Nine Heavens

Chapter 820: Oriental Dragon Club

Chapter 820: Oriental Dragon Club

Just when Liu Qianlang's ghost boat carried millions of disciples of Yiyue Peak, as well as Yun Qianmeng, the people from the seven realms, the gods from the seven realms, and the demons from the seven realms rushed out of the Northern Ocean and entered the vast Eastern Ocean , Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong are also speeding towards the direction of Eastern Tianyang.

However, Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong are not the only two, they are surrounded by Cuigan Shenlong and other eight Shenlongs, including the Heavenly Expelling Shenlong, and the Cangshan Eight Dragons.

There are nine Heavenly Demon Dragons. As mentioned earlier, they are Cuigan Divine Dragon, Cangyou Divine Dragon, Blood Rainbow Divine Dragon, Qingtong Divine Dragon, Layer Abyss Divine Dragon, Huanfeng Divine Dragon, Flame Flying Divine Dragon, Black Soul Divine Dragon and Qingluan Divine Dragon.

The Eight Dragons of Cangshan Mountain are Xiao An, Broken Mist Dragon, Coiled Wind Dragon, Mang Tunnel Dragon, Youtian Dragon, Fuque Dragon, Playing Yang Dragon and Shining Sky Dragon.

Among the eighteen people, except Liu Qianlang who controls the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, Huanfeng Shenlong controlling the Overlord Painting Halberd, and Cuigan Shenlong stepping on a hell lava fire dragon eye given by Liu Qianlang, the others are all stepping on their own dragons. Shaped hollow jade pendant. The eighteen people all had very anxious expressions on their faces, and the speed at which they were flying was astonishing as lightning.

The reason why Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong flew together with the sixteen dragons is that Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong destroyed the three exits of Cangmi Huolei.

When Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong formed a three-color, thousand-foot lotus array, and then quickly destroyed the three haze, fire, thunder and thunder, and were about to leave the exploding billions of hectares of distant clouds, they suddenly heard the sky tens of thousands of feet high. There was a burst of roaring sound from above.

The two were both surprised and happy, and immediately thought that it might be that Cuigan Shenlong and the others had come back after looking for the dragon brother.

Therefore, instead of chasing the ghost boat, it flew straight to the higher layer of clouds in the sky.

The two were overjoyed when they saw that sixteen great dragons appeared in their sights. But what surprised the two of them was that they saw Cuigan Shenlong and other eight heavenly exorcist dragons, and the eight dragons of Cangshan were fighting with a group of demon dragons.

Both sides are fighting vicissitudes of life, tearing clouds and fog, landing on the moon and kicking the sun, remnant stars smashing and fighting, claws and claws, tearing and gnawing at each other, dragon scales fly, dragon blood spurts like springs, the fight is very tragic .

Seeing that the sixteen dragon brothers were in trouble, Huanfeng Shenlong roared into the siege without saying a word, while Liu Qianlang was always unrestrained and arrogant, such a tragic situation was just a test of happiness and hatred Therefore, the training ground immediately let out a clear whistle, mobilized the thirty-one dragon balls in his arms, and rushed in.

Liu Qianlang has seventeen dragons plus himself, while the opponent has twenty-five magic dragons and seven magic dragon balls. In terms of overall strength, Liu Qianlang's side has a slight advantage, but it is by no means impossible to think that they will win in a while. As a result, the two sides had no choice but to enter into a protracted battle. After many rounds of fighting and five days and five nights of continuous fighting, the twenty-five dragons were tragically defeated.

However, Liu Qianlang's side was also seriously injured. Except for Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong, the other Shenlongs were all covered in blood, scales and wounds, and they were in extreme embarrassment. Thanks to Liu Qianlang's dragon ball, the seventeen dragons recovered their mana in less than half a day by using their powerful dragon spirit energy.

After everyone recognized each other one by one, they couldn't wait to head towards Dongtianyang together.

The reason why everyone was in such a hurry was because Cuigan Shenlong and the other eight Tianzhu Shenlongs had found each other in advance and made an appointment to meet on the Eastern Sky Ocean on the night of the full moon this month. And tonight is the night of the full moon, and it is already noon. If you can't arrive in time, Cuigan Shenlong is worried that the brothers will disperse, and it will be difficult to get together again. Therefore, everyone will wait for their physical strength to fully recover. Quickly set off.

"Haha! Boss, I really admire you. In just one and a half years, I have found sixty-five dragon balls. If it is like you said, then I can find the nine balls of the Promise Gate of Wenyang Palace and the sky of Wanjian Mountain." The seven of the spirit realm, and the eighty-one dragon balls are all found. Now our eighty-one brothers are also on their way to Dongtianyang, so we are only short of eighty-one speeding demon swords." Cuigan Shenlong said happily for Liu Qianlang.

"It sounds like a series of dangers, but fortunately, I survived in the end. It's just that what I will face later is really unpredictable." Liu Qianlang stood on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, with white hair fluttering Fei, said with worry-free eyes on his resolute face.

"Hey! Boss! Don't worry, there is no way in the sky, and the clouds will leave traces. There is no way out of heaven, and now there are more and more brothers and sisters gathering together, each with great powers, so why worry about big things not being accomplished!?" Huan Feng Shenlong was majestic and said indifferently.

"Haha! Alright, let's take advantage of brother Huanfeng's good words, and hope that his wish will be fulfilled as soon as possible. The day of Qianlang's full soul is also the time to practice the extraordinary skills of the Eight Directions Immortal Formation!" Liu Qianlang said with a hearty smile.

Then Liu Qianlang raised his head and looked at Tianyu, who was covered in heavy snow, wanting to see the state of the Eight Vaults of Omen. However, the sky is too majestic, and above the Northern Ocean, in the world full of wind and snow, it is impossible to understand it for a while.

"Haha, Sixth Brother, what about Mrs. Sister-in-law and the others? Why are you and the boss alone? Mrs. Mrs. Bu Sister-in-law kicked you out!" Qingluan, the youngest of the Tianxuan Shenlongs, only saw Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong. Seeing Princess Jinling, Princess Jinling and other princesses and the Four Sage Kings, he asked jokingly.

"Haha, Ninth Brother! I haven't seen you for so many years, and I still like to joke so much. No wonder Tianlinghe Yunnu Tuanxiang said that you will never grow up, and my brother thinks so now. Your sixth sister-in-law is very good to your sixth brother! "Huanfeng Shenlong said happily.

"Ha ha."

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard the words, and while flying quickly, the atmosphere suddenly became active.

Thousands of miles away, in the sky above the Eastern Sky Ocean, at an altitude of tens of thousands of feet, there is a spaceship in the sky with silver lights slowly landing. About half an hour later, the flying boat landed on the eastern sky with a roar.

The spaceship that landed was Liu Qianlang's ghost boat, and there were millions of disciples from Yiyue Palace, as well as people from the Seven Realms Human Race, the Seven Realm God Race, and the Seven Realm Demon Race. After flying for many days, Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong never appeared.

Therefore, after discussing with Yun Qianmeng, Yaoxin, Princess Jinling and the others, they felt that landing on the ocean was a bigger target, which would be easily discovered by Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong who came to look for it. scene.

However, the millions of people in the ghost boat were all terrified, because the huge black dragon they saw not long ago, with its huge and hideous face, still had a shadow in their hearts until now.

So even though they landed on the eastern sky, everyone still didn't dare to be careless. They put layers of dragon spirit barriers on the outside of the ghost boat to protect them, and then sat cross-legged in the ghost boat, practicing their skills and breathing, and trying to maintain their health as much as possible. Be prepared for any eventuality.

Yun Qianmeng, Yaoxin, Pu'er, Princess Jinling, and Die'er who ran over sat around the same place. They listened to the movement outside the ghost boat very vigilantly, and found that there was nothing but the sound of rolling waves. Other voices appeared, so I gradually became more courageous.

Several people stood up and looked out of the ghost boat. I saw the violent waves on the surface of the Eastern Ocean outside, and the waves rose into the sky, and then rolled and fell, shining red colors, covering the vast Eastern Ocean.

At this moment, the setting sun was setting in the west, the red was shining in the evening, the sky was flying with fire and clouds, and the sky was full of red mist, giving the whole ghost boat a very pale and ancient atmosphere.

At the bow, Yun Qianmeng, Yaoxin and Princess Jinling floated on the side of the boat, facing the wind, looking at the vast sea, looking from low to high, staring at the gorgeous clouds in the distant sky in the western sky, hoping to see the willows as soon as possible. The figures of Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong.

Behind him, in the boat, Pu'er was less courageous and did not dare to fly over the side of the ship, but Die'er was naturally not in a hurry as an adult was watching the wind. So the two chatted quickly and quickly became good friends.

At the tail of the ghost boat, Tianxiu Dilian, Huankong, Four Sage Kings, Yuntian Lingzhu, Lan Lei and other men also flew onto the side of the boat, watching the direction where Liu Qianlang should appear, while admiring the boundless east sky. The boundless vast and magnificent ocean surface is amazing.



Just when Yun Qianmeng, Yaoxin and Princess Jinling were staring intently at the western sky as the sun was setting, a sound of a huge object breaking through the water suddenly came from the ears.

The three of them were startled suddenly, and quickly followed the prestige. In the field of vision of the three of them more than a thousand feet away, there are dozens of huge and winding dragons of various colors, flying up and down with the rolling waves. Winding and circling, lying on the waves, Long Qing flashed, it was very shocking.

And in the sky, giant dragons of ten thousand feet flew from all directions at this time, swallowing clouds and puffing out fog, rolling and moving in the sky ten thousand feet high, shaking the huge dragon heads of various colors and staring at the ghost boat.

"Huh? Why did that boat also come to Dongtianyang? Could it be that he also participated in the Dongtianyang group of dragons?" I saw the black dragon that had put its terrifying head into the ghost boat earlier, and saw the ghost Behind the boat, Hong Sheng said in surprise.

"It's very possible that the ship is full of high-ranking dragons from the heavens, and the powerful dragon spirit breathed out by cultivation. At first glance, the characters inside are not simple. Maybe they have something to do with the friends in the mortal realm who were reincarnated by Xuntian Xianjun. Don't hurt them for the time being. If it's not the same, then destroy that ship and take the dragon ball for cultivation." Another dragon said.

"Haha! Boss! Look, they're almost here!"

At this moment, Yun Qianmeng, Yaoxin and Princess Jinling suddenly saw a figure floating from far to near in the gap between the clouds and mist in the western sky. Immediately, everyone heard the rough and powerful voice of Huanfeng Shenlong.

"That's great. If the eighty-one dragon brothers can gather here tonight, Liu Qianlang is really lucky. I don't know how many troubles will be saved. Thank you Liu Qianlang for this gathering. Brother Long, help each other!" Liu Qianlang said in a hearty voice.

"Oh! It's the voice of God of Wealth's father and uncle!" Sitting in the ghost boat and whispering to Pu'er, when he suddenly heard the grand voices of Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong far away, he couldn't help jumping up and shouting excitedly .

In an instant, millions of people around the ghost stood up, looking at the clouds in the western sky with eyes of incomparable surprise, watching a figure in the crevice of the clouds flying towards quickly. After about a quarter of an hour, the figure clearly appeared in everyone's clear field of vision. The two leaders are Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong.

"Haha! Brothers, look, the eldest brother and the reincarnation of Xianjun Xuntian, Zhengling Boy, are also here!"

"Haha! Great!"



Seeing Liu Qianlang, Huanfeng Shenlong, Cuigan Shenlong, and the sixteen dragon brothers and dragon brothers behind them who turned into human forms, there was a burst of cheers in the East Ocean, and dozens of giant dragons in the ocean suddenly rushed Out of the ocean, shaking his head and shaking his head, he soared into the sky with long teeth and claws, and at the same time, the dragons from all directions quickly gathered together.

All of a sudden, the sky above Dongtianyang was covered with divine dragons, tossing and moving non-stop, the dragons howled, the vast sky flashed, and the gorgeous dragon-colored divine light flowed, shocking unceasingly.

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