Nine Heavens

Chapter 926 Seven Souls of the Lunar Yin

Chapter 926: The Seven Souls of the Lunar Yin

While the four of them were relaxing for a while, the blood mist formed by the broken blood belt light clusters in the blood palace part above the blood moon peony flower palace that was bitten by the giant dragon just now slowly faded away. Then the position of the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace in everyone's sight dropped instantly, and a crimson Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace immediately appeared in front of them.

At this time, Liu Qianlang withdrew his smile, looked down at the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace for a while, and then said: "The nine blood sea mysterious girls are so calm, they must be very powerful. We are acting like this, they just sent some lake girls to interfere , I didn’t even show up, so I’m obviously not afraid of us.”

"So Qianlang thinks that we should use the main sword of the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation to seal them. Then let me finish my soul as soon as possible, and eliminate the soul thoughts of the Xuannv in the body of the Lord Qianque Lake and the nine nephews. It’s important to rescue their spirit bodies first, and in the end, everyone will have a better chance of winning the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace together, I wonder if that’s okay?”

"Hmm! This is indeed safer. Don't worry, little brother. Three days and three nights have passed, and it is already the morning of the fourth day. We should hurry up and seal this palace immediately!"

Liu Juan looked up at the distant lake above her head, felt the time, and then looked around Cheng Yuanfang, Cheng Shifeng and Cai Ling said.


Everyone agrees.

So Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, Liu Juan and Cheng Shifeng quickly activated the Xinghua Nine Swords Master Sword Formation, bringing the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, Youdu Xuanze Sword, Cuiyou Mianhun Sword and Lan Xinghuan The Silent Sword turned into a mad dragon again, controlling them to hover above the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace.

The four-color mad dragons are all facing the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace with their heads facing the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace, and their tails are facing Liu Qianlang and other four people. In the impenetrable Guanghao.

Seeing that the seal was completed, Liu Qianlang turned his head and said to Cai Ling: "I have to trouble Seventh Sister again, the third brother is going to refine the soul, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword has to be controlled by the third sister for the time being, in order to maintain the main sword of the Xinghua Nine Swords Sword Formation! Brother Jian and I have passed soul thoughts, so there is no need for Seventh Sister to worry, Brother Jian will definitely listen to you, I just need to pass on the formation method to you!"

"Third brother, you don't need to be polite. It's just that the third brother's supernatural powers, Xinghua Nine Swords, such an immeasurable existence, revealing the mystery to Seventh Sister, it's not good at all! Third Brother trusts Seventh Sister so much, Seventh Sister is grateful, but? "

Although Cailing and Liu Qianlang are deeply in love with each other, they are still a little surprised that the other party will teach him the method of peerless magic, because after all, he is not from Cangshan Langyuanmen, so he said.

"Hehe, what is the use of magical skills if it doesn't save good fortune? Third Brother believes that Seventh Sister is always a kind existence, unless Seventh Sister wants to see Third Brother's jokes, she won't help Third Brother!" Liu Qianlang laughed.

"Hehe! Since the third brother said so, why is the seventh sister so affectionate? Seventh sister is lucky to be able to control the third brother's Nine Heavens Immortal Sword for a while. Hee hee! The third brother will teach the younger sister the method of formation Go!" Cai Ling smiled happily.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang looked at her elder sister Liu Juan, brother Cheng Yuanfang and younger sister Shifeng, and nodded at each other. Then he stood upright in the ghost boat, and suddenly floated past Cailing. Just as he rubbed shoulders, a gleam of light in Liu Qianlang's eyes melted into Cailing's beautiful eyes.

Cai Ling suddenly felt an extremely miraculous sword-handling technique drilled into his mind, and then an extremely powerful spiritual force also entered his own eight meridians.


If the third brother taught himself the operation method of the main sword of the Xinghua Nine Swords to control the operation of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, it is because of his trust in his brother-sister relationship, then he passed on such powerful Xuanzhen power and streamer to himself Divine power, this is far beyond the majestic style that ordinary people can't imagine.

Just ask the monks in the world, which monk didn't try his best to make himself not strong, even if he couldn't become the number one in the world, it is rare to see someone who is willing to pass on his hard-working magical skills and magic power to others, even close relatives.

Looking at the white-haired figure who had already flown thousands of feet away, Cai Ling finally understood why so many beautiful sisters-in-law respected and loved him and depended on him heart and soul.

Inside the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace.

"Sister Jiujing, people outside have sealed our Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace, and now there are only eighty-one dancing red-haired girls left, why don't we go up and destroy their seal?" , asked with nine bright red blood stars flashing in the slender palm of his left hand.

"Haha! Our nine beautiful sisters did the fighting? Twelve days later, when the moon will be hidden, and when the world is haunted by ghosts and ghosts, we will recruit some souls and cultivate them into blood slaves." .Let those blood slaves complete our mission. As for us, haha, of course we watch songs and dances every day and enjoy love every night!"

"Don't worry, with them guarding the gate for us, it's okay to watch twice, wouldn't it be an extra show!"

Nine Realm Blood Sea Mysterious Girl smiled with ninety-nine eighty-one bright red stars flashing in her hands.

"Yes! Sister of the Nine Realm, but we ignore it, I am still worried that they will destroy the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace!" The Xuannv of the Blood Sea of ​​the First Realm is the weakest among the nine Xuannv of the Blood Sea, still worried.

"Heck, my silly sister, you really need to work hard to cultivate. What a pity for a blood moon peony flower palace. As long as the blood moon on the head is not damaged, we can create countless blood moon peony flower palaces at any time. How can they hurt us with their little ability! Seeing that you have been worrying all the time, and you don’t know how to enjoy yourself while hugging a beautiful boy, you are a silly girl!"

The Xuannv of the Nine Realms flashed her eyes, glanced upwards for the first time, and saw Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, Cai Ling and Cheng Shifeng controlling four mad dragons around the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace, and said with a smile.

Then, while teasing the Bumiao Shenlong in his arms, he watched the red-haired girls in the dozens of boats in the Blood Moon Lake dancing Pingting's dance, and listened to the beautiful music they played. Always enter the entrance of the fairy fruit in the world, always showing your neck and pitching, with a mouth full of wine, very proud and at ease.

Besides, Liu Qianlang rushed out of Qianque Lake, and after hovering over the Tianhuang City for a while, he found that only the Tianhuang Temple in the northwest of the Tianhuang City, the whole temple was full of aura, so he felt inexplicably happy in his heart, and flew in with the ghost boat .

After entering the Tianhuang Temple, there is no one in the main hall, but the store is clean and spotless, and there are all kinds of shining fruits on display on the altar, which is also very fresh.

Inside the hall, lined up from left to right, there are several huge Dharma statues that are several feet tall, and the two on the left side surprised Liu Qianlang.

Because the first Dharma image was actually himself, and under the Dharma image, the name of the Emperor of Heaven was written on the throne. On the right side of the body is the owner of Qianque Lake, and the title of the Dharma is written with the emperor Wantong. There are a few more statues to the right, but for some reason only the Dharma seat is left, and the Dharma image is gone.

Liu Qianlang looked at his white-clothed and masked attire when he and the Shuangtian Emperor fought against the Longyun Heavenly Kingdom, and the nine nine-color lotus flowers scattered under the altar, after a little thought, he guessed why this temple was called the Tianhuang Temple. Why did Panshui City be changed to Tianhuang City? All of this turned out to be the respect of Emperor Wantong Tianshuang and the subjects of all nations.

I couldn't help feeling emotional in my heart, and at the same time, faced with the current situation in the world, I was also anxious. Hundreds of millions of living beings in the world respect him so much, and he sees the ominous disasters of the Eight Firmaments getting worse and worse, but until now, he has not done anything, and he can't help but have a dignified and guilty look on his face.

Liu Qianlang simply looked at the layout of the main hall of the Temple of the Emperor, then his figure flickered, and he disappeared into his own dharma image, and then entered the chaotic universe in the mouth of the black jade skull.

In the infinitely pervasive chaotic universe, with a flick of Liu Qianlang's giant sleeve, the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining instantly floated within ten thousand miles in front of him. About ten thousand li above the center of the ring, overlooking the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining.

Liu Qianlang looked at the chaotic tripod in every color, the Hongmeng tripod in the color of mist, the Honghuang tripod in the color of autumn yellow, the Wahuang tripod in colorful colors, the Pangu tripod in bronze color, and the Taiyin tripod in the blue color. Ding, the bright red Jinwu Ding, the pitch-black Fucang Ding, and the pure white Time Ding.

The Chaos Cauldron, magnificent and majestic, still shines with myriad mysteries.

Hongmeng Cauldron, outside the tripod is bounded by the infinite spirit of Hongmeng Yuanhao, trillions of birds and birds are engraved on the tripod wall, and the spirit of heaven is vast.

Wa Huang Ding, colorful flowing clouds float on top of the tripod wall, frost, mist, rain and dew, infinitely good images, turned into colorful streamer clouds and infinite strange fragrance, scattered endlessly.

Pangu Ding, engraved with mountains, rivers, sun and moon valleys, mountains, strange islands and waterfalls, is vast and far away.

The cauldron is brushed, the walls of the tripod are pitch black, everything is dark, no matter how infinite the light in the eyes is, it is impossible to see the ultimate darkness.

The Taiyin tripod, full of tripod walls, are engraved with countless Taiyin birds, orchids and phoenixes, with various postures, and the crisp sound of nature is the most beautiful.

The golden crow tripod, the phoenix bathing in fire, the pecking fire cloud, and the golden-winged phoenix are everywhere on the tripod wall.

The time tripod is full of carvings of stars and time, showing the appearance of yin and yang, heaven and earth.

After Liu Qianlang inspected them one by one, his eyes stopped on the Taiyin cauldron, he stared and pondered for a while, and suddenly his mind moved, urging the cultivation method of refining the soul of Jiuding Taiyin soul.

In an instant, the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining burst out their respective vast brilliance, and all the depictions on the walls of the tripod instantly turned into real spiritual objects, flying around the tripod in a shocking moment.

"Ha ha!"

Liu Qianlang's stature grew to tens of thousands of feet. With a wave of his giant sleeves, he laughed out loud. Immediately, the materials for refining souls, Chaos Essence, Chaos Spirit Fruit Core, Chaos Precious Light, Pangu Sun Moon God Dial Sun Moon God Blossom, The Spirit Emperor of Wisdom in the Chaos Divine Book. Chaos Thousands of Stars, Vientiane Spring Water and Chaos Rainbow all roared and flew into Taiyin Cauldron.

Then, Liu Qianlang began to refine it with ease. Because of time constraints, he was full of mysterious divine power, streamer chaotic divine power, and the recently refined wild universe and prehistoric divine power.

The soul-refining Jiuding has always been in the shape of a huge circle in the chaotic universe, flying wildly in the universe, whistling and spinning, Liu Qianlang is also a crazy evil image of all kinds, sometimes sitting cross-legged, sometimes standing with white hair flying, and sometimes gazing Eyebrows, shaking and roaring from time to time.

With Liu Qianlang's soul refining, the entire chaotic source universe, chaotic and inexplicable chaotic matter, rushes freely, waves roll and waves fly, there is no river rushing, the sea of ​​fog surges wildly, the universe turns and the universe spins, infinitely shocking.

Time flies, more than ten days in the human world, but only a few hours in the primordial chaos.

After some refining, Liu Qianlang withdrew his thoughts, and the eight cauldrons for refining the soul instantly received the image, turning into eight strands of chaotic and strange lights, and flew into the Shenlong Tiandial on his forehead. And when Baotian's giant palm reached out, the Taiyin cauldron that was left in an instant flew into his giant palm whistling.

Liu Qianlang watched the successfully refined Seven Souls of Taiyin go through the final procedure, being quenched in the Vientiane Spring, and couldn't help showing infinite joy on his face.

The next moment, the seven souls of the Taiyin that had been quenched turned into seven soul dragons, floated out of the Taiyin Cauldron, and were immediately swallowed by Liu Qianlang into the giant mouth.

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