Nine Heavens

Chapter 3549 Meet Tianyan

Ye Xiang nodded, and her soul read the sound transmission of Xingchen Jiuying.

Not long after, Liu Chao, the boss of Xingchen Jiuying, came back to his soul and said:

"Reporting to Taoist Master Xingchen and the two Taoist Gods, Xiyue and Dongyang are surrounded by barriers sealed by god emperors, and we cannot leave the boundary.

The same is true for other directions, and all the realm-sealing methods are sealed and left a message: If you leave the Sun Moon God Realm, you can break the Yang God when you leave the gate! "


For such a result, Song Zhen actually had a premonition in his heart, but unexpectedly, he looked at Ye Xiang and Lan Shuang from left to right, shaking his head in pain.

"Third brother is determined to fight against the Dark Realm of Death and the Chaotic Realm of Dugu alone. Our Star God Palace can't go out of the realm, and other god palaces can't do anything about it either."

Lan Shuang sighed slightly.

"Then what should we do, let's go back like this?"

Ye Xiang was obviously not reconciled.

"I'll stay here for now. Please, my two beloved wives, go to the Sun Moon God Palace and go to the palaces of the emperors and empresses of the Sun Moon God Palace to make sure that the sisters-in-law of emperors have a solution."

Song Zhen pondered for a while, and then had no choice but to speak.

"Then, let's tell the truth, or what, we should explore the method of going out of bounds, and we should explain and reason."

Ye Xiang opened her eyes wide, feeling a little embarrassed as she didn't know what to do.

"Hey! It's all because I was confused for a while. I didn't think that the third brother must have deliberately implanted some kind of illusion for us during the family reunion that day, so even if we felt that his behavior was different at that time, it would still be affected by the illusion. , to reassure yourself.

There is no need for the sisters-in-law to hide from them, we can all think of it, how could the ten sisters-in-law who lived and died with the third brother not think of it, explain everything truthfully, I hope they can think of the method of going out of the world, or they know more or less the method of going out of the world. "

Song Zhen concentrated his attention on the soul of his mind, and soon discovered the delusional thoughts implanted by the third brother of the Sun and Moon God Emperor. At the same time, he also saw the truth of his many hexagrams and omens, and sighed.

"Yes, it should be so. The ten sisters-in-law risked their lives to accompany the third brother, how could they not know what the husband was thinking.

Well, my husband, just wait a moment, Sister Shuang and I will come as soon as we go. "

Ye Xiang and Lan Shuang looked at each other and nodded, and then hand in hand, they floated out the disk of stars.

Not long after, the figures of the two had already appeared in the Sun Moon God Palace.

"Hey! Aunt Zhanshen, why did you come to Sun Moon God Palace? Is there something wrong?"

Ye Xiang and Lan Shuang were afraid of disturbing the gods on the road, so they were half invisible, quietly flying among the flying palaces of the Sun Moon God Palace, and they were planning to go to the Qianxin Palace to consult Miao Yan first.

Suddenly, a crimson fire cloud fell from a high altitude in front of them, coiled in front of and behind the two of them for a while, and then suddenly settled not far in front of them.

The two of them took a closer look, and it turned out that it was a little girl about five or six years old stepping on a celestial shaman blanket. The celestial witch's blanket is bright red, with flames dancing on it, setting off the little girl in a red dress who is also burning with flames.

The little girl looks very sweet, with braided horns, fair face, big eyes, and a mischievous smile on her face. She tilted her head to look at Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang and asked.

"Oh! Xiao Tianyan, our beautiful niece, you are so amazing. At such a young age, your mother and your Shuierniang's celestial witch skills have made you mastered extremely well.

And your divine emperor father's magical skill of instant escape has also been cultivated to perfection. "

Ye Xiang knew that the youngest daughter of the god emperor had a strong sense of self-esteem, and she liked her very much on weekdays. Quickly praise a few words, and then get down to business.

"Of course, I'm the smartest daughter of my parents. I can learn all kinds of tricks once I learn them. You guys are really insightful. You are absolutely right."

Xiao Tianyan was not polite, and absolutely accepted any words of praise.

"However, you benefit modestly, but you lose everything. Didn't your God Emperor father let the 100,000 palace gods devote themselves to cultivating for 100,000 years? You should also devote yourself to cultivating. There is no limit to learning, and the icing on the cake is the icing on the cake."

Lan Shuang reminded Xiao Tianyan because of the occupational disease of the priest.

"Just like my mother, I only know how to teach me, and I know the two aunts of the gods, so Xiao Tianyan can't remember it.

However, who are you looking for at Sun Moon God Palace? No one is here at Sun Moon God Palace except me! "

Xiao Tianyan obviously didn't like to listen to Lan Shuang's words, but just as he was about to refute, he suddenly remembered what his mother taught to respect the elders, so he quickly changed the topic.


"Your mother and the others are not here! What about your brothers and sisters?"

"You said ten mothers, and you said, I haven't seen them for more than ten years.

Do you guys still remember that family reunion? It was that night, after the God Emperor father left, ten mothers brought me here, and asked me to protect my father and mother’s shrine in the future. They were going to a place outside the Sun Moon God Realm To help daddy, they need to go one step ahead of daddy.

My brothers and sisters, except for the nine baby brothers who are in your Star Palace, the others are all practicing in closed-door training in their respective palaces in the Middle Vault Realm.

If you want to talk about me, I don’t need gods to devote themselves to retreat, as far as the little magic skills they practice, I can understand it with my feet..."

Regarding Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang's question, Xiao Tianyan didn't take it as a big deal, she said it lightly, and at the end she didn't forget to boast.

"Sure enough, knowing the husband is more like a wife. The ten empresses and three sisters-in-law have no idea, and they have long expected that the third brother of the god emperor will seal the world after leaving.

And the only way he left behind to break through the seal of the Sun Moon God Emperor is that the Yang God will leave the customs after 100,000 years, and the Yang God will lead us to break through the boundary and accept him to win the battle of Death Dark Realm Lu and Du Gu Chaoyu Lu. results, and he..."

Hearing Xiao Tianyan's words, Lan Shuang and Yexiang felt regretful, but at the same time they were extremely grateful. No matter what, it was better to have ten god wives to help them than to take risks alone.

"Little Tianyan, take good care of the Sun Moon God Palace. When your parents come back, they will definitely praise you well. There is also Yunlan, who is your father's heart and soul, and must be taken care of."

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to talk more, Lan Shuang smiled and looked at Xiao Tianyan for a while, gave a few words of advice, and planned to leave with Ye Xiang.

Xiao Tianyan rolled his eyes and nodded in agreement. But what she said next shocked Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang again:

"Auntie Zhanshen, it's fine for Xiao Tianyan to take care of the Sun Moon God Palace, but there's no need to take care of the soul-raising Yunlan. The soul-raising Yunlan shrank into the soul before dad retreated. I saw it with my own eyes.

The Soul-Cultivating Yunlan you see now is an illusion, and it was deliberately created by the God Emperor's father.

At that time, I was in Yunlan of Nourishing Soul, God Emperor father released me on purpose, and also implanted enchantment in me.

But he doesn't know that I have successfully cultivated the Unsealed Art, and his ecstasy can't trouble me at all. If my mother hadn't persuaded me that God Emperor's father didn't let me manage Yanghun Yunlan must have his reasons, I would definitely ask him to argue.

It's fine now, I'm at ease regardless of the godchildren. "

Xiao Tianyan said sourly.

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