Nine Heavens

Chapter 823

Chapter eight hundred and twentieth in the fantasy dream away

Cuiye was in front and Liu Qianlang was behind. During the flight, Cuiye taught Liu Qianlang a few strange incantations. After Liu Qianlang moved, he submerged into the waves of Lihai with the green leaves, just like getting into a patch of clouds. Except for feeling a little hazy, he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

Liu Qianlang was very surprised, but there was no need to ask anything, as long as he could enter the Wuji Palace to see his friends and find the Dragon Ball, nothing else was important. While flying, Liu Qianlang looked around, imagining the appearance of the Giant Promise Palace in the sea that will appear in front of him.

Countless fish and other creatures in the sea, like birds in the air, flew past the two of them from time to time, flashing strange lights of various colors.

However, Liu Qianlang has never seen what the Promise Palace is like, and in a flash before his eyes, he appeared in an infinitely vast world with Cui Ye.

"Master Liu be careful, we have entered the Wuji Palace, now I will take you to Huamengyao, but there must be guards there, we won't go in easily." Cuiye looked back and reminded Liu Qianlang.

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, then put away the Xianyuan sword, controlled the ghost boat and came to Cuiye's side and said: "If Miss Cuiye is not taboo, you can also enter this boat, this boat can hide Our whereabouts will avoid the trouble of being discovered."

Cuiye glanced sideways at the ghost boat, said nothing, and slid into the ghost boat, so Liu Qianlang quickly used the method of restraining breath, turning the ghost boat into a thin cloud, and pressed Cuiye mistyly. According to the guidance, it flew towards a position in the Promise Palace.

The Promise Palace in sight made Liu Qianlang very astonished. He saw that there was no limit in all directions, the east was a vast plain, the grass and flowers were endless, and there were pieces of fairy fruit gardens floating in the air.

In the west are continuous mountains, surrounded by clouds and fog, mysterious and unpredictable. A huge emerald green palace chair is floating on top of all the strange peaks, equipped with a white jade case. Liu Qianlang guessed that it should be the seat of the Lord Wuji Palace.

The north and south directions of the Wuji Palace are also vast and boundless. It seems that there is everything and nothing. Every time you look at it, the scene will be different, which is unimaginable. What makes Liu Qianlang even more strange is that the world above and below his head is actually a world of countless stars. Being in it, he can't tell whether it is the starry sky above or the sky below.

"Miss Cuiye, what does the Wuji Palace look like? Why did we come in out of nowhere?" Liu Qianlang couldn't help asking Cuiye after examining it.

"Master Liu, don't be surprised. Even Xianggu, Xianrui, and Yanfei and I have never known what the Wuji Palace looks like. In fact, the sixth palace of our Wenyang Palace, the Pear Blossom Diamond Palace, the Wuji Palace, Qiao Yin Palace, Guixian Palace, Qianque Palace and Wanxian Building, these six palaces, although we can enter and exit according to the method taught by the young master, but we never know where they are and what they are like. No matter entering or exiting, as long as Enter any location in Lihai, we can activate the spell."

Cui Ye said calmly.

"Oh!" Liu Qianlang heard and encountered such a palace for the first time, and was baffled by everything in front of him, not only exclaimed. No wonder I clearly came here, but when I came again, I still couldn't come in.

Liu Qianlang and Cuiye stood in the ghost boat very cautiously, gliding in the mysterious world of Wuji Palace at a neither fast nor slow speed. At the same time, Cuiye roughly told Liu Qianlang some mysterious things about Wenyang Palace, Especially the mysterious sixth house and the miraculous powers of the masters of each house.

"What has happened to Mr. Wenyang recently?" When Liu Qianlang and Cuiye were flying towards Huanmeng, they suddenly heard a cold voice reaching their ears, and then saw the huge palace chair suddenly A figure wearing a golden cold toad robe appeared.

Liu Qianlang took a closer look, and found that it was his brother Kong Sheng, the fifth younger brother among the seven sons of Juying, who had made friends with him eight times. But now he is the head of the Promise Sect and the emperor of the Lich Holy Kingdom. He has long since abandoned brotherhood and manipulated the Wuji Gate to do all kinds of evil.

"Don't worry, Holy Emperor, it's been almost five years, and she hasn't even moved!" Liu Qianlang and Cuiye heard a delicate woman's voice say again.

A moment later, I saw a beautiful woman in colorful clothes suddenly appearing from the continuous mountain peaks behind Kong Sheng's palace chair, and flew in front of Kong Sheng in a blink of an eye.

"There's Concubine Lao, come! Let me see, haha, my Yuan Wu has become more and more charming recently! Sit next to me!" Kong Sheng's cold voice suddenly softened.

"Well! Thank you, the Holy Emperor, for remembering my family!" Yuan Wu was flattered, and sweetly agreed, and flew to Kong Sheng's side, and was hugged by Kong Sheng. Kong Sheng looked at the flower-like beauty and laughed.

"Holy Emperor! I miss you so much." Seeing Kong Sheng looking at her like this, Yuan Wu was very pleasantly surprised. Nowadays, the Holy Emperor, wives and concubines are in groups, and when he hugs himself like this, there are only a handful of them. Wu showed all kinds of coquettishness, tenderness, and sweet words, just to win the love of this beloved.

Yuan Wu coddled and acted coquettishly in Kong Sheng's arms, while Kong Sheng hugged the beauty and kissed her lightly when she was happy, which made Cui Ye blushed in the ghost boat and Liu Qianlang felt a little embarrassed. It's not the same for the two of them, and it's not the same if they don't.

"See the master!"

"See the master!"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang and Cuiye suddenly saw four figures flying towards from unknown directions, and they landed silently under the peaks. They all saluted and said loudly.

Four people, three men and one woman, were full of aura, and each of them looked mysterious.

"Miss Cuiye, who are they?" Liu Qianlang looked at the four people, who had never seen them before, so he asked.

Hearing Liu Qianlang's question, Cuiye took the opportunity to look away, relieved her embarrassment, and said, "The four of them are the lords of Qiaoyin Palace, Guixian Palace, Qianque Palace and Wanxian Tower. Qiaoyin Palace The owner of the palace is called Wusheng, that is the person on the far left who always changes his voice when speaking. The palace owner of Guixian Palace is called Mo Nengshi, who is next to Wusheng. You see, he is a man for a while, and for a while A woman, an adult, a child, forever changing."

"That sweet woman is called Tianmo Niang, the owner of Qianque Palace. This person is as tender as water, and is known throughout the earth and fairy world as a charming woman who smiles and lures dreams into Hongmeng. Jiangshan loves murmurs. She is the number one beauty in the earth fairy world.'”

"The old man on the far right, wearing a blue Confucian shirt, is the palace master of Wanjuanlou.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, then looked at the four of them carefully, and then the two of them controlled the ghost boat and continued to float towards Huanmeng. And they speeded up secretly, because Kong Sheng and Na Yuanwu were here at the moment, which meant that Huanmengyao must be unattended, so the two thought that the opportunity must be missed, and it happened to be the ideal time to enter Huanmengyao's group.

"Hmm! It's been almost five years of research, haven't you found a way to enter the Pear Blossom Moon Palace?" Kong Sheng asked sharply.

"Leader, forgive me! Forgive me for my incompetence. I have tried my best to find out the secret of the Ewha Moon Palace, unless?" There was no sound.

"Unless what? Just say what you have to say, why hesitate!?" Kong Sheng said angrily.

"Unless Mr. Wenyang is reborn, no one will be able to enter the Pear Blossom Diamond Moon Palace!" Wu said in a woman's voice.

"Bah! Boom! It's nonsense, you don't know, that man and woman has been dead for almost five years, how could it come back to life. I heard you all clearly, I will give you another year, If you can’t find the Pear Blossom Diamond Moon Palace and the way to enter it, then don’t blame me for being rude and kill you trash!”

Kong Sheng was furious, and smashed several mountains behind him.


"Go away!"

"Holy Emperor, don't get angry with these useless things. Can you let Yuan Wu dance for the Holy Emperor? Recently, I made another dance for the Holy Emperor. The Holy Emperor will definitely like it." Wu said in a sweet and greasy voice.

"Okay, beauty, you're still welcome, let's dance!" Kong Sheng's voice became quieter again.

Liu Qianlang and Cuiye heard the voice behind them from a distance, and then the voice became smaller and smaller as they flew.

Probably flying the kung fu of teacups again, the two floated into a Shandong cave, and after turning left and right, the two finally appeared in a wide space in the cave.

"Young Master!? Woohoo——"

Liu Qianlang and Cui Ye floated out of the ghost boat, and found a cave hall in front of them. There was a stone room in the depth of the cave hall. About ten feet away from the stone room, there were many lavender spirit stone ice cones hanging upside down, forming a A natural curtain.

Further in the depths is a faint blue stone platform, on which sits an extremely graceful woman sideways.

This woman's hair is like a waterfall, her side face is beautiful, her long eyelashes are slightly curved up, but her eyes are fixed on a pure white pear blossom held in the palm of her left hand.

Seeing this woman, Cui Ye whimpered and wanted to rush over, but was blocked by Liu Qianlang.

But it was still a bit late, I saw a flash of blue light in the blue stone platform, and then saw countless butterflies flying out from there like a tide, and immediately surrounded the two of them tightly.

"Ah!" Then Cui Ye let out a scream, and one arm instantly turned black, and the pain was unbearable, trembling unceasingly.

Liu Qianlang was startled, and hurriedly activated the dragon balls. Under the powerful energy of the dragon balls and dragon spirits, these butterflies turned into nothingness one after another. At the same time, the dragon ball was used to relieve the poison of the butterfly on Cuiye's arm.

"Be careful! They put a seal here!" Liu Qianlang reminded Cuiye. Under the siege of the butterflies just now, Cui Ye was already trembling with fright, she would not dare to be reckless, so she nodded vigorously.

The two cautiously floated into the faint curtain and came to the woman. The light and elegant fragrance of pear blossoms hits my face immediately. After almost five years, the pear blossoms in the hands of Mr. Wenyang are still as fresh as ever.

"Young master! Huh——"

Seeing Mr. Wenyang motionless, Cuiye couldn't help sobbing again. He called out to Young Master in a loud voice, and at the same time put the golden Soul Gathering Orb that he had been clutching in his hand in front of Young Master Wenyang's seat.

At this moment, in Liu Qianlang's eyes, Mr. Wenyang is wearing a white and flawless neon dress, which is a daughter's attire. It made her already pretty face even more infinitely charming.

Her eyes are still open, and her gaze is still shiny, her face is still fair and moist, and there is a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing the old friend in front of her, sitting on the blue jade platform, looking at her beloved Li Huaer, sitting perfectly like this, although Liu Qianlang's heart was full of waves, but there was not much sadness.

She has been pursuing perfection all her life, including every frown and smile, and even the posture of admiring Li Huaer. She tries to be perfect. The other party can be so elegant until death, which is really perfect.

"Hehe, you lunatic, I knew you would come sooner or later. Come have a drink with me. The pear blossom wine I have brewed a long time ago is in the pear blossom. After drinking it, I will give you a big surprise!"

When Liu Qianlang was quietly looking at this former friend, when she heard her voice suddenly, she almost jumped up in shock.

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