Nine Heavens

Chapter 3551 Guide to the God Realm

"Son, if we don't do this and disturb your Uncle Yangshen, he will go mad!

We don't need to ask any more questions, although your Uncle Yang God is now the body of your God Emperor father, but the soul of the mind, Zhou Hunbo, obviously belongs to your Uncle Yang God.

It's just because he is concentrating on cultivating your god emperor father's god emperor magic skills, the demonic nature of Hunzhou Hunbo is constantly fading.

But these are not critical, the important thing is that your god emperor father really did what your uncle Zhanshen said, and replaced your uncle Yangshen's demon body and went out of bounds! "

Although it was just a glimpse, Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang had completely confirmed the facts, Ye Xiang said with certainty.

"Oh my God, thank goodness I didn't call Uncle Yangshen, otherwise I wouldn't be able to forgive him for killing his father. Father God Emperor is more kind to Uncle Yangshen than I am!"

Hearing this, Xiao Tianyan let out a long breath, patted his chest and was terrified.

"Well, then we can break the seal of the God Emperor on the border of Xiyue now, right?"

Lan Shuang took the opportunity to ask quickly.

"Okay, but you have to promise to take me with you."

Xiao Tianyan nodded, and then said seriously.


Ye Xiang heard Xiao Tianyan's words, and always Xiang Yexiang.

"Aunt Lan Shuang said, didn't your God Emperor father let you guard the Sun Moon God Palace? If you go out of bounds with us, wouldn't that be against the God Emperor father's decree, so..."

"Hmph! I don't care. Anyway, if you don't take me there, I won't help you break the seal of the God Emperor on the border of Xiyue."

Xiao Tianyan stubbornly tilted his head, folded his hands on his chest, looking sacred and unshakable.

"Sister Lan Shuang, why bother arguing with her, let's go out of bounds for now, just don't let us go out."

The situation is urgent, where can I discuss with Xiao Tianyan?

Lan Shuang understood, and then squatted down to Xiao Tianyan and stroked her head, coaxing:

"Okay, don't pout, we promise you. Let's go, you are waiting impatiently!"

"Well, that's about the same, let's go."

Xiao Tianyan's eyes flickered a few times, looked at Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang nodded, and then stepped forward on the Tianwu God's blanket.

"This child!"

Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang were in a panic, they made a feint, and Xiao Tianyan really fell for it, they secretly winked at each other, and hurriedly followed.

As soon as they left, Song Zhen, the Supreme Divination God, arrived, and he vaguely saw the figures of the three leaving.

However, Song Zhen didn't chase after him right away, he traveled through the God Emperor's cultivation realm on the star dragon for a while, and then returned the same way.


Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang followed Xiao Tianyan to the border of Xiyue soon, and Lan Shuang had already communicated with her husband Song Zhen on the way.

Therefore, without waiting for Song Zhen to return, Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang began to assist Xiao Tianyan in breaking the seal of the God Emperor on the border of Xiyue.

Xiao Tianyan was also very well-behaved, he didn't say a word of nonsense, and just went to work wherever he went.

Because of the previous experience of breaking the boundary god emperor's cultivation realm god emperor seal, Xiao Tianyan grasped the method to break the Xiyue boundary god emperor seal without any special effort.

After a burst of enthusiasm, Xiao Tianyan urged him to perform the trick, then suddenly stopped, and stepped on the bright red and fiery celestial witch god blanket to look at Lan Shuang, Yexiang and Song Zhen, the supreme divination god who had already returned.

"Open it, Xiao Tianyan?"

Song Zhen was extremely anxious, seeing Xiao Tianyan stop his hands, his black and white eyebrows twisted frequently, and asked anxiously.

"I've already opened seven of the seals of the God Emperor of the Nine Paths, and I'm afraid I need to trouble Uncle Zhanshen and the two aunts for the last two."

Xiao Tianyan's eyes flickered for a while, and he looked at the star disc behind the three elders in front of him and said.

"No problem, my good niece, just tell me, how can we help you?"

Song Zhen savored Xiao Tianyan's words and asked.

"Hee hee! Uncle Zhanshen is smart, I need to borrow your stellar disk to use, the last two god emperors' sealed gods are too powerful, I need the stellar disk to break the seal.

In addition, I also need to know the direction to the God Realm to the Dark Realm of Death and the Turbid Land of Dugu, so that I can break the seal of the God Emperor and create a divine way forward. "

Xiao Tianyan was silent for a moment, and made two requests.

"Oh! It's simple, you just use my Star Dao Lord Divine Pan to make it. As for God Realm Xiangyin, your god emperor father once passed it to me, so I'll just pass it on to you.

It's just my good niece, how long will it take for us to leave the Sun Moon God Realm? "

Song Zhen fully agreed to Xiao Tianyan's request, and asked anxiously.

"It won't take too long, just give me a few dozen more hours. However, breaking the last two seals of the God Emperor is the most important thing. You can just wait quietly for my reply.

Before I speak to you, don't disturb me, otherwise my work will be in vain if I take a careless step! "

Xiao Tianyan got the promise of Song Zhen, the supreme god of fortune, and happily shot into Song Zhen's god of stars and Taoism on the blanket of heavenly witches and gods. The disk shot into the vast cloud and mist on the border of Xiyue, and shouted in a distant voice.


"My dear niece, you must hurry up, your god emperor father is still in danger, and we need to help him as soon as possible."

Hearing the remote sound, Song Zhen covered his mouth with his hands and called out in a long voice.

After that, the three of them never heard Xiao Tianyan's voice again.

One day, two days, three days.

After three days in a row, Song Zhen felt that something was wrong, looked at Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang from left to right and said:

"Is this little girl playing tricks on us? Did she go out of bounds by herself?"

After Song Zhen said this, he felt cold all over when he heard it, and was very surprised.

"Let's take a quick look around, and with her style of work, it's not impossible to do something like this.

Three days ago, she promised me and Sister Lan Shuang to come and break the seal in the God Emperor cultivation realm, maybe she has a ghost in her heart! "

Hearing Song Zhen's words, Ye Xiang recalled Xiao Tianyan's strange expression when he came, and sighed now.

"Hey, if that's the case, what should we do? We failed to save the God Emperor's third brother, and now his beloved Xiao Tianyan has fallen into the infinitely majestic land of two great demons."

Lan Shuang was panicked and regretted endlessly.

"Don't worry, let's go to Jieyuan to have a look."

Song Zhen secretly regretted that he was careless and should not have agreed to Xiao Tianyan's two conditions.

However, he still had a fluke mentality in his heart, and hoped that Xiao Tianyan didn't deceive himself and his two beloved wives by manipulating the Xing Shen Dao Lord's disc to go out of bounds.

The three of them were talking, and they had already moved their bodies quickly, turning into three beams of light and shooting towards the edge of the West Moon boundary of the Sun Moon God Realm.

Soon after, they could no longer approach the edge of the West Moon border because of the seal of the God Realm.

The three of them stared intently, searching for the shadow of the God Disk of the Taoist Master of the Stars everywhere, but...

"It's ridiculous that we two elders were deceived by a child. She really planned and plotted against us!"

Ye Xiang said dumbfounded.

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