Nine Heavens

Chapter 905 Blood Sea Genjo

Chapter 905: Blood Sea Profound Girl

"Not good! Didn't those four evil things say they want to slaughter Jiuxian Mountain? Isn't Sister Juan very dangerous!" When Cheng Yuanfang was happy, Yin Hong's eyes flashed, and suddenly thought of the recent mission of Thunderbolt Xuanmo, he couldn't help but face big Change.

"Haha! Brother, don't worry, I'm afraid that you and I may not be opponents to Sister Juan today. One party refines the ancient handkerchief of incense, and a jade seal of Nine Dragons and fireworks, protecting Wanyao, and punishing and destroying the siege! If the four evil creatures have the magic dragon ball in their hands , there is still a chance to win, but now, if you go, you will definitely die."

"Haha! It's so good, then we can feel at ease, Daddy, Danny, and Mommy, I went to see them a few years ago, but I'm worried that they will disappoint them seeing the path I'm taking now. !” Cheng Yuanfang said about his parents, feeling a little heavy.

"The road we have traveled, we had no choice before, but now we have grown up, standing upright, doing good is the destiny, why don't we care about the views of those ordinary people.

A few years ago, I sealed Yunxin and talked to them about your situation.

Later, when I heard Shifeng come back, they said that as long as my brother came back to life safely, it would be fine if he didn't do evil things. "

"Is my Langyuan Sect in Cangshan Mountain the righteous sect? According to the so-called righteous way in the world, it is obviously not, but Qianlang doesn't care at all. As long as we uphold the Dao of Good Fate and benefit the world, we will have nothing to owe, and the atmosphere will be majestic!"

Liu Qianlang said somewhat to Cheng Yuanfang's surprise.

"Haha! Well said, since your parents and eldest father and mother are with you, after going to Yuanfang this time, you must kneel down to the four elders and tell me everything frankly." Cheng Yuanfang felt shocked when he heard Liu Qianlang's words. Relieved, he smiled.

"Oh! Qianlang hasn't had a drink for a few days. Didn't the sisters-in-law just say that they're going to prepare delicious food? Haha, I can't wait, brother! Parents and your five younger brothers and sisters are here. Let's see each other right away, let's have a good time!" Liu Qianlang caressed the black jade skull that he liked more and more, and a trace of coolness flowed into his heart, he was extremely happy and laughed with great satisfaction.

Hehe, this black jade skull, also known as the Light and Dark Hunyuan Mountain, is indeed the most favorite treasure in his life. No wonder when the evil spirit cave was old, he said that he would like this black jade skull more and more one day. Looking at it now, the old man at Xie Ling Cave really did not lie. Liu Qianlang touched Moyu's skull, happily thinking of the old evil spirit point.

"Haha! Please lead the waves! Please, two distinguished brothers!" Cheng Yuanfang laughed, and then the four of them fell down the wall of Wolf Castle together and walked towards the palace of Wolf Castle

In the distant high sky, after being defeated by Liu Qianlang and others, the God of Soul-destroying Cave, the Emperor of the Thunderbolt, the Lord of Zombie Yu Tuosang, the Lord of Naiita Youming and the Lord of Ecstasy of Bat Cave, turned into four purple, green, black and yellow flowers. Yun Tuan, after crying for his parents and calling his mother to escape, finally threw himself under the blood moon, one of the ominous omens of the eight vaults, which is tens of thousands of feet high.

After the four evil clouds lingered under the blood moon floating in the blood mist for a while, the four evil creatures looked at each other, and then quickly floated into the blood moon that was a thousand feet high.

Within the blood moon, in sight, is a vast ocean of blood, and within the blood sea, blood waves swirl in the sky, and blood mist is everywhere. The air was extremely stench, filled with the smell of coldness and death, making one extremely depressing and tormenting.

The Emperor of the Sorrowing Cave, the Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon and the Holy Venerable Tuosang, the Holy Venerable of the Netherworld and the Holy Venerable of the Ecstasy, bent over and looked at the sea for a while, and saw all kinds of monsters flying all over the sky above the sea of ​​blood, the corpse of the blood demon dragon, Blood Eagle, Blood Peng, Blood Centipede, Blood Butterfly, Blood Bee.

And in the tumbling waves of the blood sea, there are also countless inexplicable bloodthirsty demon fish and demon turtles. They are also constantly undulating with the waves.

These gorefiends, when they open their mouths, they will shoot out thick blood and poison, and when they close their mouths, they will devour other gorefiends around them. The pale and gloomy teeth in their mouths burst into loud bangs, the sound of broken tendons and bones, and at the same time, the corners of their mouths are bright red. The blood spurted wildly. And these cruel gorefiend creatures seemed to be extremely excited about it, howling the sky and the sea non-stop.

With such a sight, even the four evil creatures, who did all kinds of crimes, couldn't help but tremble with fear, feeling that the world in front of them was extremely shocking.

The four evil creatures stood on the bright red beach of the vast Blood Sea coast, not daring to move, because there was no call from the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, this was an unauthorized intrusion into the Blood Moon God Sect Blood Moon God Palace, and the nine magic dragon balls were taken away again. To take it away, I knew it was doomed, but I had no choice but to come forward and report it. Otherwise, if the leader finds out, he will die even worse!

"Hmph! Lost the Dragon Ball, you still have the face!"

Just when Thunderbolt Xuanmo and others were at a loss, nine beautiful women wrapped in red gauze floated up from Pingting on the bloody sea of ​​blood mist. square things.

The leading woman among them is even more magnificent, beautiful, and her voice is as sweet as honey. Although she reprimanded them angrily, the four evil spirits were completely intoxicated. However, the four evil creatures knew very well how powerful these nine blood sea mysterious girls were, so they couldn't help but kneel down in unison with a plop.

"Mysterious daughters of the Blood Sea, spare your lives!"

Thunderbolt Xuanmo and the others immediately trembled with fright, and said in a trembling voice.

"The leader of your shrine is currently practicing the blood demon magical skill in the twenty-sixth layer of the blood sea. It is estimated that it will take a year and a half to enter the twenty-seventh layer and cast a blood demon body. I don't care about the rest, since you If you lose the Dragon Ball, you will be punished, one is to crawl to the territory of the bone-eating blood demon shrimp and let those blood demon shrimp devour it."

"Second, hurry up and get out of the Blood Moon God Palace, and take back the nine magic dragon balls before your leader of the God Palace leaves the customs. Otherwise, even if the nine of us sisters don't kill you, your leader of the god religion will not let you go!" !"

The four evil creatures were overjoyed when they heard that, the leader actually retreated, and the nine blood sea mysterious girls in front of him were so merciful today that they didn't punish themselves. Thunderbolt Xuanmo hurriedly said: "Thank you Xuannv for your life, it is really that Cheng Yuanfang is too cunning and designed to frame us! Later, Liu Qianlang, the head of Cangshan Langyuan Sect, came to help us suddenly, which caused our nine The Dragon Ball was stolen!"

"Let's rush back to our respective caves now, reorganize a large number of magic army forces, and recover the nine magic dragon balls! We will definitely not disappoint the seven blood sea mysterious girls!"

"Heck! Don't fall into the trap of beauty! Thunderbolt Xuanmo, are your ears okay?" Behind the leader, the youngest Xuehai Xuannv smiled like a silver bell. .

Within the blood moon, the nine blood sea mysterious girls could clearly see what happened before Thunderbolt Xuanmo and the others. I wanted to go out to the moon to help out and get back the nine magic dragon balls, but at that time, I suddenly caught up with the eighty-first floor of the blood sea, and the tide was overturned, so I had to stay in the blood moon to deal with the blood sea, especially the other seven. Eleven magic dragon ball formation scattered spirit problem.

The sea of ​​blood in this blood moon is divided into eighty-one layers of blood from top to bottom, called the eighty-one layer of blood. From top to bottom, the further down the Gorefiend is, the stronger it is. But at the half of every month, there will be a phenomenon that the eighty-first layer will suddenly reverse. Even causing the eighty-first layer to become chaotic in an instant, resulting in the death of countless low-level blood sea creatures in the upper layer, this phenomenon is called the tide of the layer.

The reason why there are so many vast oceans of blood in the sea of ​​blood is that on the one hand, it comes from the four great blood oceans of the netherworld, and on the other hand, it is caused by the tide of this level.

At this time, the magic dragon balls that nourished each layer in the past eighty-one will cause the position to be reversed, so that the magic power in the powerful magic dragon ball will explode, making the tide of the layer even more raging, so the nine blood Haixuannv had to quickly control the dragon balls in this realm, and quickly return to the original layer position until the tide of the layer was over.

These nine blood sea mysterious women originally did not exist in the blood moon blood sea, but in the era of chaos, those evil gods who died in the war of the gods of chaos, when they were destroyed, left eight A vicious curse, and then the body turned into nine pieces of bloodthirsty poisonous jade and fell into the blood ocean of the Nether Hell in the Western Regions.

The eight vicious curses are the omens of the eight heavens of Tianyu: the appearance of the poisonous curse, the beauty of jade, the disaster of heaven and earth, and the universe of blood!

Since the nine pieces of bloodthirsty poisonous jade fell into the Nether Hell, they have been constantly absorbing the vicious, cold, vicious, and mad spirits of the Nether Hell, until they flowed into the Blood Moon. When the ominous omens of the eight vaults appeared in the sky in Mortal Realm, the nine bloodthirsty poisonous jade immediately turned into the nine beautiful women of Xuehai Xuannv.

As soon as the nine blood sea mysterious girls were born, they began to divide the labor and control the power of the eighty-first layer of the blood sea within the blood moon, and became the masters of the blood sea. Each person controls nine levels, from top to bottom they are called first-level women, second-level women, and ninth-level women.

As for Ouyang Langlong's ability to break into the sea of ​​blood and establish the Blood Moon God Sect in the blood palace of the era of chaos floating on the sea of ​​blood, it is all because of the dark and remnant soul of Cangyuan in the era of chaos. The soul of Cangyuan has the idea of ​​destroying the chaotic universe, and the nine blood sea mysterious women have the hatred of being slaughtered in the chaotic era. The two naturally reached a cooperative relationship and jointly ruled the blood moon and blood sea.

In order to realize their evil wishes, the soul of Cangyuan and the later strands of hate souls took out the magic dragon ball they had found so hard to share with the nine blood sea mysterious girls to practice magic skills.

This is the reason why the eighty magic dragon balls nourish the blood sea within the blood moon.

The nine Xuannv of the Blood Sea still do not interfere in any internal affairs of the Blood Moon God Sect, but they are also a terrifying trump card of the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect. If there is a need, the nine Xuannv of the Blood Sea will never refuse, and they are willing to Help Ouyang Langlong.

Now the nine magic dragon balls, which are closely related to the interests of the two, were snatched by the three former subordinates of Thunderbolt Xuanmo and Cangshan Langyuanmen. How can they ignore it! Therefore, as soon as they saw the Thunderbolt Xuanmo and the Tuosang sage, the Nether sage and the Ecstasy sage broke into the Blood Moon God Palace, they flew over there.

The purpose is very simple, that is to recapture the nine magic dragon balls again. As for how to recapture them, the nine blood sea mysterious girls have already planned in their hearts, so naturally they don't count on the nine trash in front of them.

However, the nine Xuannv of the Blood Sea don't like to brazenly fight and snatch, because they were all ice, evil, poisonous and beautiful gods in the era of chaos.

The book continues with the foreword, and upon hearing the silver-bell-like laughter of the sisters, she also burst into an enchanting and playful laugh.

The Thunderbolt Xuanmo and the other three evil creatures knew that each other was extremely vicious, but they still couldn't help but stare at the nine beautiful Blood Sea Xuannv, because they were so beautiful. It gives people the feeling that just looking at it, you can die.


Seeing the four evil things looking at them, fascinated, the nine blood sea mysterious girls were not surprised or angry at all. Instead, they smiled tremblingly, and laughed extremely happily.

In their view, there is no man in this world who does not admire the nine sisters, and of course Cheng Yuanfang and Liu Qianlang are no exception, so in their view, finding the nine magic dragon balls is not a big deal. Difficult.

"Heck! Get out of here!"

The nine blood sea mysterious girls, the head of the nine-level mysterious girl laughed enough, flicked the red sari sleeves, and instantly sprinkled pieces of blood on the Thunderbolt Xuanmo, Tuo Sang Holy Lord, Ecstasy Holy Lord, and Nether Holy Lord.

The patches of blood, bright red, like blossoming lotus flowers, also like blossoming red plums, accompanied by shining red stars. Then the goddess fell on the heads of the four evil things like scattered flowers.

The four evil creatures stared at the patches of blood until they fell on their heads, as if they were still in a dream, and then looked at the enchanting figure and graceful face of the Nine Realm Girl


After a long time, the four evil creatures let out a scream at the same time, touching the head, face, nose and ears were all cut off by the blood just now, and the entire scalp was also peeled off. Immediately, the heads of the four evil creatures turned into a bloody and terrifying appearance.

Even so, the four evil things couldn't bear to leave their eyes from the nine blood sea mysterious girls.


The nine Xuannv of the Blood Sea laughed again, and at the same time, they flicked the sleeves of the blood light gauze, sweeping the four evil objects away from the Blood Moon Palace. And they, not long after, Pingting floated out of the blood moon and wandered in the sky above Eastern Tianyang

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