Nine Heavens

Chapter 798 Love Death

Chapter 798 Love Death

After Liu Qianlang controlled the Xianyuan sword for a while, he finally flew to the top of the mountain where Duanshengya was located, and it was already the time when the sun was setting. Both the heaven and the earth are covered with the smell of ancient and dark clouds.

Standing on the Xianyuan Sword, Lou Qianlang's white hair fluttered, his silver clothes fluttered, and his eyes flashed. After looking around for a while, his heart burst into excitement, his face was filled with joy, and suddenly he swooped down towards an abyss. .

A quarter of an hour later, Liu Qianlang appeared on a cliff tens of thousands of feet high, and then looked around, the western sky was the brightest, with gorgeous clouds and residual red.

After Liu Qian made some inspections, he concluded that this cliff was exactly the Duansheng cliff that Crying kept talking about. The terrain of Duanshengya is extremely high, standing here, the whole tear can be seen in a panoramic view.

And the black ink under the feet is the abyss of ten thousand feet. Under the abyss, the big river is rushing, roaring and shaking.

Suddenly, a slender woman in a white velvet magic robe floated from the red in the setting sun, and after a graceful float, she landed on the edge of a cliff dozens of feet away from Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang was surprised for a while, but there are still people who have the same taste as her, why is it coerced to come to this place? Taking a closer look, this woman turned out to be the Ninth Princess of the Tears Demon Kingdom that I saw in front of the Yin Yang Hall just now.

"Ha ha ha ha"

The Ninth Princess was on a cliff, and her white velvet magic robe turned into a golden-red color in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The Ninth Princess has a beautiful face, exquisite facial features, bright red eyes, very dignified and beautiful.

However, at this moment, she was a little crazy, standing on the cliff, laughing wildly, stretching her arms, and the ruby ​​mountain stones under her feet were kicked off by her, causing hollow crashing sounds from under the abyss. And she kept staggering, and she was about to fall off the cliff.

Liu Qianlang looked at it, how could he see the beauty without saving him, so he had a thought, and the next moment a beautiful prince, elegant, appeared behind the nine princesses, and then rolled up his sleeves, and hugged her to the edge of the cliff It's a few feet away.

"Princess Ninth is young and beautiful, she is an imperial daughter, why is she talking about life and death so lightly! Think twice!" Liu Qianlang put down Princess Nine, took a step back and taught earnestly.

"Crack! Crack!"

Unexpectedly, the ninth princess took a step forward, giggled for a while, then waved her slender palm, and looked at Liu Qianlang's mouth twice. He wanted to say something like princess, please respect yourself, and before he opened his mouth, he clearly heard two crisp sounds on his face, followed by a burst of burning pain.

"Bah! How could a villager from the mountains dare to offend this princess to conduct a life-and-death trial on Duanshengya! I really don't want to die!" The ninth princess looked at Liu Qianlang and said sweetly.

Then the second batch of slaps had risen onto her head, and they slid down in a graceful arc like a whirlwind. Liu Qianlang was depressed for a while, it was the first time someone slapped her mouth when she grew up so big, and she was slapped inexplicably.

Seeing the pair of snowflake palms coming towards his face again, an evil spirit hurriedly backed away, dodged dozens of feet, and then said angrily: "You are so unreasonable, Liu Qianlang kindly saved you, not only did you They don't know how to repay their kindness, but instead attack each other!"

"Heck! I'm really mad at this princess. Why is this princess so unlucky today? She died immediately and didn't rank up. Now I want to try life and death, but you are such a rascal! Haha"

The Ninth Princess laughed heartily while talking, her small face blushed with anger, her embroidered eyebrows were stretched, her jade teeth were slightly exposed, her hair was blowing in the evening breeze, she was so beautiful, Liu Qianlang was envious of her heart and soul, secretly thinking that she was beautiful. Especially in the sunset, don't have a savage style.

"you you you!"

Seeing Liu Qianlang staring at her motionlessly, Princess Jiu was so angry that her heart was broken, her eye hairs flew wildly, she smiled coquettishly, then she turned around suddenly, and threw herself into the tens of thousands of feet of abyss, and then jumped down.

"Don't stop me, otherwise I will never let you go—"

Fearing that Liu Qianlang would interfere again, when Princess Nine jumped down, she let out a long and tender cry.

How could Liu Qianlang dare to do anything wrong? Seeing that the princess of the Tears Demon Clan was gone like this, she sighed in her heart, but never dared to extend a hand of friendship.

Instead, he shook his head very puzzled, and thought to himself, everyone wants to live, why do the people of the Tears Demon Clan like to die so much? Not long ago, I watched the crowd fortune-telling in the Yin-Yang Temple in the transaction of seeking death and survival. Those who wished to survive were extremely envious of those who wished to die.

When Liu Qianlang was wondering, he suddenly felt a commotion behind him, and the joyful sound of blowing and blowing came from afar. He couldn't help but look back down the mountain, and saw a pair of long figures flying down the mountain in the afterglow of the setting sun. .

Liu Qianlang looked carefully, and found that those people were in groups of four, connected back and forth, like a long snake.

But when flying, it is very orderly, carrying no less than thousands of crimson coffins, flying from low to high in the void. There is a long guard of honor at the front and back of the team.

Those bright red coffins, Liu Qianlang recognized at a glance, they were the ones in front of the Yin Yang Hall. I saw these coffin bearers, all of them were strong and strong, dressed in bright red, with high spirits and happy faces.

When Piaofei reached the top of the cliff, the people in front of the guard of honor saw Liu Qianlang and gave Liu Qianlang a red envelope. Liu Qianlang opened it and saw that it was a magic tear fruit with three rings.

Liu Qianlang didn't understand what it meant, and these people didn't speak. Liu Qianlang raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was too early for the time agreed with him, so he floated to the side of Duanshengya, watching the excitement from a distance.

When the first coffin was carried to the top of the cliff, the front and rear guards of honor suddenly sounded a thud, and the rhythm of the rain was like the sound of beating drums, and then the four people carrying the first coffin shot at Duansheng like lightning. On the edge of the cliff, he didn't stop, and with a whimper, he threw the coffin into the abyss tens of thousands of feet, then raised his hands and wept wildly.

Hearing the movement ahead, it was as if a pot had exploded. The people who carried the coffin were crazy, and there was no order. They all rushed up the cliff amidst the increasingly violent drumbeats, and then they were forced to stop. The receptionist threw the red coffins one by one under the cliff tens of thousands of feet high.


There was a loud noise from the bottom of the cliff, shaking the sky and the ground, shaking the birds and crying. Liu Qianlang's white hair stood on end, his whole body was shiny, and his internal organs usurped the throne.

But those people were infinitely excited, crying and hugging each other, looking infinitely excited.

"Ah! Ah! Now it's all right, look forward to the stars, look forward to the moon, your family died early and finally died, alas! Finally, years of training have not been in vain! You are really lucky if you don't live to be an elder brother!"

"Woo! Congratulations! Congratulations! Didn't your family die a few months before the end of the family? I envied my son's early death for a long time! Now that he is dead, he finally got his wish!"

"Wow! My family didn't want to live and their dreams came true. I'm so happy!"

"Yeah, my family wanted to die and worked hard for more than 200,000 years! Now they have finally climbed the cliff."

These people cried and blessed each other, and every name they uttered was related to death.

After Liu Qianlang watched these people toss for a long time, each one of them had runny noses and floated down the mountain.

At this time, the setting sun had already revealed half of the face, and gradually lost its color, and the sky darkened a lot.

"Ha ha ha ha"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang suddenly heard the shrill howls of ghosts coming from under the tens of thousands of feet of abyss, his heart trembled, and he couldn't help but bent down to look at the bottom of Duansheng Cliff.

I saw a woman with disheveled hair and wearing a white velvet magic robe, climbing up the mountain rocks non-stop. Occasionally staring up with blood-red eyes.

Nine princesses! ? Although Liu Qianlang was a little horrified when he saw her ghostly appearance, but he was lucky to see her fall into the abyss of tens of thousands of feet without dying, no matter what!

Not long after, the Ninth Princess finally climbed up the Duanshengya. At this time, the last ray of red in the setting sun also went down, and the sky and the earth suddenly became dark.

Princess Nine climbed to the top of the cliff, stood up, and laughed wildly.

Seeing that Liu Qianlang was still there a hundred feet away, he came to Liu Qianlang in a fluttering manner, staring at his bright red eyes, which swayed in the evening wind, covering half of his face with a sad smile and said: "I Why is it so miserable, and I didn’t die? I am a princess, but my life is so unlucky! Haha! God is so unfair! Please, kill me! I haven’t died once!”

The ninth princess suddenly knelt in front of Liu Qianlang, covered her face with her hands, and shouted wildly with a smile.

Liu Qianlang secretly sighed, this Kingdom of Tears is really not good, the entire tribe of Tears, including the princess Ninth Princess, all want to die, and regard death as the only pursuit of life, you think about this country a lot disappointing.

Liu Qianlang sighed, looked at the poor Ninth Princess, wanted to persuade her but didn't know what to say, hesitated for a long time, and came up with a famous saying: "It's better to die than live! Ninth Princess! You must Look away, no matter how many ups and downs you face, you should stand up bravely, face it with strength, and believe that everything will pass.”

"Crack! Crack!"

Before Liu Qianlang could say the best words, Princess Nine jumped up with a whimper, raising her slender palms to grab Shanliu Qianlang's mouth. Because it was the second operation, everything was done with ease, and Liu Qianlang's face was found without any effort, and then there was a violent convulsion.

When Liu Qianlang figured out that the crisp voice came from his own face and dodged it abruptly, Princess Jiu had already counted to almost a hundred.

Liu Qianlang was furious immediately, how could the majestic head of Cangshan Langyuan Sect be bullied by such little girls, if his buddy Song Zhen knew about it, and let him spread the word to the entire immortal cultivator circle, what would he do in the future? Develop in the earth fairy world.


Liu Qianlang summoned the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and wanted to make a career out of it.

"Woooo! Thank you rascal, kill me quickly! Wow! I have three nine-ring tear magic fruits here as a thank you!" Princess Nine saw that Liu Qianlang was angry, and showed a very domineering one Xiaodao'er couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately wiped his hair, lowering his head to reveal his snow-white neck.

But Liu Qianlang looked at the fair neck of the ninth princess in the darkness, hesitated for a long time, but couldn't make a move.

The Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword is a majestic demon-killing and demon-slaying fairy sword, how could it inexplicably kill a woman who just slapped her own mouth! ?

Liu Qianlang stopped his hands at the critical moment, but he was so angry that he lost a lot of alveoli, he stood upright in the darkness and became depressed, and stopped talking to Princess Nine.

Who knows that the nine princesses are really different, for a long time I didn't feel that I was dead, so I raised my head and looked at Liu Qianlang, only to see that the other party was blushing from my anger, and felt embarrassed, so I suddenly stretched out my hand and pulled her away. The Jiutian Jiang Xianyuan sword floating in front of his eyes chopped off his head.

Then, holding his head in his slender hands, he burst into tears of excitement, and then jumped into the tens of thousands of feet of abyss with his head in his hands.

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