Nine Heavens

Chapter 925: Combination of Master Swords

Chapter 925: The Master Sword

Immediately, Cheng Yuanfang and the nine-headed blood turtle fought together.

Liu Qianlang wanted to use his sword to kill the nine-headed blood turtle quickly, but when he heard that Cheng Yuanfang had taken a fancy to this evil creature, he had no choice but to make an enveloping attack instead of being ruthless.

And Liu Juan, Cai Ling and Cheng Shifeng also adopted a conservative attacking method. Although the nine-headed blood turtle was abnormally violent, the nine snake heads roared wildly, and the golden forks in their hands shot out golden lightning bolts, and the golden thunderball split the sky. Tossing Qianque Lake set off a huge wave that smashed the shore of Qianque Lake, and everything including the three-story bamboo building was smashed to pieces.

But it was subdued by five people in less than half an hour, and then Cheng Yuanfang was caught in the arrow of killing evil. Then the five people quickly shot towards the bottom of Qianque Lake.

Because Liu Qianlang has already entered the Blood Palace at the bottom of the lake, plus what Bu Miaotuo dreamed about, he quickly used his mind to send a voice transmission to his elder sister Liu Juan, brother Cheng Yuanfang, younger sister Shifeng, and seventh sister Cailing about the Blood Palace at the bottom of the lake. general situation.

After the five people galloped at the bottom of the lake for a while, they soon saw nine lotus girls desperately resisting outside the blood palace at the bottom of the lake, not wanting to be dragged into the blood palace, but their strength was too low compared to Liu Qianlang and others, and they seemed Extremely tormented.

The ideas of the blood sea mysterious girl in the nine lotus girls were implanted late, and they have not yet fully controlled their soul gates, and the primordial spirit is still playing a leading role. At the same time, they were born in the Pure Heart Dao, and the aura of righteousness in their bodies was quite pure, so up to this time, they were still stubbornly resisting the pull of the powerful blood spirit power released from the blood palace.

At that time, they were on the edge of Cangshan Mountain, Langyunmen, Cangshan Mountain, and the powerful eighty-one dragon sealing formation immediately sensed the bloody evil spirits in their bodies, which alarmed Liu Juan, who was extremely sensitive to the ghostly breath.

Then Song Zhen, Cheng Yuanfang, the lion demon and the eagle demon received Liu Qianlang's voice transmission, and they left the customs early, and they all sensed the ghostly blood light appearing in the north of Cangshan Mountain. So they quickly got together with Liu Juan and others, and after a brief exchange of opinions, Song Zhen was still left to guard the mountain gate, while the others went straight to the north of Cangshan Mountain.

If Cailing hadn't recognized the nine lotus girls as his nephews, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng would have slaughtered them all. On the other hand, the nine lotus girls really didn't know that their bodies had been implanted with the idea of ​​ghostly blood and light, so they chased and killed them all the way, and couldn't bear to kill them for a long time, so that Liu Qianlang later intervened and let them escape to the bottom of Qianque Lake .

"Uncle Cai Ling! Save us! We don't want to go in!"

Just when Liu Qianlang and others were gradually approaching the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace, the nine lotus girls, whose hair was disheveled at the moment, and who were extremely embarrassed, quickly recognized Cai Ling, and couldn't help begging sadly.

"Don't be afraid of the nine nephews! The uncle is here!"

When Cai Ling saw that the nine nephews were surrounded by countless blood-red bands of light, they were desperately torn to the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace. Each pupil flashed the color of mourning and pleading, how could it be accepted, he had already shouted coquettishly, stepping on the king of billions of bulls roaring towards the huge bright red blood banded light ball.

At the same time, with a wave of his sleeves, in an instant, countless jet-black water chestnuts and thousands of swords shot into the huge blood-striped light cluster above the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace.



Immediately, in the huge blood-striped light cluster, countless pitch-black water chestnuts exploded, bursting out jet-black lightning bolts and exploding jet-black thunderballs one by one.

"Huh? Sister, look! Who dares to come to the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace to make trouble, and there is a crack on the roof of the palace!?" Just as Liu Qianlang flew towards Cailing, he heard thousands of people in front of him. A clear female voice came from the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace outside Zhang Yu.

"Heck! Sister, what are you worried about? Don't these nine dragons, being the existence of the heavens, also accompany our sisters to be happy? Don't worry about dancing your blood moon dance, you see they are fascinated, hehe! Let the nine bloody dragons tonight Bie and the owner of Qianque Lake also found the bodies of the nine worms, my sister really likes them, why don't we have a bridal chamber with them tonight? Hehe."

Another woman's voice was full of infinite ambiguity.

"If sister Jiujing dares to do that, why don't we dare, because we are afraid that after we bridal chamber with them, a large group of insects will be born! Hehe!" A woman's voice said.

"No, how could the descendants of our Xuannv in the Blood Sea be worms, cluck! At least they are also the blood demon dragon in the Nether Blood Ocean! Heck! Come on, Bu Miao Shenlong, my family likes you so much!" Xuannv said.

"It's not good! The nine blood fairies! Both the lake master of Qianque Lake and the nine blood turtles were captured by a group of people from outside the palace!" Suddenly an anxious voice shouted.

"Oh! Really? Heck! It seems that Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang have already arrived, and our nine dragon balls are coming back soon! Haha." Not only was the Xuannv of the Nine Realm Blood Sea not angry, she said happily.

"They are attacking our Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace. What should we do?" asked the anxious voice just now.

"Heck! With the bloody moon in the sky and the beautiful scenery on such a beautiful day, how can we have time to care about them? Don't worry about them. When they get tired of tossing around, they will naturally leave. Since the owner of Qianque Lake and the nine-headed blood turtle have been captured, Then it's up to you lake girls to find the bodies of these nine worms for this Blood Sea Xuannv in the middle of the night!" Said the Nine Realm Blood Sea Xuannv.

"Yes! Blood Fairy of the Nine Realms. But the nine lotus girls who are being inhaled by the blood light array outside are trying their best to resist, what if they can't inhale?" the same anxious voice asked.

"Haha! Since Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang both came with dragon balls, what's the use of them, don't worry about them, I'm in a good mood today, everyone just wants to laugh!" Nine Realm Blood Sea Xuannv didn't care at all. laughed.

Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, Liu Juan and Shi Feng looked at each other and understood each other, then Liu Juan quickly used the Nine Dragon Firework Jade to accept nine lotus girls. Then the four of them sacrificed their swords at the same time, and pinched their hands together to form the formula of combining the four main swords of Xinghua Nine Swords.

I saw Liu Qianlang standing in the light mother's boat where the silver rainbow flashed, his white hair flew wildly, his eyes flashed with a strong rainbow, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword trembled for a while, then whizzed and flew onto the blood moon peony flower Immediately, it began to spin strangely from a position as high as ten thousand feet above the palace, and at the same time shot out a series of bright red light curtains, splitting towards each corresponding direction.

And Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng saw that Liu Qianlang took the lead in offering the first main sword, and their expressions immediately froze. Humming and roaring, he flew up to the sky, where he was at the position of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword.

"Seventh sister, come back quickly! The nine disciples and nephews have been accepted by my sister. Now we will practice the magic skill of combining the four main swords of the Xinghua Nine Swords and destroy the upper part of the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace. Sister Guardian!"

Seeing that the four main swords of the Xinghua Nine Swords were already in place, Liu Qianlang called back Cailing Dao, who had been attacking the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace.

"Third Brother and Sister Juan, Brother Yuanfang, Sister Shifeng, don't worry!" Hearing this, Cai Ling immediately flew behind Liu Qianlang and the others on the back of the billions of demon bull kings, and waved a sleeve around the five of them. The water chestnut protection formation, and then, sitting on top of the Demon Bull King, concentrated on manipulating the protection formation.

At this time, Liu Qianlang, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng also floated cross-legged on their respective spirit treasures. Naturally, Liu Qianlang was still on the ghost boat. Under Liu Juan was an ancient handkerchief made of refined incense, and above her head hung the Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal. Under Cheng Shifeng was the roaring white-faced Tiger King.

The formulas in the hands of the four people have not changed, but they all closed their eyes slightly, and began to open and close their mouths continuously, making bursts of rapid groaning sounds. Great changes have taken place around me.

Outside Liu Qianlang's body, white spots of light surged, while Cheng Yuanfang's body was pitch-black like a dragon, outside Liu Juan's body, emerald green divine light flowed wildly in the vast sea, and outside Cheng Shifeng's body, faint blue light swirled in waves. At the same time, the light waves of four colors each condensed into a huge beam of light and shot towards the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace thousands of feet away, above the respective corresponding Demon Speeding Swords in the sky.


Under the influence of the four beams of light, the four main swords of Xinghua Nine Swords quickly absorbed the transmitted beam of light, and then rapidly increased, reaching a length of thousands of feet in a short time. After a tremor, they instantly turned into The red, black, blue and emerald nine-clawed mad dragon with its teeth and claws spread all over its body, screaming again and again, and began to devour the vast and vast divine light provided by Liu Qianlang, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng even more frantically.

The light waves outside the four people became stronger and stronger, and the four huge beams of light that shot at the four main swords of the Xinghua Nine Swords had turned into four rivers of light waves. The four wild dragons above the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace also became infinitely excited, screaming wildly, cheering and devouring Guangtao.

This process lasted for three full days and three nights. It was not until ten o'clock in the morning on the fourth day that the light waves outside Liu Qianlang, Liu Juan, Cheng Shifeng, and Cheng Yuanfang slowly disappeared, and the four waves above the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace The mad dragon also just devoured all the aura of Haoguang. Become infinitely powerful and excited, laughing wildly.

At this moment, although Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, Liu Juan and Cheng Shifeng were sweating profusely, they all had smiles on their faces, and then opened their eyes one after another, stood up with each other, looked at each other and nodded.

Then all of them smiled brightly, and with the index finger of their right hand, they pointed at the four mad dragons above the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace. After the four rays of light shot away, the four mad dragons of red, black, blue and green suddenly merged into one, becoming one. The mixed-color mad dragon with four colors complement each other, meandering and moving, with a foot of ten thousand feet, scratching the nine dragon claws, the bloody blood palace above the blood moon peony flower palace was torn into a mess, and then the huge mouth suddenly slammed down bite.


Bite the blood palace with one bite.

"Ha ha!"

Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang couldn't help laughing when they saw the scene where the four dragons merged into one and destroyed the Blood Palace.

"Hehe! Congratulations to the third brother! Brother Yuanfang, sister Juan is a poetic sister! The combination of the Xinghua Nine Swords and the main sword finally succeeded! The blood palace is also destroyed!" laughed.

"Well! But thanks to Seventh Sister for repelling the interference from those red-haired women in the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace, otherwise it would not have been so smooth! Seventh Sister has troubled you!" Liu Qianlang looked at the increasingly mature Seventh sister Cailing said.

"Hee hee! Then thank me!" Cai Ling said with a mischievous smile.

"Haha! I just praised you a few words, and I started to be naughty again. I know I am worried about my army of magic cows, right? Okay! The third brother gave you hundreds of millions of magic cows, but don't use them casually!"

Liu Qianlang was talking, and with a thought, he quickly summoned the billions of magic cows he had confiscated in Mitiansha Valley in the black jade skull, turned into a ray of light and shot it into the red horns of the Cailing Demon Bull King .

"Heck! Thank you, third brother! Don't be reluctant!" Cai Ling was so happy that she hurriedly saluted.

"Haha! As long as the seventh sister likes it, you can tell the third brother if you have anything!" Liu Qianlang laughed happily, and then cast spells with Cheng Yuanfang, sister Liu Juan, and younger sister Shifeng, and the giant dragon on the lofty heights became Four of them were drawn, and then turned into four divine swords and flew back to the hands of the four.

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