Nine Heavens

Chapter 904 Don't ask about good and evil

Chapter 904 Don’t ask about good and evil

"Crescent Lake with one heart, two journeys to the tomb in one night. Now that the sun and the moon are bright and dark, can we still spend our lives together!"

As soon as Cheng Yuanfang finished speaking, the clear words from above came steadily from the cloud. Cheng Yuanfang was overjoyed when he heard the words, his eyes sparkled, and he laughed and said: "Haha! Lead the waves! Come down quickly! Even if Cheng Yuanfang has nowhere to go, and he will be punished by good and evil in the future, he will not betray the true feelings of the Yueya brothers and sisters! When you and I meet, just ask brother, don’t care about other things, if it hinders this heart, only brother comes first!"

"Haha! There are vicissitudes in the world, and there are thousands of illusions. The brothers Liu Qianlang have not lost their original intentions. It seems that the distance is still the same, and Liu Qianlang is here!" After another burst of laughter in the cloud, a pure white god slipped from the crescent moon and mist. A figure of light.

The Eagle Demon and the Lion Demon collected their army of monsters and looked at the sky. This man had fluttering white hair, dangling silver clothes, rainbow eyes, a righteous spirit, and a shining red rainbow on his feet. The sword with colorful clouds flying all around is obviously a person of righteous way.

"Isn't this person the Liu Qianlang of Cangshan Langyuanmen who frightens both good and evil!" Although the lion demon and eagle demon have never had any contact with the righteous way of the world, and have never seen Liu Qianlang, they occasionally walk around in the mortal world , there are rumors about him everywhere in my ears: "White hair flies in the clouds, red swords are kurtosis! He is chic and laughs wildly, and he is rich in the world by waving his sleeves!"

Legend has it that this person is jealous of evil, punishes demons and punishes crimes, punishes ghosts and eliminates demons, and with one sword, he has slaughtered countless demons!

The lion demon and the eagle demon couldn't help being startled, and the golden bell and the little blue flag that had been put down were about to be activated again. When Cheng Yuanfang saw it, he hurriedly stopped him and said, "Don't be nervous, you two, this person is the head of the Cangshan Langyuan Sect, Liu Qianlang, my brother, although he is righteous, but he is a bohemian and uninhibited person. Judging by his behavior, he does not ask about his family, but only asks about his good fortune. We waited for the Wolf Castle Covenant to conquer evil and evil from now on. The doctrine does not violate. Although we, the good and the evil, go our own way, we will eventually be together! Haha, don’t worry!"

The lion's eyes and the eagle's eyes flickered for a while, and the lion's eyes and eagle's eyes flickered, and they were still very alert, but after hearing what the boss said, they naturally couldn't do any more hostile behavior, so they put away the magic that summoned the magic army. Together they looked at Liu Qianlang who was drifting towards him.


"Lead the waves!"

A few years ago, the two brothers parted ways in Fangdao, Eastern Ocean, and now they meet again. In just a few years, everything is different now. Liu Qianlang has become the most recognized Cangshan sect in the world. The head of the Langyuan Sect, and Cheng Yuanfang is also in the evil faction's forces, he insisted on escaping sideways, and a branch grew into a towering tree. Relying on this wolf castle, he can dominate the situation, run wildly in the world of demons, and claim to be the emperor of seizing demons.

The two brothers looked at each other's astonishing changes, their breasts burst into waves, and their memories of the past were lingering. No need to say much, just call out brother, and thousands of emotions are in it.

"Haha! Liu Qianlang has seen the two brothers, Lord Lion Demon and Lord Eagle Demon!" Liu Qianlang and his brother Cheng Yuanfang clapped shoulders and looked at each other for a while, then turned to salute Lion Demon and Eagle Demon.

Seeing Liu Qianlang, the lion demon and the eagle demon have always had a pimple in their hearts. No matter how they look at it, they feel that they are not the same as each other, and they often hear that there are many hypocrites among the righteous people, so the spirit of the demon spirit has already filled the whole body in secret, and they can feel the power of the demon at any time. Get ready for the enemy. Unexpectedly, the other party turned around and greeted him on his own initiative, and called him a brother.


Immediately, the lion demon and the eagle demon felt a sense of being respected, and they didn't realize that their behavior was a bit petty. Their faces flushed, and they quickly vented their anger, and they also saluted: "The lion demon has seen the head of Liu! The eagle demon The devil has seen Master Liu!"

"Haha! Red Shadow, Silver Shadow, Purple Shadow, Blue Shadow! Come here!"

Cheng Yuanfang watched Liu Qianlang, the Lion Demon and the Eagle Demon greet each other politely, and called out to the four wives who retreated from the army of the Wolf Demon and walked into the depths of the palace.

"Hey! Here it comes! Cluck!"

Hearing the words, Siying Meihu floated to Cheng Yuanfang's side in a short while, and saw that there was a handsome young man in front of him, and immediately thought of who it was, and the red shadow couldn't help but his beautiful eyes flashed He smiled and said, "Hehe! This must be Brother Liu whom my husband always misses!"

"Hehe! It must be!" Yin Ying, Zi Ying and Lan Ying also nodded and smiled, and at the same time saluted with all blessings.

"Haha! Your beloved wives are really wise. They are my good brother Liu Qianlang, the head of Cangshan Langyuan Sect! I have mentioned it to you from time to time, and you have seen it this time. What you say is not true, but seeing is believing! How is it? I Can your brother be magnificent!?"

Cheng Yuanfang looked Liu Qianlang up and down, with thick eyebrows raised, big eyes swaying, and he laughed loudly.

When Liu Qianlang heard it, the four women in front of him turned out to be his brothers' beloved wives, and Cheng Yuanfang was a few months older than him, so they were naturally his brothers and sisters-in-law. Hurry up and salute: "Liu Qianlang has seen four sister-in-laws!"

"Heck! Brother Liu, you don't need to be polite, Hongying has met Brother Liu!" Hongying smiled and said good luck again.

"Silver Shadow has seen Brother Liu!"

"Ziying met Brother Liu!"

"Heck! Lan Ying also met Brother Liu!"

Yinying, Ziying and Lanying also stepped forward to greet each other, and then retreated to Cheng Yuanfang's side. Then I smiled goodbye and went to the palace to prepare delicious food for you.

Next, Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, the eagle demon and the lion demon chatted with each other for a long time. Although they belonged to different schools, they talked very happily with each other, and soon they cherished each other. See you soon! During the conversation, Liu Qianlang also gave each of Cheng Yuanfang and the two demons a bottle of spirit nourishment that he had obtained in the ancient treasure of ghosts and witches, which can nourish the demon wolf, demon lion and demon wolf.

The three of them had only heard that there was such a fetish in the devil world before. With this spirit bottle, the young devil can grow up quickly in a short period of time, and at the same time can be upgraded to an adult magic pet. Gift, can't help but be very happy.

Especially the lion demon and eagle demon have completely eliminated their hostility towards each other. The reason is very simple. If the other party is willing to give this fetish to themselves, it means that they do not regard their own army of monsters as their future enemies at all.

Don't say what will happen in the future, just look at the present, Liu Qianlang's unrestrained, unrestrained, and generous character is really throwing his temper, so both the lion demon and the eagle demon opened their hearts and began to laugh loudly.

"Haha! Since Qianlang is here, please help our three brothers level this Blood Moon Island!"

After some chatting and laughing, Cheng Yuanfang stood on top of the Castle of Wolf, looking at the Blood Moon Island with a radius of thousands of miles below, and said with a smile.

"Well! It's a trivial matter, but why do you three have to destroy this island?" Liu Qianlang did not refuse, but asked.

"Qianlang, do you still remember the magic palace in Dongtianyang Xiangtian Peak that you entered a few years ago?" Cheng Yuanfang asked.

"Hehe! How can I forget that there, my brother saved my life, and I also saved my brother's life, so we can meet again today! But what does it have to do with this Blood Moon Island?" Liu Qianlang looked at the three of them. asked with a smile.

"Haha! Sect Leader Liu doesn't know that the Demon Palace of that year has been moved here by the Thunderbolt Xuanmo who escaped just now, and it is in this Blood Moon Island. It was used by it, and now there is a wolf castle fetish, so there is no need for the magic palace, so I want to destroy it!" The lion demon laughed.

"Hehe! So the three of you came here for this!" Liu Qianlang smiled.

"Haha! This is just taking advantage of the sheep. The real purpose of our trip is to seize the magic dragon ball from the hand of the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect. There are rumors in the devil world that he already has eighty in his hand, and there is only one more to gather in the legend of the devil world. Eighty-one ** Dragon Ball."

"Recently, we learned from a secret sentinel planted in the Blood Moon God Sect that the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect gave nine magic dragon balls to Thunderbolt Xuanmo, Tuo Sang, Ecstasy, and Nether Lord to carry out the slaughter. The task of the Nine Immortals Mountain Immortal Huashan Sect and the black and white pupils of the mortal realm spirits who killed the souls of Zheyue and Swallowing Wisdom."

"We don't know much about what he said about killing Black and White Ertong, but we feel that it is definitely an opportunity for the nine magic dragon balls to leave the sight of the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, so we are here."

The eagle demon took the lion demon's words and said.

"Haha! Well, as the two brothers said, eighty-one magic dragon balls are the treasure of the magic school. After you get them, you can practice all kinds of magical skills. If you reach the chaotic state, our brothers can master the power of chaos, which will be infinite. How could we let such an opportunity pass by such a powerful existence, and the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect is not a good person either!"

Yuan Fang nodded heavily, and said without any concealment.

"Haha! That's why you guys..." Liu Qianlang couldn't help laughing when he remembered how the three of them used the beauty trick to seize the Dragon Ball.

"Well! I'm ashamed to say that the Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon and the three evil creatures are extremely powerful and extremely difficult to deal with. Now that we have the Demon Dragon Ball in our hands, we are by no means opponents. Fortunately, your four sisters-in-law are smart and gave us a hand. With such an idea, we were lucky enough to be fooled!" Cheng Yuanfang laughed.

After Cheng Yuanfang said that, the four of them laughed heartily, and at the same time, the pitch-black Wolf Fort roared and flew, Liu Qianlang's Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and Cheng Yuanfang's Youdu Xuanze Sword, immediately cut down the bright red and pitch-black light curtains, It slammed into the Blood Moon Island, and the Blood Moon Island was split into several large pieces in an instant.

And the Eagle Demon rang the golden bell, and Taotao's golden light rushed towards Blood Moon Island like a waterfall. The eagle demon waved the small blue flag in his hand, and the small blue flag instantly turned into a sky-shrouding demon flag, flying down the sky with blue light, light wind and sharp blades, constantly chopping at Blood Moon Island.

The four of them continued to laugh, and the entire Blood Moon Island was whittled into sand and gravel by the four of them, and sank into the vast ocean currents of the Eastern Sky Ocean.

"Haha! By the way, Qianlang! Why did you suddenly appear here? Before you failed to return to the soul, I was always worried, but not long ago I heard that you returned to the mountain with glory, and my brother couldn't help being happy. What!" Cheng Yuanfang laughed.

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang explained the reason for coming here, and finally said with a smile: "It turns out that the weird man who has been masked and holding the sword of Youdu Xuanze is a brother. Yuanfang Qianlang thank you, when I return to my soul, you Regardless of the risk of being besieged by decent people, go to help brother."

Cheng Yuanfang stopped his smile, and said with a calm face: "Thousands of pursuits can't be worth the blood and blood. They were separated back then, and they were lucky enough to meet again. Yuanfang will never give up these things anyway. Let's be happy for a while, and then we will be happy for our brothers and sisters." Just go with you, when you succeed in cultivating the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation, when will you leave, and if you have something to do in the future, you will be there whenever you are called."

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang felt warm in his heart, nodded and said: "Qianlang can have such a brother, no matter how hard-fated he is, he will be fearless! Qianlang told my brother a good news, now my parents, Uncle Cheng and Aunt Cheng are all in my house. Inside the Xuan Realm, everything is fine, and the poetic style is also in my Cangshan Langyuan Gate. Sister Juan gathered her soul again in the underworld, cultivated a body that connects the world, and was reborn!"

"She is in Jiuxian Mountain now. This time I am practicing Xinghua Nine Swords. He is the master of the sword of Cuiyou Mianhun."

"This? Is this true? Sister Juan is really alive!?"

In Cheng Yuanfang's heart, since childhood, sister Liujuan has been a fairy he admired. Looking at her, he felt peaceful, happy and full of strength. Before knowing that she was gone, it was like losing half of his soul and half of his heart! Now hearing that she was reborn as a human being again, she couldn't help crying with joy, asking Liu Qianlang over and over again in disbelief, and then happily bewildered.

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