Nine Heavens

Chapter 3191 Yang Qiong's lottery

"Hehe, the emperor of the Nine Lotus God Palace must do what he says. Since you admit defeat, the emperor will not be polite. I will accept you for the time being. I will arrange you in detail after the tyrant conference."

Ren Huang Ren Huang Liu Qianlang was talking and laughing, and with a thought, more than a thousand new cute war emperors and their supporting team suddenly disappeared in front of them.

"I also ask God Emperor Haogu to point out, can the emperor of Nine Lotus God Palace pass the test like this?"

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang turned around and looked at the hundreds of millions of gods inside and outside, high above the Nine Lives God Demon, with his left hand on his chest, leaned slightly to salute, and asked.

"Ah, this, when, of course!"

"The Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine defeated more than a thousand new and cute war emperors. He is truly a legend in the Conquest of Hegemony! I invite the Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine to be the second place to compete for the 99,999 gods of war!" The Emperor of War in the Realm of the God of War."

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang's miraculous victory made the Nine Lives God Demon stupefied, until Human Emperor Liu Qianlang asked, he didn't understand how Human Emperor Liu Qianlang won.

However, in the face of the facts, no matter how reluctant the Nine Lives God Demon was, he had no choice but to declare.


Human Emperor Liu Qianlang responded very casually, and then stepped on the dragon and floated towards the victory seat.

"Ha ha……"

Not long after, Renhuang Liu Qianlang took his seat, and naturally his fellow disciple from the northeast corner called behind him.

"Nine Lotus Shrine!"

"A generation of gods and bullies!"


If you don't make a sound, it's a blockbuster!

The battle of Human Emperor Liu Qianlang horrified all Hao Guyuan Zhou Yuanchu 99,999 Zhou of God of War, whether it was the Emperor of Death or the God of War who participated in the battle, they all watched Human Emperor Liu Qianlang for a long time, sighing endlessly.

The location of You Cang Sun Moon Demon Realm.

A month later, Cheng Shifeng saw Brother Qianlang's victory, she couldn't help crying with joy, and choked up and said:

"Brother Langlong, it's true, brother Qianlang won, cluck... woo woo..."

After a month, Cheng Shifeng cried and laughed, throwing herself sideways into her husband's arms, mixed with grief and joy.

Devil Emperor You Cang Sun Moon was naturally also secretly happy for the Nine Lotus Shrine, but he didn't say anything, hugged Cheng Shifeng, his face full of worry, and shook his head slightly.

On the fighting field, there will naturally be another fierce competition. If there is no other kind of battle between Zihong Zhanhuang and Renhuang Liu Qianlang, it will actually be very fierce.

But the front was so exciting that few battle emperors were willing to watch the rest of the battle of the new cute battle emperor's fighting skills.

The five new cute war emperors who won in the end are Zihong War Emperor, Nine Lotus God Palace Renhuang, Buxue War Emperor, Ningshan War Emperor and Tuanxing War Emperor.

"Hmm! Haha..."

"This time the new god of war is really amazing. After three thousand new gods of war fought hard, the five overlords have emerged. Next is the real competition between the old and new gods of war for ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine The battle of God of War for the position of Zhou has begun.

Regarding the rules, the God Emperor has already said it, so I won’t repeat it. What needs to be reminded to all the God of War Emperors present is that our next fight has only one purpose, and that is to fight equally among all universes. Weak five universes.

We don't waste time either. Next, the divine lottery decides the order. My God Emperor Yang Qiong has 100,000 and 4 lottery lottery, one lottery for each universe. It is written very clearly on the seventh page, which gods will be against each other in the first round.

After the first round of fighting skills, the god emperor will raise the sky for the second round of fighting skills...

God Emperor Zhou is ready, and God Emperor Ben Hao will sign the lottery! "

The Nine Fate God Demon said a few words, then got straight to the point, announced and shouted, and then saw him raise his right hand to the center of the fighting field of the Fengba Conference.

A moment later, the Emperor of the Hundred Thousand and Four Universes saw the upper dome in the center of the fighting field of the Fengba Conference, like a fairy scattered flowers, fluttering down pieces of divine light.

The Hundred Thousand Gods of War Emperor Zhou Zhan saw them, and stretched out their hands to cast spells one after another.

Renhuang Liu Qianlang naturally got one of them.

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang controlled a blue light in the palm of his left hand, and with a slight sweep of his consciousness, he saw clearly that his opponent - Donghong Zhizhou, and it was the first battle.

"The one hundred thousand and four divine lottery are all for the main cast, then we each have our own destiny, and we can play in order.

In the first round of 50,002 main battles, there will be eight more battles between each of the God of War universes. The 50,020 God of War players who won in the end, please return to the right side of the battle field of the Sifeng Hegemony Conference, and the left side of the loser. Arrange for the next round.

Next, the first battle will be the main battle between the two universes! "

The Nine-Life God Demon looked up and saw that there was no more of Yang Qiong's lottery left, and looked around the Domination Conference for a while, and said loudly.

"Ha ha……"

"Isn't Emperor Haogu a little too anxious? The three thousand new gods of war have been fighting for hundreds of years, and then the 99,999 battles for the throne of God of War will begin, right? Not very good."

As soon as the Nine-Life God Demon finished speaking, all the gods of war present looked around, looking for both sides of the God of War universe in the first battle.

However, neither Renhuang Liu Qianlang nor Donghong Zhanhuang rushed to the stage, but remained calm.

Since then, the other gods of war, Zhou Zhanhuang, have become even more curious. Looking at their own magic lottery, they whispered to each other and talked about it.

Suddenly, Donghong Zhanhuang stood up slowly, saluted the Nine Lives God Demon, and said.


"What does Donghong Zhanhuang mean by wanting a temporary truce, and the gods Zhou Zhanshen adjust their breath and fight again?"

Hearing the words, Nine Lives God Demon pondered for a while, and then asked.

Donghong Zhanhuang nodded slightly, and then said:

"It's not good! No matter how good the show is, it will be tiring to watch it all the time. The 99999 New Territories God of War will come out sooner or later, so why should we be in a hurry.

Let's watch and rest, watching good shows again and again, this war emperor thinks it is more interesting! "

Donghong Zhanhuang replied.

"Hehe, the Divine Emperor also has this intention, but we think so because we are afraid that both sides will be unhappy in the first battle.

Dare to ask which two universes are the first battle universes, can you agree with Donghong Zhanhuang's proposal? "

According to its original intention, Nine Lives God Demon didn't want a truce, but it was not easy to directly refute Donghong Zhanhuang, so he squinted and asked Zhan Zhanhuang, the left and right God of War.

"Ha ha……"

"Shenhuang Haogu doesn't need to ask, this Donghong Zhizhou is one of the Zhous in the first battle, and I am facing the new and cute Zhou Nine Lotus Shrine.

Ben Donghongzhizhou is willing to temporarily truce, I think the Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine will not be unwilling, right? "

Donghong Zhanhuangfang's eyes were fixed on Huangliu Qianlang, a person from Nine Lotus Shrine.

When Renhuang Liu Qianlang heard the words, I thought that there is nothing wrong with a temporary truce, going down to prepare carefully, and secretly exploring other God of War universes, so he laughed and said:

"Ha ha……"

"Nine Lotus Shrine is a new and cute universe. It is a wish for this truce opportunity to adjust one or two times!"

"Hmm! If that's the case, I don't know if the other God of War Emperors have any objections?"

Hearing that Ren Huang Liu Qianlang also agreed, Nine Lives God Demon asked left and right.

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