation is actually a method of ecstasy. The supreme god uses the high-spirit illusion technique to coat the body of more than a thousand war emperors with a layer of mysterious light.

This layer of mysterious light form is the appearance of a human emperor, and when more than a thousand war emperors look at other war emperors, they will feel that any war emperor around them is the image of a human emperor, so they attack desperately.

But they can't feel this kind of mysterious light, just like this, they are tired of doing it, but the emperor doesn't need to do it.

Of course, if the Human Sovereign wanted to kill them, he would do so at will. Not to mention more than a thousand War Sovereigns, even if all the new and cute Cosmic War Sovereigns were on the stage, it would not be enough for the Human Sovereign to kill them.

However, the Human Sovereign has always been benevolent, he would never do this, he was just waiting for the more than a thousand War Sovereigns to beg for mercy. "

Demon Emperor You Cang Sun Moon probably explained it to the divine halberd and fierce dragon.

Shenji Jilong had never heard of such a miraculous fighting skill. After returning to his position, he stared intently at the fighting field, waiting for the scene that Demon Emperor You Cang Riyue said.

"Oh! How did brother Qianlang become so powerful!"

Not too much time passed, and the chaotic state on the fighting field gradually cleared up. Cheng Shifeng sighed when he saw the scene on the fighting field after a month.

Because she saw that her elder brother Qianlang seemed to have never moved, still with white hair flying around, hunting in a white robe, stepping on a dragon, squatting on a eagle on his shoulders, holding the golden scroll with his left hand on his back, and smiling with his right hand Yingying.

And more than a thousand war emperors were so exhausted that they knelt respectfully around brother Qianlang and formed a big circle.

"The Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine has amazing skills, we will be willing to bow down, and the defeated Emperor will be dealt with!"

"Leave it alone!"


More than a thousand battle emperors shouted one after another, admitting defeat.

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