Nine Heavens

Chapter 487 Li Ling Poisonous Flower

Chapter 487: Li Ling Poisonous Flower

Suddenly, without warning, the calm sea surface of the Beitian Ocean began to become choppy again. The huge waves soared to the sky, reaching the sky, and the sky was surging, and the current was wanton! The cracked submarine channel was quickly healed.

Of the two old men in black and white, one was still crying, crying terribly, crying miserably, and crying like complaints. She has been hunched over, her left hand is a ghost snake crutch as frozen as dead tree bark, and her right hand keeps wiping away her tears, the dripping tears are bright red! It wasn't just blood red, it was actually blood.

Her tears were blood, and she shed tears of blood non-stop. If she kept bleeding like this, it would be strange if she didn't die, so her figure was haggard, and the profile of her face that could be seen was extremely dull.

Not only was she dripping with blood and tears, but upon closer inspection, there was something even more tragic. Another skinny old man had five fingers of his left hand deeply inserted into the back of the old woman's heart, or that hand was originally on the back of the old woman's heart. together.

A line of blood was clearly visible in the black sleeve of that arm, and the blood in the line was flowing like an arrow, flowing from the old woman's body along that arm into the skinny old man's body.

As the blood flowed, the old woman cried heartbreakingly, but the old man smiled happily. In the other hand of the old man, he was holding a dark blue pointed awl. The pointed awl was in the shape of a cone, more than a foot long, extremely sharp, and the pointed awl was full of barbs. The old man raised his head and looked at the sky, but his subordinates kept stabbing the old woman's head with sharp thorns. Every time she stabbed, the old woman would let out a more miserable howl.

They have been walking tremblingly on the coastline, with blood and tears all the way, and blood-red flowers growing bright red all the way.

The red flowers are constantly emerging from under the layers of ice and snow on the coastline, growing rapidly and blooming rapidly. Soon the entire coastline, as far as the eye could see, was covered with these flowers.

When the coastline was covered with such flowers, the tears wiped by the hands of the white-clothed mother-in-law no longer fell to the ground, and blood and tears flew from her hands into the void. Seeing the void, there is a bright red everywhere above Beitianyang.

In the snowflakes of the heavy snow, blood and tears soaked, and this kind of blood-red flowers grew out of thin air. Above the sea, amidst the rough waves, this kind of flowers also floated everywhere on the water surface, everywhere in the world.

Following the bright red flowers in the void, the sight slowly moved down, the red flower stems, the red roots. The silky roots stretch out infinitely, countless flowers are in the void, and the roots are gradually connected to each other. Then it stretched out to the roots below, and shot towards the ground like a swimming snake, towards the monks of the Seven Schools who were still on the coastline.

As the blood-red flowers flooded the surrounding world, the figures of the two trembling old men became a little ethereal and strange, and the little boy seemed to be even more happy, shuttling through the sea of ​​flowers that were as red as blood.

The two old men, one black and one white, were still crying and laughing, and they were crying more miserably and laughing more freely!

The air is filled with a tempting fragrance of flowers, because the people from the seven sects, who were crying and laughing, squinted their eyes and reveled in this strange fragrance of flowers, unable to extricate themselves!

"Buzz! Buzz!"

Countless flowers also attract countless golden peaks as mentioned above, they are as cheerful as the withered old man, making extremely pleasant voices, sucking nectar from countless flowers.

"Haha! Who am I? It turns out that the wryly smiling twins of Li Lingku are the weeping mother-in-law who is playing tricks here! Using these Li Ling flowers to bully some unknown juniors! How ridiculous!" A piercing laugh suddenly came from the distant sky Voice.


"Hey, you old demon Fengxie who can't die, I heard that you were imprisoned on the prisoner tree in Hurricane Cave, when did you come out again? Hey! Could it be that Fengyao God's merits and virtues have been completed! ? Why do we care about your shit!"

Hearing this voice, there was a piercing voice called Xiaosou in the wind and snow.


Suddenly, in the heavy snow that was flying high in the sky, a ghost green figure that was flying like lightning shot down.


It was as if a huge iceberg had crashed on the coastline abruptly, and there were countless ice cubes, and there was a loud noise. With this loud noise, blood-red Liling flowers and those golden flowers within a radius of tens of feet around him The bee was instantly pushed far away by the hurricane he brought. And a whirlwind of whirlwinds formed around him, protecting himself in it.

After such a big commotion, countless confused members of the seven sects on the coast suddenly woke up, and found in astonishment that their feet had been firmly entangled by the roots of the bright red Li Linghua growing on the ground. The roots penetrated deeply into their flesh like poisonous snakes, and the heads were also entangled by the roots of this bright red Fiery Spirit Filament in the void.

The roots penetrated into the head, and extended from the head to the whole body. These people's faces were covered with streaks of bright red blood, and these blood streaks were flickering. Although they are sober now, they are unable to move an inch. They have become the manure of these Li Linghuas!

People trapped in Li Linghua feel pain like thousands of arrows piercing their hearts. The spiritual energy and blood in their bodies are quickly sucked away by the roots of Li Linghua. They have severe headaches, numb limbs, broken heart arteries, and their bodies are constantly withering. This is the rhythm of death!

But how could they die willingly, so they mobilized the powerful spiritual power in their bodies to resist all this, but what they couldn't imagine was that the more they mobilized their spiritual power, the faster the spiritual power and blood in their bodies would disappear!

Because of the sudden activation of spiritual power by the monks of the Seven Schools, those Li Linghua obtained a large amount of blood spiritual energy in a short period of time, and the bright red blood color suddenly flourished. Li Linghua is like a glowing red lantern, covering the entire Beitian Ocean Bank and a certain height in the void.

Seen from a distance, there was a bright red, like blood, like a huge mountain of blood standing there.


Suddenly, there were bursts of miserable cries everywhere between the heaven and the earth, the cries were the same as those of the weeping woman, sharp, ear-piercing, tragic, like complaints!

Those members of the Seven Sects who were entangled by the roots of Li Linghua could not get rid of the fate of being sucked to death by Li Linghua. One by one, they quickly turned into haggard skeletons and stood there.

It was they who were crying!

Their primordial spirits are crying and their souls are trembling! They looked at the world with a radius of ten thousand miles, and there were powerful opponents everywhere, and there was no chance of winning, so they could only howl, whimpering with the howling cold wind!

However, they didn't even have the chance to howl for long, because the next moment the crying mother and laughing old man suddenly jumped up amidst the crying and laughing, and there was a strange flicker on the entire coastline of Beitianyang, and then countless seven big men who were entangled to death by Li Linghua The souls of the sect monks were almost swallowed by the two of them.

Then they greedily devoured those Li Linghua like a whirlwind in the blood-red Li Linghua world.


Gusts of hurricanes hit, and countless dead bones on the coast of Beitian Ocean were spiraled into the sky and blown to the distant sky.


Without the nourishment of the blood aura of the people of the seven sects, the Li Linghua on the coastline and in the void is rapidly withering and bursting! In the blink of an eye, all the Li Linghua turned into powder and disappeared.



The crying woman and the laughing old man were still laughing and crying non-stop, but when they devoured the last Li Linghua, their laughter became very angry and their crying became more tragic.

Countless golden peaks flew into Xiaosou's ears, and the crying woman suppressed the blood and tears at this moment and stopped shedding, but the crying sound remained the same!

The coast without Li Linghua immediately returned to its original appearance.

The cold wind was howling, the snow was blowing heavily, and it was shady everywhere. There were two shadows standing in the wind and snow, more than a hundred feet apart from each other.

One is the old demon Fengxie. Since the moment he fell, he has not moved at all, his eyes shot out two disdainful cold lights, and he has been staring at the other direction besides the crying woman and laughing old man.

He was staring at the two handsome young masters high in the sky, especially the young master who was standing above the pear blossom clouds and was shaking the fan of floating stars and cracking clouds.

The other one, of course, is the crying woman and the laughing old man. They only care about laughing and crying, because they seem to be unable to do anything except cry and laugh. One eye is looking at the earth and the other eye is looking at the sky. Get into a suitable posture to look at the Fengxie old demon who is more than a hundred feet away.

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