Nine Heavens

Chapter 907

Chapter 907: The Bright Moon Learns the Heart

"Huh? That?"

Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, Master Chasing Fate, Lion Demon and Eagle Demon were puzzled when they saw each other, and they couldn't help but looked at Song Zhen and asked.

"Yesterday, I made a divination for my third brother. I wanted to see if my third brother was looking for the distant brother to be successful. The hexagram showed a clear cloud and a smooth wind, which is called a good hexagram. , but an ominous sign."

"I repeatedly deduced and found the sign of the two phenomena. Before saying it, Song Zhen wanted to ask the three brothers Yuanfang, Lion Demon, and Eagle Demon to forgive me. The three brothers should have already felt Song Zhen's grudge, absolutely It's not that Song Zhen is stingy, but there are sounds beyond the strings."

"The signs of these two signs, one is the three brothers who came back with the third brother, because the three are all members of the evil sect, and they may be the people who corresponded to the ghost cloud. The other is the nine red men you saw. Girl in clothes, where did they come from? Song Zhen hasn't figured it out yet. However, one of these two phenomena must be the counterpart of Nether Cloud and Misty, which is an existence that is not good for the third brother and Cangshan Langyuanmen."

"Song Zhen, as the guardian celestial master of the Langyuan Gate in Cangshan Mountain, how can he ignore it. In order to distinguish between the three brothers and those red women who are the ones who should answer the hexagram, he deliberately set up this fate banquet dance formation. "

"For the predestined banquet, in fact, Song Zhen has laid out the seven astrological formulas for each chair where the brothers are sitting. No matter who is the ghost cloud mist of the hexagram, it will trigger a thunderstorm, which makes Ying Xiang A person's muscles and bones are broken, and his internal organs are shattered, and now his body and spirit have already been destroyed. But not the other way around, naturally the Canxin Thunder Array will not be touched at all, and it is useless."

"This is the reason why Song Zhen saw that the three brothers were quite unreasonable no matter what they said or did. Now it seems that Song Zhen has misunderstood the three brothers, and Song Zhen deeply apologizes again!"

After Song Zhen said this, he quickly bowed to Cheng Yuanfang, the lion demon and the eagle demon, and even apologized.

Hearing this, Cheng Yuanfang laughed and said, "Being able to have such loyal and courageous people as Brother Song around Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang and the two demons finally understand why the Langyuan Sect in Cangshan can be so prosperous in just a few years." You have risen and become famous in the world of immortals. Youdao is a gathering of heroes, so you can have the dominance of the sky. Brother Song is only thinking about leading the waves and the mountain gate, and speaking frankly and selflessly. How can Cheng Yuanfang be stingy and not know the heart of a brother. Haha! Cheng Yuanfang believes in you Good brother!"

"Haha! Brother Song is serious. It is the style of a brother to act cautiously for the great cause of the mountain sect. We also feel that it is true. Brothers, don't shy away from sects. Talking about brothers and sisters with us has long been in our hearts." I am inexplicably grateful, Brother Song has seen through the hexagrams to break the darkness, so we have this section, how can we brothers care about it!"

"Until now, I, the Eagle Demon Fang, have only understood why the Demon Emperor claimed to be the Demon Emperor. There is no one to tolerate outside the gate of Cangshan Langyuan, haha! I have no choice but to be barren and extreme, drifting wildly, not asking the world to understand, but asking for a clear conscience!"

The Eagle Demon looked at Cheng Yuanfang with admiration, nodded respectfully and said.

"Haha, although people are crazy and evil, their hearts are as good as the sun, so what if they laugh and sneer? Just hold the wine on the cliff, ask the sword in the sky, and Lang Shuang is happy. What do you think, the devil!" The lion demon also laughed.

"Hmm! What the two brothers said made Liu Qianlang feel refreshed. There are thousands of immortals in the earth, and there are thousands of different families, but it is righteousness for Cangshan Lang to come together. Sooner or later, he will be abandoned by the world's righteous way. Haha! When the time comes, brothers, please don't abandon me, Liu Qianlang?" Liu Qianlang nodded emotionally.

"Amitabha! Good! Good! Pour a glass of fine wine for the old monk, with a peaceful heart, and care about the dust?" Master Zhu Yuan looked at the fine wine on the banquet table. He had never drank it before, and he was still worried about hurting Shura in front of everyone. Buddhist rules of the temple. But when he heard that everyone was bohemian, people who cultivated their minds and didn't cultivate their minds, they were so open-minded, and they knocked on the table to order wine.

"Okay! Okay! Haha! Song Zhen pours a glass for everyone, and drank this glass of bosom friend wine together, and we will be happy together from now on! Please, Song Zhen will do it first as a respect."

Song Zhen yelled loudly, for Master Chasing Fate, Cheng Yuanfang, Lion Demon Eagle Demon and Liu Qianlang poured a glass of fine wine one after another. Everyone laughed and watched Song Zhen drink it freely.

"Haha! Brothers, don't forget to watch the Nine Girls Moon Dance. When the moon is in the middle of the sky, they will disappear!" Song Zhen reminded everyone.

"Brother Song, since these nine daughters are unknown, they will surely cause disaster to the world, why don't we take advantage of the wine and get rid of them?" Cheng Yuanfang said with a bright red forehead and eyes shining brightly.

"Brother Yuanfang said the most in my mind, but this is just a deduction of the hexagram, not true. Brother, the only thing I can be sure of is two things. One is that these nine inexplicable women are ghosts, and Yin and Xie's power is unfathomable. Second, I can only confirm that they settled in the Emperor's City under Longshan Mountain, and Song Zhen has no conclusions yet."

Song Zhen said with some regret.

"Amitabha! Good! Good! In that case, wouldn't the Imperial City suffer disaster?" Said the emerald green Buddhist beads presented by Master Zhu Yuan, Huang Qishou, Master Ci Yuan.

"Second brother is very worried. Now that we have found out, although we can't confirm their identities, we can always take precautions. Fourth brother might as well recruit nine dragons to protect them for the time being. We will see the development of the situation later and make further progress. Plan." Liu Qianlang said while staring at the nine dancing women in red above the Imperial City in the distance.

"Yes! Third Brother, I'll make arrangements later." Song Zhen nodded.

"This is the best way to do this. I hope that the people of Tianhuang City will be safe. When I came, because of the incident in the temple, I arrived at Tianhuang City for a few hours. Today's Tianhuang City has been blessed by Cangshan for many years. , is very happy and happy." Master Zhuyuan nodded in agreement.

"Hiss! These nine women are so strange. With my psychic eyes and the body of a demon fairy, I can't really see their faces. So, even if Brother Song sends nine dragons, how can I recognize them?"

Cheng Yuanfang has improved his black spirit and emerald diamond psychic eyesight to the limit of his current level, but he still can't see the other party's face clearly, no matter what angle he can see, he can only see their fluttering hair and exquisite side faces . Can't help but say in surprise.

"Brother Yuanfang, don't be surprised. They are originally ghosts. As the saying goes, looking at ghosts, especially female ghosts. If you don't care to watch, you are a beauty, but if you take precautions, you are a ghost! Moreover, their ghosts and evil spirits are shocking. The ghosts are wise and intelligent. Naturally It is intentional to guard against all human immortals in the Mortal Realm and the Earth Immortals in the Earth Immortal Realm, so it is intentional."

"According to my observation, their strength is already far above that of the Earth Immortals. To what extent it is really difficult to determine for a while. I will always pay attention to it in the future."

"It's unimaginable that there are such powerful ghosts!" The lion demon and eagle demon sighed.

"However, what is the purpose of their intrusion into the Imperial City? There is nothing more than a world of civilians in the Mortal Realm. At best, there are only a few immortals and some low-level monks. It seems that there is no such thing as their cultivation. !"

Liu Qianlang thought deeply.

"Haha! Come on! Let's have a drink! Maybe we're thinking too much. In the end, it's just a few female ghosts, and it probably won't cause any trouble. After tonight, brothers will be busy cultivating Xinghua The matter of the Nine Swords Formation, I am afraid that such a carefree drinking will be accomplished after all!"

Song Zhen couldn't help laughing when he saw that everyone's expressions were full of worry. Just at this time, the moon entered the middle of the sky, and the distant cloud suddenly closed, and the nine women in red were no longer seen. So they didn't look at them any more, and gradually got into the drinking environment, laughed and drank, and talked about the cultivation of the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation that was going to start the next day.

When the crowd dispersed, the western sky was crescent again.

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen arranged for Cheng Yuanfang, Master Chasing Fate, Lion Demon and Eagle Demon to live in a top hospitality palace in Cangshan, and then went back to Qingcang Palace and Qingqiong Palace respectively.

After returning to the residence, both the lion demon and the eagle demon called out their wives, and they talked and laughed happily again. However, Grandmaster Zhuyuan was alone and sleepy, seeing that it was only an hour or two before dawn, he just got on the Bird of Paradise and traveled to Cangshan Mountain with wine.

Many disciples of Cangshan Langyuan Sect who were standing guard at night saw a flying bird of thousands of feet above the peaks of Cangshan suddenly appeared, and on it sat a tall and burly monk dressed in golden light, slowly Flying, looking out to Cangshan Mountain all the time. Soon he recognized Master Chasing Fate, and naturally knew that he was a friend rather than an enemy, so he ignored him, pretended not to see him, and let him fly freely.

Master Zhuyuan knew that he was soaring into the sky late at night, so he was afraid of affecting Cangshan's night sleep, so he tried his best to restrain the Buddha's light and powerful spiritual power. Even so, the disciples of Cangshan Langyuan Sect below could see clearly.

Master Ciyuan flew around Qingcang Peak, Qingqiong Peak and Qingyu Peak in Cangshan Mountain, and felt that the crescent moon in the western sky was floating in the clouds and mist. It was very beautiful, so he sat on the Bird of Paradise and floated Slowly fly to the moon.

Chasing the clouds and chasing the moon, he felt extremely happy. This feeling even brought him back to the carefree life he once had when he was the Seventh Prince of Qingliu Kingdom.

"Amitabha! Sin! Sin!"

Huang Qi, the master of Chasing Fate, suddenly felt that his heart was moving, he hurriedly closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, and confessed his sins.

"Hee hee! Sister Empress! Look, there is a big monk in front of you, sitting on a big bird and chanting sutras!" At this moment, Ye Feng kissed his face, and Master Zhu Yuan suddenly smelled a scent that had not been seen for more than ten years. There was a faint and strange fragrance, and then I heard a beautiful and tender words, which floated to my ears at the same time.

Master Zhuyuan was stunned for a moment, and opened his eyes, only to see in the clear light of the crescent moon, there was a beautiful woman wearing a green neon dress and full of stars, holding the jade seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks inherited from the ancient Coconut Kingdom , shining brightly like fire, stepping on a handkerchief and flying towards him.

On its shoulders, squatting on the left and right is a small bird full of aura. The one on the left is the size of a fist, with a shiny black body, red eyes, red mouth and red paws. The one on the right is red all over, but the size of half a fist.

The voice I just said was from the little red bird.

"Hey! Little Red Dot, that's Master Chasing Fate, haven't you seen it?" Black Bird said.

"Heck! I remembered, I met him at the Millennium Conference, oh! Mother Queen, isn't he the Seventh Prince of the Qingliu Kingdom that you mentioned?" Xiaohong said suddenly.

At this time, Liu Juan had already come to Langyuan Gate in Cangshan Mountain as promised by her younger brother to help him practice Xinghua Nine Swords Formation. She didn't want to meet Huang Qi, the master of Chasing Fate, and flew to him.

"Liu Juan has met the eminent monk of Asura, Master Zhuyuan!"

Liu Juan was also shocked when she met Master Zhuyuan suddenly. It was this person who gave her everything in the Qingliu Kingdom to herself after worshiping with her back then, and then left with the holy monks of Shura Temple through the Juying Conference. Goodbye now, it is already the image of the great achievement of Buddha's light and ten thousand ways.

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