Nine Heavens

Chapter 799 Breaking into the Palace of Yin and Yang

Chapter 799 Breaking into the Temple of Yin and Yang

"This?" Liu Qianlang was startled when he saw Princess Nine jumping off the Duansheng cliff, and quickly jumped to the edge of the Duansheng cliff. Seeing the figure of the other party falling down into the vast white river below, he couldn't help but feel extremely moved. I regret not forcibly stopping this from happening just now.

However, the facts are already like this, Liu Qianlang has no choice but to look up to the sky and sigh, then collect his thoughts, look at the other half of Duanshengya opposite Duanshengya, waiting for the arrival of crying, hoping to rescue Princess Jinling and everyone as soon as possible .

Time passed by in the darkness, Liu Qianlang stood vigilantly in the night wind, watching the crescent moon above the blue sky, rising little by little, until finally reaching the mid-heaven position.

"Haha, it looks like you've been on this Duanshengya for a long time, right?" Just at this time, a cold laughter suddenly came from the cliff opposite Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang looked intently, and on the opposite side, a strange figure covered in snow suddenly appeared on the cliff thousands of meters away. This person had white hair, white beard and white face, with a black and white yin and yang whisk lying on his arm.

"It turns out that you are pretending to be crying and making troubles! Where are my friends!?" Lou Qianlang asked in surprise when he saw the white-haired yin-yang fortune-teller's original appearance on the opposite side.

"Hmph! Where are the fifty-five dragon balls!?" The other party didn't answer Liu Qianlang's question, but asked instead, getting straight to the point.

Liu Qianlang was furious for a while, but Princess Jinling and others were in his hands, facing danger all the time, so he suppressed his anger and said, "Of course it's on my body."

"Well! Well, if that's the case, why don't you hurry up and give it to the old man, what's the point!" The evil devil Zhu Kuang nodded, and said forcefully every word.

"Hmph! You seem to have forgotten that we are making a deal. I brought the Dragon Ball, but where are my friends? I must confirm that all my friends have returned to my side safely before I can send fifty Five Dragon Balls to you!"

Liu Qianlang couldn't help snorting coldly.

"Okay, the old man will let you take a look, look!" The white-haired yin-yang fortune-teller, black and white, swiped his whisk towards the nine-story Yin-Yang Hall in the central area of ​​the distant city of tears. Immediately in the dim night, the highest floor of the Nine-story Yin-Yang Hall, that is, the ninth floor, immediately became half dark and half white.

In the white area, Princess Jinling, Die Er, Yudi Niang, Nalan and other women, as well as men such as Huanfeng Shenlong, Tianxiudilian, Huankong, etc., are all in the white area, looking to the curious people outside the Yinyang Hall. What are you looking at.

"That won't work, I need my friend to appear here now, not in your Yin-Yang Palace! Let's hand over the Dragon Balls with one hand, and hand over others with the other!" Liu Qianlang said.

"Hmph! The old man has changed his mind now, and he doesn't want to do business on Duanshengya. Now that you can't see your friends anymore, I think it's better to trade in my Yin-Yang Palace. When we get there, Dragon Ball Gui old man, you take me away!"

Demon Zhuang said with slyness in his eyes.

"Sounds good, it seems that you have determined this fairy. Not only do you not want to let my friends go, but you also want to trick this fairy into getting Dragon Balls, right!?" Such obvious sinister intentions, how can Liu Qianlang not see it? out.

"Yes, you are not a stupid person. Now that you guessed it, I might as well just say it. I didn't intend to let your friends live in the first place, but I have always been curious, and I want to see the real life of the legendary boy who is righteous." Is it that magical? It is rumored that you can control the three great gods of the wild at the same time, the ninety-nine and eighty-one gods of the wild, the magic sword and the dragon ball! I don't believe it at all!"

"So even though the old man got the dragon ball from that Nalan woman, he still didn't kill them. He repeatedly violated his character of killing demons and madmen, in order to give you a chance to see if you have the ability to get rid of the evil spirits from the Yin Yang Palace. Kill from the first floor to the ninth floor, save your friends!"

Demon Slayer is no longer covering up his intentions, but telling the whole story.

"You are quite frank, but even if I reach the ninth floor, you will still kill me and my friends. I'm right!" Liu Qianlang said to expose the opponent's conspiracy.

"That's true. People who have tried to kill people in this evil spirit will not live for a long time. As long as this evil wants to die, they must die!" Xiemo said confidently.

"Haha! Really? In that case, I am standing in front of you now, and the dragon ball is on my body, why don't you do it?" Liu Qianlang laughed.

"Hmph! Don't be complacent. No matter how powerful the Dragon Balls are, they can't defeat my Yin-Yang Palace. Come if you have the guts!" The reason why Xie Mo Zhu Kuang didn't do anything was naturally because he was afraid of the great power of fifty-five Dragon Balls.

As long as he has the ability to consume the spiritual power of the dragon balls and summon the dragon balls, he absolutely does not have the ability to activate the powerful dragon spirit power in the dragon balls. There is no chance of winning the tear spirit evil poison magic skill, so Xiemo Zhukuang absolutely does not want to fight Liu Qianlang at this moment.

At the same time, it is Liu Qianlang who will give him fifty-five dragon balls right now, but Liu Qianlang will call back the dragon balls at any time because of the innate ability of the Zhengling boy. Liu Qianlang is the devil Zhu Kuang, how could the devil Zhu Kuang do such a risky thing!

So after some deliberation, Xie Mo Zhu Kuang thinks that using Liu Qianlang's friends to force him into the Ninth Floor Yin Yang Hall is the best choice. As long as Liu Qianlang enters the Yin-Yang Hall on several floors, it means success.

After the evil demon Zhukuang let out a cold snort, his figure darkened and disappeared in an instant. And Liu Qianlang saw that Jin Ling and others were in the opponent's nine-story Yin-Yang Palace, so how could he not go to rescue them.

Therefore, at the same time that the evil demon Zhu Kuang disappeared, Liu Qianlang also controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and flew towards the position of the Ninth Floor Yinyang Hall whistling, leaving behind a gorgeous red rainbow.

Not long after Liu Qianlang left, the evil demon Zhuang appeared on the Duansheng Cliff strangely, and then the black and white whisk in his hand swung a few times under the tens of thousands of feet of abyss, and then he heard a sudden voice in the abyss. There were bursts of howling ghosts and howling wolves.

Then, under the tens of thousands of feet of abyss, on the cliffs on both sides, there are countless figures of various colors climbing up from bottom to top like apes, and there are thousands of them in a blink of an eye. The figures jumped to the top of Duansheng Cliff, and then these figures looked around for a while, and then flew into the sky one after another, and flew towards the Ninth Floor Yin Yang Hall.

And there are more figures like this in the abyss below the cliff, including the nine princesses who jumped off the cliff not long ago and the people in the red coffins, who kept climbing up the cliff like ants, and then headed towards the ninth floor. Yin Yang Hall flew away.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xie Tianzhu laughed wildly coldly, then, with a flick of the black and white whisk, he disappeared strangely again.

Liu Qianlang galloped swiftly for a while, and soon flew to the half-black and half-white Yinyang Hall in the night.

Before reaching the figure, he felt the hurricane formed by bursts of gloomy and gloomy air rushing toward his face. Liu Qianlang felt a burst of ice-cold immediately, and instinctively covered himself with a layer of protective light, and then continued to shoot towards the gate of the first floor.

However, as soon as he swooped down, countless huge coffins shining with dark purple light suddenly stood up in front of the Yin Yang Hall. These coffins whizzed and spun while standing on the ground.

"Bang! Bang!"

Then the lids of all the coffins were cracked and fell to the ground, and people from the Kingdom of Tears with disheveled hair jumped out of the coffins. They jumped out and jumped onto the standing coffin, and at the same time let out bursts of shrill and gloomy ghost howls, which made people shudder.


Liu Qianlang snorted coldly, and the speed of the dive did not decrease at all. At the same time as calling out the ghost boat and jumping in, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword had already cut out the bright red light curtain.



I saw the huge bright red light curtain turned into red lightning bolts, splitting the countless rotating coffins in front of the Yin Yang Hall, making the sound of coffins breaking or falling to the ground.



The body of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword trembled, with a low whistling sound, and then a larger curtain of bright red light was cut out. Immediately, the coffins and the tearful demon clansmen with disheveled hair on the coffins were all reduced to ashes at the same time.

"Daddy God of Fortune! Daddy God of Fortune! Here we are!"

At the top of the Yin-Yang Hall, which is thousands of feet high, Princess Jin Ling and others sensed the huge changes below the Yin-Yang Hall, and they couldn't help but bend down to look down. They saw Liu Qianlang standing in the ghost boat and galloping towards here, and at the same time killed There are countless haunting things below. Although everyone was sealed in the Yin-Yang Hall and couldn't get out, they could see everything below, and couldn't help being surprised.

Especially Die'er couldn't help calling Liu Qianlang loudly.

When Liu Qianlang heard Die'er's voice, his mind was also lifted. Hearing their cries meant that they were all safe and sound at the moment.

"Don't be afraid, Die Er! Daddy the God of Wealth will rescue you soon! Brother Huanfeng, find a way to undo the evil poison of the tear spirit in your body, and then hide in the magic black lotus, which can resist The ghostly evil spirit in the Yin-Yang Palace!" Liu Qianlang didn't have time to communicate with the higher-ups in detail, but just said these things to Die'er and Huanfeng Shenlong through voice transmission, before he finished speaking, he suddenly shot into the Yin-Yang Palace.

Above a cloud and mist in the sky, the evil demon Zhuang was looking proud, ready to watch Liu Qianlang's great fight with Wanyu ghost coffins after diving down, but he didn't expect that a Netherland Youdu suddenly appeared at Liu Qianlang's feet. The boat—the ghost boat, couldn't help but feel a burst of horror.

Especially when he saw that the other party had cleared the gate guard formation without any effort, he couldn't help being even more surprised. It was hard for him to believe that a boy from the Yangshi human race not only stepped into the demon world, but also possessed such terrifying strength .

The demon Zhuang's disdainful expression immediately became serious, and then quickly turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the middle of the nine-story Yin-Yang Hall.

Liu Qianlang stepped on the ghost boat and shot into the ninth-story Yin-Yang Hall, and a gray space appeared in front of him. In front of the space is a gray hillside, covered with winding bridges and high platforms, all the way up. On the left and right are the mountain walls closed by thousands of blades, with no way to go through.

Liu Qianlang saw that there was only one way to go in front of him, so naturally he didn't need to think about it, so he controlled the ghost boat and flew towards the highest point.

However, before he could move, there was a sudden flash of demonic light in front of his eyes, and a large group of Red Tears demon clansmen wearing black cannons rushed towards them, holding giant knives, maces and other weapons in their hands.

These Red Tears Demons are very tall and tall, with red eyes, they rushed over without saying a word, and swung their knives at the ghost boat under Liu Qianlang's feet, chopping wildly. As a result, gray electric arcs and sparks continuously erupted from the ghost boat, which was very dazzling.

And above the ghost boat, there were dozens of such Red Tears demon clansmen waving their maces as if they were dying, smashing the bodyguard outside Liu Qianlang's body.

"Bang bang!"

There was a dull and hollow sound. However, Liu Qianlang didn't care about the attack of these Red Tears Demon Clan members at all, and let them groan for a while. After seeing the situation ahead, he activated the Xianyuan Sword, behind a bright red light curtain, About hundreds of Red Tears Demon Clan members around him were chopped into air.

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