Nine Heavens

Chapter 908

Chapter 908: Flesh and Blood

Master Zhuyuan hurriedly got up, looked at the mysterious woman in front of him, she was devoting herself to the Qingliu Kingdom, but in the end, she was executed the cruelest punishment in Qingliu Kingdom—Heavenly fire punishment, she died young, it can be described as extremely wronged! Now in the Nether Wandering Ghost Realm, after years of wandering, he was resurrected from the dead, and he experienced countless pains and tortures during this period. For this, Master Zhuyuan felt unspeakably ashamed, because he pushed all this to her, and couldn't help but salute deeply.

"Amitabha! Good! Good! I am ashamed to see the donor of the wonderful fragrance!"

Master Zhuyuan put his palms together and said with a sigh.

"The years go with the wind, and the fleeting years are gone! Master, why should this be the case. Each life has its own destiny. The previous period of the Liu Kingdom in the Qing Dynasty should have been Liu Juan's destiny! If you are ashamed, Liu Juan failed to complete the seven princes. Please, losing the country and exterminating hundreds of millions of subjects in the whole country, this is a heinous crime!"

On Liu Juan's graceful face, her expression was calm and condensed, and she said quietly.

"Don't blame the benefactor of the strange fragrance. The Qingliu Kingdom has long been distracted by the royal family, and the princes dominate. The central hope that the water imperial city has long existed in name only. It will perish sooner or later. It's just that Huang Qi was extremely disappointed back then, and he didn't have the intention Imperial power, I love Buddhism and Taoism, I should bear all this pain, but I push the pain to you!" Master Zhu Yuan kept bowing and saluting, without face.

"Liu Juan once killed two compassionate elders of the villa by mistake, and later died in the Qingliu Kingdom. Although she was also at fault, she blamed the injustice of God. The kindness will not last long, and the wicked will live forever. Liu Juan swears that there will be One day, everything that was lost will surely be revived, including the two venerable elders and the hundreds of millions of Qingliu people that I killed with my own hands."

"After I help my younger brother complete the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation, Liu Juan will start to practice the soul-returning and yang-returning magic art, so that the dead subjects will wake up again sooner or later. For this reason, I have already put almost all the subjects' dharma body, Carefully frozen up to now, Liu Juan has found all their souls in Wandering Ghost Realm."

"At this moment, they are all in the Jade Seal of Nine Dragons and Fireworks in Liu Juan's hands. The day when I, Liu Juan, completes my miracles, will be the time when hundreds of millions of subjects in the Qing Liu Kingdom wake up. But for now, let them sleep for a few more years. One day, Liu Juan will never let them be disappointed by me, Queen Qixiang!"

Liu Juan said with a trace of arrogance and stubbornness at the corner of her mouth. Green condensed flames flickered slightly outside his body. It was a kind of flame that was alive in the mortal world but had ghosts.

"Amitabha! Good! Good! I am even more ashamed to hear the words of the almsgiver Qixiang. Back then, I only admired Buddhism, but after all, it was only my own selfishness. I didn't know why I went deep into the sea of ​​Buddha? To save others is to save yourself! You need to prepare the way Heart!"

"Zhuyuan finally understands the meaning of Master Jiehui's words. Although the benefactor of Qixiang is in the world of mortals, he has a great heart, obsesses with serving the country and people, and loves the common people. Poro has a great state of mind, and Bodhi regenerates itself. Whether it is Buddha or Dao , the Confucianism is also given up, the Dharma is also given up, the source of all things is one thought, and the good fortune will be accomplished!"

"Extraordinary fragrance and great righteousness, some words, enlightenment, Zhuyuan feels ashamed, but I know what to do in the future, please accept Zhuyuan's worship!"

Master Zhuyuan, while speaking, clasped his hands together and knelt down, then parted and prostrated himself on the ground, knocking his head down.

"Master Chasing Fate, please hurry up! Although Liu Juan has suffered in all kinds of ways, she has never hated the Seventh Prince. Young and ignorant, with shallow thoughts, mortals, who can escape!? If the master is like this, isn't Liu Juan He also murdered the ancestors and killed the clan, making a big mistake! Besides, when the master left Panshui, all the crises had not yet emerged! The guilt is not all due to the loss of the master's abandonment of the country!"

Seeing Master Zhuyuan's situation like this, Liu Juan couldn't help thinking of the scene when she slaughtered the clansmen of the villa in the elders' courtyard, her eyes were dim with tears, and she persuaded him.


Master Zhuyuan chanted the Buddha's name, lamented that hundreds of millions of people died because of himself, raised his eyes and shed tears, without the composure of an eminent monk who had fully realized the Tao, he immediately turned the Taiji bird and roared away.


Liu Juan let out a long sigh, and the fragrant ancient handkerchief, like a white cloud in the dark night, carried her, tilted slightly, and continued to move forward.

"Mother Queen, why did Master Zhuyuan cry? Didn't you say that monks are all disillusioned and have no sorrow or joy?" Xiaohong asked Liu Juan with her head tilted.

"Hong'er, how do you know that there are a few people in this world who really see through the world of mortals? Even in the Buddhist temples, most of those who fly away from the world and only seek to liberate themselves , in the final analysis, they are all irresponsible people who avoid the world. Isn't Master Zhuyuan before this?"

"The fact that he cried so much this time is enough to show that for more than ten years, he has never let go of the self-blame for the subjugation of the Qingliu Kingdom, nor has he forgotten the pain of losing the lives of the living creatures in the country. He is a kind person, but he chose If he hadn't abandoned the country back then, perhaps the Qingliu Kingdom would still be in the wind and rain today."

"Why doesn't he cry? He knows all this well. He regrets his original choice. The Buddha's heart is universal, how can he become a Buddha after entering a few Buddhist temples!? If Xinhao, a hut can be built, and a palace can be built. Why not in the courtyard? Everything is empty, only thoughts can be saved!"

Liu Juan said with emotion in the dark night sky.

"Aunt Queen, what you said is so profound that Qiqi doesn't understand!" Qiqi rubbed his forehead with his small wings and said.

"Hehe, I will understand sooner or later. Aunt Empress didn't understand it before, but now she understands some truths, but it's only superficial. There are more thoughts that Aunt Empress needs to think about." Liu Juan looked at the two good luck Extraordinary Qiqi and Xiaohong said.

"Hee hee! Empress mother, how can I listen to what you say, like a great monk? You are surrounded by clouds and mountains and mist, and you just say something inexplicable! Everything is empty, this world is full of things , how could it be empty?"

Xiao Hong rubbed her head against Liu Juan's collar affectionately and said with a smile.

"Hehe, you? You have cultivated human form and become the head of the sect, and you are still so mischievous and innocent!" Liu Juan said angrily by tapping the little red dot's small forehead with one finger.

"Oh! Xiaohongdian is not willing to think about things all day long. The reason why Xiaohong worked so hard before the Queen's mother was away was to wait for the Queen's mother to come back. Hehe! Now that she is back, I’m still happy to be Little Red Dot, as long as I have fun every day, Auntie Xiaoyun and the four Aunties Xiang will take care of the things in the mountain gate.”

Xiaohong said very delicately.

"Cut! Seeing that you are a bird with no great prospects, you know how to play!" Qiqi originally planned to marry a lady in charge in the future, so that she could show off everywhere, but in the end, the head of the house was wrong, and she instantly destroyed herself. A sweet dream, so Qiqi said very unhappy.

"Fuck you, you big black bird, you are promising, if you are capable, you can turn into a white bird for me!" Little Hongdian suddenly found that Qiqi always had an attitude towards herself these days, and she didn't know why. Hearing this now, he was also angry, and said angrily.

"Hehe, you two will fight again when you arrive at Langyuan Gate in Cangshan Mountain. Hong'er, I want to ask you a question. You answer me honestly." Liu Juan laughed.

"Huh? Just ask the Queen's mother if you have any questions. Why are you so polite? I'm your blood pet!" Xiaohong said a little bit.

"Well, the queen's mother wants to disband the Xianshan faction and join the Cangshan Langyuan sect, do you agree?" Liu Juan asked.

"Oh! Why?" Kiki asked in surprise.

"What? You don't welcome me!" Xiaohong asked angrily when she heard Qiqi's words without answering.


"That shouldn't be the case! Hey, if you join the Cangshan Langyuanmen, we can be together every day!"

Qiqi saw that Xiaohong was a little angry, and quickly said flatteringly.

"Cut! It's a good idea, who is so rare to be with you every day, you look dark, if you don't have a red mouth, you won't be able to find you at night!" Xiaohong said a little bluntly.

Then she turned her head to Liu Juan and asked, "Yes, why?"

"Because before your auntie Xiaoyun and I returned to Yangyang, we heard that under the Nine Serenities, nine chaotic and evil stones flowed into the Eight Vaults of the Mortal Realm in the Blood Sea of ​​the Western Regions. It is said that they have turned into nine blood sea mysterious women They are extremely vicious, I am worried that if I leave the mountain gate, if they break in, they will definitely hurt the lives of many sisters. So the queen mother thinks so."

"Of course, if you don't want to, you can temporarily move the Shanmen sisters to Cangshan, and then go back later. In short, don't let the Shanmen sisters have any accidents!"

Liu Juan looked back worriedly at the distant Jiuxian Mountain and said.

"Oh! Then what are you waiting for? What's the pity of the mountain gate, but it's just some houses and yards. As long as all the sisters of the mountain gate are safe! I'll go back, and the queen mother will go to Cangshan Langyuan gate by herself first. Let the big black bird Accompany me back, and call the sisters!"

When Xiaohong heard that the sisters of the Xianshan School were in danger, she immediately trembled, stood upright, and said anxiously.

"Hey! You're thinking of me now!" Kiki said happily when he saw that Xiao Hongdian suddenly had the demeanor of being the master again.

However, Xiao Hongdian just stared at it, ignored him, and waited for Liu Juan to make a statement.

"Hey! Sect Leader! Sister Juan!"

At this moment, Liujuan, Xiaohongdianer and Qiqi suddenly heard the shouts of Xiaoyun, Xianshan Sixiang and many sisters from behind.

Looking back, tens of thousands of feet away, there is a huge silver-gray crescent-shaped ship speeding towards its own square? There were parents, uncle Cheng and aunt Cheng, younger brother Qianlang, younger sister Shifeng, and younger brother Yuanfang standing on the bow.

Among them were some beautiful women whom they didn't know, Xiaoyun, Chunxiaoqiudong Sixiang, Mingxin and Qingyuan were among them.

"Father! Mother! Uncle Cheng! Aunt Cheng!"

Liu Juan hadn't seen her parents and Cheng Hua's couple for more than ten years. When she saw her suddenly, she burst into tears and ran towards the giant ship, shouting.

It turned out that Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, Song Zhen, Lion Demon and Eagle Demon returned to Qingcang Palace after drinking, summoned five beloved wives, and sent the four old people to the Hall of Enqing. But when the four old people heard that Liu Juan was still alive, they couldn't wait. In addition, Liu Qianlang was worried that Xuannv of the Blood Sea, Thunderbolt Xuanmo, Tuosang Shengzun, Youming Shengzun and Ecstasy Shengzun were looking for trouble.

So I also moved my sister to lead the Xianshan faction to join Langyuanmen, so I just followed the wishes of the four old people. Immediately mobilized the boat of the mother of light to come to the Xianshan sect. But I heard that my sister was already on the way to the Langyuan Gate of Cangshan Mountain, so she used the magical art of shrinking the pulse to quickly take over Jiuxian Mountain, and then led all the disciples of Xianshan School into the boat of Guangmother, and chased them all the way.

"Father! Mother! Uncle Cheng! Aunt Cheng!"

Liu Juan galloped on the fragrant ancient handkerchief for a while, and threw herself into the arms of her mother, Feng Yue'er, her words choked up, and she could only hug her tightly. Qing Ning also hugged Liu Juan tightly, accompanied by tears.

Cheng Shifeng is also full of emotions. When he was separated from his two brothers and sister Juan in front of him, he was only seven years old. Now that more than ten years have passed, he has grown up, and he feels that the family love is inseparable, so he quietly stepped forward , weeping silently, holding the shoulders of sister Juan who loved and loved her in the past.

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