Nine Heavens

Chapter 800 Nine Deaths and Rebirth

Chapter 800 Nine Deaths and Rebirth


Liu Qianlang's last sword split hundreds of people from the Red Tears Clan into huge ghosts and ghosts, and he couldn't help but let out a cold snort, thinking, just relying on you bastards, you still have the nerve to make do with it, use Xianyuan It's a bit of a loss for Jian to deal with you.

But when I was about to go to the next level, what I saw around me made me feel a little sorry. I saw those Red Tears clansman who split into the air by themselves just now, a burst of red mist rose in the air, congealed into thumb-sized bright red teardrops, and then fell to the ground.

There were many bright red teardrops, Liu Qianlang's front and back, left and right, around a space of more than a hundred feet, even the inside of the ghost boat was covered with these dark red teardrops.

Looking at these dark red teardrops, Liu Qianlang immediately remembered the big rivers he saw on the way to Leidu Island, and the countless ruby-like things at the bottom of the river were actually such dark red teardrops.

There are countless bright red teardrops, crystal clear, red like blood clots, when they hit the ground and the ghost boat, they splashed up, rolled up, and bloomed instantly, turning into bright red tears, petals layered on top of each other, like real flowers, The petals trembled in the cold wind around them.

The red tears are the size of a fist, big and beautiful, spreading all over the surrounding space and on the ghost boat, as if you are in a lake of bright red lotus flowers. Layers of petals are constantly rolling, the flowers are slowly getting bigger, and at the center of the flower, figures are slowly standing up one by one.

"I'm snow!"

Liu Qianlang sighed after imitating the interjection that Huanfeng Shenlong learned from the Seven Realms Demon Race. Those Red Tears who were killed by him just now lived again, not only alive, but one became countless. Liu Qianlang was horrified to see that his ghost boat was filled with people from the Red Tears Demon Clan who had become a little shorter in an instant.

And those beautiful dark red tears were not wasted, they all became the lotus skirts of these reborn Red Tears, and wrapped around the waists of these white newborns.

"Ah! Kill!"

These new Red Tears Demon Clan members had just finished transforming, without delay at all, the sound of shouting and killing suddenly shook the sky, and they shot at Liu Qianlang like flying. Not to mention the one on the ghost boat, waving a weapon like a magic knife in his hand, he chopped at Liu Qianlang fiercely.

"Cut!" Liu Qianlang couldn't help being furious. He didn't expect the other party to be so shameless, not to mention the free boat ride, but also to bully others.

Of course, they didn't even know that Liu Qianlang's surname was Liu even if he was cleaned up to death. Liu Qianlang let out a clear whistle, and said: "It's obviously a tear, why do you have to change into a human form, against this immortal, go to hell!"

When Liu Qianlang spoke, he had already danced the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate sword into a ball, and the circles of bright red light curtains centered on him and quickly expanded to the surroundings. The demon clansmen turned into red blood mist one after another while howling miserably, especially the red tears demon clansmen in the ghost boat were completely melted by the powerful sword rainbow of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword.

Seeing that the pressure around him subsided in an instant, Liu Qianlang had a thought, and suddenly shot towards the high platform tens of feet away, and then planned to circle to a higher place.

However, the Red Tears demon clansmen who were split into blood mist behind them were quickly reborn again, and once again the tide surged toward Liu Qianlang, and the number became larger. They surrounded Liu Qianlang in groups, as if Liu Qianlang was in Numerous wasp centers in general.

This kind of situation made Liu Qianlang extremely disgusted. Although the other party was not very strong, he was always so enthusiastic. Wherever he flew, he was surrounded by three layers of people, and his image was really not chic enough.

So in anger, Lu Qianlang simply stopped on the high platform, and played with the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword again. Suddenly, the bright red light curtain drew a huge arc of light and kept slashing towards Liu Qianlang's surroundings.

Wherever the Yinhong light curtain went, within the Yinhong light curtain, all the members of the Red Tears Demon Clan immediately turned into red blood mist again.

This process kept repeating, and it was getting faster and faster. Liu Qianlang was so tired that his arms, legs, head, and neck hurt everywhere. The temple hurt the partner.

However, in the process of repeated slaughters, Liu Qianlang gradually discovered that more and more Red Tears Demon tribe members became smaller and smaller, and their skin color became fairer and more delicate. Broken.

Those who slashed their own magic knife and magic wand crazily just threw them all over the ground. Although they still rushed towards Liu Qianlang one after another, they did not attack. They stood there arrogantly and waited for Liu Qianlang to slash him to death. And they all have eyes full of longing.

Liu Qianlang hacked the Red Tears Demon Clan to death and revived them, alive and then hacked them to death, ninety-nine and eighty-one times, so tired that Liu Qianlang's eye hairs hurt, so he almost begged the other party for help. Don't live anymore.

But the other party didn't mind at all, and enjoyed the process very much. Every time he experienced resurrection, he would cry so hard!

In this way, Liu Qianlang not only has to bear physical fatigue, but also suffers from spiritual torture, exhausted.

Just as Liu Qianlang was grimacing, leaning on Nine Heavens Immortal Fate with his left hand, watching the ninety-ninth and eighty-first rounds of red blood mist split into blood mist, panting wildly, and was about to strike out Nine Heavens Immortal Fate sword again, In front of Liu Qianlang's eyes, the Red Tears Demon clansmen who had been revived again turned into children.

They were all crying loudly, trembling all over, it looked like they had been robbed of delicious food.

Judging by their age, they are all only five or six years old, both boys and girls, all fair and pretty, with cute crying looks. Their postures at the moment are various, some are standing on the ground with their hips akimbo, two are hugging each other's shoulders, some are sitting, some are lying down, some are crawling in the void and looking down at themselves.

No matter what the posture is, there is a pair of bright red eyes shining, and tears that are the size of a thumb and shaped like tadpoles are pattering down, while crying loudly.

Liu Qianlang looked at those dark red tears, which covered all the surrounding space in a short time, Liu Qianlang couldn't help feeling nervous, looking at those dark red tears, his mind was filled with the shadows of the Red Tears Demon Clan.

Liu Qianlang, gritted his teeth, and injected a strong spiritual power into the Xianyuan sword, always preparing for the opponent to suffer another death, but this time he didn't.

"Wow! We finally succeeded in rebirth!"

Around Liu Qianlang, countless children of the Red Tears Demon Clan suddenly cried and jumped for joy, and then rushed out of the gate of the Yinyang Hall on the first floor like a group of birds coming out of their holes. A few mischievous little guys even blew a kiss to Liu Qianlang when they flew away.

Liu Qianlang saw that the exhausted Red Tears finally flew away, and the red tears on the ground did not come back to life again. He immediately felt relieved, his eyes lit up with joy, and he lay down in the ghost boat, taking deep breaths like crazy.

It took a long time before I could catch my breath, and at this time, the spiritual power in my whole body gradually recovered. But after going through such a process, Liu Qianlang still has the root cause of your illness. Whenever you see red in the future, you will think of the Red Tears Demon Clan. When I see a round thing, I feel that it is about to bloom.

Without the threat, Liu Qianlang felt a burst of relief. Standing on the Xianyuan sword, with his arms folded, he raised the ghost boat, his white hair fluttering around, his silver clothes fluttering, and he started pretending again.

Leisurely walked forward along the high platform for a while, then Liu Qianlang turned a corner, and found that there was another covered bridge in front of him, and after passing the covered bridge, there was also a huge stone platform-like space.

The stone platform is surrounded by tall and short tall ancient trees and some low shrubs. At the same time, the stone platform is surrounded by low hillsides with green grass and some inexplicable flowers dotted among them.

The space of this high platform is obviously much larger than the high platform I passed just now, and the color is no longer gray, but full of green colors everywhere.

Liu Qianlang was happy for a while, and flew towards the covered bridge in front of him to control the ghost boat, thinking that there should be no trouble here, but he was wrong.


Suddenly there was a sound of shattering, and then Liu Qianlang saw a mushroom pavilion shattered on the covered bridges in front of his sight.

After a burst of white mist dissipated, the Ninth Princess actually wobbled with her head in her hands, and walked towards Liu Qianlang with model steps.


Looking at the other party's headless body, Liu Qianlang felt a sense of horror in his heart, thinking to himself, why did she appear here? This person is out, but he can still walk around? asked in surprise.

"Woo! Why are you a scoundrel again, so you are not a member of the Tears Demon Clan, but thank you, I finally died once!"

The head in the hands of Princess Nine saw Liu Qianlang floating in a gray boat, and then she pressed her head back like wearing a hat, turned a few times, and said with a sob.

"Oh! You're not" Liu Qianlang sighed.

"Woooo, oh? You want to ask me if I'm dead or why I'm alive again! Anyway, let me tell you, all of our Tears Demon Clan members are practicing the Tears Demon Divine Art, but not all of them They can all cultivate higher levels of the Tears Demon Divine Art."

"Like when I have never died before, I can only practice some basic introductory skills of the Tears Demon Divine Art. The higher level of the Tears Demon Divine Art can only be cultivated after dying again and again. The more times you die, the more you die. After resurrection, the practice of the Tears Demon Divine Art will become deeper."

"So death is the lifelong pursuit of all of our Tears. It is said that after reaching ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine deaths and rebirth, our Tears have reached the ultimate state of the Tears. But this is just a legend. We In the history of the Tears Demon Clan, they have never heard of such a person appearing."

"For example, my father is already a member of the Tears Demon Clan at the highest level of the Tears Demon Clan's magical power, but he has only died a thousand times."

Seeing Liu Qianlang's love for killing so much, Princess Nine immediately had a good impression of him. In her words, her red eyes were filled with tears, and she actually felt a little bit of admiration. Especially looking at the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword in his hand, which is red and red, I like it so much that I just want to hit it up.

Liu Qianlang heard it, so it turned out to be the case, no wonder these tear demons cried with joy when they heard that they were going to die, people with feelings are like this, on the contrary, living without experiencing death is a kind of pain!

But Liu Qianlang was very surprised. It is not easy to want to die. Even if you slap your mouth hard, you can also slap yourself unconscious. There are too many other methods. The knife came out with a red belly, starved to death without eating, and found a crooked neck to pretend to be fruit once

Liu Qianlang couldn't help asking in surprise: "Liu Qianlang is very puzzled, why is it so difficult for the Tears Demons to die?"

"Hey! It's so easy to die. We, the Tears Demon Clan, are all formed from the evaporated tears of a Tears Demon Tree irrigated by the love tears of an ancient tear fairy. The Tears Demon Tree is the true love. Watered, so the friendship is endless, and love and hatred are intertwined forever. And we tear demons are all transformed by her true feelings, so we will live forever!"

"Oh! Even so, it is already a body of immortality, so why do you have to die to practice the magic of tears?" Liu Qianlang was even more puzzled.

"However, how do you know that although we are born of the Devil Tree of Tears, we never know what love is and can only cry. If we want to have the same mortal emotions as you, we must practice the Devil Art of Tears and die at least once. Fang Ke, and then slowly understand people's emotions. Do you think, there is no tear demon tribe who is willing to live without emotion at all, how is that different from the dust of mindless thoughts!?"

Ninth Princess sighed faintly, the words experienced a death, full of persuasive taste of sadness.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang couldn't help sighing, in this vast world, in the Three Realms and Nine Realms, there are so many wonders, there are those who pursue longevity, and there are those who pursue death, and they are all obsessed and persistent, and they will spare no effort.

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