Nine Heavens

Chapter 822 Green Leaf Resurrection

Chapter 822: Resurrection of Cuiye

The pear blossoms and the moon are hazy at sunset, and the sky is full of stars. The fragrant wind comes and goes to blow people's faces, and the night is warm and the sea of ​​flowers is like a dream.

Under the faint moonlight, Liu Qianlang sat cross-legged under a pear tree in Xiangtian Peak, still quietly thinking about how to find the entrance of the Promise Palace.

The eighty-one dragons, after knowing what Liu Qianlang was thinking, saw that Liu Qianlang couldn't come up with a result for a while, and he was even more unfamiliar with this place, so he couldn't help. So they were silent, sitting or lying down, chewing sweet flowers and grass leaves, looking at the stars and the moon, but they were not in a hurry.

The night breeze is warm, and the petals of pear blossoms are rustling. Except for the occasional chirping of birds, Liufang Island at night is very quiet, beautiful and peaceful.

Liu Qianlang thought about it for a long time, but still had no idea, so she just gave up thinking about it, and lay down under the pear blossom tree, enjoying the moonlight.

As time passed, the night became deeper and deeper, and the sound of sleeping eighty-one dragon brothers gradually came from around Liu Qianlang.


When Liu Qianlang was also a little sleepy, he suddenly heard a very slight sound of a woman crying, and couldn't help but sit up. However, as soon as she got up, it seemed that the woman had discovered herself, and immediately stopped whimpering.

After looking around for a while, Liu Qianlang didn't find the crying woman, so he thought it was his illusion, and lay down again. But as soon as he lay down, the sobbing sound lingered in his ears clearly again.

"Hiss?" Liu Qianlang frowned slightly, after careful identification, only then did he realize that the faint crying sound came from under his own head. Liu Qianlang was extremely surprised, looked up and down the pear tree which was not too tall, and wondered, is it crying?

The pear blossoms are luxuriant, with layers of green leaves, dotted with white pear blossoms, shining a charming halo under the moonlight.

Pieces of petals are dancing with the warm wind, like snowflakes, like butterflies, swirling down, or flying away from the ground.

Does this tree cry like the magic tree in America? So Liu Qianlang tried to establish a connection with the pear tree with the method of thoughts, but the pear tree didn't respond at all, only the rustling flowers flew and fell.


However, the crying sound was still the same, and the crying sound was sad and sad. Hearing it made Liu Qianlang feel very uncomfortable, so he couldn't help but analyze it more carefully. Liu Qianlang summoned a touch of consciousness, and probed the whole pear tree, from top to bottom, inch by inch, and finally sensed a jade box buried under the pear tree.

And the crying sound came from the jade box, Liu Qianlang couldn't help being even more surprised, looked around, and there was nothing unusual around. Qunlong was sleeping soundly, not paying any attention to his movements.

Liu Qianlang stretched out his palm, and after flicking where the jade box was, the jade box immediately turned into a beam of divine light and emerged from the ground, and then appeared in Liu Qianlang's palm.

Under the moonlight, in Liu Qianlang's line of sight, in the palm of his hand was a white jade box that was not more than a foot square, about an inch thick, white and flawless, very delicate, crystal clear, everything inside could be seen clearly through the box wall.

Taking a closer look, there are three things in the jade box. I saw a pure white pear flower quietly blooming in a corner of the jade box.

And the other corner of the jade box was shining with a golden round bead, Liu Qianlang recognized that it was the soul-gathering bead, it was a treasure to prevent the three souls and seven souls from drifting away after death.

And under the pure white pear blossoms and soul-gathering beads, there is a velvet silk handkerchief. This handkerchief is woven by the aura of the Nine Heavens Spirit Silkworm. It is extremely rare and rare. The wonderful fragrance will last forever.

After Liu Qianlang inspected the contents of the jade box, he saw a tiny and pretty figure in the heart of the pure white pear flower. After a closer look, Liu Qianlang couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, because he recognized this figure, and this figure was Cui Ye among the four servant girls of Mr. Wenyang.

At this moment she was still sobbing, when suddenly she saw that the jade box she was in had been dug out of the ground, and was lying on someone's palm, she couldn't help curling up behind the pear petals, not daring to come out, but she was still crying.

"Miss Cuiye! Look, it's me. I am Liu Qianlang, the head of Xuanlingmen! Speaking of which, you are still our benefactor of Xuanlingmen. It was you who took away the bones of two blood dragons." The eggs saved us."

Seeing Miss Cuiye's soul, Liu Qianlang instantly remembered that Mr. Wenyang dressed in plain clothes and went to Blood Dragon Valley of Longyun Mountain to seek revenge for her. At that time, I was with Mr. Wenyang. The reason why Cuiye died and her soul was buried here was entirely for Xuanlingmen, Liu Qianlang suddenly felt a burst of guilt, and said to Cuiye by thinking about the method of sound transmission.

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, Cuiye suddenly stopped crying, floated out of her figure, landed in the golden pistil of the pear blossom, tilted her head to look at Liu Qianlang carefully for a while, finally recognized Liu Qianlang, she couldn't help crying again It fell down with a rustle.

After sobbing for a while, he said with a choked voice: "It turned out to be the head Liu of the Xuanling Sect of Longyun Mountain! It will be five years soon, do you know? My son, he was killed by Wenyang Bo Kongsheng in the fantasy dream of Wuji Palace It's far away! Woooo—"

"What?" Liu Qianlang couldn't help buzzing his head when he heard it, and almost fell down. How could he die? Didn't it say "Dongtian Lihuahuanshen Palace, Miaolang will never stop dying"!

Liu Qianlang's chest twitched for a while, as if he was digging out his heart, his face was immediately covered with a layer of extremely sad paleness. After a long time, he asked, "How do you know?"

Cui Ye looked sad, wiped her tears and said, "Do you know? In fact, the son is just a pear flower. After hundreds of millions of years of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, he was transformed into a pear flower goddess by the fairy, because the time of change is about First of all, you can only have fun in the red world, but you can't involve men and women, so you always wear men's clothes, which is the appearance of Mr. Wenyang you see, so as not to violate the agreement."

"And I, Xianggu, Xianstui, and Lianfei are just the leaves, pistils, receptacles and petals of pear blossoms. It looks like a fairy palace. We are just a touch of her soul injected by the young master. It's just an illusory existence at all. She is actually the only one in the Ewha Moon Palace."

"The four of us sisters are connected with her heart and soul. When she dies, we will naturally lose our souls and drift away. The young master values ​​love and righteousness. When my body was festering, he sealed my soul with a soul-gathering bead." In this jade box, I have existed until now. And relying on this pear flower, I cultivated into a flower body."

"However, the young master's soul has left us. For more than four years, Cuiye has been crying and suffering all the time. She wanted to go out to find her soul, but she couldn't get out no matter what! Today coincided with the visit of Master Liu. , Cuiye is destined to express the pain in her heart!"


After Cuiye finished speaking, she wept again. After a while, he slowly knelt down and said, "Master Wang Liu, because Cuiye had no intention of saving Xuanlingmen back then, can you let Cuiye go out? Even if you can't save Young Master, it's good to have a look at her!" "

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang was so startled that he was speechless. Unexpectedly, Mr. Wenyang, who has always been unruly and flirtatious, turned out to be a flower soul, and also a woman. No wonder, I always felt that sometimes he was like a woman. It is a goddess of flowers.

Liu Qianlang straightened his thoughts, and some doubts arose in his mind, so he asked, "Miss Cuiye, do you know what the relationship between Mr. Wenyang and Palace Master Zhiqing is?"

"This, I'm sorry Cuiye can't tell you, the young master never likes us to mention her relationship with Palace Master Qinghua." When Cuiye heard Liu Qianlang's question, Cuiye immediately became very cautious and rejected Liu Qian wave.

Liu Qianlang groaned for a moment, and didn't press any further questions. Then, a ball of golden light waved from his palm, and gently wiped it towards the white jade box.


After a crisp sound, the white jade box opened. Suddenly, a ball of white light shot out of the white jade box, accompanied by a strange fragrance.

The white light quickly shot into the void ten feet away. Under the faint moonlight, a beautiful woman in a green veil floated on a white silk handkerchief, holding a golden soul-gathering ball in her hand. On her delicate face, There are tears in the beautiful eyes, and the mother-in-law is whirling.

And the white jade box in his hand turned into a pure white light and got into the woman's sleeve.

"Thank you, Sect Master Liu, for your rescue. Cuiye is going to visit the young master now. Cuiye will repay the favor of Sect Master someday!" Cuiye saluted.

"Miss Cuiye, don't say that. Liu Qianlang is just a little effort, so it's nothing to worry about. I can be fortunate enough to do something for the girl today, in order to repay the girl's life-saving grace of the Xuanling Sect. It's too late to be gratified. Kindness."

"However, Liu Qianlang has an unfeeling request, I wonder if the girl can fulfill it?" Liu Qianlang wanted Cuiye to lead him into the Wuji Palace, but he didn't know if the other party was willing, so he asked this way.

"Why not? Speaking of it, Head Liu and Young Master had a close relationship back then, and they deserved to meet each other. But now Wenyang Palace is a cloud of smoke in the past, and now Wenyang Palace is called Wuji Gate. The head is the hypocrite Kong Sheng! If the head of Liu is not afraid of danger, Cuiye will lead the way." Cuiye did not refuse, but she stood on the white velvet spa, turned around, and turned to Liufang Island outside Liufang Island. Lihai drifted towards the surface of the sea.

Liu Qianlang was excited for a while, wishing to see Mr. Wenyang right away, and forgot about the eighty-one dragons in a hurry, so he explained, and quickly controlled the Xianyuan sword to follow.

When the two left, the surrounding air inevitably fluctuated.

The mountain wind swirls, and a pear blossom fragrance, the breeze swirls, attacking the eighty-one dragons. All the dragons instantly felt a trace of coolness on their faces. They could not help but wake up one after another.

Cuigan Shenlong and the others looked up and saw that the bright moon was in the sky, surrounded by thousands of stars, the clouds were dark, and the night was still still.

He didn't find anything unusual, and couldn't help but want to sleep again, but when he glanced sideways, he saw that Liu Qianlang had disappeared.

They couldn't help being stunned, and hurriedly looked around, and happened to see Liu Qianlang controlling the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, followed by a woman stepping on a white shining object, both of them submerged in the waves of the pear sea outside the island.

"Who is that woman? Zhengling Boy?" Seeing the scene in front of them, the dragons couldn't help shaking their heads. After confirming that it wasn't a dream, they couldn't help jumping up one after another, and asked Cuigan Shenlong in astonishment.

Cuigan Shenlong only saw that Cuiye disappeared into the waves of the pear sea, but didn't see her face. He only felt that the figure was familiar, but he couldn't be sure who it was or where he had seen it. So he hesitated for a while, and had to say: "That woman must be related to the Dragon Ball of the Wuji Gate in Wenyang Palace!"

While talking, the dragons roared and shot towards the position where Liu Qianlang and Cuiye were submerged in the waves.

"Brother! That's weird, why is there no information about them at all?" Liewei Shenlong released his consciousness one after another, trying to track the two of them, but found that there was no trace of the two of them, and it was impossible to follow them. Unbelievable expressions appeared on their faces.

"Hehe, don't be surprised by the brothers around you. This Wenyang Palace has existed for many years. The world only knows its existence, but it doesn't know where it is. It will always be a mystery. Since we can't follow the boss Go, we'll just wait nearby for him to appear!" Cuigan Shenlong said with a smile.

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