Nine Heavens

Chapter 3550 Analysis of Yangshen

"Xiao Tianyan, you have succeeded in cultivating the unique art of breaking the seal, can you break your father's seal of the god emperor?"

Ye Xiang had been thinking about what Xiao Tianyan said, and asked suddenly.

"Well, of course I can, but I am a filial daughter, and I will not break the God Emperor's seal of the God Emperor's father, that would be disrespectful to my father.

Besides, since the God Emperor father used the God Emperor to seal the enchantment, it must have his reasons, and he is afraid that others will destroy the things he protects! "

Xiao Tianyan nodded, but said seriously.


Ye Xiang's face was full of joy when she heard the words, but after hearing Xiao Tianyan's words, she looked at Lan Shuang helplessly.

"Oh, it's like this, your Aunt Yexiang and I want to go out from the border of Xiyue for something. Unfortunately, the entire Sun Moon God Realm has been sealed and enchanted by your god emperor father's god emperor seal. We can't get out. Look, little Tianyan?"

Lan Shuangxiao lured Tao with reason.

"Hee hee, so you want me to help you unravel God Emperor's father's God Emperor's temptation!"

Xiao Tianyan rolled his eyelids and smiled.

"That's right, please ask your niece and daughter to help."

When Ye Xiang saw that there was something going on, her heart jumped out of her throat with joy, so she responded quickly.

"What's right, don't lie to me, don't think that I play all day, and I don't know the decrees of the God Emperor's father if I didn't participate in the Sun Moon God Realm Conference.

Didn't God Emperor's father say that all the gods in the Sun Moon God Realm's Hundred Thousand God Palaces have devoted themselves to cultivating for a hundred thousand years before leaving the realm to deal with the four difficulties?

Even Father God Emperor and Uncle Yang God are retreating together in the Misty Realm of God Emperor Sun Moon now. Not only do you not follow Father God Emperor’s decree and practice hard, but you want to go out of the world to play secretly, I won’t help you ! "

Xiao Tianyan observed the words and expressions, and found that Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang looked anxious and restless, pondered for a while, and refused.

"Oh! Little girl, I won't go around in circles with you anymore. We are here to save your God Emperor father, so just say whether you can help us or not!"

Seeing that it was impossible for Ye Xiang to trick Xiao Tianyan into helping her, she simply told the truth.

"Save my God Emperor's father? Didn't he practice well with Uncle Yang God in the God Emperor's cultivation territory?"

Xiao Tianyan asked in surprise.

"That's it..."

Lan Shuang tried to keep a smiling and calm expression so that Xiao Tianyan would not feel nervous, and then tried to explain things clearly.

Although Xiao Tianyan was small, he was clever and smart. After listening to Lan Shuang's words, he understood most of them. After pondering for a while, with a disturbed expression, he raised his head and asked Aunt Zhanshen:

"The two Aunt Zhanshen are saying that Father God Emperor is now going to the Death Dark Realm Lu and Dugu Chaoyu alone to deal with those demons!?

Why did Daddy God Emperor lie to us, and have to deal with those big villains by himself? Isn’t Daddy God Emperor too dangerous! "

"That's because your god emperor father loves us so much, he did it for our safety, he didn't want us to take risks, and he went to face everything alone.

Xiao Tianyan, you said that your god emperor father loves us so much that he doesn't want us to take any danger, he is so good, can we always let him suffer alone..."

"Both aunts, you don't need to talk, Xiao Tianyan understands, I promise you. But I want to analyze the God Emperor's Piaomiao Realm first, to make sure that God Emperor's father is really not there, and then I will go with you to save God Emperor Daddy go!"

Xiao Tianyan heard the words of Lan Shuang and Yexiang, and thought of the kindness of God Emperor's father to him, and said with tears in his eyes.


"Aunts promised you, we also want to know what your God Emperor father and Uncle Yang God said in the God Emperor's cultivation territory just like you.

If Xiao Tianyan can also unseat the God Emperor cultivation realm and communicate with your Uncle Yang God, it will be more helpful for us to help your God Emperor father. "

Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang naturally would not object to Xiao Tianyan's request, and nodded in agreement.

After reaching an agreement, the elder and younger did not delay, and hurriedly flew to the God Emperor cultivation realm again.

On the way, Lan Shuang relayed the truthful situation to her husband Song Zhen via soul telephony.

Song Zhen was ecstatic when he learned that Xiao Tianyan was able to break the seal of the God Emperor, and hurriedly gave orders, and he turned around and came towards the God Emperor cultivation realm.

Because of his anxiety, Xiao Tianyan came to the outside of the God Emperor's cultivation, and he didn't talk nonsense. He urged Tianwu's magic skills and breaking the seal to learn about the actions of the God Emperor's seal.

"Father God Emperor, it's not that Xiao Tianyan is disobedient and disrespectful to you, there is really no way to break the seal of God Emperor Daddy God Emperor, please don't blame me Daddy God Emperor!

If Father God Emperor insists on getting angry, then blame the two aunts and Uncle Zhanshen, they are the ones who asked me to break your God Emperor seal..."

Xiao Tianyan stepped on the celestial witch god's blanket, fluctuating up and down in the vast mist of the god emperor's misty realm, muttering in his mouth.

"What is she mumbling about, why doesn't it look like an unsealed spell?"

Ye Xiang was more curious, and more thoughtful than Lan Shuang. She wanted to remember the spell that Xiao Tianyan muttered to undo the God Emperor's seal, and then when she went out of the world, she could also unseal it by herself.

But she listened intently, and after listening for a long time, she didn't understand a word, and it didn't look like a spell, so she shook her head slightly.

"Oh! You, what kind of curse is she muttering in her mouth? If it is a curse, we are almost the same. Listen carefully."

Lan Shuang was side by side with Ye Xiang Piaofei outside the realm of the God Emperor's cultivation, and when she heard Ye Xiang's breathing, she reminded her.

"Curse us?"

Ye Xiang was puzzled, and listened intently again and again, before she couldn't help but smile.


After about several hours, Xiao Tianyan greeted suddenly:

"Aunts, come quickly!"

Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang were very anxious. Hearing this, they quickly flew forward.

"Daddy God Emperor's God Emperor seal is too strong, I only managed to open a small hole with all my strength, and it can only last for half an hour. I see that Uncle Yangshen, who has swapped bodies with Daddy God Emperor, is cultivating cross-legged inside.

Sure enough, he was the only one there. If you have any questions, please ask quickly. Be quick, or it will be too late. "

Seeing the two Zhanshen aunts approaching, Xiao Tianyan pointed to a fist-sized cloud hole under his feet and said.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Xiao Tianyan!"

Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang were overjoyed, so they naturally didn't want to delay at the same time, and at the same time urged Mouhong to shoot into the cloud cave.

They soon saw a familiar figure. However, where did they dare to ask questions? They saw that Yang God Ouyang Langlong was surrounded by all kinds of gods and immortals, and he was sinking into a critical moment of cultivation. If he was disturbed, the consequences would be disastrous.

Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang looked at each other, and clapped their hands together to form a cloud, instantly closing the cloud hole.

"Aunts, what are you doing? The cloud hole that I worked so hard to open, you closed it without asking a word?"

Xiao Tianyan was sweating all over his face, secretly happy for his masterpiece, waiting for the two aunts to praise him. Unexpectedly, the two aunts behaved so strangely, and asked in surprise.

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