Nine Heavens

Chapter 919 Night Talk of Fairies and Ghosts

Chapter 919 Fairy and Ghost Night Talk

In the northwest of Tianhuang City, Tianhuang Temple.

In the Tianhuang Temple at midnight, the light inside the temple was very dim. After the moonlight outside the temple window was blocked by tall trees outside the temple, the mottled moonlight inside the temple also became dim and swaying.

At this moment, the mottled moonlight fell on a tall Dharma figure. This Dharma figure was tall and straight, with a graceful posture, but his face was covered with a golden mask, his face could not be seen, and his whole body was shining with silver light.

In the mottled and swaying moonlight, this dharma figure has a golden face and a white body, which looks extremely mysterious.

"Woohoo! Don't tell me you don't despise this Lake Lord now!?"

Under the dharma image, a beautiful woman in simple and elegant clothes placed nine lotus flowers of nine colors on the altar of the dharma image many times. The lotus flowers still had mist beads on them, they were freshly picked, exuding a strange fragrance, but the beautiful woman put them on the altar many times, and the nine lotus flowers fell to the ground inexplicably.

The beautiful woman, tried again, still the same, she couldn't help her beautiful eyes from weeping, and began to cry.

The statue in front of me, today's Lord of Qianque Lake, the former Emperor of the Kingdom of Ling, and Emperor Wantong, has been with him for more than ten years. No matter the wind or rain, he will always send a bouquet of flowers in the dead of night , used to be ordinary Mortal Domain flowers and plants. Later, I cultivated nine-color lotus flowers in Qianque Lake, and after that, all I sent every night were nine-color lotus flowers.

The reason why I do this is very simple, because I love this person with the Dharma appearance.

The owner of Qianque Lake once saw the true face of this person in a bamboo forest that he still protects until now, in the vast morning mist. With a faint smile. It was just a glimpse, but she immediately engraved it in her heart.

However, humans and immortals are different. I am a woman in the mortal realm. Even with an alluring appearance, I can't leave behind his footsteps in pursuit of immortality. Back then, I had flung myself into his arms, and felt that he didn't dislike me, but he still left after all.

But what is left to me is eternal longing, this kind of longing is painful but sweet, hopeless but irresistible, and this kind of longing has not been diluted by the passage of time, on the contrary, it has become more intense.

Especially when I saw the young man in silver clothes and white hair on the east bank of the lake during the day, his appearance was the same as his, and I thought I saw him again. If it wasn't for the man with white hair that made him suddenly sober, he would have almost flown over.

The Lord of Qianque Lake kept sobbing, and at the same time kept trying to put the nine-color lotus on the altar of his beloved, but failed no matter what, and it was like this for more than a month.

"Woooo! Please don't do this, you know, you are the only dream and strength of this lake lord to survive, and if you are like this now, wouldn't this lake lord be devastated?"

The owner of Qianque Lake was pale, with tears streaming down her face. Perhaps her grief touched Faxiang, and finally the nine-color lotus she put on the altar no longer rolled down. She stopped crying immediately, and sat with both hands to catch the nine-color lotus rolling down again, for a long, long time.

A gratified smile appeared on his pale face, and then he stepped out of the main hall of the Tianhuang Temple step by step, not long after, his figure shot into the dim moonlight.

But he didn't know that after she closed the gate of the Tianhuang Temple, the nine-color lotus still fell down.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Tianyu Haoyue, and it was already darker, and midnight would pass in half an hour. The body of Qianque Lake Lord suddenly rose from the ground like lightning, and shot straight into the sky. The blood outside her body shone like water waves, but she didn't know this situation.

She flew madly towards Qianque Lake in the south of the city.

Panshui Building, on the tall Wangmeixuan.

Liu Qianlang called the sleeping Pa'er, Xiaomei, Xiaolin and Xiaomogui into the Moyu Skull, and let them continue to sleep sweetly in the Lihuaerzuanyue Palace. And he has been standing in the night wind watching Qianque Lake in the south of the city.

The nine Le girls had already been awakened by him, and they were inside the Moyu Skeleton. I don’t know what happened to them at the bottom of the lake. There must be many strange things in Qianque Lake.

And it must be related to the lake owner who has not yet seen his face.

Liu Qianlang saw with his own eyes not long ago, a slender and pure white figure flew out of the emerald green bamboo building, coming towards the northwest of Tianhuang City. The little devil turtle was not in a good mood, so he comforted them. So I had to wait here for the figure to fly back to Qianque Lake after they were sound asleep.


When Liu Qianlang was watching Qianque Lake intently, he suddenly heard a crisp sound, and then sensed the nine armored generals he saw during the day, standing strangely behind him, and suddenly a cold hurricane blew towards him. Liu Qianlang.

Under the huge cold hurricane, Liu Qianlang's figure did not move at all, but a head of white hair suddenly flew up wildly, and the sky brocade cicada robe outside her body curled wildly.

"What do you want?"

Liu Qianlang didn't look back, but asked coldly.

"You saved nine Le girls, right?"

A general in armor, with lightning-like eyes, stared at Liu Qianlang's back with infinite coldness and said.

"Does it have something to do with you? To save or not to save is my own business, Liu Qianlang, it's not your turn to ask!" Liu Qianlang said without any politeness.

"What your lord says is true, and what your lord does is of course irrelevant to us, but we heard from the cold and snowy region of the netherworld that the former queen of the Liu Kingdom of Qing Dynasty, Qixiang, turned against the sky and returned to the sun, so I followed her here. His name is Men Tiangang, and he was the former general of Her Royal Highness Empress Qixiang, as were the other eight."

"Because we deeply respect Queen Qixiang as a person, when Queen Qixiang was executed in the Heavenly Fire Realm, we all knelt down to the head of the city and saw him off. Then in Piaoling Ghost Realm, we have been protecting her with all my heart for more than ten years. , tending to every soul of the queen, hoping that she will be reincarnated as soon as possible, and become a human again to benefit the world."

"Now that I know that Queen Qixiang is coming to the world again, I have already sworn that I will follow forever regardless of reincarnation. Unexpectedly, I broke through the gate of the underworld and came to the world of Yang, but I was unable to find Queen Qixiang. But in the Qianque Lake accident It was discovered that the lake owner was taken away by the inexplicable and powerful force of the Netherworld, not only was she herself in danger, she was about to be devoured."

"The most terrible thing is that the power of the nether world is also in collusion with the inexplicable evil at the bottom of the lake to kill these poor sisters adopted by the lake owner of Qianque Lake. In addition, some of the nine girls you saved are our daughters , so you care so much!"

Said the armored general behind him.

"Oh! How do you know I saved it!?" Liu Qianlang asked.

"Because of your honor, the phantom body is left behind, and the divine light enters the lake. People in the yang world can't see it, but we can see it clearly. It's not just us, I think the dark things in the main body of Qianque Lake have also seen it! As for The reason why I know you saved them is because when you entered the bottom of the lake, we also entered afterward. But we never saw where you went, nor did we see our daughter."

Armor General said confidently.

"You really want to find Empress Qixiang so much?" Liu Qianlang turned around and asked the nine tall generals in bronze armor.

The nine bronze-armored generals were all shocked when they heard the words. Hearing what the other party said, they obviously knew the whereabouts of Empress Qixiang. They couldn't help but knelt down on one knee and saluted with their wrists: "Yes, I will never leave! Please respect me point!"

"Hehe! Generals, please stand up! To tell you the truth, Empress Qixiang is Liu Qianlang's sister Liu Juan! Since you are so devoted to your sister, you have also heard her mention Men Tiangang and the generals. You are upright! Swear to die not to the kingdom of heaven Prince Wuyou bowed his knees, he has long been deeply admired, but he has never seen it before!"

"It's a great blessing to meet you today. Liu Qianlang has met all the generals!" Liu Qianlang bowed deeply after speaking.

"Haha! So you are the younger brother of Empress Qixiang? Although we are already in the netherworld, I heard from Yun Xiangguo that it was the younger brother who assisted the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Alliance in destroying the Longyun Heavenly Kingdom and the exterminated Prince Wuyou. I am really happy!" Tiangang was overjoyed when he heard the words, and smiled cheerfully.

"It's better to meet the rumors, the younger brother of the country is really magnificent and has a fairy air. It's just that I waited for the ghost to stand with the younger brother, which made you lose your value!" Men Tiangang laughed at himself.

"Haha! I've met Guodi!" The other generals laughed when they learned that Liu Qianlang was the younger brother of Empress Qixiang they were looking for.

"Haha! General Sect and all generals, don't say that. What about people? What about ghosts? What about demons and spirits? It's all just a form, and goodness of heart is fate. Generals defend the country with righteousness and follow sister with friendship. In the nether world, Shang still cares about the safety of the people in the Yang world, and he is also devoted to his descendants. For such a character, Liu Qianlang follows Wangchen. How can he lower his value? The generals don’t laugh at Liu Qianlang’s knowledge It’s fine to be shallow.”

"It's very easy for you generals to see my sister. My sister is now at my Langyuan gate in Cangshan. If you generals are willing, you can go to Liu Qianlang's mountain gate. Not only will all the generals fulfill their wish to follow my sister, but Liu Qianlang can also see her from time to time. See the majestic demeanor of the generals!"

Liu Qianlang thought for a while, then smiled.

"Thank you brother for your kindness, but we are the bodies of the netherworld. If you want to come to the Langyuan sect of Cangshan mountain, brother of the country, it must be a famous sect. If you lead me there, won't you be criticized by the righteous way in the world!? I don't want to sit at the gate of the mountain, curl up Among the clouds in the sky, I am satisfied to be able to protect Queen Qixiang day and night!" Men Tiangang was also a famous general of a great power, so how could he not have thought of this level, he said very self-aware.

"Haha! The general is considerate, which makes Liu Qianlang even more angry. The general doesn't know about it. I, Cangshan Langyuan Sect, never ask about the origin of the spirit body. Only goodness is destiny. Naturally, I don't care about righteous or evil ways. Now that I have met the generals, if you let the generals be so wronged, haha, I will not be able to explain to my sister. Don’t refuse, generals, let me wait here for a few days, and then go back to Cangshan Langyuanmen."

"This? Good! Since Brother Guo is so forthright, I don't need to pretend anymore." Men Tiangang said.

"Well! Refreshing. Since the generals are very worried about your daughters, how about calling them out now?" Liu Qianlang asked again.

"No! We are the bodies of the Netherworld now, and the nine children are all warriors. Naturally, they cannot withstand our dark energy. Let's just know that they are safe. In the future, we will practice hard and lose a lot of weight." After You Ming gets angry, it won't be too late to get to know each other." Men Tiangang was startled when he heard the words, afraid of hurting his daughter, he said quickly.

"Alright, the future will be long, so don't be in a hurry." Liu Qianlang nodded, and then briefly talked about the Xuannv of the Blood Sea.

At first, Liu Qianlang almost thought that the nine Le girls belonged to the nine Blood Sea Profound Girls, because they also happened to be dressed in red, so there were many coincidences, but when they rescued the nine Le girls, they found that they were full of yang, There was no trace of sternness at all, and I realized that my judgment was wrong.

So he turned his attention to the nine armored generals, but now it seems that he denied it again.

"Next, what's the plan for Brother Guo? What can we do for Brother Guo?" Men Tiangang asked.

"I plan to explore Qianque Lake later, but now I have to wait here for someone to fly back to Qianque Lake. In addition, Liu Qianlang is also very suspicious of the other person. The nine generals may as well pay attention to it when they are resting here. Immortal Long, the boss of Panshuilou!" Liu Qianlang said.

"Okay! Brother Guo, don't worry, then I won't bother you anymore, brother Guo, be careful!" Men Tiangang and the other nine generals slammed and disappeared the next moment.

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