Nine Heavens

Chapter 488 Ewha Sekka

Chapter 488: Pear Blossom Snowflake

In the middle of Fengxie Old Demon and the Crying Woman and Laughing Old Man, there is a group of small figures, covered by the wind and snow, through the heavy snow, only a little bit of bright red can be seen there, and that bit of bright red is the bellyband of the little boy before s color.

Liu Qianlang, who had been here long ago and sat cross-legged in a cloud of mist under the Dafa of restraining breath to cultivate, stopped his work at this moment and urged the powerful white light diamond to watch the little boy closely.

At this moment, the little boy was holding a white emerald bowl in his hand, and was licking with his tongue the crimson, blood-like jelly-like thing in the bowl. It was the nectar left over from the golden bees picking pollen from countless Liling flowers. During the run, it was collected in the emerald bowl.

The nectar of Li Linghua must be very sweet, because the expression of the little boy is extremely intoxicated. As he continued to lick the honey, the little boy shone with a faint red light, his red face was as red as blood, and his pair of black His big eyes became clearer.

The five colors of red, green, blue, white, and yellow that were not very obvious outside him became more and more intense at this moment, which was particularly eye-catching, especially the red color, which was as red as cream.

The little boy was sitting on the smoky ice floor, naked all the time, but he didn't feel the coldness at all. Not only that, it seemed that his body was also emitting a chill. It felt that his body was colder than the cold Beitianyang.

The little boy was very vigilant to everyone around him, secretly observing the surrounding situation from time to time, although he greedily licked honey, he was ready to run away at any time.

"Haha! Why is Fengxie old demon so interested in me? I keep staring at him. I feel embarrassed!" A burst of hearty laughter came from the place where Fengxue old demon was staring at the high-altitude snowflakes. .

Immediately, Snowflake dodged from that position, and six figures floated, the leader was Mr. Wenyang, and on the left side of him stood shoulder to shoulder a man dressed in blue dressed as a scholar, who was the one who caught up later Kong Sheng. The four people behind the two are naturally the four personal maids of Mr. Wenyang, Cuiye, Xianghu, Xianrui and Lianfei.

"Dongtian Lihuahuanshen Palace, Miaolang will never stop dying! Mr. Wenyang really deserves his reputation. Although I have never known the real face of Mr. Wenyang for thousands of years, I still have heard of Mr. Wenyang's pear blossom cloud. Yes." Fengxie old demon said.

Beitianyang was originally a world of heavy snowfall, but at this moment, as the six young masters of Wenyang fell lightly, pear blossoms danced with the wind, it was snowy but fragrant!

Snowflakes are flying, pear blossoms are rustling, the same whiteness, same color, but different taste. In terms of color, the pear blossoms are not inferior to the snowflakes, but compared with the exotic flower fragrance, the snowflakes bow their heads one after another.

"Hmm! The old demon Fengxie really has some knowledge, and even knows something about Wenyang Palace, but I always like to know others, but I never like others to know myself! In this world, nothing is better than Going up to the vast desert and Cangya is lonely and cold, and the world is proud and Lingyun is the only one who respects me. So this young master only needs to understand himself, and he is absolutely tired of what other people know about himself, and he is even more unwilling to hear others comment on him. I advise you It's better not to be too interested in me, otherwise you will not be far from death!" Said Mr. Wenyang, shaking the Fan of Floating Stars and Cracking Clouds, smelling the fragrance of pear blossoms.

"Haha! Mr. Wenyang speaks loudly. I heard that a few days ago, Thunderbolt Xuanmo, one of the Five Caves and Five Emperors of the Demon Soul Universe, just sent the Demon Wolf Saint to lead a large number of wolf demons to attack you once. It seems that you have lost money. Not too young!" Feng Xie said sarcastically.

"Oh! You know this too? But I'd better advise you not to know. What I said just now, people who are too interested in me, Mr. Wenyang, will die! I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let you go for now. My son is mainly bored today, so I went out to walk around, relax, and look at the snowflakes all over Beitianyang. Hehe, it’s so beautiful!" Wenyang Palace said lightly, not paying much attention, and then caught it with the split cloud fan Put a few pear blossoms and snowflakes in front of your eyes and enjoy them.

From the beginning to the end, Mr. Wenyang didn't even look at the weeping old man who was crying and laughing all the time.

The weeping mother and tearful old man seemed to feel very embarrassed, and the other party's arrogance made them very angry. Comparing the two of them with Fengxie Old Demon, they are both Cave Venerables of the Six Great Caves of the Evil Sect, but the other party treats one more favorably than the other, without even looking at themselves! Although Xiaosou couldn't see it, he could feel it, the feeling of being humiliated is always uncomfortable. A golden bee flew out of Xiaosou's ear, and this golden bee landed on his shoulder with flashing golden wings.


The golden bee made a trembling cry, and soon after, the weeping old demon began to move cautiously towards the little boy between them and the old demon Fengxie. His movements were very slow, as if he was afraid that the old demon Fengxie and Mr. Wenyang in the distance would pay attention. . The five-color spiritual ginseng that I laboriously lured must not fall into the hands of others. This spiritual ginseng is very important to the crying old man. If you have the five-color ginseng, feed and domesticate it, and have its strange spiritual help in the future, it means that the two of them will be even more powerful and powerful.

Liu Qianlang has always been curious about the golden bee on Xiaosou's shoulder, so he has been paying attention to the changes of the crying old man and laughing old man. Liu Qianlang suddenly saw Xiaosou's face upside down, and couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle, only to see that there was only a big hollow mouth in the center of the dark and ferocious face, accounting for almost half of it. He has no eyes, no nose, and only one ear on both sides of his head. The reason why he can feel the world around him is completely dependent on the golden bee.

While Liu Qianlang was terrified, he used his spiritual sense to scan the face of the crying woman, and was also horrified, only to see that there were only two terribly big red eyes and a tear-like mouth on the crying woman's face. Nose, no ears at all on the side of the head.

Her eyes were soaked in blood, she had no eyeballs at all, and she couldn't see at all. What's even more weird is that the two of them had only three legs when they looked coldly, and the two legs in the middle grew together. One bends down, the other looks up. The head is directly connected to the body, and there is no neck at all.

The two looked like ghosts and ghosts, without the slightest feeling of being alone.

The crying woman and the laughing old man continued to move, their movements were so slow that they could hardly be felt, but how could their movements escape the powerful consciousness of the old demon Fengxie and Mr. Wenyang.

But the strange thing is, Old Demon Fengxie and Mr. Wenyang didn't take it seriously at all, Old Demon Fengxie's sight began to fall to another location in the snow-filled sky. While Wenyang Palace smiled, Danfeng's eyes were always shining with excitement, he was intoxicated in the world of pear blossoms and snowflakes.

There are powerful auras in dozens of directions above Tianyu. Although they are trying their best to hide, no matter how hidden they are, they will have nothing to hide from the experts. Unless it is an extremely tyrannical character who can hide himself in the invisible. However, it seems that none of the people on the coast of Beitian Ocean can achieve such a state.

However, these people don't have to hide. The previous actions were all done in order not to disturb the mysterious creature in the ocean, the five-color ginseng, but it was obviously unnecessary now.

Because anyone can see that the little boy is the five-color spiritual ginseng that everyone dreams of. Its current owner should be regarded as Li Lingku Crying and Laughing Venerable. Because they used Li Linghua to lure him to his current position, and temporarily used Li Linghua's nectar to control him.

The crescent moon in the western sky had already sunk behind the majestic Longyun Mountain, while the east had already turned white, and there was a hint of pink in the mist of the white eastern sky.

The sky gradually brightened, and countless monks from the Seven Great Sects on the coast of Beitianyang and in the void died countless times, and some escaped by luck, and the rest were some extremely powerful high-level monks.

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