Nine Heavens

Chapter 920 The ghost on the top of the boat

Chapter 920: The ghost on the top of the boat

After Men Tiangang and the other nine bronze-armored generals left, Liu Qianlang turned his attention to Qianque Lake in the south of the city again, and soon after, he finally saw the white shadow flying away, and it flew back like lightning under the moonlight.

The person is still the same person, but the sparkling red blood light flows outside the pure white figure, which is very eye-catching in the dark night. Occasionally, I saw her eyes shining with a bright red and cool color.

"The blood light of the nether world?" Liu Qianlang saw the dark red blood light on the other party's body, and couldn't help blurting out. Seeing the blood light flowing around the woman, Liu Qianlang immediately remembered that there was a talk about the nether world in the ancient sacred scriptures of the witches of the coconut country The saying of the four regions of hell, southeast, northwest, and Mingyang.

The Ocean of Blood in the Western Region, the Ocean of Bone in the Eastern Region, the Ocean of Soul in the Southern Region, and the Ocean of Fire and Lava in the Northern Region.

Among them, the vast and tumbling waves of the Blood Ocean in the Western Regions are all fresh blood. These bloods mainly come from the three major blood springs in the Nether region, and also include the evil blood of countless dead people in the mortal world. After countless years, they slowly formed.

Moreover, after the formation of the Blood Ocean in the Western Regions, tens of thousands of blood monsters also spawned at the same time, but they never went to the sunny world of the Yang Realm, so no one has seen them. These blood monsters are powerful enough to a certain level, they all have a common feature, that is, there is a layer of ghostly blood around them.

In terms of appellation, they are all called first-level blood demons, second-level blood demons, and the supreme nine-nine-level blood demon. They do not belong to the regular ghost palace forces of the underworld, they are the existence of free forces. Such an existence is naturally a vicious character, and even those resentful kings and ghost emperors in Nether Hell are courteous and dare not offend.

However, ordinary people in the mortal domain cannot see this layer of blood light even when they see these blood monsters. Only some very powerful earth immortals or higher immortal monks can see it.

The woman did not fly back to the bamboo building where the lights were still on, but plunged directly into Qianque Lake from a high altitude.

Seeing this woman's strange behavior, Liu Qianlang was astonished, and thought of something in his heart, and immediately called out the ghost boat, and the next second the ghost boat also appeared at the bottom of Qianque Lake.

Under the Dafa of Concentrating Breath, the ghost boat turned into a small silver-gray fish, swimming in the dark world at the bottom of the lake. And Liu Qianlang stood at the position of the little fish's eyes, through the little fish's eyes, followed the slim figure hundreds of feet away in front of him.

The woman in sight didn't feel the slightest discomfort in the lake water, and her belt fluttered like the wind, walking gracefully, but her feet moved frequently and her steps were fast.

She walked a distance of about several thousand feet, then stopped suddenly, raised her head to look at the lake surface tens of feet above her head, then waved her sleeves, and in an instant in front of her was a huge monster made of countless bright red blood bands. The group of bright red blood and light.

Seeing this woman appear, the Bloody Light Group quickly rolled around from the central area, layer by layer, like a huge bright red peony blooming, evil and beautiful.

Then a bright red palace of blood light slowly emerged from the center of the huge blood peony.

The palace gate of the Blood Light Palace opened automatically, and the woman floated inside. Seeing Liu Qianlang, he quickly followed in, because the world at the bottom of the lake has a lot of aquatic animals like small fish of various colors, so this woman didn't care about the existence of Liu Qianlang's ghost boat at all.

A moment later, the woman appeared in the blood-sparkling palace.

The space in the palace is very wide. In front of Liu Qianlang's line of sight, there is a dark red blood seat made of blood skulls. In front of the blood seat is a round bone table supported by white bones. green bowl.

Seeing the nine emerald bowls, the woman seemed very happy, and immediately quickened her pace and walked towards the pale bone table. However, as soon as she got close to the bone table, she glanced at the nine jade bowls, and immediately let out an angry roar.


Then he suddenly flew to the blood seat, turned around abruptly, his eyes shot out bright red blood, he was facing Liu Qianlang, looked around for a while with an extremely pale face, and then shouted: "Nine-headed black turtle give me Get out!"

"Emperor Frost Sky!?"

Seeing that pale face, Liu Qianlang couldn't help but startled. What he never imagined was that the woman in front of him turned out to be Shuangtian, the emperor of Ling Kingdom who once ruled the world, led the Alliance of Nations, and swallowed life and death Gu in anger!

How did she become the owner of Qianque Lake in Tianhuang City, and how did she know monsters like the nine-headed black turtle at the bottom of the lake, and what happened to the ghostly blood in her body? How did she possess the cultivation power of a monk in the Foundation Establishment Period?

Liu Qianlang felt unbelievable, afraid that he had misread it, so he examined it carefully for a while, confident that he could not be wrong. Although the other party is a woman from the Mortal Realm, but after all, she has been tempted by her in her heart, so she will never remember it wrong.

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a sound under the bone table, and then slowly crawled out a huge black turtle, with black smoke all over its body, and its four legs and short tail are nothing unusual, but it has nine snake-like heads , and the neck is very long. Nine heads can turn around.

A puff of black smoke swelled and shrunk, and the huge black turtle turned into a staring fierce man who was over ten feet tall and covered with a big black beard. Looking forward to nine black snakes on the head, holding an unfinished golden fork in the hand.

"The owner of the lake is here! It seems that there is nothing to drink tonight. You said that there are nine golden boat yin girls every day, but the golden boat is here tonight, but the nine yin girls are not on the boat. Naturally, there are no nine black turtles I can't prepare the blood of the Nine Yins for you!"

The big burly man leaned over to look at the nine empty jade bowls on the bone table, and said in a humming voice.

"Hmph! You can't hide it! I have long seen that I have been coveting the beauty of the nine girls, and I often hide in the dark, peeping at them singing and dancing. It's just because of my existence, you It’s all because I didn’t dare to do anything! But is that so?” The Lake Lord of Qianque Lake stared at the nine-headed black turtle with cold eyes, and asked.

"Well! I, Nine-Headed Turtle, really like the Nine Le Girls very much, and it is true that as you said, if I hadn't taken your existence into account, I would have turned them into corpse puppets a long time ago. But I really didn't see them tonight! You Look, there are quite a few blood bodies in the past month, and they are all standing there. The nine-headed black turtle will never break its promise. I only need gold and silver to make a golden fork, and you only need nine Yin body blood every day. This is I have not violated our agreement, if you don't believe me, see for yourself!" the nine-headed black turtle said unhurriedly.

"Bah! You didn't see it, so what about them? The owner of the lake has been paying attention to the lake, and he never saw them come out again. With their cultivation base in the yang world, they want to die again. For such a long time, they are in the water. He is already dead, how could he disappear inexplicably!?"

"At the bottom of Qianque Lake, besides you, the nine-headed black turtle, who else has the ability to snatch them away from your induction?"

The owner of Qianque Lake didn't believe it at all, and immediately looked towards a corner of the Blood Palace. Sure enough, there were three or four hundred corpses of lake women standing there, all without heads, dangling in the waves. The owner of Qianque Lake inspected it many times, and indeed there were quite a few of them, and he did not find the bodies of the nine Le girls.

"In the past few days, I have been busy cultivating Wanjun Jincha. Except for collecting blood for you every night, I have been concentrating on cultivating at other times. I am afraid that it will affect you, so I almost seal the Golden Palace, so if outside the Golden Palace Someone really came down to steal the bodies of the nine Le girls, I might not be able to sense it!" Nine-headed black turtle explained.

"Could it be them?"

The Lake Lord of Qianque Lake saw that there was no panic in the expression of the nine-headed black turtle, and what he said was reasonable, so he had no choice but to dispel his doubts about him. People and the Nether General who have been appearing for many days. While thinking, he said to himself.

"Who are they?" Nine-headed black turtle asked curiously.

"You don't need to worry about this, I will let you jump out of the lake in fifteen minutes and drag nine female corpses into the bottom of the lake for you to enjoy, but don't touch any living lake females, or I will tear you to pieces!"

After a change in the expression of the Lake Master of Qianque Lake, he suddenly stood up from the seat of the blood skull, and the cold blood rainbow in his eyes twitched for a while, then looked at the nine-headed black turtle that was trembling with fright, stomped his feet, and suddenly walked towards the blood palace. The outside shot went away.


In just a few breaths, nine shrill howls were heard from the lake. Hearing this, Liu Qianlang and the Nine-headed Black Turtle were all frightened. Of course, Liu Qianlang was not afraid, but worried about the tragic death of the lake girl by the lake.

Hearing the screams on the lake, the nine-headed black turtle shrank and recovered its body, and then quickly swelled to a height of several tens of feet. The two claws on the top flashed with golden light, and everyone took out a huge A golden fork, and a golden ring appeared on each of the nine long black necks.

Then he stomped his lower feet and was about to jump towards the high lake. However, at this moment, nine cold sword curtains suddenly fell from his head.


Before the nine-headed black turtle had time to leave the ground, the nine heads on the neck were watched by the nine cold sword curtains, rolling under its feet, and then its huge body fell down. At the same time, the nine heads let out a miserable howl.


At this time, Liu Qianlang suddenly showed his figure, standing in the ghost boat, with a thought, he took away the Nine Swords of Immortal Punishment and put them into the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, then glanced at the filthy nine-headed black turtle, and snorted coldly With a sound, it quickly shot towards the lake.

After shooting out of the lake, Liu Qianlang saw all the boats light up their lights, and the lake was full of terrified cries. Liu Qianlang didn't care about this either. The moment the silver-gray ghost boat flew out of the lake like lightning, with a wave of his giant sleeve, he immediately included all the lake girls on the lake into the black jade skull, and then suddenly shot towards the sky.

The whole movement was so fast that no one could see Liu Qianlang clearly, nor the appearance of the ghost boat. Inside the emerald bamboo building, the owner of Qianque Lake and the alarmed Xiaohong and other nine lotus girls saw a silver light suddenly shot into the blue sky from the lake surface, and then the crying of the sisters stopped abruptly.

The world immediately fell into a terrible silence. Under the moonlight, on the blue lake surface, besides the swaying nine-color lotus, there were also nine floating corpses of lake girls, which were sucked by the owner of Qianque Lake. bloody corpse.

The faces of these corpses were pale, and they all opened their terrified eyes, without exception, looking at the bamboo building that had always looked warm.

After breathing heavily, Xiaocui looked at the swaying boats on the moonlit lake that was as quiet as death, and there was no sign of a sister in the boats. She asked in horror, "Mother? What happened just now?"

However, the eyes of the master of Qianque Lake were bright red, and he didn't answer, but his face sank, and he immediately flew towards the boats on the lake. Afterwards, Xiaohong and other nine sisters rushed towards those building boats.

An hour later, the nine sisters looked through all the buildings, but there was no one there!

Shock, fear!

The nine sisters looked at the mother who was standing on the top of a boat hundreds of feet away, and saw her pure white dress fluttering, and her body was covered with bright red blood, sparkling. On the pale face, the eyes gleamed with blood, and there were still drops of blood at the corner of the mouth, with a hideous expression, like a ghost.

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